[스티브 잡스] A급 인재와 B급, C급 직원의 차이 (한영 자막)

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I've noticed something in my life which is the people that are really good never worry about things like that the people that are really good want to work with the best people they can find hopefully people that are even better than them you know I mean that's my view of things is if if you work with people that aren't as good as you then you know you become a country of midgets if you work with people that are better than you then you really grow the greatest people are self-managing they don't need to be managed you if they know what if once they know what to do they'll go figure out how to do it and they don't need to be managed at all what they need is a common Vision we wanted people that were insanely great at what they did when you get a Core group of you know 10 great people that it becomes self-policing as to who they let into that group so I consider the most important job of someone like myself is recruiting it seems like all the good people I really want to hire it seems to take me a year to hire them and it's always been that way even at Apple some of the best technical people or whoever it always seemed to take me like a year to pry them out of HP or wherever and took me it took me over a year to high Mike has the award you're about a year and a half uh and they're all worth it uh what happens is I usually meet somebody that is really good I think it's very very good and you can't get them and then you go try to find other people and nobody measures up you know when you meet somebody that good just you always compare them this one person you know you're going to be settling for second best if you compromise I've always found it best not to compromise and just keep chipping away so I think we're doing quite a bit feels like we're running the company a lot better now than we ever have we've definitely made our share of mistakes um you've got to be you've got to be a really good talent scout because no matter how smart you are you need a team of great people and you've got to figure out how to size people up fairly quickly make decisions without knowing people too well and hire them and you know see how you do and refine your intuition and be able to to help you know build an organization that can eventually just you know build itself because you need great people around you most things in life the dynamic range between average and the best is at most two to one right like if you go to New York City and you get an average taxicab driver versus the best taxi cab driver you know you're probably going to get to your destination with the best taxi cab Maybe 30 percent faster you know in an automobile what's the difference between an average and the best maybe on a 20 percent uh the best CD player in an average CD player I don't know 20 so two to one is a big big dynamic range in most of life um in software and it used to be the case in Hardware too the difference between average and the best is 50 to one maybe a hundred to one easy okay I've very few things in life are like this but what I was lucky enough to spend my life in is like this and so I've built a lot of My Success off finding these truly gifted people and not settling for B and C players but really going for the a players and I found something I found that when you get enough a players together when you go to through the incredible work to find you know five of these a players they really like working with each other because they they've never had a chance to do that before and they don't want to work with BNC players and so it becomes self-policing and they only want to hire more a players and so you build up these pockets of a players and it propagates and that's what the Mac team was like they were all a players and um these were extraordinarily talented people so but they're also people who now say that they don't have the energy anymore to work for you sure oh I I think if you talk to a lot of people on the Mac team they will tell you um it was the hardest they've ever worked in their life some of them will tell you it was you know the happiest they've ever been in their life but I think all of them will tell you that it is certainly one of the most intense and cherished experiences they will ever have in their life yeah they did so you know it's uh some of those things you are not sustainable for some people what does it mean when you tell someone their work is it usually means their work is sometimes it means I think your work is and I I'm wrong but uh usually it means their their work is not anywhere near good enough we have this great quote from Bill Atkinson who says when you say is beat someone's working you really mean I don't quite understand it would you please explain it to me no that's not usually what I meant you know when you get really good people um they know they're really good and you don't have to Baby people's egos so much and what really matters is the work that and everybody knows that that's all that matters is the work so it people are being counted on to do specific pieces of the puzzle and the most important thing I think you can do for somebody who's really good and who's really being counted on is to point out to them when um they're not their work isn't good enough and to do it very clearly and to articulate why and to to get them back on track and you need to do that in a way that does not call into question your confidence and their abilities but leaves not too much room for interpretation that it's their work the work that they have done for this particular thing is not good enough to support the goal of the team and that's a hard thing to do um and I've always taken a very direct approach so um and I think if you talk to people that have worked with me um the really good people have found it beneficial some people have hated it you know but um and I'm also one of these people that I I don't really care about being right you know I just care about success so you'll find a lot of people that will tell you that I had a very strong opinion and they you know presented evidence to the contrary and five minutes later I completely changed my mind because I'm like that I don't mind being wrong and I'll admit that I'm wrong a lot it doesn't really matter to me too much what matters to me is that we do the right thing
Channel: Project스노우볼
Views: 1,778,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tkHvxLwLx3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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