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490g(2ea) Potatoes Cut the potatoes into small dice Wash the starch lightly in cold water. The reason is that the starch in the potato interferes with crispiness. Throw away the water Put potatoes in boiling water..., (can be microwaved) Boil for 4 minutes (time varies depending on quantity) If you don't boil it, it's hard to cook when frying. Cook only 50-60% Rinse lightly in cold water 1g (0.3tsp) Curry powder 2g (0.5tsp) Paprika powder 1g Salt (2 pinches) A bit of black pepper 40g (4Tbsp) Cornstarch 40g (4Tbsp) Fried flour (or normal flour, soft flour) 10g (1Tbsp) Cooking oil 60g Cold water Mix lightly, do not over-stir Thick flowing concentration Add the potatoes rinsed in cold water. Mix carefully The dough should be sticky like a spider's web and stick to the potatoes. Lay paper foil Take a handful of potatoes and spread them in a circle. Then attach it well so that nothing falls off alone Fry in hot oil (180-190 degrees) Take off the paper foil Fry until golden brown for about 5 minutes (depending on the size of the pan). Oh my~ The color is already delicious Even though it's a first look, it's a visual that attracts If the crispiness is slightly lost as it cools, Put it back into high temperature oil (about 190-200 degrees) Fry quickly for about 20-30 seconds. If you fry and eat it right away, you don't need to fry it twice. Frying it twice will keep it crispy longer. An army of mini dice huddled together, sniping at my taste Wow~ Crunchy and savory in my mouth, it's a taste that lets me know the true value of fried potatoes Let's sprinkle some cheese on it Potatoes are delicious no matter how you eat them.. let's keep getting excited
Channel: 매일맛나 delicious day
Views: 966,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 간단요리, 매일맛나, 자취요리, 쉬운요리, 초간단레시피, 간식만들기, 아이디어요리, delicious day, 외식메뉴, cookingvideo, foodrecipe, easyrecipes, cooking, recipe, 감자튀김, 감자요리, 감자간식, 감자, 튀긴감자, 해시브라운, 튀김반죽, 프랜치프라이, 햇감자, Hash Browns, Fried Potatoes, Potato Recipes, Snack Recipes, Brunch Recipes, Potato Snacks, French fries, 아이디어감자, idea potato recipe, 감자레시피
Id: d_UvxajS9s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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