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-Why are you so cute? -(Laughter) -That's... -What is that... -I'm sure it was his birthday soon. -No... -You're older? -What is that... -No, for real. -No, no, no. -Hey, see if that guy is in debt. Hey, see if that guy is in debt. -Hey, hey, hey, hey. -You! -For real. -You paid for the meal, right? -See if he has any debt. -Let me tell you the second topic. This topic will be questioned in Hongdae. -Hongdae. -Young, MZ generation. -It's out, it's out. -It's my hometown again. -A pick up line of your own. -Oh, this. -Oh, this. -Oh, this... -I just have to smile. I don't even need a pick up line. -You look so pretty today. -Just look into their eyes and smile. Hey, I'm sure of this. -Wow, this one's hard. -Long time ago, I got int he car with my wife and said, 'Oh, it's annoying.' -I know, I know, I know, I know what you're saying. -And if she goes, 'Why? Is something wrong?' I would say, 'Oh, you're just so pretty.' -This, I go with this line. No matter what. -Oh, this. -Ah. -They really like this. -Oh goodness, that's such a 1950, 60s pick up line. -Oh, I'm so annoying. -Really. -Why, why, why. -It's a line from 1950-60s. -Why, then why... -It's such an old line that I want to hold a hearing. -Oh, I'm so annoyed. Isn't this good? Oh, I'm so annoyed. While getting in the car... -This is used a lot. This is used a lot. -Someone said that not too long ago. -What, what? -I mean, I was just eating rice with a spoon, doing nothing. -But? -He laughs and goes, 'Why are you so cute?' -(Laughter) -That's... -Why are you so cute? -(Laughter) -That's... -What is that... -I'm sure it was his birthday soon. -No... -You're older? -What is that... -No, for real. -No, no, no. -Hey, see if that guy is in debt. Hey, see if that guy is in debt. -Hey, hey, hey, hey. -You! -For real. -You paid for the meal, right? -See if he has any debt. -No. No, even if I just breathe, he keeps laughing. I didn't do anything. -Ah, but that's not it. That's not it. -Even if I just put my hair back like this... -But you shouldn't fall for that. -Hey, you. Gosh... -No, but it feels good. -That's not it. -Did you lend him money? -No, no. I haven't yet. -This need a bit of acting. -You're really pretty today. This one. -In a cute way. -No, but the phrase is just shown in writing. -They won't know the tone of the phrase. Anyway... -Yes, it's written only. -This is it. -Oh, I don't know, I'll just write it simple. -When you're drunk. When you're drunk. -Ah... -What's that? -Okay, then. -Ugh, Ugh, that's scary. -Hahaha... -You're so pretty. It's cheesy, cheesy. -Hey, back in the days when we used to use a beeper. Oh, there was this. -8282. -Oh, what is that, bro. -Bro, you're going to far. -Isn't that just an oldie? -Back in the days, when we used to use beepers. This was it. -825 1004. (Meaning, come quickly, angel.) -825 1004. (Meaning, come quickly, angel.) This. -Oh, come one... Oh, bro... -It's this, for you. That's too old, 8254. -8254. -I really liked it when we used to use beepers. -This is too old. -5454, 8254. -Ah~ -How about this? -What? I miss you? -I miss you. -Yes. -'I miss you.' That's just too common. -It was used already. -No, think about it. -No, brother... -Oppa. Oppa, do you have anything against me? Are you mad at me? -Ji Hyo spoke after a long time. -No, it's not that. Why would I be mad at you? -Why do you keep getting mad at me like this? -Or, it's simple, but what about this? Where should we go today? -What do you mean, man? -Go home. -Go home? -. Go home. -Go home? -Yes! -Bro, or I. -I wrote this one. -A good phrase, huh? -I want to come here with you. -I don't like that, man. -Why, why, why, why? -It's the gym, it's the gym. -No, no, why? -Are you going to workout or what? -I want to do this. This is the only one I have. -Oh, ah~ -Hey, this. -He's so... It's cheesy. It's too old fashioned. -What is it? -Why, why, why. -Brother. -What is it? -What is it? -This is one of the things that worked a long time ago. -Oh, this is it... -It can be annoying because of the small things. Be confident. -Do you want to go out with me? -Just look at the first letters, it makes, 'Do you want to go out with me?' -Damn! Oh, Damn! What? -I like this. I like it. -Hey, hey. -Do you want to go out with me. -It's nice, it's nice. -Hey! -It seduces the other person. -Oh, it's seducing. -What, he's weird all of a sudden. -It's funny, it's funny though. -Uh, I'll go with this. -Uh, yeah, that's fine. -It can be annoying because of the small things. Be confident. Just look at the first letter, it says 'Do you want to go out with me?' OOhhhh~ -It's this. -This is because... No, so you have to do it to a person who is already interested in -Jae Seok. Jae Seok. He's just an oldie. -What is it? -Look. -Look. -Show us. - No, that guy... No, why are you making a toast? -What did he write? -Now, this one. -Just like a robot, like an Iron, I will protect you~ -Oh, it's done, it's done. That works. -Just like a robot, like an iron. -Protect you! -Protect you! -Hey, by the way, I find this situation sad. Earlier when we were talking about an oldie, everyone was talkative but now when we are talking about love. You guys are living without -No, this is hard. -Bro, something that makes you excited. -Is there any examples? -Would you like me to read you an example? -Yes, yes. What do you have? -I'm not hitting on you right now. I'm betting my life on you. -(All together) Wow! -I'm not hitting on you right now. I'm betting my life on you. -(All together) Wow! Wow! -Oh, is that so? -Oh, me, me! -Wow, do we have to go that far? -Wow, this is amazing. -What are you going to do? -Hey, do we have to go that far? -So Min, what are you going to do? -Wow, this is amazing. I'll go with this. -No, I... -This one, this one. -So Min, what are you going to do? -Wow, that's amazing. I'll take this one. -No, I... -This one, this one. -I... No, if you say that, I'll risk my life. -Wow, can I use that? -I'm not hitting on you. -Can I do a parody of this? -I'm not hitting on you. I'm betting my life on you. -No, if you say that, I'll risk my life as well. -I'm not hitting on you. I'm betting my life on you. Betting my life on you. -I'm not hitting on you. I'm calling you. -Good, good. -It's so nice. -No... -I love it. -Don't change it, don't change it. -Can't I use this, since it's an example. -Oh, come on. You can't. -Why not? -I'm not hitting on you. I'm tackling you. Do it like that. -Then I'll compromise. I'll mix a bit of cheesiness. -Jeon So Min. Hey, you changed it into an acting tone. -What is it? So Min, are you writing a book? -Let's see, let's see, So Min. I'm expecting something good. -What is it? -'Makes a mistake' -It's cheesy, it's cheesy. -Oh, gosh. I can't see you like this. I'll take care of you. -That's too much. -It's cheesy, it's cheesy. -It's too much. -Oh, I like this, I like this. Gosh, I can't see you like this, I'll take care of you. -Oh, it's too much. -It's cheesy, it's cheesy. -It's too much. -Oh, I like this, I like this. -I got one. -I, I... -What else? -Se Chan. You're driving me crazy, XX. You're driving me crazy, XX. XX, why... -Hey, hey... -You have to end with the swear word. You're driving me crazy, XX. -That's right. -Oh, that's nice. -There's something like that these days. Pour water on your girlfriend and if she goes, 'What are you doing?' -Why, why, why? -Answer with, 'I'm just watering the flower.' -Oppa, that's... -No. Bro, stop it... -Bro, bro... -I'm just watering the flower. -Oppa, that's. -No. Bro, stop it... -Bro, bro... -What is he doing? -I'm just watering the flower. -He doesn't know what era we are in. -There's that, too. -You can't do that. -No, I... -If this goes out, you'll be in trouble. -Why, why? -You're going to pour water on her when she is fully dressed up and have make up? -You're so mean! That's offensive, oppa, it's absolutely offensive. -Is it offensive? -No, I think it would be fine if you just open the water bottle for her. -Oh, yes. -Giving her water saying, 'I'm watering the flower', when she didn't ask for it. I think that will be okay. -Yeah, that's pretty cool. -Yes, yes, that's fine. -No, no, no, no. -No, I'll win if I write this. Can I use this? The example? -You can't use the example. -Example. -Do it, do it, do it. -Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it. -OK. I'll just try. I'm not hitting on you. I'm betting my life on you. Ah~ -Okay, all done, right? -This will be voted at Hongdae for an hour. -OK! -OK! -(Laughter) -That's right, that's right. -It's either number 2 or 6. -I pick number 2. -I picked, 'I miss you.' Because, I think it's nice to -Just the fact that someone is thinking of me even with the smallest things, makes it seem I think it's more romantic than just directly saying 'I like you' or 'You're -Number 2. This is it. -I think I would like it. Number five. -Number five. -I'm not hitting on you. I'm betting my life on you. -Life. -This is... Oh, goodness... -I can't see you like this. -Stop it, you XX. -That's the worst. It's the worst. -Ah... I want to come here with you. I picked number 6. I was going to pick number 3, but seeing him say it. It was too... Awful so I picked number 6. -This is the worst, this... -It's the worst. It's the worst, it's the worst. -This time. The topic is, 'a small story that touches the heart'. -Ah~ -You can tell us a story that will touch people's hearts. -A small story? -Your own experience. A beautiful story that will -My story is a little long, do I write the whole thing? -This will be voted online anyway so. -It's very long. -Big impressive stories are not accepted, right? -A small story. -A small one. -So how small does the story have to be? -For example, it's something like, helping someone who is struggling to carry a heavy load in an elevator or something like that, -Or, not saying anything about it when a member accidentally farted and it stunk in the of a That's right, that's also a good story. -It's a beautiful story. A heart-warming story. -Can that be a heart-warming story? -That was actually So Min. So Min must have had a bad stomach. -When did I do that? When did I? -But bro, you shouldn't say that. -There was a time when I didn't say anything about how bad Se Chan's feet smell. -When? -That's also a heart-warming story. -That's a heart-warming story? -That's a heart-warming story. -I didn't mention it. -Are we talking about stories among the members? Or. -No, you can talk about any story you've experienced. -Mine is long. -Do you have one? -I talked about this before, but it wasn't aired because I said it myself, but I was in the car with Jae Jun and there was a taxi stopped in the middle of the But he was screaming, help me! So, we stopped, but a drunk person was fighting the taxi driver that he will drive and it was all crazy. So Jae Jun and I pulled up behind them and grabbed the drunk person and called the police. -Good job. -Then the police came and organized it. -Why didn't anyone know about this? -But can you write all that down? -More than here, you should tell this to a reporter. -That's why I can't write it. This story is too long. -You have to do that. In front of Mapo Bridge. -This is a true story. -A taxi driver hit my car from behind and the bumper went But I felt bad for him so I let him go. -I've done that a lot too. -That's a common experience. -It is. -Then write it down. -Why are you angry? -Why aren't you writing it? -Why are you angry? -Why are you disrupting that you have the same experience when I'm sharing my story? -Why do you keep getting angry? I have that experience a lot. -I've chased a car that hit a person. I ran after a car that hit a person. -Did you catch that car? -I didn't. I didn't catch it. -You have to catch it. -That's just following the car. -You have to chase it down all the way and catch it. -It's not a heart-warming story if you didn't catch it. -No, the car hit a human. -At Namdaemun Market. -I'm sure he was just on his way. -Fortunately, it wasn't a big accident. -No, you at least should've memorized the license plate number. -But it suddenly turned off the taillight and drove off really fast. I tried to chase it but I couldn't keep up. -I've talked about this on a show before, when I was in high school, there were a few people, who -You would've been in a big trouble. -I was alone and there were three of them. -You could've been in a big trouble. -I don't know why I did that, but. -You were a high school student. -Those kids. When I was in high school. I don't know why I did that. -You must've been out of your mind. -I guess it was because of the burning sense of justice. It's 3 on 1. 'Hey, what are you guys doing?' And they answered, 'Who the heck are you?' 'Hey, put out your -You said that first? -I don't know why. -'Hey, put out your cigarette.' You said first? -I don't know why. -'Hey, put out your cigarette.' -'Who are you to tell me to stop smoking?' -I should've been there. -I was a little scared but I said, 'How old are you guys?' And they said, 'We're 20 years old.' -(Laughter) -'20 years old.' -So what happened? They were older than you. They were older than you. They were old enough to smoke. -I'm sorry. -So what happened? -So I got beaten up. -Why did you do that? -I don't know. -No, maybe because of the casual clothes. -They looked so young. -They looked young. -I saw them as a high school student. -They must've looked young, like him. -I had the thought that high school students shouldn't smoke, and because of my actions, I got beaten -Even so... -That was my experience of going to school with a stretched out shirt. -How embarrassing. -I'm sure they were pretty flabbergasted. I don't know why I did that. -When I was a kid, I have that experience. -What? -When I was in middle school, I packed lunch for my friends who couldn't bring lunch to school for a year. -Really? -To my mother. -Mother, I. -But that's your mother who does the hard work. -That's right. -Hey, we should talk about that on 'My Little Old Boy'. -You should have packed the lunch. -You should have packed the lunch. -My friend can't. -He is really. -I always see him out in the playground every lunch hour. -It's nice that you have that kind of heart for your friend, but. -It's the mind that matters. -You're mother did all the work. -Oh, we can write the name like that? -How am I supposed to pack lunch when I'm a middle school student? I didn't even pack my own. -Didn't you eat other people's food? You ate other people's food. -I ate some of my friends food too. It's nice to share. -I'll go with this story. -I didn't like HaHa's opening outfit but I complimented him that it looks -Nice. Nice. -That's a heart-warming story. -'Honestly, he looked the same but I told him that become more handsome.' What's this? 'Honestly, he looked the same but I told him that become more handsome.' What's this? -Didn't you say that to me earlier? -(Laughter) -No, Se Chan looks good today. -Why? -He lost weight. -Just cheer you up. -He lost weight. -To cheer you up. -You're loyal as well. -Of course. -You're giving me strength. It's similar to me. -Helping you cheer up. -This is to cheer him up as well. -I wrote this. I wrote this. While I'm walking my dog, I would clean not only my dogs after mess, but also the trash around made by other dogs. -Good, good. -Nice. That's nice. -It's good. That's a heart-warming story. -Clean it up together. -I also cleaned up other dog's after mess and the trash around them. -Good, good, good. -I wrote this. -What? -My friend ate the meat that I preciously grilled, but I didn't say anything. And I didn't eat the meat that my friend grilled -What a loser. You're so pathetic. -Didn't I act like an adult? -You did, but it was a bit like a loser. I didn't eat the meat you cooked. I didn't eat it. I won't eat yours. -It's so hard today. -That's a heart-warming story too, right? -What? -He's embarrassed again. -When we had our gathering and had a meal together, you took So Min home even though it takes you 2 hours longer to get home. -That's right. -That. In fact, that's the real heart-warming story. Three hours. -It's a great story. -But if you just say that, it's not a good story. Anyone can do that. We're colleagues, we can help each other out. But you have to say that as well. -Add on to it. -Seok Jin ignored it. -That's it. Even though he knew. Yes. -Even though he knew. -He avoided it. -On a rainy day. -The rain. -It rained, it rained. -It rained, it rained. -It rained a little. -It rained a lot. -It rained. It rained a lot. -So Min was trying to catch a taxi. -It's hard to catch a taxi on a rainy day. -You asked Seok Jin for a ride. -No, I didn't ask for a ride. -I didn't. -Although Seok Jin definitely passes by, and he heard Jae Seok but pretened to not know about and and stayed still. Despite the fact that he was in a much better -Better situation. -He stayed still. -But I can't offer her a ride when she says she will go by herself. I can't do that. That's why I took you to -That was part of a show. -This is the ranking. That can't be in the high ranks. -This is nice. I'll do this. -What is it? -It's really small. -There were 20g of protein and 40g of protein, but I gave up the 40g. This is a big one. -That's amazing. -You're kind, you're kind. -This is really big. -That's. -The muscle loss. -This is important for those who work out. -That's a heart-warming story. -Are we done? Did you take a picture? Please hold it in front. -Well done writing your own heart-warming stories. Based on your opinion, on-site and online voting -That's great. Really. -The votes have just finished. -Come on. -I don't think I'll be in the high ranks. -Please. -I think I'm in a high ranking. -Rise and shine, generation MZ. -We'll take a look at the heart-warming stories first. -I think I'm low on the ranking. -To be honest, heart-warming story is. -I don't even expect a high ranking. -Me neither. -I don't, either. -I just did it for fun. -Ji Hyo's story was the best. Since she talked about her pet. -I was trying to be cute. -46 points -That's high. -46 points. -That's high. Is it me? -Really? -Is it me? -Yes. -Really? -Yes. -Really? -Wow~ - Jae Seok hyung. -Didn't I bring this up? -Thank you. Hey, this. -You have to remember me. -Wow, oppa, this is almont. -This is number 1? -Almost 47 per cent. 47%. -This is number one? -That's right, yes. -Yes. -This, this, this. -This is really. -If I went with the lunch box story, I would've definitely won. -Right. -Third place is, 'My colleague's face was the same old ugly face, but I complimented him that he is handsome today.' -So Min. -You're in 3rd place? -They also wrote the reason why they chose that story. Dropping someone off is like a textbook of heart-warming stories. Time is gold. It means that he shared his gold to his colleague. -This, this is cool. -It's so cool. That's cool. -Time is gold. -It happens all the time. -That's meaningful. -It's a heart-warming story because, by sharing the story it gave an oppotunity to Seok Sam to reflect on himself. -This is right, too. This is right, too. -That's right, it's a story. -That's right, right. -The point is that he pretended not to hear it. -Of course. -There's a different person who said this isn't good. Was it necessary to put in someone else's bad behavior into your own heart-warming story? -This is right, too. -They are exact. -This is also a sharp point. -Nice. -This is a bit like a recent style. Ins't it? It's kind of a recent style. -Also, there are people who didn't like So Min's story. -Also, there are people who didn't like So Min's story. Because she should've given a harsh advice to that the colleague can take better care of his face. -Right, right, right. -Even more so. -You have to be honest, even though it's harsh. -To be honest, I understand this as well. -They're funny. -You understand this as well, right? -That's true. -And it is hard to count the fact that you didn't mention a teasing point during the recording as a heart-warming story. -That's right. -It didn't do its job. -You should've mentioned it for the show. -Right, right, right. -This is my duty. I get what they mean. -Missed the fun. And the meat story is pathetic. -See? I told you it's pathetic. -It's cheap to have such thoughts in your head. -Don't be ridiculous. -(Laughter) -Man, don't be so ridiculous. -Let's see about that when I eat all the meat you cook. -Look at that. That looks pathetic, too. -What do you mean, don't be ridiculous? -That's really. -The story about HaHa's fashion, which was in last place. -It's me. What did they say about it? -This story is like flattery of a treacherous man. -(Laughter) -Their comments are so. -They write the comments so well. -They write well. I admit. -Because of this, HaHa continues to live in an illusion. -That's right. -That's right, yes. -That's true. -That's possible. That's possible. -This is true. -A moment when realistic advice is needed rather than lies for a friend. -Practical advice. -For him to realize. -A sharp look. -Next, let's look at the comments about the oldie topic. -Then let's continue with the romantic comments. -But this. -If this is the pattern, I'm done. I'm not on the list at all. -I look forward to it. -Mine was nice too, but it's a little weak. -Mine was weak. -You're expecting this? -What has the most? I think 'I miss you' has the most. -Right. -'I miss you' has a lot. This one. -I'm last place, again. I'm last, -I'm in last place. -I miss you a lot, right. -As expected. -It's classic. -You don't have to say much. -That's right, oppa. -Be simple. -'I miss you' is the best. -I miss you. Just being honest. -Yeah, 'I miss you' is the best. -You don't have to just decorate it. -You're right. -Yeah, I don't need to.
Channel: 스브스 예능맛집
Views: 1,672,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 김종국, 김종국 송지효, 런닝맨, 런닝맨 게임, 런닝맨 다시보기, 런닝맨 최신, 런닝맨 토크, 런닝맨 하이라이트, 송지효, 양세찬, 유재석, 전소민, 지석진, 하하, 런닝맨 앙케이트, 시민 앙케이트, 런닝맨 시민
Id: d3JTXa0jQxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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