브레이브걸스(Brave Girls) - 'RED SUN(With 롯백)' M/V Full
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Channel: 롯데백화점
Views: 3,523,358
Rating: 4.9563289 out of 5
Keywords: 롯데백화점, 브레이브걸스, REDSUN, 레드썬, Songforyou, BraveGirls, 쁘걸, 민영, 유정, 은지, 유나, 브레이브걸스민영, 브레이브걸스유정, 브레이브걸스은지, 브레이브걸스유나, 쁘걸유정, 쁘걸민영, 쁘걸은지, 쁘걸유나, Yujeong, Minyoung, Eunji, lotteshopping, 송포유, 롯데몰, 롯데아울렛, BraveGirlsMinyoung, BraveGirlsYujeong, BraveGirlsEunji, 롤린, 하이힐, 운전만해, Rollin, Highheels, Weride, Yuna, BraveGirlsYuna, 헬프미, Helpme
Id: JirYow6J6MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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Brave Girls RED SUN Full MV is finally out! This song is composed by Brave Brothers and Chakun, and released in collaboration with Lotte Department Store under their Song For You Project Vol. 2. It will be played in all Lotte Department Stores throughout Korea.
Just to add, this song project is especially meaningful, and the song is meant to cheer up those who have lost their dreams and aspirations, students and office workers worried about studies, job finding, office work etc, in the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic.
Also, Behind the Scenes video will be released once 3 million views are reached!
For a CF song, it's pretty good NGL. I don't know how they find time to record and make choreography in their extremely hectic schedule. Really curious what BraveBrother will show to us next month.
Btw, this song will be played in Lotte’s department stores all over Korea.
For some reason it has a very Sunmi type vibe for me. I'm into it. Get that bag girls~
What about this song makes me want to cry? Pride for the girls? Encouraging lyrics? How pretty everything looks in the set with the giant moon and the galaxies shining behind them? I don't KNOW but I'm EMOTIONAL
Rapper Minyoung sliding in a bit there. Loved Eunji’s “Now I’m brave” part.
The only thing I didn’t like about the MV was the stage where most of the dancing happens. The lights shining from the back were too overwhelming given the darker lighting of the set. T_T
It's growing on me. I will take it as a stopgap of new Brave Girls content until the true comeback hits.
This is such a bop ngl
Take over Korea!!!
<😐> <😀> <😄> <😉>
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Wow if this is only a CF song, I can't wait to see what they release as an actual title track 👀
i like it. I get the concerns of some of the people here with the chorus. the bass drop chorus is getting dated. Plus they're good vocalists, so it was a waste to use that old style. HOWEVER, considering how quick this was put together, I guess this was actually a song drafted back when the type of chorus was still a thing so they had to settle for it just so they could release it in time (while bg is still hot)