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December 2023, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Hi, everyone I've been living 9 years in Vietnam The weather in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, is It's cool at dawn and at night, so it's perfect to take a walk It's about 5:38 right now I'll take a walk early in the morning and talk about it In 2023, (Korean) tourists who visited Vietnam The official count is almost 2.8 million to 3 million Considering that the total number of foreign tourists who've been to Vietnam is 9 million. So the number of Korean is almost a third It's almost 30 percent Even the people around me talked me that, rather than Jeju Island, Vietnam or Thailand is better to live or travel Because of cheap living cost And recently, through a good opportunity The Korean broadcaster TV Chosun contacted me to ask the guide who introduce Vietnam for the program "Se-Mo-Jip" which means "the house around the world" So I had a time to introduce Vietnam's house and living cost for Koreans who wants to live in Vietnam for a month Besides that, There are a lot of people around me asking me questions to live for a month in Vietnam It's amazing that one out of three Vietnamese tourists is Korean I thought about it Why are Koreans so crazy about Vietnam? Since I'm a Korean resident living in Vietnam for 9 years, as a Korean resident, I'll tell you without adding or subtracting (Morning scene that makes your heart warm) This is my favorite walking path It's not 6am yet but Vietnamese people are already working out a lot They are doing gymnastics, too Is it called gymnastics? It seems that they feel energized There are a lot of people who run and walk I think everyone would agree with this. From a Korean perspective, Not only in Vietnam, but also in Southeast Asia It's very affordable the living expenses are very low for Korean I think that's the biggest merit In another video I said I live in a house with a monthly rent of 900,000 won A lot of people said that it's more expensive than they thought Actually, the monthly rent here It depends on the conditions (Other Koreans) Compared to 3-4 households living there It's rather cheap to rent (because my house is smaller) And the place I filmed for broadcasting was It was a pool villa in Hoi An City There was a pool, 2 rooms, 3 bathrooms It was a really big and nice house. Even though it's a pool villa, the monthly rent is around 1 million won I remember it was about that So depending on the location and how you get it You can find a good house with a relatively low monthly rent And last time, I told you about the monthly living cost including 900,000 won for housing and except for insurance premiums and other expenses paid in Korea and based on two-person households It costs two million won. It's about 1 million won per person That's how we deal with the cost of living in Vietnam, so it's kind of cheap Meals, fruits, coffee, and alcohol are all cheap. You'll all agree Especially in Southeast Asia, the price of alcohol depends on the season There are countries where the alchohol is expensive or not sold well But in Vietnam, there's no such thing. It's cheap to drink. We can drink without any restriction I think that's also an element that Koreans like a lot Since the labor costs are low, the massage, taxi, delivery You can use these things at a low price If you go to a massage shop where many tourists gather You'd better considering 20,000 to 30,000 won for about 90 minutes But if you go to a local massage shop The price is just around 10,000 won And the basic fare for taxi is 10,000... How much VND is it? (11,000 VND, around 600 won) In Korea, delivery fees It goes up from 2-3,000 won to 5,000 won However, the delivery fee in Vietnam is free, or It depends on the distance But just few hundreds won is enough From the perspective of those who have Korean income You can make a living without any burden I think Vietnam is like that It's cost-effective at the same time, cost is comparatively satisfying which means, when we spend the same amoun of money, we feel more satisfied, compared to other countries. That's why it's not only cost-effective but also satisfying. For Koreans I think that's the first reason why Korean loves Vietnam I guess there's an event going on here They are taking a picture wearing an Vietnamese Traditional Costumes Can I pass by? There's a lot people wearing "Ao dai" I guess a lot of people are taking photos wearing "Ao dai" It's 6am in the morning. I guess they have an event This bridge There's a crescent mall over there There's a shopping mall that's affiliated with Singapore There's a lake behind it And we're going to follow this path I'm going like this right now There are a lot of people who work out These are kind of luxury villas, right? / Yeah Doesn't this look like a palace? There are some people who work out here, too Do you want to sit here? Right now, We came to a Hanoi-style rice noodle place called Phở Định 3 because this is Korean town, there are all Korean menus I guess we can choose the menu among them Two rice noodles with rip and two iced teas, please I think the other reasons why Koreans like Vietnam is because Food We love enjoying delicious food Thank you. Vietnam is similar to Korea. It's based on rice and noodle It's easy to eat noodles and rice. One more, Soup as well. One more, do you know Vietnamese spring rolls? Which is called Bánh cuo ̂én this roll type of food is similar to Koreans' taste, too We also like to eat wraps And spicy food. Koreans are crazy about spicy food In Vietnam, too There are spicy chili peppers I think most of Koreans like Vietnamese food, definitely. Except the coriander (for some people) Except the coriander, every food is okay I think it's important that the food matches well This is a Hanoi-style rice noodle restaurant Do you know that Ho Chi Minh Noodle and Hanoi Noodle are different? Rice noodles and meat are the same Ho Chi Minh's noodle is a bit sweeter and usually eat with various herbs and vegetables on top There's no herb here since we're in Hanoi, right? No, lol There are no vegetables Hanoi-style feels less sweet compared to Ho Chi Minh Put just onions and chives on top If I put something in it Pickled garlic Chili peppers and lime. But they are common not only for Hochiminh, but also Hanoi, too. Just put them And Hanoi noddle feels like a clearer soup It's a little different At first, I liked Hanoi style noodle a lot When I was in Hanoi. / Yeah When I tried Ho Chi Minh style first time, I thought "so strong tasting" But now I'm totally good at eating Hochiminh style noodle. I don't know how it'll be since I've not had Hanoi noodle for a long time As for me, I felt a bit awkward when I tried Hanoi noodle for the first time Because it was too clear The meat is really big How many layers? It's about 60,000 vnd per meal, around 3,000 won There's a lot of meat, so it's not a waste of money It's already cheap though If you happen to come Phu My Hung, Korean Town in HCM city, and if you are curious about Hanoi style noodle and if you are curious about Hanoi style noodle Then I think you should come to Pho ̛̉ Đi ̣nh 3 But there's a bit of ground coriander in dish Actually, I couldn't eat coriander at all When I first came to Vietnam I always took a photo "Please take out the coriander." Even I coudn't try very small amount If there was any ground coriander, I just cleaned it up right away However, after living 9 years, I've gotten quite used to it. Yes, if there's no coriander, I even a bit miss it You made your first appearance today lol, my husband has lived for 18 years in Vietnam I remember that he didn't like the coriander at first Now, he eats very well I think it's okay for a person to adjust and live I've heard that the coriander is good for our health It's delicious eating together with meat And I told you that this is Korean Town Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi and Da Nang developed Korean infrastructure I also think that itt's one of the reason why Korean can enjoy Vietnam more comfortably That's what I think That's a big part When you're abroad, you have homesickness But in Vietnam, there are many Korean restaurants, Korean beauty salons, Korean hospitals, Korean international schools, Korean academies Even Korean visa agency service, Korean travel agency, Korean real estate... There are a lot of people who are self-employed besides those who work as expatriates Even Koreans who can't speak English at all and can't speak Vietnamese at all, can live well in Vietnam That's how advanced Korean infrastructure is in Vietnam We don't know what kind of emergency we are going to have I think it's good to be able to use it at that time There are a lot of Korean group chat rooms It's the same in Korea, too Here, too, the chats where they exchange information within their group It's well developed Apartments chats, The chats where women buy and sell things Even you can dispose things via chats when you move house and buying meats and side dishes via chats are available, too. This kind of Korean infrastructure is also an important part for Koreans That's what I think There are a lot of people who want to retire and come to Vietnam, I think having this kind of Korean infrastructure will help them a lot Yeah, we're actually getting help, too / Yeah Look at this. Even if we eat the same noodle, but still different style I keep it clear and eat it as it is But my husband, why is it so red? I put chili sauce This chili sauce, this so it's a bit spicier I think it's like a food we eat after hangover though we didn't drink yesterday, I'm eating clear The amount is a lot. / Yeah We're at a cafe (after eating) It's a local cafe ̀ ̂ su ̛̃a đá, condensed milk coffee If you live in Vietnam, it's very natural. Drinking sweet Vietnamese coffee on Sunday morning Did you like Vietnamese coffee from the beginning? Yeah. I think I liked it as soon as I ate it How about Cafe Den Da? It's just black coffee. Cafe Den Da. I didn't drink well at first because it was too bitter Me too The first time I drunk cafe den da, It's like poison It was really strong It felt like poison coffee But now, when I feel so tired in the morning, and I have something to focus on Then, I just take out cafe den da and drink it I get used to it I was a person who could only drink americano But now, there are times when I want savory americano Sometimes, I crave poison coffee My taste is really Oh!!! The leaves Fallen leaves went in here Are you okay? It's nature only. There's a tree on top It's so nice. It's so green Let's continue with the topic And Koreans Why do they visit Vietnam a lot? There's been a huge increase in flights Nha Trang, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh, Phu Quoc, Hanoi. Most of the major cities. So I think it'll be easier for Koreans to access it And, of course, the price is competitive If you go to a place that takes more than 10 hours by plane Flights become very expensive and physically exhausting But if you go somewhere an hour away Slightly traveling (feeling is less) I need to eat in-flight meals to feel traveling But if taking flightes an hour or two, there's no in-flight meal. I think for Korean, not only Vietnam, but also other Southeast Asia countries , where takes 4-5 hours by flights, are the best Eat in-flight meals, and watched a few movies in flights and not too exhuasting And there are many low-cost airlines, so airfare is cheap comparatively If you buy it cheaply, it comes to 300,000 won for round trip Some are under 300,000 won The reality hit me a long time ago I had to go from Ho Chi Minh to Hanoi in a hurry It cost me about 300,000 won back and forth But the person who's coming to Hanoi (from Korea) I heard that she came from Korea with a round trip of 200,000 won Why did I pay more expensive even though I'm in the same Vietnam? The flight has developed well I think that could be the reason to choose a travel destination It makes us think, "Oh, shall we go to Vietnam?" I think it could affect Yes, that's right It's so good. I ordered it without asking how much it was Because it would be cheap I didn't look at the price. (Only at local cafes) You know how I feel, right? How much do you think it will cost? I think it's 20,000 VND? Yeah, about 20,000 VND for me too? / About 1,000 won? (the price will be revealed later) If a Korean lives in Vietnam There is one more comfortable factor It's not an unconditional advantage It's also a factor of weakness? Oh, no recycling? / Yeah Vietnam's recycling system is not much developed as that of Korea Actually, there's no concept of recycling at all There's only one trash bin I'm forced to throw it away at once, though I feel a bit guilty when I throw it away But after living here for 9 years I've realized that, Oh, I was living really comfortably Vietnam will change over time I admit that it is disadvantage, but convenient for now at the same time. I think I have no choice but to admit it Lastly, I felt one more advantages for Korean. I felt even when I entered the cafe, too. Vietnamese people are more friendly to Koreans In a way, it's because Korea's status is elevated Soccer coach Park Hang-seo showed good records in the Vietnamese soccer team Soccer stars like Son Heung-min are very famous in Vietnam There are idols who are gaining global recognition Movies, dramas, K-foods (Korean food) They became very famous Just because we're Koreans Just because there are good perception on Korea In a way, I think I'm getting preferential treatment here I think that I'm benefiting from it Even if you're not in Vietnam, if you've been to other countries When you meet the foreginers to be friendly to Koreans I think you will feel the same feeling So I've told you about six things so far (why Koreans are crazy about Vietnam) There's actually more to it than this I only told you about the good things, but as a Korean Of course, there are some disadvantages of life in Vietnam I filmed a video about that, too. But I belive that there's no country without pros and cons, right? Korea has its own disadvantages, too We just see Vietnam's good things. I'm trying to see Vietnam's good things, and advantages only. I'm sure all of you who are watching this channel feel the same way as us We have a friendly feeling about Vietnam, right That's why you are watching until the end Even if you have any inconveniences when you come to Vietnam There are advantages that you can enjoy in Vietnam, too So I hope you can focus ony good things And actually, as long as the people who travels abroad Whether it's a traveler or a long-term visitor Each person is a diplomat who represents Korea That's what I think That's what I think No matter what kind of person I meet, when I meet a local person in that country No matter what kind of person I meet, when I meet a local person in that country We have to be more careful about our actions, attitudes, and words That's what I think Becuase we can influence to them and we can change the way how they think about Koreans give good or bad perception It depends on us At least as much as I can get in this country At least as much as I can get in this country So, as much as we enjoy and be comfort in this country I think it would be better to make an effort to give a good image to Vietnamese Everyone, this is the end of today's video Thank you so much for watching the video today. How was the video? Please leave a lot of comments If you haven't liked and subscribed yet, please don't forget to do it Thank you for watching the video I'll come back with another video next time I got 20,000 Vnd for one cup (9 years of pride)
Channel: 황세유기
Views: 22,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 베트남살이, 해외살이, 베트남여행, 호치민여행, 베트남일상, 베트남브이로그, 베트남부부, 베트남쌀국수, 베트남커피, TV조선세모집베트남
Id: dvdcS86Pdmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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