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Hi! Nice to meet you [First meeting] Oh my, you're so beautiful, sweetheart... [Such a subtle charm... 💖 The day I fell in love at first sight] [We were in the midst of renovating the cafe at that time] [And it was a day when we worked on painting until late at night] [As she wandered around, she wouldn’t leave] [When I took out Churu, she eagerly ate them as if familiar] [The next day] [On the next day too] [She appeared at the cafe every day] [It was a fearless cat that even dared to come inside the café] [And that’s how we got acquainted] [I named her ‘Audrey,’] [meaning ‘(Au)nuel-do (Dr)owata’ = She came here today again] [The fate with Audrey began alongside this cafe] [Throughout the two years of running the cafe,] [she would eat at the cafe every single day,] [boldly entering the cafe as if it owned the place,] [and lived, receiving quite a lot of love from the customers and subscribers] [This little orange one, who looks just like Audrey was her own son-kitty] [That cat even brought her son along and warmed themselves here at chilly nights] [During that time, she also underwent neutering surgeries] [Never skipping a meal,] [she gained quite a bit of weight] [A few years later, the decision to close down the cafe was made] [In the meantime, Audrey’s son, 'Jol-jol-‘, died due to an accident.] [And her husband also departed for the next world.] [The whereabouts of the kittens remained unknown for a long time.] [In a way, Audrey seems to be a lucky and clever little one.] [Due to the pandemic, most of the food shelters for Audrey closed down,] [and even our own shelter, which was the last remaining, had to close down.] [Now, I wonder what will become of Audrey’s life.] [In the end, we made the decision to adopt her.] [As a tough and wild-spirited cat who had been living on the streets all her life,] [we questioned whether our choice was truly the right one.] [Considering the various factors and weighing our options,] [Her life seemed incredibly precarious.] [Just three weeks before the closure, we succeeded in capturing Audrey] [The condition of her body was worse than we had anticipated.] [Her ears were filled with ticks and fungus,] [With broken and improperly aligned teeth, her dental health was a mess.] [It seems like she had been eating well before being caught.] [Audrey has started living indoors] - Can I finally touch her...? - No, no, no, no way! Oh, she must hate it so much! She’s already annoying enough to be caught, haha. [She’s a cat that never lets human hands touch her,] [Even though I’ve known her for two years, I’ve never touched her once.] [As expected, she always maintained a state of extreme tension.] [She would hide under the sofa and never come out,] [and she even engaged in hunger strike for 8 days] [If a cat goes without eating for just three days, it can develop hepatic lipidosis,] [I was a bundle of worry all week long!] [How on earth could she go eight days without eating or passing water?] [She was one tough and feisty female cat!] [She only explored and roamed when no one was around.] [Among its preferred spots was this wardrobe,] [which put my mind at ease, thinking she finally had found a comfortable place.] [But as the weeks went by, my worry grew, as she refused to leave this wardrobe.] [For weeks on end, she has been literally a wardrobe ghost.] [She wouldn’t play with toys even when I was shaking them] [She wouldn’t even touch Churu,] [And when I got too close, she’d unleash her fury.] [She had to clean her ears and take her medication,] [So I tried my best to make her accustomed to human touch.] [But it seemed like there was no sign of improvement at all] [Finally, I brought her to veterinary clinic to clean her ears] [In the end, I struggled to roll up the blanket for her] [to continue the daily ear-cleaning routine.] [In the meantime, little by little, Audrey was getting accustomed to the house.] (Back in the sharp-edged days of fiery temperament) [Although not familiar with humans,] [she’s no longer a wardrobe ghost,] [and she seemed to be much ease in expressions and gestures.] [But there was a major task at hand:] [Extraction of the teeth that caused pain to Audrey] Stray cats often fight, you know, which leads to broken teeth. [The gums had corroded due to inflammation,] [And most of the front teeth were almost shattered.] [It must have been really painful all this time...] [After the extraction surgery,] [Audrey improved at lightning speed.] [After two months, Audrey began hunting and playing for the first time,] "Crock!" "Screech!" "Crock!" "Screech!" [She even learned how to ask for food,] [With round and expressive facial expressions,] [she looks quite comfortable in this house.] [She arrived here in spring,] [And soon winter arrived,] [Audrey gained a little extra weight.] (Indeed, chubby cats are the epitome of cuteness.) [However, Audrey still avoided people,] [never allowing anyone to touch her.] [During this time, a new home was built for us to live with Audrey,] [and after just 11 months of becoming a family, she moved into a new house.] [We lost all the trust we had painstakingly(?) built, and everything was reset.] [A truly difficult cat] [Engaged in hunger strike for several days again] [Nevertheless, she adapted faster than last time.] [Her voice, hoarse from hours of sorrowful wailing,] [Did she long for the outdoor life she had always lived?] [I felt a sense of guilt constantly, thinking that she had lost her territory] [So I made this Catio (Patio + Cat)] [I created a corner of the rooftop as an outdoor space for the cat] [Cautiously venturing outside,] [she became a cat that couldn’t live without Catio.] "Darn it!" "You go home!!!" [The efforts to get closer to Audrey continued,] "Smells poison in there!" [Being unfriendly for a whole year... Can we truly become closer?] [She was untouchable] [but I didn’t brought her home to be petted] [I was satisfied when she feels safety and comfort.] And then one day, [While playfully patting her with a toy...] [Out of nowhere, she started purred and cat kneading!] [Oh, what a heart-fluttering moment it was!] [A permission granted after a whole year.] [A moment that even startled herself] [A month later,] [Touching her face] [Touching under her nose] [Being all mushy with me,] [Laying down in front of me,] [Greeting at the doorstep with a perky tail held high,] [Purr purr,] [Pat butt] [Cat kneading] [Did she like Cattio that much?] [I don't know why she suddenly changed her mind] [But she seemed to say, "You're pretty reliable people."] [A year has passed since I brought her home,] [And it’s been ages since we got used to her sharp and keen temper] [Honestly, I was in kind of giving up.] [I had abandoned the hope of her truly liking us.] [I just thought as long as she eats well and basks in the sun,] [living happily would be enough.] [We never even dreamed she would open her mind this wide,] [She has gone through difficulties, despite the struggles she endured.] [Though she still retains 10% of her sharp and keen temper as a house cat,] [This is another charm of Audrey.] [I can’t wait to see how she will grow and surprise us in the future ❤️]
Channel: 김메주와 고양이들
Views: 2,520,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 고양이, cat, kitty, kitten, 김메주, mejoo, 먼봉휴요, MBHY, mejooandcats, 샴고양이, 러시안블루, 먼치킨, siamease, siam, russianblue, Munchkin, 김메주와고양이들
Id: -EaUSe5qdc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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