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Channel: 蕾貝卡的餐桌 La Table De Rebecca
Views: 199,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 蕾貝卡的餐桌, dessert, mochi, taiwan dessert, taiwanese dessert, 古早味, 台式甜點, 台式麻糬, 台灣甜點, 古早味客家麻糬, 麻糬, 甜品, 甜點, 芝麻粉, 芝麻麻糬, 花生粉, 花生麻糬, 食譜, 麻吉, 花生麻薯, 花生麻糍, 花生麻薯做法, 黑芝麻麻薯, 黑芝麻麻糬, 古早味麻糬, 蕾貝卡客家麻糬, 蕾貝卡麻糬, 芝麻麻薯, 花生客家麻糬, 芝麻客家麻糬, 客家麻糬, 糍粑, Ciba, 粢粑, 客家麻糬做法, 客家麻糬由来, 客家麻糬的做法, ciba cake, hakka mochi, muah chee
Id: 8tfxQe132c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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