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Even with 1 million won a month, Koreans can be satisfied with their lives. It's a country where you can travel with 50,000 won a day. If you get sick, you can break 3 million won in just one day. Thanks to the affordable price, There are many people who want to live for a month and stay for a long time. What I'm saying today is that if you're thinking of visiting Vietnam, When you're in a sick situation, It could cost a few million won. I think it's information that can save you. For those who are watching until the end, I'll tell you how to deal with In case you are sick in Vietnam The reason why I suddenly told you this... I almost died until yesterday and survived. The temperature went up to 38.9 degrees. There are hospitals in Vietnam that have various medical levels. from the local hospital to the international hospital Among them, Koreans who have traveled to Vietnam The hospitals that Koreans can use in Vietnam are... You will use an international hospital or a Korean hospital with a Korean doctor. It's possible to communicate to a certain extent, and the level of medical staff is guaranteed. So what I'm telling you is that they're all based on those hospitals. I'd appreciate it if you could refer to it in advance. I was on the verge of having a funk on YouTube. I decided to film it, so I turned on the camera while resting at home. I ask for your understanding even if I look really haggard. In another video, when I catch a cold in Vietnam, I told you that 100,000 won or more would be broken. For your information, the doctor's diagnosis fee is about 100,000 won. just tell the doctor about my symptoms. being diagnosed with the disease. It costs from 100,000 won to 300,000 won. In my experience, I actually had a cold, so I went to the hospital and got a diagnosis. When I was prescribed medicine, it was about 150,000 won. Once I got an IV, it cost me nearly 200,000 won. If you're getting treatment or surgery, Of course, the cost will jump more exponentially. One of my acquaintances had an appendectomy here. The total cost of the surgery is... I heard that millions of won. It could be a case for one person So I searched more cases. There were a few Koreans who had appendectomy in Vietnam. It's 2 million won or 3 million won. And the surgery cost up to 5 million won. Someone went to the hospital for a cerebral infarction, and the total cost of the hospital combined. Six to seven million won. The cost varies depending on the difficulty of treatment and surgery, but basically, You all feel that it's not really cheap. This is the part that a subscriber left in the comments. In August this year, I went to the hospital because my girlfriend had dengue fever. The hospital fee is about 50 million won. Which is around 2.6 million won in Korean currency. And when treated and hospitalized for cold body aches. 20 million won or 1.2 million won. When received light treatment for a motorcycle accident, it was about 30,000 won. He wrote this comment . (Thank you for sharing your opinions.) Can you feel how much the international hospitals or the Korean hospitals cost? There are 2 characteristic of Vietnamese hospital You’d better know. First, in Vietnam, Koreans cannot be covered by medical insurance. Even if you have personal insurance in Korea, Individual insurance in Korea excluding traveler's insurance It only applies to those who got treatment in Korea. There's no coverage when you get treatment in Vietnam. So you have no choice but to pay a lot with your own money. The second characteristic is that if it's a treatment that costs a few hundred thousand won, It doesn't matter much, but if you have a big surgery, If the unit you pay is more than millions of won, The hospital usually asks for a deposit. You pay deposit first and you can have the treatment or surgery half joking, half seriously. In Vietnam, If you don't have money, you can't get surgery. In the case of my husband and I, In the past, the company I worked for provided medical expenses. So I knew the cost was a bit high But I didn't check every single one of them. But after that, I became a freelancer. My husband's company now supports medical expenses, But there was a time when the supports didn't go smoothly. At that time, I had uveitis. It's a disease that requires about three to four visiting doctor. But every time I go to the hospital, it's 100,000 to 150,000 won. So though I should see a doctor, Going there itself was a lot of pressure because of the cost. It feels like being sick is committing a crime. I even thought about that. Now, what should we do to prepare for something like this? I'm going to tell you in detail. But I heard that the food I ordered came, so I will get some food first And then continue. (My husband is picking up) If you sick when you are in a foreign country. It's sad if you don't eat properly. If you don't have the energy to go out and eat. If you're in a situation like this, I recommend you to eat delivery food. Grab is an application that is overwhelmingly used by Vietnamese users. But if you feel it is not easy to eat Vietnamese. And want to find food that suits the taste of Koreans. In that case, the app called "Delivery K" You can download it and see Korean food by category. This isn't an app commercial, but it's an app that I use a lot. That's what I said. If you're in a situation where you need to eat porridge, You can search “porridge” on this app Depending on the region, there are some restaurants that sell porridge. (Pharmacity information will be available soon) So, make sure to order food and take medicine. To overcome your pain. (But I ordered a Vietnamese style lol) I ordered Vietnamese “Bun Cha” It looks a bit messy, But Inside, it has meat, vegetables, bean sprouts... And... Noodles… Hello? Yes, that's right. Please come to gate one. Go ahead. Including the shipping fee, it's less than 70,000 won. I ordered it at a price of around 3500 won. Bun Cha is a taste that you can't fail. If you order Bun Cha, If you put it all noodles in at once, it'll be too bulky. I recommend you to take a bite and eat it a little bit. It's 3500 won (including shipping) for a meal. it's very cheap compared to the price of regular Korean food. Or the price of Vietnamese restaurant in Korea If you go to the local restaurants that a lot of tourists go to, Vietnamese food is not expensive. Less than 4,000 won? Even you can enjoy them at around 2-3000 won. But the irony is that it costs 3,000 won for a meal. But just in case you get surgery in Vietnam. Then, the hospital fee can be 3 million won in one night. So in Vietnam, I did my best so I didn't get sick. And it's important to always make an effort to stay safe. I ordered Bánh tráng nú ̛o ̛áng. It's Vietnamese pizza. It’s a menu - baked thin piece of rice paper, with various toppings on top. It's one of the representative street food menus that originated in Dalat, Vietnam. After the Korean TV program "I Live Alone" shows eating this in Dalat, I heard that it became more popular among Koreans. You can taste it all over Vietnam. If you come to Vietnam, I think you should try this. The price is usually around KRW 1,000 I think it's one of the representative snacks that you must try. It's eally crispy and has a variety of texture. Cheese, eef, chicken, and other things. Of course, it depends on what I choose for topping Of course, it depends on what I choose for topping To continue the story, For the long-term residents here, if you're an office worker, If the company supports medical expenses, that's actually the best, But not everyone is like that. And there are short-term travelers, too. In that case, I think The most common thing that comes to mind is traveler's insurance. First of all, you will be curious, "Do short-term travelers need traveler's insurance?" It's really a matter of choice. In my case, When I first started traveling overseas, No matter where I go, no matter how long I go, I was a bit nervous, so I always applied for traveler's insurance. But nowadays, I don't apply for traveler's insurance when I go for a short period of 2 nights and 3 nights and 4 days. But in case you are scared that you might get into ac accidents on a trip, Or in case you are traveling with a child. So if you want to prepare, I’ve heard it takes around 10,000 won per person. I think it's better to sign up. And for long-term residents, firstly let me explain my case. For about a year, the company didn't support me and I lived without traveler's insurance. At that time, the medical expenses I spent here for a year... It was about 600,000 to 700,000 won. When a person has a one-year traveler's insurance, (depending on period, gender, age, subscription conditions, insurance company, etc.) The amount may vary greatly from person to person.) I’ve heard that it's around 1 million won When I think about that, In my case, it was a good thing not to sign up for a year But if you are a person who goes to the hospital often, or, as I said earlier, If you have a child, Then it might be better to sign up. This is my personal opinion And now I'm going to tell you about the hospital. But before that, if you feel this video is helpful for you, Please press like button and subscribe First of all, I haven't been to all the hospitals, So It's hard to pick one and ecommend it to you. Instead, I will let you know how to find a hospital in an emergency I'll tell you that information. If you decide to come to Vietnam, Please download Google Maps on your phone. In Korea, people usually use Naver or Kakao Maps. But as soon as you go abroad, those maps become useless. Google Maps location information very clearly Very specifically and accurately. Even you can search Korean If you search in Korean If there's a review left in Korea, it brings up and show it to you. For example, I made a dental appointment to get a scaling this Saturday. And in order to find the dentist, I turn on Google Maps. I just searched for scaling in Korea You can see the reviews about scaling right? You can see the reviews about scaling right? That's how I found the hospital. I was wondering if anything else would work, so I typed pediatrics and gastroenterology. All results were up on the maps. And in case you want to buy medicine, And in case you want to buy medicine, Fortunately, Vietnam has good pharmacy brands, And pharmacy system is really nice. in Korea, we can't buy some medicine without a doctor's prescription. But in Vietnam, it's (relatively) easy to get. (though not all) You may think "Isn't it dangerous to buy medicine without a doctor's prescription?" You might think that. But the pharmacist makes a decision for you the pharmacist prescribes medicine and gives it to you. And I’ve heard that prescribing medicine is a bit more difficult in Korea. So there are cases where it's relatively easy to get medicine overseas. You can think of Vietnam as one of those cases. So in conclusion, it's easier to get medicine in an emergency in Vietnam. That's one big advantage. One more good thing - even if you don't buy the medicine in a box, you can buy it individually. And it's very cheap. In the case of the cold medicine I bought this time, (Based on 10 pills) It was 15,000 VND, less than 800 won. So I bought it at a very low price. "Is the medicine of pharmacies reliable?" You may think like this, too. So I'll tell you how to find a good pharmacy. Usually, Korean travellers go to pharmacies to buy souvenirs. So it seems that certain pharmacies tend to be known in the travelling community. I saw some parmacities representing the region. Of course, It's okay to go to a place that's well known, However, If you go there, you might not have the items you want to buy And what I'm telling you right now is that when we are sick, So in that case, It's hard if you can't get medicine quickly because the place is too crowded by travellers. In that case, you can choose other pharmacy brands I'd like to tell you two drugstore chains that you can go to. The first one is a pharmacy called Long Cha ̂u. The second is a pharmacy called Pharmacy. You can search “Long Chau”, “Pharmacity” on the googld maps then you'll find pharmacies around you. If you might not have these drugstore chains around you, then you can search nearby pharmacy quickly. then you can search nearby pharmacy quickly. If you search nà thuo ̂éc on Google Maps, It will give you the nearest pharmacy information from your location. nhà is "home" and thuo ̂éc is "medicine". So if you type nà thuo ̂éc, it will show a pharmacy. As for me, when I order medicine, I call Long Cha ̂u's hotline and let them deliver. But for travelers and those who can' t speak Vietnamese well, It's hard to call the hotline and deliver it. So though Vietnam has a good delivery system, It might be hard to get delivery. In that case, search for “nha thuoc” around you I recommend you go to the nearest one quickly. I'm sure most of you know, but when you're communicating with a pharmacist, when we talk about the symptoms, We might not understand each other well. So I recommend you to use translation app To show your symptoms and get a right prescription. While filming the video, I think my fever went down a lot because I was sweating. I'm so glad. Anyway, my last conclusion is a bit… It may sound wrong, but that's the bottom line. Korea’s Medical insurance is very good system. lol Especially for Koreans, Korean hospitals are the best. But when traveling abroad or living abroad, You don't have to be too scared when you need to see a doctor. It's a place where people live, and there are enough doctors in Vietnam . And good pharmacists, too Of course, the best thing is... taking care of health and safety well so that it doesn't happen By any chance, If you have any tips about the content, if you have any knowledge and know-how to share, please leave it in the comments to help each other I'll continue upload travel-log, My daily life in Vietnam! If the video helped you, please like and subscribe, leave comments, and set notifications. Thank you for watching today's video.
Channel: 황세유기 Hwang_se_yughi
Views: 44,043
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Keywords: 베트남살이, 해외살이, 베트남여행, 호치민여행, 베트남일상, 베트남브이로그, 베트남부부, 신혼부부브이로그
Id: j1fu22VnyG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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