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A lot of you have a big need of the pearl necklace So I'm going to give it a try once again In the meantime I've collected this many pearl necklaces LOL We'll try one by one [Calling her with the triangle brush♥] [A mama girl as much as the mama boys on the 1st floor [These days she gives me all the kisses] [Start the growling song engine] [Start with the big pearl necklace...!] [Covered with her neck fat again LOL] [Can only been seen when she lifts her chin up ^_ㅠ] [Lift your chin up madame,,] OMG,, SO HOW PRETTY [Let's fix her position with the triangle brush] [Perfect.. Finally put together madame look..] [Innate gorgeosness.. heh] [Retrying, the necklace failed last time] [Questioning.. why it's so easy this time] [Oh... She looks like Aurora princess..?] [Slightly trying the Aurora princess] [Secretly putting it on her head] [Crying] [Snow princess now became frozen] [Frozen in her running away position] [She's so adorable I'm going crazy] [Observing her beauty :( ] [She now felt a weird object on her head] [(Real reaction to the necklace)] [You wanted(?) to wear it] [An item she doesn't even want to see added] [It would've been nice to show Bongji the necklace] [Anyways a very exciting greeting] [Successful non-violence(?) hello today~♥] Let's go to the aquarium(?) [Aquarium...?] [Soo keeps buying things from AliExpress.......] [What it's prettier than expected;;] Guys look at it, just the aquarium.. [Oh.. it is a success] [Aquarium date] [The water actually ripples;;] [Another one secretly healing watching the water] "It's the talkative brother" [(Seeing the screen covered She is fully accustomed to Bongji) [Profanity when the eyes match] [Now casually rummages through the trash can] [STOP!] [Someone is secretly watching the whole scene] "No!!!" "I didn't see!!!" [Hopeless Hyuji..] [After putting on the necklace Feels like her face looks swollen LOL] [Now Bongji approaches first] [...but punch] [Stop!] [Bad boy -.-^] [(punishment)] [Just like Yoji, a punch has no effect on her] [Also showing the aquarium to the boys] [rub x2] [It's not used like that] [Just sell it on the used-market!!!!!!] [Spending warm cozy time with Soo] [....and Mejoo came in] [You know well...^^?] [~Revealing weight to the whole world~] [Expecting a bit of a weight loss..] [This guy doesn't read the room~] [Lady's weight is a secret....] [But not a secret to our subscribers....^O^] [Casually lift her up] [Watch her lost paws hanging ^_ㅠ] [Her street mind bursts out at times like this] [Ended up taking out the treat... Okay.. Let's measure weight happily..] Oh.....! [Not a single gram is lost~♥] [Ah... Gaining even at this moment.......] [Updating the boys' weight in 8 months] [(8 months ago) 6.38 kg ▶ (Now) 6.56 kg (abt 200g↑)] [(8 months ago) 6.07 kg ▶ (Now) 6.00 kg (70g↓)] [(8 months ago) 3.95 kg ▶ (Now) 3.9 kg (Lost fur weight LOL)] [(4 months ago) 5.6 kg ▶ (Now) 5.4 kg (200g↓)] [He's been riding the cat wheel... Lost weight again] [Stop cat wheel........] [Monji was originally slim.] Since in Monji's size kg is just right, so far he is still okay] [The most fur gained out of the boys] [The most fat gained out of the boys heh] [Ah Very sturdy] [Monji didn't come down from the scale for awhile LOL] [Let's play doing something cute] [Thank you for playing with us (crying)] [A split second cuteness] "Sigh" [Is it Bongji's turn] [Bongji's leg is stuck in between your legs] Really? I can't see Try compressing(?) Like this? Are you okay......? [Bongji thank you for playing with us (whew)] [Ending with the Bong wrap...] [A pretty cute boy] [Butler's trait: Bother the cat until frustration] Ah-Ach!!!! Why do you put it out on me :( [A happy family(?)] [Then we'll meet again in our next video!]
Channel: 김메주와 고양이들
Views: 183,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 고양이, cat, kitty, kitten, 김메주, mejoo, 먼봉휴요, MBHY, mejooandcats, 샴고양이, 러시안블루, 먼치킨, siamease, siam, russianblue, Munchkin, 김메주와고양이들
Id: bpbS6aRGI34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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