高層次賺錢一定要瘋狂做這3件事,通透 UNIQLO柳井正 思維模式瞬間拉開差距|日本首富|優衣庫|成功學|品牌故事|個人成長|富人思維|企業管理|致富密碼

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他在總部的走廊掛著大大的「Change or Die」 He's got a big "Change or Die" sign in the hallway in headquarters. 這是2011年的年度方針 This is the annual policy for 2011, 改變或是死亡 Change or Die. 短短的一句話充滿著震撼力 It's a short sentence that packs a hard punch. 也展露了經營者和企業的精神 It also shows the spirit of the operator and the company. 今天的主角是日本的首富 Today's protagonist is the richest man in Japan, 柳井正 Tadashi Yanai. 從1984年在廣島開設了UNIQLO 1號店 He opened the first UNIQLO store in Hiroshima in 1984. 中間還經歷了日本泡沫經濟的崩潰 He went through the collapse of Japan's bubble economy. 在全世界都說日本不行了 The whole world thought Japan would fall. 在日本人自己都對經濟 Even Japanese themselves had lost faith in 對明天失去信心的時刻 economy and future. 從1號店開始的短短17年間 In merely 17 years after the 1st store opened, 達成直營店超過500家店 the store chain had expanded to 500 stores, 同年第一次跨出海外 and expended overseas for the first time in the same year, 在英國開了4家海外店 opened 4 overseas stores in England. 到今天全世界有超過3,500家店鋪 Today, there are more than 3,500 stores worldwide. Tadashi Yanai, founder of UNIQLO, UNIQLO創辦人柳井正 憑借著一己之力 created the clothing brand that rank 開創出亞洲第一 1st in Asia and 3rd in the world 世界前三的服飾品牌 all by himself. 大家好 Hello, everyone. 歡迎來到「Ben桑日本漫談」 Welcome to Ben's Japanese Talks. 讓我們一起 Together, 品味日本 let's learn more about Japan. 有個鄰居家裡還算寬裕 If you had a neighbor who lived a good life. 在家的孩子考上了外地的大學以後 But after entering a college away from home, 整天沈迷在看電影打麻將 he just watched movies and played mahjong all day long. 到了大三大四也不找工作 Didn't even bother looking for a job in his junior and senior years. 心裡想的是以後能不工作最好 He wished for an easy and jobless life. 畢業後遊手好閒 So, he just stayed home after graduating from school. 到最後他的父親都看不下去 In the end, his father couldn't stand it anymore, 透過關係讓他到家裡附近的超市 and used his connection to get him a job 當了超市的店員 as a supermarket clerk near home. 不過 But 這個孩子做不到10個月就把工作辭了 this kid quit his job within 10 months. 跟老爸說超市的工作沒意思 He told his dad working at the supermarket was no fun, 想去美國留學 and that he wanted to study in the US. 結果拿了錢去英語補習班 His dad paid for his English lessons, 也沒有認真學英文 but he never paid any attention in class, 更沒有去成美國 ended up staying in Japan again. 大家覺得這個孩子還有救嗎 Do you guys think this kid still can be saved? 但這就是年輕時的柳井正 It turns out this is the young Tadashi Yanai. 附帶一提 Incidentally, 偶爾會看到華語圈會搞混 I've seen the Chinese circles get his last name wrong on occasion. 他的姓其實是「柳井」やない It's actually "Yanai", 不是姓柳 not "Yanagi". 而維持本頻道的優良傳統 To carry on the nice traditions of our channel, 方便記憶 let's call him Tadashi. 我們就叫他「正哥」吧 It's much easier to remember. 正哥在他的自傳《一勝九敗》中 In his autobiography, Issho Kyuhai, 這樣記錄下他一路拚搏的感悟 Tadashi wrote down the lessons he learned as he created his empire. 我在過去開始嘗試新事物的時候 When I tried new things in the past, 10次裡往往9次是失敗的 9 times out of 10, it failed. 但正因為累積了這些失敗 But it's precisely because of these failures, 所以才看得到成功的機會 I could see the way to success. 前面提到正哥到東京補英文 As I mentioned earlier, Tadashi went to Tokyo to learn English. 可是後來也是混日子 But then, it was just idle about, 也沒有去成美國留學 and ended up not being able to go to America. 他老爸看他一直在打混也不是個辦法 His dad didn't think fooling around was a life, 就乾脆叫正哥回老家 and called him home. 正哥老家真的是很鄉下 Tadashi's hometown is a really rural place. 在山口縣西邊的宇部市 Ube City, western Yamaguchi Prefecture. 到現在人口也不過十幾萬 Even now, the population is only a little above 100,000. 正哥的老爸是當地的實業家 Tadashi's father was a local entrepreneur, 開了服飾店 he had a clothing store, 後來又做了當時最賺錢的行當 and then did the most profitable business at that time, 建設公司 construction. 回到老家後 After he got home, 正哥的老爸就讓正哥接手服飾店 Tadashi's father asked him to take over the clothing store. 所以正哥開局就有兩家店 So, Tadashi had two stores right from the beginning. 一家男士西裝店 A men's suit store 另外一家是專門賣休閒服的VAN店 and a VAN store that specialized in casual wear. 一直以來 All the time, the second generation 富二代接班都有很大的問題 of the rich had had difficulty taking over family business. 那就是如何處理 The main issue 和上一代留下來的老臣之間的關係 lay in their relationships with the staff from before. 我自己也有認識一些二代 I've met some of the second generation myself. 人事的問題 Personnel problem 往往是他們接班時最頭痛的 has always been their biggest headache when they take over. 正哥接下來的家業就算不大 Even though Tadashi's family business is not as big, 但兩家店也有6個店員 there were still six clerks in two stores. 雖然正哥遊手好閒了很久 Tadashi goofed around for a long time, 但他好歹也是在當地的大型超市 but he'd at least worked in the local supermarket, JUSCO before. JUSCO工作過 在大企業歷練過 His experience in a large corporation 畢竟可以看到大企業的整體制度 gave him some knowledge of how the system should work in an enterprise, 從調度進貨到銷售 from dispatch and sales, 如何控制貨物的週轉 to how to control the turnover of goods. 所以接手後 So after he took over, 正哥發現 Tadashi found out 這兩家店整體的工作流程 the overall workflow of these two stores 存在著許多的問題 had lots of problems. 經營效率非常的低下 It was very inefficiently operated. 資金的週轉也實在太慢 Cash flow was also too slow. 正哥在對生意慢慢上手以後 After Tadashi got familiar with the business, 就決定應該要有所作為 he decided to do something about it. 所以他興沖沖的跟6個店員說 So he told the clerks, very excited, 他想要改進的做法 that he wants to improve the system. 可想而知 You can imagine 正哥也會面臨到 Tadashi was about to face 大部分二代的問題 the problem most second generation had. 這些店員想說 These clerks thought 我們就在這裡工作了十幾年 we've been working here for over a decade, 你一個空降的二代 who are you to come from nowhere 一來就想要對我們指手畫腳嗎 and tell us what to do? 於是這些店員紛紛辭職 So the clerks resigned. 到後來連店長都走了 In the end, even the store manager left. 整間店就剩下正哥和另外一名店員 Only Tadashi and one other clerk were left in the whole store. 不過我覺得故事到這裡 But I think at this point of his story, 有一個讓人很意想不到的發展 there was an unexpected turn of event, 或許這也是為什麼 which is probably why 正哥日後可以開創一番宏大新事業 Tadashi was able to make his grand new business in the following days. 重要的轉折 It's an important turning point. 當像店長這樣的老員工 When even the senior employee 都遞出辭呈的時候 like the store manager, resigned, 一向對正哥非常嚴厲的爸爸 the father who had always been very strict with Tadashi, 很意外的一句責備的話都沒有說 surprisingly, didn't say a word. 相反的爸爸直接把公司的帳本 On the opposite, his dad straight out handed him 還有公司章都交給了正哥 the company's account book and seal. 那年正哥剛滿25歲 Tadashi just turned 25 years old that year, 開始當一個真正的全權經營者 and began to be an all-time business owner. 正哥和剩下的唯一員工 Tadashi and the only remaining staff, 一人分看一家店 one person for each store. 正哥看男士西裝店 Tadashi took over the men's suit store, 另外一個員工就看VAN休閒服飾店 and the other employee took over VAN's casual wear store. 因為只有兩個人 Because there were only two of them, 所以基本上什麼都得幹 so they basically had to do everything themselves, 從進貨陳列 from restocking and display, 接待顧客結賬到清掃 to receiving customers' checkout and cleanup. 像這樣地方型的小店 A small local store like this, 老實說很難請到新的正職員工 honestly, it's hard to get new permanent staff. 不過也因為那段時間的歷練 But thanks to the experience of 實際幫客人量尺寸訂做衣服 measuring and customizing clothes for customers at that time, 正哥自己都說 Tadashi himself said, 到現在走過來一個陌生人 even now, whenever a stranger walks in, 他都能夠馬上說出他穿衣服的尺寸 he could tell the size of his clothes right away. 這兩家店 These two stores 也給正哥帶來了很重要的事業靈感啓發 were also great career inspiration to Tadashi. 男士西裝店跟客人的互動很多 In men's suits store, he had to interact with customers a lot. 不論是販賣還是量尺寸 Whether it's selling or sizing, 都很吃店員的技術還有經驗 the skill and experience of the staff were very much needed. 所以營業額的好壞 So the turnover 很大程度也取決於店員銷售的技巧 depended largely on the sales skills and attitude 還有態度 of the staff. 而且啊西裝雖然價錢高毛利高 Besides, suits were expensive and had a high-profit margin, 但商品的週期其實非常的長 but the cycle of production was actually very long. 客群呢也只限制在20歲以上的男士 The clientele was also limited to men over the age of 20. 相對的另外一家VAN店賣的休閒服 On the other hand, the VAN store that sold casual wear 不用幫客人量尺寸也照樣賣得掉 could make the sale without measuring customers' sizes. 對店員的經驗還有技術要求也比較低 Requirements for experience and sales skills were also relatively low. 客群呢也沒有年齡還有性別的限制 And the clientele was not limited by age or gender. 於是正哥開始把未來事業的目光 So Tadashi began to put his focus on the future, 投向了休閒服飾 the casual wear store. 正哥接手了以後開了幾家店 After Tadashi took over the business, he opened some new stores 也關了幾家店 and also closed some old ones, 不過啊一直沒有找到好的商業模型 but he'd never found a good business model. 增加的店鋪雖然營業額看起來增加了 The overall store income appeared to have increased, 不過相對的 but relatively, 採購成本還有管銷費用也會上升 the costs of purchasing and management also increased. 整體公司並不一定賺錢 The company, as a whole, wasn't necessarily making more profit. 正哥也知道在宇部這種地方城市 Tadashi knew that in a small city like Ube, 特別是在那個沒有網路的年代 especially back in the days when there was no internet, 訊息其實是比較封閉的 information was actually quite limited. 於是正哥除了買時尚雜誌來閱讀 So aside from buying fashion magazines, 每年都會固定到海外一次 Tadashi also had an annual overseas trip, 順便採購一些舶來品 purchased some goods on the way, 回來宇部賣 and sold them in Ube. 以今天的話來說算是跑單幫 In today's words, he was a purchasing agent. 在一次的海外旅行中 On an overseas trip, 正哥參觀了美國的「大學生協」 Tadashi visited the Association of American Universities, 也就是學生生活協會 also known as the Student Life Association. 我記得我當年在美國留學的時候 I remember when I was studying in America, 也常常在生協買東西 I also bought a lot of stuff from AAU, 各種學生需要的東西 all the stuff a student may need, 比方說像書本啊文具啊衣服啊背包啊 like books, stationery, clothes, backpacks, 還有各種各樣的生活用品 and all sorts of household goods, 清潔用品等等 cleaning supplies, etc. 完全是自助式的 It's complete self-service. 有需要的拿了去櫃台結帳就可以 Just take what you need to the counter and check out. 沒有看到想要的 If you couldn't find what you were looking for, 繞一繞逛一逛再繞出去 then just take another stroll, and walk out. 有點像是今天的大賣場 It's kind of like today's supermarket. 不需要店員跟著我們解說 We don't need a clerk following us around selling things. 當年的正哥就站在衣服的那一區 Tadashi stood in the area where the clothes were, 想著 and thought 如果可以這樣賣我們的衣服 if we could sell our clothes like this, 那一定很有趣 it must be fun. 就像逛書局 Like going to a bookstore 就像逛唱片行 or a record store, 如果客人沒有特殊的需求 if the customer has no special needs, 店員一般也不需要特別的接待 then there is no need for a special receptionist. 正哥在那裡看著美國的大學生 Tadashi stood there, watching the American students, 突然起心動念 and the idea hit him. 如果我們針對十幾歲的青少年 If we could open a huge clothing warehouse 開設一家 that targeted teenagers, 任何時候都可以選到衣服的巨大倉庫 where they could just walk in whenever they wanted. 讓顧客像買週刊雜誌一樣 It would be like buying a weekly magazine, 輕鬆的購買休閒服 but they'll buy clothes instead. 這個在當時日本非常獨一無二的創舉 At that time, this was a very unique and innovative model in Japan. 正哥就把這個概念 Tadashi named this concept and brand "Unique Clothing Warehouse". 跟品牌叫做「Unique Clothing Warehouse」 翻成中文就是「獨一無二的衣服倉庫」 In Chinese, it means the one and only clothes warehouse. Unique Clothing Warehouse's 1st store opened in 1984 1984年Unique Clothing Warehouse的1號店 開在附近的大城市 in a nearby big city, 廣島 Hiroshima. 讓顧客像逛書店買雜誌一樣 The customers could stroll around as if in a bookstore buying magazines, 輕鬆方便的購買物美價廉的休閒服 easily and conveniently purchase inexpensive casual wear. 廣島店開幕的當天 On the opening day of the Hiroshima Store, 客人多到需要限制來店人數 there were so many customers that they had to limit the number. 更吸引了當地電視台的採訪 It even attracted the attention of local TV station. 正哥在接受電視台採訪的時候說 In a television interview, Tadashi said, 實在對不起 I'm so sorry, 現在排隊的客人可能都進不了店 the people waiting in line now probably can't get into the store, 請大家千萬別再趕過來了 please don't come now. 不過這個1號店出乎意外的成功 But the 1st store's unexpected success 對正哥來說就像挖到金礦一樣 was like digging up a gold mine for Tadashi. 於是就用這個模式 So he used this model 快速的在西日本擴張 to rapidly expand in Western Japan. 後來顧客反映說 Later, customers said that 這個名字也太長太難記了吧 the name was way too long to remember, 正哥也覺得說 and Tadashi agreed that 客人記不起來的店名就不是好店名 a store name that customers can't remember is not a good name. 於是 So, 就取前面的幾個字母改成「UNICLO」 he took the initials of each word and changed the name to UNICLO. 這個名字 This name was used 一直到4年後 until 4 years later, 在香港和當地人合資 when he was doing business with Hong Kong people 成立商品採購公司 to found a commodity procurement company. 那時候辦公司登記的人 The person who registered the company at that time, mistook the C in "UNICLO" for a Q. 把UNICLO的C寫成Q 這件事傳回日本大家一看 This story got back to Japan, and everyone thought the visual effect UNIQLO 這個視覺效果反而更好 of "UNIQLO" was even better. 於是決定 So they decided 把所有的店鋪都改成這個名字 to change all store names to this. 這就是今天聞名世界的UNIQLO This is the UNIQLO known to the whole world today. 這個名字的起源竟然是個意外 The origin of the name is a total accident. 從開設第一家UNIQLO開始 From the opening of the 1st UNIQLO store, 正哥就堅持 Tadashi insisted on 打造一個讓顧客自由選擇的環境 creating an environment where customers could make their choices freely. 比方說店鋪裝潢的時候 For example, when decorating a store, 店內的主要通道必須筆直而且寬敞 the main aisle of the store must be straight and spacious. 對比當時的品牌專賣店 While other franchised stores at that time 狹小的通道往往行走不便 usually had narrow aisles that were difficult to pass. 再來就是 Then, 盡量不要做店面的天花板裝潢 it was to try not to decorate the store ceiling. 即使露出水泥的框架也沒有關係 It was even acceptable to leave the concrete exposed. 就是要讓店面的天花板看上去更高 It was all about making the store's ceiling look higher 更有空間感 and more spacious. 環境要乾淨整潔 The environment needed to be clean and tidy. 無論什麼時候 No matter what, 商品都要疊放的整整齊齊 the merchandise should be stacked neatly. 店員也不要老跟著顧客 And the staff didn't need to follow the customers around. 不過當顧客需要咨詢的時候 But when a customer needed advice, 一定要提供最熱情的服務 they must provide the most passionate one. 而商品方面 As for commodities, 不同於一般專賣店重視的時尚至上 unlike other boutiques, which emphasized fashion above everything else, UNIQLO強調的是服裝的基本功能 UNIQLO put its emphasis on the basic function of clothes, 好穿 comfort, 和其他的服裝容易搭配 and easy to match. 比起流行時尚的服裝 Compared to fashionable clothing, 日常生活中可以穿用的基本款 the customer favored 更受顧客的歡迎 basic daily wear more. 只要產品的品質夠好 As long as the quality of the product is good, 就會有非常大的需求量 the demand for it would not be small. 而且 Moreover, 不一定要全身的服裝都來自於UNIQLO not everything you wore needed to be from UNIQLO, 可以跟其他的品牌服裝 you could match it 自由的做很好的搭配 with other brands' clothing as you like. 目標市場是無年齡差異無性別差異 The target market is all ages and genders, 可以應對任何身份地位的顧客市場 as well as customers of all statuses. 不過要做到這一點 But to do that, 在不斷展店之後就會遇到一個痛點 there was one more problem that needed to be dealt with. 當店鋪的數量越來越多的時候 As the number of stores grew, 傳統上 traditionally, 在製衣商還有批發商採購進貨的模式 manufacturers and wholesalers just purchase the stock, 常常會遇到商品的短缺 then they had the risk of shortages of commodities. 而UNIQLO獨特的產品定位 And because of UNIQLO's unique product positioning, 更需要特別進貨 the stock they needed was special. 於是 So, UNIQLO在1987年開始投入商品的開發 UNIQLO started investing in developing products in 1987. 委託廠家生產加工並參與生產的管理 They consigned production to factories and joined in production management. 整體的事業從單純的零售採購模型 The overall business model went from retail-purchasing 轉型成向上整合的MD商品規劃零售業 to upward integration of MD commodity planning retail. 對於產品的方向 They had more control over products' 還有品質有更強的掌控力 direction and quality. 也因此開啓了UNIQLO的一代霸業 And this was the beginning of UNIQLO's dominance of time. 日本的關東和關西 Kantō and Kansai in Japan 自古以來有非常不同的文化 have always had very different cultures. 雖然UNIQLO在關西已經是霸者 Although UNIQLO was already the most dominant player in the Kansai region, 不過踏入關東的時刻卻屢屢碰壁 their attempt to move into Kantō region failed many times. 在關東人的眼裡 To Kantō people, UNIQLO就只是一個來自關西的廉價店 UNIQLO is just a low-end store from Kansai. 關東人總覺得廉價沒有好貨 Kantō people always thought good things were not cheap. 那時候有的顧客為了不讓人家知道 Back then, to hide the fact that 自己買的產品是從UNIQLO買來的 they bought their clothes from UNIQLO, 還會特別把UNIQLO的標籤剪掉 some customers would even cut out the UNIQLO label. 專門標榜低價格高品質的UNIQLO UNIQLO specialized in high-quality goods at low prices. 換做你是經營者 If you were the operator, 你會如何全面提升產品的認知度呢 what would you do to increase brand awareness? 為此 In order to do that, UNIQLO實施了購買3個月內無條件退貨 UNIQLO implemented unconditional returns within 3 months of purchase. 當時 Back then, 他們做了一支非常有震撼力的廣告 they made a very controversial commercial. 公司內部在試片的時候意見截然不同 The company's internal opinions were very different during the pilot. 絕大多數認為這個絕對不可以播 Most people thought it was a no-go, 不過最後正哥決定公開播放 but finally, Tadashi decided to air it. 就讓我們一起來看一下 Let's take a look 這一段珍貴的歷史影像 at this precious historical video. 就像剛剛大家看到的 Just like what you saw, 一個關西腔的大媽 it showed a Kansai-accented old woman, 跑到櫃檯前 who ran to the counter 一邊脫一邊把衣服放上櫃檯 and put her clothes on the counter while taking them off, 大聲的說 and shouted. 用中文來說就是小哥啊 In Chinese, it's like, little brother, 這穿起來像大媽一樣讓我換一下 this makes me look like an aged woman, I want to change it. 最後打出「UNIQLO無條件退貨」 And finally on the screen, it read, "UNIQLO Unconditional Returns". 這個標新立異的廣告 This innovative advertisement made UNIQLO's name, 讓UNIQLO一炮而紅 留下深刻的印象 and left a deep impression on people. 不過 However, 也招致婦女團體的抵制和軒然大波 it also got resistance from women's organizations and controversies. 後來 Later on, UNIQLO上了一支山崎將義的廣告 UNIQLO aired another commercial with Yamazaki Masayoshi as its star, 再度透過廣告把品牌推向新的層次 again, taking its brand recognition to the next level through advertising. 開頭寫著 In the beginning, it read, 音樂家 musician, 27歲 27 years old. 帥帥的山崎拿著一把吉他 Handsome Yamazaki was playing guitar. 用這樣的形式 This way, 平時沒辦法說的話變得可以說出來 I can say things I wouldn't normally say. 平常說不出口的話 And what I couldn't normally say, 用音樂的話就能夠說得出口的感覺 I can say it with music. 這個廣告裡 In this commercial, 帥帥的山崎將義帶著一點羞澀 handsome Yamazaki Masayoshi was wearing a nice UNIQLO sweater, 穿著好看的UNIQLO刷毛衣 with a little bit of shyness, 像是跟朋友聊天一樣 he said what was on his mind, line by line. 一句一句的說出他的心裡話 It's like talking to a friend. 雖然一句都沒有提 Not a word was about UNIQLO的產品如何如何 UNIQLO products, 但卻是無聲勝有聲 and yet, it was deafening. 搭配著東京原宿店的盛大開幕 In conjunction with the grand opening of the Harajuku store in Tokyo, 這一刻 at this moment, UNIQLO終於在日本全國站穩了腳跟 UNIQLO has finally gained a foothold in Japan. 如開頭說的 As I said at the beginning, 其實以正哥的話形容創業的歷程 actually, according to Tadashi, his process of starting the business 是一勝九敗 was one win, nine losses. UNIQLO不斷的在嘗試新的商業模型 UNIQLO was constantly experimenting with new business models. 正哥自己也說 Tadashi himself said, 重點在於嘗試 it's all about trying, 錯了也沒有關係 and it doesn't matter if you fail, 錯9次就有9次的經驗 you've got to learn from your mistakes. 正哥嘗試過切出專門做家庭的 Tadashi had tried to launch a family special, FAMIQLO, FAMIQLO, 還有專門做運動品項的SPOQLO and SPOQLO, which specialized in sports. 但是都以失敗收場 But they all ended in failure. 收購童裝規劃銷售的公司VM The VM, whose goal was purchasing kids' clothes and merchandise planning, 出資8個月連續虧損 ended up with continuous loss for 8 months after investment. 不得不關閉所有VM的店鋪實施清算 They had to close all VM stores for liquidation. 紐約設計的子公司 The New York design subsidiary company 3年後也因為效果不如預期 was also closed after three years 而決定收起來 since it didn't meet the expectation. 另外在第一次跨足海外在倫敦的展店 Furthermore, the first overseas exhibition in London 一開始也是失敗收場 also failed the first time. 不過正哥自己說 As Tadashi said, 我們的新事業大部分以失敗收場 that most of our ventures ended in failure, 不過許多事情你不去做 but most things, you can only figure them out 就不知道這是怎麼回事 if you try it first. 1991年 In 1991, Tadashi changed the name of his company to "FAST RETAILING", 正哥把公司改名為「FAST RETAILING」 就是要表明整體公司速斷速決的立場 to take a firm stand on the company's position on quick decisions. 他說凡事決勝在於速度 He said that speed is everything. 有點像是武俠小說裡的那一句 It's kind of like that line from a martial arts novel. 天下武功 In the world of kungfu, 唯快不破 speed defines the winner. 做錯了快速糾正就好 If you make a mistake, correct it quickly. 行動才是一切 Action is everything. 把顧客的需求轉化成商品需要快速 Turning customers' needs into products requires speed. 只有超乎尋常的快速決斷還有執行 Only with quicker-than-most decision-making and execution, 才能夠達成對一般人來說 can we achieve goals 不可思議的目標 unimaginable to most. 不管生產了多好的產品 No matter how good a product is, 關鍵還是要考慮如何快速的賣出去 the key is how fast you can sell it, 迅速的變成企業的利潤 and turn it into corporate profit. 不然產品設計的再好品質再好 Otherwise, no matter how good the design and quality of a product is, 都不是合格的經營 it's a failure. That's the meaning of the name, FAST RETAILING. 這也是FAST RETAILING社名的意義 最後我想要提一點 Lastly, I'd like to say, 也是正哥非常自豪的制度 a system that Tadashi is very proud of, 那就是「店長」 the store manager. UNIQLO is a retailer. UNIQLO是零售業 每天在第一線面對和服務顧客的 Every day, the ones that face and serve customers 正是這一家家的店鋪 are the stores. 在過去的組織架構裡 In the old organizational structure, there was supervisor above store manager, 店長上面是Supervisor主管 then block leader, 主管上面有Block Leader 區域經理 and then regional manager. The only way to get promoted to headquarters 到Block Leader的層級 才可能升到總部任職 was to get to block leader and above. 大家是不是也有聽過類似的升遷制度呢 Have you all heard of a similar promotion system? 不過正哥覺得這樣的制度是有問題的 But Tadashi thought there was something wrong with this system. 店鋪如果只聽主管 If the store only answers to the supervisor 只聽總部的全面照SOP來做 and headquarters, and follow every instruction in SOP, 遇到情況就希望寫入新的SOP they'd want to put every situation in SOP. 那這個SOP需要多麼鉅細靡遺 Then how detailed should this SOP be 才能夠包含所有遇到的狀況和答案呢 to have answers for every situation encountered? 這樣的想法不只不切實際 That's not only unrealistic 而且還很危險 but also dangerous. 久而久之 After a while, 員工遇到事情就是去看SOP the staff would just go to SOP whenever something was wrong. 這樣第一線的員工 That would cost 不只失去了 frontline worker's ability to 自主判斷事物和處理問題的能力 think independently and solve problems. 最可怕的就是變成什麼事情都等總部 The worst part is everything will be dependent on the headquarters, 變成只做好自己的份內事 and staff would only do what they're told to do. 只掃門前雪的僵固心態 The rigid mindset of only sweeping the snow in front of the door 也因為店鋪 also because the store 才是實際跟顧客互動的場所 is the actual place where you interact with customers. 換言之 In other words, 店長才是這個生意中真正的經營者 the store manager is the real operator in this business. 所以正哥扭轉了制度 That's why Tadashi revised the system. 店長應該是公司員工職務級別 Employee's ultimate goal in promotion and career 終極目標 should be store manager. 店長才是公司的主角 Store manager is the main character of the company. 一個能夠勝任所有工作的店長 A store manager who can do all the work 薪酬應該比總部的任何人都還要高 should have higher salary than anyone else in headquarters. 能夠成為店長 And becoming a store manager 也應該是所有員工職涯的最頂點 should be a highlight in employee's career. 在這個基礎上 Building on that, 店鋪只要遵守最基本的經營原則 the store only needs to obey the most basic principles of operation, 其他的一切都由店長來做裁決 everything else can be settled by store manager. 而店長的工作就是運用腦力 And the job of a store manager is to use his or her brain 創造店鋪的最大附加價值 to maximize the added value of the store. 而總部也好主管也好 And whether it's headquarters or the supervisor, 都是為了支持這個體制的一環 they are there to support that system. 換句話說 In other words, 店長不是總部執行事務的手腳 the store manager is not an executor of headquarters' order. 店長本身就是頭腦 The store manager calls all the shots. 經歷過日本的泡沫經濟 After Japan's bubble economy, UNIQLO並沒有停止成長 UNIQLO has not stopped growing. 反而逆勢成為世界前三大的服飾品牌 Instead, it's become the 3rd biggest clothing brand in the world. 根據《四季報》的資料 According to the Quarterly Reports, 世界最大的ZARA World's largest one is ZARA, 2021年的營業額約3.8兆日圓 turnover for 2021 was approximately 3.8 trillion yen. 第二名的H&M約2.8兆日圓 H&M, the second largest company, was approximately 2.8 trillion yen. And UNIQLO and GAP's turnover are both around 2.1 trillion yen. 而UNIQLO和GAP大概都是2.1兆日圓 正哥經營心法的核心就是快 The core of Tadashi's management system is speed. 在服飾業 Clothing industry is 這一個歷史悠久的產業領域裡 an industry with a long history, 投入讓消費者可以接受的新方法 he found new approaches and mechanism 和新機制 that are acceptable to consumers. And then created the magnificent FAST RETAINLING. 創造了巨大的FAST RETAINLING 在快的基礎上 On the fast basis, I think UNIQLO's success 我覺得UNIQLO的經驗 可以總結為三點摘要 can be summarized in three points. 第一 挑戰常識不怕失敗 First, challenge your common sense and don't be afraid to fail. 抓住時代的契機 Seize the opportunity of your time. 第二 重視廣告宣傳 Second, value advertising and publicity. 第三 Third, 推行店長和店鋪為核心的現場主義 the implementation of store manager and store-centered Genba-ism. 正哥常常掛在嘴邊的 As Tadashi always says, 我們不是時裝公司 we're not a fashion company, 我們是技術公司 we're a technology company. 憑借著堅定的信心 With faith, 運用巧妙的方法追求創新 he pursued innovation with ingenuity, 最終打造出一個概念 and created a new concept, 讓簡潔的產品成為世界的潮流 making simplicity the world's trend. 很多的常識 A lot of common sense 其實對客戶來說只是不便 is just a meaningless inconvenience 毫無意義 for customers. 所以不斷的挑戰常識 So always challenge common sense. 不怕失敗 Don't be afraid to fail. 不斷挑戰 Never stop trying. 因為成功是失敗的積累 Because success is the accumulation of failure, 錯9次就有9次的經驗 just learn from your failures. 今天故事的主角柳井正 The main character of today's story, 正哥 Tadashi Yanai, 他曾經遊手好閒 used to be a loafer, 在超市沒辦法做超過10個月 who can't even hold a job at a supermarket for over 10 months. 接手父親的服飾店 He took over his father's clothing store, 在兩年內 and within two years, 6個老店員辭到剩下一個 only 1 out of 6 clerks remained. 但他卻創立了世界級的服飾巨頭 But he created a world-class clothing giant, 也改變了人們對於衣著的想法 and changed the way people think about clothes. 大家覺得正哥和UNIQLO的故事 What are the things you find most inspiring 哪些部分最有啓發呢 in the story of Tadashi and UNIQLO? 歡迎大家在下方留言 分享 討論 Feel free to leave a comment below and share! 如果覺得這集做得還不錯 If you think this episode is good, 也請幫我們按讚 please like us 分享給更多的人 and share with others. 讓我們用知識的力量 Let's use the power of knowledge 改變台灣 to change Taiwan.
Channel: Ben桑日本漫談
Views: 78,949
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Keywords: 柳井正, Ben桑
Id: 3v4duYFNFV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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