밀가루 대신 감자로!! 바삭하고 부드러운 ! 감자 핫도그! 누구나 좋아합니다

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Potato Hotdog. Cooking Haru :) It is very delicious potato hotdog. 650g Potato. Cut it into small size to cook faster. Put potatoes in the microwave safe container. 4-5 Tablespoons of water (Discard the excess water later). Cooked it in the microwave for 10 minutes in total (Adjust if needed). Mix it in the middle of cooking to cook it evenly. Put it back to the microwave and cook it completely. You can boil or steam the potatoes to cook. Poke it gently to check if it is cooked well. 1 Teaspoon of salt. A little pepper. Crush potatoes softly. It is delicious with only salt and pepper! Sausages. Cut a few slits in both sides of sausgaes. You can change the shape of slits as you like. Low heat. Cooking oil. Cook the sausages evenly. It looks like 'Korean Goblin's magic club' which makes wishes come true. Non-stick teflon sheet makes the work easier. Make a hole in the sausage so the stick can easily pass through later. Mozzarella cheese. Cover the sausages with mozzarella cheese. Mashed potatoes. Hide the sausages in the mashed potatoes. Make a shape. Mashed potatoes are easy to shape, but they are also easy to lose shape. Treat the potatoes delicately. It would be delicious to eat as it is. Flour. 'Wake up, Egg'. 1/2 Teaspoon of salt. Coat it with egg mxiture like a yellow chick. Bread crumbs. Cover it with bread crumbs. Insert the sticks into the holes you made in sausages. Medium heat. Cooking oil. Put hotdogs in the pre-heated cooking oil. The inside is pre-cooked. Make the outside crispy. Crispy. Crispy. Handle the potatoes carefully not to press on them. You only need to make outside crispy. It takes less than 2 minutes. Wow!! Am I drooling? (Yes!!). Excited!! It is delicious potato hotdog!!. Let's see inside. I will put ketchup and mustard like normal corn dog. Wow!! It is amazingly yummy!. The outside is crispy and the inside potato is really soft. You can enjoy the deep taste of potato without ketchup and mustard. You can try it as you like. "Behind Scene" Eggs are doing hide-and-seek game. Spatula Monster can not find eggs... Good!. Spatula Monster 'Yay!! I found!!'. (... ...). Thank you for watching!!.
Channel: 쿠킹하루 Cooking Haru :)
Views: 12,133,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 핫도그, 감자튀김, 감자핫도그, 치즈핫도그, yt:cc=on, 감자고로케
Id: ECrnU85IE6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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