손반죽) 🥐🌹 크러핀 (크루아상 + 머핀) : Cruffin : Puff Pastry Muffin, Croissant+muffin|Brechel
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Le Sel (Brechel)
Views: 1,096,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Puff pastry muffin, cruffin recipe puff pastry, 크루아상, 머핀, bread, 크러핀, 크로와상, how to make bread, 크러핀만들기, bread easy, Cruffin easy, 머핀만들기, how to knead dough, cruffins with puff pastry, how to make cruffin, 발효빵, 손반죽, Cruffin, cruffin recipe, yt:cc=on, 발효빵만들기
Id: VfDPdrVjfaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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