怪不得外面的糯米糍那麼好吃,原來技巧在這裡,5分鐘輕鬆學會。【美食小汐】#美食教程 #小吃 #农村美食 #糯米糍 #糍粑

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Hello, everyone Today we will teach you to use glutinous rice Let's make a really good treat It's soft and waxy It looks so appetising It's also very simple Even a novice can handle it easily Let's see how it works Start with a small bowl Add 10 grams of sugar to a bowl Then pour in 130 grams of clean water Stir with chopsticks Dissolve the white sugar Then add some cornstarch Keep stirring Mix the cornstarch with the sugar water Here it's about 20 grams Mix well and set aside Get another big bowl Pour 100 grams of glutinous rice flour into a bowl Then we're going to mix the sugar and starch Add to this glutinous rice flour Stir as you go Give it a good stir Just mix it until it looks like this Finish with 10 grams of corn oil Or if you have olive oil at home Give it a good stir Once you've mixed it all up Cover it with plastic wrap It can also be placed upside down with a small lid or dish Finish with a toothpick on the plastic wrap Put some little holes in it I'm going to put it in the steamer Steamer with cold water Turn on the fire Let it steam for about 15 minutes Next we're going to get 30 grams of cooked peanuts Put it in the mortar and mash it a little bit more friends Your support is my greatest motivation Please give me a thumbs up with your rich little hand Thank you very much Mash and serve in a bowl I'm preparing 10 grams of black sesame seeds And we're going to do the same thing with it Pound out the flavor This black sesame must be cooked It will taste better If you have white sesame seeds at home, you can change them to white ones Mash and mix with peanuts Add another 20 grams of sugar Then use a spoon to mix them well It's time for glutinous rice to be steamed Open the lid Lift the plastic wrap And then we take it out Brush some cooking oil on the panel first to prevent sticking Then use a spoon to transfer the steamed glutinous rice onto the plate The next step is to do it while it's hot Give it a little rub first Because it's still a little hot You have to be careful Then roll it into long strips Then cut into a dozen small dosage This mochi is still very sticky These are small doses Give it a quick press Or knead into thin slices And then on top of that I'm going to put in the pre-set Peanut sesame sugar filling And pinch all the corners Do not leak the filling Then coat it with some sweet coconut Follow this method Do the rest Glutinous rice do this Beautiful and delicious Take a bite of Q-pop and it's soft and sticky Sweet and pleasant It's a really cute little dessert Those with children in the family will also enjoy it very much It's very simple Like friends must collect to try Remember to like the favorites In case you don't find it when you need it Thank you for your support I'll see you next time
Channel: 美食小汐
Views: 943,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 美食, 居家烹饪, 厨艺, 美味食谱, 农村美食, 家常菜做法, 美味家常菜, 烧烤, 烤肉, 炒肉, 面食甜点小吃做法, 蔬菜, 肉制品, 美味家常菜做法, 美食教程, 美食小汐, 糯米的好吃做法, 糍粑的做法, 糯米糍的做法, 椰蓉糯米糍做法, 纯手工美食, 甜品
Id: avv0254w6og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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