[무대영상] 애프터스쿨(After School) - '뱅(Bang)!' Full ver. / 문명특급 MMTG
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Channel: 문명특급 - MMTG
Views: 4,420,857
Rating: 4.9615965 out of 5
Keywords: 문명특급, 스브스뉴스, 재재, SBS, 문특, mmtg, 애프터스쿨, 뱅, 디바, 컴눈명, 컴눈명스페셜, bang, afterschool, 가희, 박가희, kahi, 정아, 김정아, junga, 주연, 이주연, juyeon, leejuyeon, bekah, 베카, 레이나, raina, jaejae, 컴백, 재컴백, 무대, 무대영상, kpop, choreography, performance, stage, diva
Id: BWqEVkCw6vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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This is top tier performance, and they all looked their best doing it. So much energy that you wouldn’t think it’s been years since they did this song.
Jungah did the Kung Kung Kung while pregnant, what an amazing performer right there (Seungkwan must be over the moon rn).
2nd gen groups are all over melon trends now - SHINee, after school, 9 musea, 2pm
South Korea called them “kpop discipline” lol
A decade later and Bekah's rap and Raina's high note still hit me like no other, After School I love you!
Everyone killed it in their own way! Raina live high note! Bekah rap! Jungah KUNG KUNG KUNG-ing her way into my fond memories! Jooyeon charisma! And Park Kahi... the mentor for half of today's idols... my girl crush... the stage monster... showing them kids (and her kids Noah and Sion) how she's rightfully out there front!
Bekah's rap OMG!
Also shout out to Jungha for that awesome chest pump moment 😍
Jungah did the kum kum kum three times!!! edit: WHILE PREGNANT
I miss After School so much. Can't believe we got to see Bekah with the other girls again!
i feel as if i’ve ascended and went to heaven. i cried when bekah left and damn near lost my mind when kahi also left. so this performance really made me emotional. i’m so happy they performed both “diva” and “bang”. now if we could get a revamped performance of “ah” or “because of you” (the gay anthem of 2009) my life would truly be complete. 🥺
That was incredible! The girl group anthem of anthems. MMTG is doing something truly amazing with this project. What a damn performance. Still upset tho Nana's drama filming blocked her from taking part. Why couldn't she just call in sick 😭