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Living in Japan for almost ten years, 在日本待了將近10年 I studied, worked and got my house. 讀書工作也買過房子 After I came back to Taiwan, 我發現回來台灣以後 I found the most frequent question I was asked, 在飯桌上最常被問到的問題 apart from traveling tips, 除了關於日本旅遊的建議 was my experience of buying a house in Japan. 就是在日本買房的經驗 Whether living in the house or deeming it an investment, 可以想像無論是自住還是投資 it's the greatest expenditure for most people 買房畢竟是絕大多數的人 in their lives, after all. 一生最大的一筆支出 In conversations with my friends, 和朋友對話中 I also noticed the differences 我也發現在日本買房跟在台灣買房 between buying a house in Japan and Taiwan. 還是有蠻多不一樣的地方 That's why I want to make a video 所以我就想做一集 based on my real experience in Tokyo, 以我在東京實際買房的經驗 giving you a clue about 整理一下 five things you must know about Japanese real estate. 5件關於日本不動產一定要知道的事 Whether you are interested in investing in estates, 無論是真的有興趣想要投資 planning to buy a villa or 還是想要買一個當做別莊 a place for your retirement 還是退休宅 or simply adding some knowledge 還是單純只是想要多補充點知識 about Japan, 多瞭解一下日本 this video 都非常推薦 is highly recommended. 今天這集 Welcome to Ben's Japanese Talks. 歡迎來到「Ben桑日本慢談」 Let's know 讓我們一起 more about this country. 品味日本 The first question is the most common one. 開頭就來一個最常被問到的問題 Can foreigners buy houses in Japan? 外國人也能在日本買房嗎? The answer is 速問速答 Yes! 可以! With my experience of living in Japan for nearly ten years, 以我在日本住了將近10年的經驗 I can tell you that 我可以很誠實的說 Japan has a legal system 日本是一個在法律制度上 that treats foreigners equally. 對外國人非常平等的國家 For instance, I worked so many years in Japan 比方說我在日本工作了這麼多年 but was not required to pay extra tax 也沒有因為我是外國人的身份 for being a foreigner. 就要多繳稅 It's the same case when it comes to real estate. 不動產也是一樣 Japan is different from many countries 不像很多國家會限制只有國民 that only allow natives or those with permanent residency, 或是持有永住權 the foreigners with permanent residency, 就是永久居住權的外國人 to buy houses or land. 才能夠買房或是買土地 In Japan, 在日本 foreigners can purchase buildings, 外國人的身份是可以購買土地建物 in other words, constructions. 就是建築物的 In these aspects, 這些和日本國籍的日本人 foreigners are the same as Japanese. 並沒有什麼不同 Of course, buildings have no expiration on proprietorship. 當然土地建物並沒有所有權的期限 They can be sold, given or inherited as you wish. 也可以自由的買賣贈與和繼承 There is no difference in the tax system 外國人的身份 between foreigners 和日本人的身份 and Japanese. 也沒有稅金稅制上的區別 But here is an addictive question. 不過這裡有一個追加的問題 Many people ask me 常常有朋友問我說 if they can live in Japan for a long time 那我買了房子以後 after buying a house. 就可以長期居住在日本嗎 The answer is that 答案是 buying a house is one thing. 買房子是買房子 Having an employment visa 和工作簽證或是居留簽證 or a residence visa is another. 是不一樣的事情 The residence visa is not attached 並不會 to the house you buy. 因為買了房子就附帶贈送了居留簽證 As for the residence visa, 居留簽證的部分 there is another way to turn to. 還是要尋求其他的途徑 Apart from the employment visa, 除了「就労ビザ」 also known as the work visa, 就是工作簽證以外 or the management visa, 經營管理簽證 the so-called investor visa 俗稱的「投資移民簽證」 is a common approach to acquire the right of residence in Japan. 也是常聽到的取得日本居留的方法 However, the condition is 門檻啊 an investment of over 5 million yen in Japan. 是在日本經營投資500萬日幣以上 This video is being a bit discursive. 不過這有點扯太遠了 Let's focus on the real estate. 我們還是先回到不動產 It's also a common question. 再來這題也是常被問到的問題 That is, 那就是 are the houses in Tokyo expensive? 東京的房子貴嗎? Honestly speaking, it's a hard question. 老實說這題真的很難回答 The point is that 難就難在 it's like you ask Taiwanese people 這就好比問台灣人 if the houses in northern Taiwan are in high price. 在北台灣買房子貴嗎 The range is too broad. 這個北台灣涵蓋的範圍實在太大了 As we all know, 我們都知道 the most important three things for real estate are 不動產最重要的就是三件事 location, location and location. location location location It's called ritchi in Japanese, 這個在日文叫做「立地」 which means district in Chinese. 就是中文說的地段 With my experience of living in Tokyo for nearly ten years, 以我在東京住了將近10年的經驗 I have to say that Tokyo is too large. 我必須說東京都實在太大了 The 23 wards in Tokyo 比較接近大家概念中的東京 come close to people's common image of Tokyo. 應該算是東京23區 But the 23 Wards covers 627 square kilometers. 但光是23區也有627平方公里 Almost three times as big as Taipei City. 大概是台北市的將近3倍大 People in Tokyo often ask where you live. 所以東京人常會問你住在哪裡 It's because the place you live 而住在哪裡這件事 gives a lot of information. 本身就透露了許多資訊 Every station in Tokyo has its characteristic. 東京的每個車站都有每個車站的風貌 The place you live 住在哪裡這件事 actually shows your life circle, 其實默默的就展露了這個人的生活圈 the social air and living habits you like 喜歡的社會氛圍生活習慣 and even your views on things. 甚至是對事情的想法 More importantly, 更重要的是 your social and economic status are also revealed. 也隱藏著每個人的潛在社經地位 For example, in the 23 Wards, 比方說東京23區裡 the essential part to the Tokyo people 更精華的就是東京人認為的東京核心 is the Yamanote Line 就是將近140年歷史 with a history of about 140 years. 著名的「山手線」 The Yamanote Line connects all the finest stations. 山手線連接的都是響噹噹最精華的車站 I can name some you often heard of. 隨便講幾個大家常聽到的 Akihabar, Ueno, Tokyo, 包括秋葉原 上野 東京 Shinagawa, Meguro, 品川 目黑 Shibuya, Ebisu, Yoyogi, Harajuku, Shinjuku and Ikebukuro. 澀谷 惠比壽 代代木 原宿 新宿 池袋 So, when you choose a location, 所以在找立地的時候 note the inner part of the Yamanote Line. 有個名詞叫做「山手線內側」 It is the most brilliant place in Tokyo. 就是東京最人文薈萃的地方 It's also the most convenient place 不管是商業活動工作就學還是娛樂 for commerce, work, school and entertainment. 都是最方便的地點 But the inner part of the Yamanote Line 而山手線內側的面積 only covers 2.9 percent of the whole area of Tokyo Metropolis. 只佔整個東京都的2.9% The scarcity of assets 資產的稀少性 makes this place a high-end district. 更讓山手線的內側顯得高級 And there are some top-end areas among the rest. 既然有高級那就有更高級 The upmost residential circle 在東京人的心中真正尊絕不凡 in Tokyo 超超超高級的居住地 is the 3A and R areas. 就是「3A+R」地區 3A refers to Azabu, Aoyama and Akasaka. 3A就是麻布 青山跟赤坂 In 2003, 而2003年 when the well-known Roppongi Hills was finished, 著名的六本木之丘(Roppongi Hills)落成之後 Roppongi got on the top-end list. 六本木也加入了這個最核心的區域 If it's the first time you hear of Roppongi Hills, 第一次聽到六本木之丘的朋友 you can compare it 可以把六本木之丘 with Taipei 101, 理解為日本的台北101 a well-known landmark. 大家都知道的關鍵地標 As you can see in this map, 大家可以看到這張地圖 the green circle is the Yamanote Line. 綠色的這圈就是山手線 And the red part 那紅色的板塊 is the 3A and R areas. 3A+R It's no doubt that they are at the key point. 穩妥妥的在山手線內最精華的地方 The red parts 紅色板塊的延伸 reaches the pink parts, 包括淺紅色的廣尾(口誤) including Hiroo, Jingumae and 神宮前 Shirokane. 白金 These are all key areas. 這些都是最最精華的地段 Jingumae refers to Meiji Shrine, 神宮指的就是明治神宮 and it also includes the popular Omotesandou. 也包含大家常去的表參道 Omotesandou can be viewed in two parts. 話說這個「表」 The first half means the front, 指的就是正面 and the last half is the road to the shrine. 「參道」指的就是通往神社的道路 Therefore, Omotesandou actually means 所以表參道 the front road 其實指的就是通往明治神宮 to Meiji Shrine. 正面的那條路 By the way, 附帶一提 the house I bought in 2021 was in Omotesandou. 我在2021年買下的房子就是在表參道 I sold it, though. 不過後來我賣掉了 So I'm just sharing my experience. 所以只是單純的經驗分享 It's not mine now. 現在也不是我的 Now I will share the prices when I bought the house 以下我就把當初的各種價格 with you guys without reservation. 原原本本的跟大家分享 Taking my former houses for example, 讓我用當初買的房子當做實際案例 I will help you understand the keywords 跟大家一次搞懂日本不動產的 of Japanese estate. 關鍵字吧 I bought the condo of a shinchiku mansion, 那時候我買的是一個「新築マンション」 namely a new mansion. 就是新落成的大廈 The building was called Atlas Omotesando. 建築物的名稱叫做「アトラス表参道」 It takes about 7 minutes to walk to Omote-Sando Station 走到表參道車站大概7分鐘 and 8 minutes to Shibuya Station. 走到澀谷站大概8分鐘 It's a 14-story condominium apartment. 這棟大廈一共有14樓 The one I bought is Room 604. 當初我買下的是604號房 The type of the room is 2LDK. 房型是2LDK It has an area of 55.59 square meters. 面積是56.59平方公尺 I will give you more details. 好 這裡我們展開講 There are two main types of houses in Japan: mansion and ikkodate. 日本的房子主要分成「マンション」和「一戸建て」 Compared to the mansion, 相對於マンション the ikkodate, 一戸建て also pronounced as yihujian in Chinese, 華語圈常唸成一戶建 refers to a single house. 指的就是獨棟的房屋 Like the house Crayon Shin-chan lives. 像蠟筆小新他家就是一戶建 Having an ikkodate 擁有自己的一戶建 means you have a little yard, 有個小庭園 a piece of land and a house. 有自己的土地和房子 This was truly a dream for many Japanese people. 這在過去的日本的確是許多人的夢想 But now, the new mansions are at higher prices 不過現在新築マンション反而價錢更高 and more popular. 也更受歡迎 As you can see, this table shows 以現在畫面上顯示的這個首都圈 the average house prices in Tokyo. 也就是東京都生活圈的平均價格 It is clear that 很明顯的看得到 Shinchiku mansions have an average size of 61 square meters. 新築マンション的平均面積是61平方公尺 But they have the highest average price, 但平均價格是最高的 which is 60.55 million yen. 來到6,055萬日圓 Shinchiku ikkodates come after. 其次才是新築一戶建 The average size is 99 square meters. 平均面積是99平方公尺 But the price is less than 40 million yen. 但平均價格卻不到4,000萬日圓 Till now, 看到這裡 you may have a problem. 華語圈的觀眾應該覺得很奇怪 Why is a house with land 怎麼一戶建有房子有土地 rather at a lower price? 反而價格還比較便宜呢 It's quite simple. 其實這道理很簡單 Back to what we talked about at the beginning. 回到我們一開始說的 The most important thing for real estate is location. 不動產最重要的就是地點 Generally speaking, 一般來說好的地點 the best location 精華地 一等地 close to a station on foot 離車站徒步很近的地段 is always for mansions. 都會蓋成マンション It also maximizes the profit for developers. 對建商來說也是資產價值的最大化 However, 相對而言 the ikkodate is built in relatively remote places, 一戶建都是在稍微偏遠的地方 giving up the convenience of transportation 妥協對交通的便利性 for more living space. 換取更大的生活空間 The mansion has stable management and regular repairment, 當然マンション還有固定的管理和修繕 located in better areas. 加上地點好 Therefore, the mansion maintains value for a long time. 長期來說比較保值 The value of an ikkodate is constantly lowering 一戶建的資產價值 in most cases. 在大多數的情況下都是不斷的下滑 It is troublesome 特別是在日本 to take out the trash in Japan. 真的非常麻煩的倒垃圾 And the repairment and maintenance of the building 還有建築物的修繕和維護 need you to work on your own. 都必須親力親為 For some old buildings, 甚至比較老的一戶建 the buyer would ask the seller 下一任買家在要買時 to remove buildings from the land 還會要求賣家先把土地上的 when they buy the house. 建物清除乾淨 In other words, 換句話說 the buildings of an ikkodate are worth nothing. 一戶建的建物根本不值錢 The only thing of value is the land. 只對土地有興趣 As for safety, 而安全面上 Japan is a very safe country, 雖然日本是非常安全的國家 but the statistics also show that 不過統計數據也顯示 theft cases happen four times more frequently 一戶建發生竊盜的比例 in ikkodates than in mansions. 是マンション的4倍以上 Based on a variety of factors, 綜觀各種層面 more young people prefer mansions 現在日本年輕人傾向マンション的比例上 in Japan. 是比較高的 So when I mentioned 2LDK, 那前面提到當時我買2LDK what did it mean? 這是什麼意思呢 It's a Japanese expression. 這是日本常用的說法 The first number indicates how many rooms it has. 開頭的數字指的是房間數 For example, 2 indicates there are two rooms in the house. 比方說2表示有兩間房間 L is for living room. L指的就是living room客廳 D is for dining room. D是dining room餐廳 K is for kitchen. K就是kitchen廚房 Let's draw a parallel. 那我們舉一反三 For instance, 比方說 The condo I rented for two years in Ebisu 我之前在惠比壽租了兩年多的マンション was a 2DK. 房型是2DK Guess what it means. 大家猜猜看是什麼意思呢 Exactly, here is the type of my house. 沒錯 這個平面圖就是當初我的房型 You can see two rooms, 可以看到有兩間房間 a dining hall and a kitchen. 有餐廳有廚房 But there is no living room. 但是沒有客廳 Back then, I used the lower room 當時我就把下面這間房間 as a living room. 當做客廳來使用 After getting basic knowledge, 有了這些知識基礎後 we can talk about the prices in my case. 可以聊聊當初購買的價格 The Room 604 I bought 當初我買下的是604號房 is a 2LDK. 房型是2LDK 56.59 square meters 面積是56.59平方公尺 for 97.98 million yen. 價格是9,798萬日圓 Don't hurry to calculate. 大家先別急著換算 There's a big difference compared with the house in Taiwan. 因為這裡有一點跟台灣非常不一樣 In Japan, Houses are measured by actual square footage, 日本的房子算的是實際面積 namely the inner part of the room, 也就是屋內 which belongs to the owner. 實際專門屬於這個住戶的面積 Even though my house in Omotesandou 即使是當初表參道這個房子 had a pretty big balcony, 帶著還算蠻大的陽台 the balcony is not included 也不包含在 in the 56.69 square meters. 56.59平方公尺的面積計算裡面 Public areas like rain shelters 當然公設 雨遮之類的 are, of course, not included. 就更不可能包含在這個面積裡 Well, 所以雖然這個房子 though this house is only a bit over 50 square meters, 換算起來只有17坪多一點 it's exactly what you own. 但是這是實坪 Then you know what I mean. 這樣應該比較容易理解 This mansion is 考慮到這個房子在東京 in the best place in Tokyo, 最最精華的地段 and it was brand new. 還是個新建案 I was the first buyer. 我是第一手的買家 Moreover, the fitment was complete. 而且基本上新築都包含著完整的裝潢 Considering all these factors, 這樣算起來 it should be cheaper than that in Taipei. 應該是比台北還要便宜的很多 Of course, there are taxes and fees. 當然各種稅金還有手續費 The total is nearly 100 million yen. 加一加總共將近1億日圓 How can I pay such a huge amount 這麼大的一筆錢 using your deposit at once? 怎麼可能用存款一次付清呢 I applied for a housing loan from Mizuho Bank, 那時候我向日本三大銀行 one of the three largest banks in Japan. MIZUHO瑞穗銀行申請了貸款 The loan can be up to 8 times your yearly income. 一般來說貸款可以貸到年收入的8倍 This building was newly constructed, 加上這次的物件是新建案 so that I can apply for a full loan. 所以我可以申請全款100%的貸款 Another important reason I recommend a full loan is that 另外一個推薦全款貸款的重要理由 the loan rate in Japan is awesome. 就是日本的利率真的太好了 I lived in the house on my own, 因為這間是我自住的房子 which meets the requirements of the policy Flat 35. 所以日本有一個政策叫做「Flat 35」 It's to say I have 35 years to pay the debt. 就是35年的還款週期 And the loan rate I got was 0.45%. 當初我拿到的利率是0.45% It was so attractive. 這利率真的太吸引人了 So finally, 所以算下來 my monthly debt was 252,278 yen. 我每個月還款金額是252,278日圓 By the way, 不過講到這裡 there is another important fee 還有一個重要 that foreigners often ignore. 但是外國人常常忽略的費用 When you come to Japan, 大家到日本玩的時候 you must be impressed by the gorgeous environment 是不是對日本美麗舒適的環境 and the clean buildings, right? 乾乾淨淨的大樓印象非常深刻呢 Many people told me that 很多人常常告訴我 Japan is full of beauty. 總覺得在日本怎麼拍都好看 And I like neat and clean surroundings, too. 我自己也喜歡乾乾淨淨的環境 But it also costs. 不過當然這些美好都有成本的 Take my house in Omotesandou as an example. 比方說當初表參道的這個房子 I was charged a mansion management fee 每個月還需要繳マンション的管理費 of 19480 yen per month 19,480日圓 and a repairment fee 還有修繕積立金 of 7630 yen per month. 每個月是7,630日圓 The repairment fee was accumulated 修繕積立金是每個月大家都繳一點 little by little monthly. 慢慢累積的修繕基金 In Japan, 在日本是這樣的 apart from common repairments 除了一般的修繕 and cleaning outer walls, 每個月都會有人來清潔外牆之外 the buildings will be repaired on a large scale 建築物大概每10-15年 every 10 to 15 years. 都需要做大規模的修繕 When I just arrived in Japan, 我剛到日本的時候 I had no idea how large the scale could be 也不太知道這樣的大規模修繕 in such a repairment 會大到什麼程度 until the mansion in Shinjuku 直到之前住在新宿御苑附近的マンション met one after I lived there for two years. 住了2年剛好遇到大規模修繕 The whole building was wrapped outside. 它是整棟建築物從外面整個包起來 I couldn't see anything in my room. 在家裡可說是不見天日 All the tiles were removed and redid. 那時候所有外面貼的瓷磚都打掉重貼 It also included roof waterproofing, painting, drain-pipe cleaning, 包括屋頂防水 塗裝 排水管清洗 and the repairment of the balcony, stairs, and public areas. 陽台 樓梯 共用部的修繕 Even the concealed part 甚至看不到的 like mechanical equipment, 比方說像機械設備 elevators and sewers 電梯 水道和下水道等 were all repaired. 都一併修繕 It looked brand new after the repairment. 修繕完真的看起來像新的一樣 This is one thing I'm missing 這也是我回到台北 after I come back to Taipei. 老實說很不習慣的地方 Why do so many houses charge NT$ 30 to 40 怎麼很多房子一戶要三四千萬台幣 but look dirty and broken? 但外表看起來真的髒髒破破的 The outer walls are full of dust. 外壁藏污納垢 The public hallways are dim. 共用的走廊昏暗陰森 The bulbs are old. 連電燈都沒有換 I can't see what makes it worth NT$ 30 to 40. 真的看不出來有三四千萬台幣的價值 Considering such a high price, 或者說如果是這麼高的價值的話 is it possible to spend a little more resources 是不是也可以在管理維護上多投注 on management 一點心思 and maintenance? 和資源呢 Maybe this is one thing we can learn from Japan. 或許這是我們可以向日本學習的地方 At last, I want to add some fun facts. 最後我想要補充一些豆知識 Just some tips for looking at houses in Japan. 就是在日本看屋的小撇步 I have checked 30 to 40 houses 畢竟我當年自己也看了 after all. 30-40間的中古物件 The Japanese people focus on details while choosing houses. 日本人看房會看很多小地方 For instance, 比方說 the accumulation of repairment fees 大規模修繕基金的累積狀況 greatly impacts the house's value. 這是會嚴重影響到資產價值的 Furthermore, the public areas 還有比方說像看共用部 like the hallway. 像是走廊 Generally, it's not allowed to place private objects 共用部一般來說是不能放私人物品 like shoes or umbrellas. 像鞋櫃啊雨傘 These things should be placed in your own house. 都應該收進去到自己的房子裡 If the public area is stacked with shoe cabinets or bicycles, 如果共用部堆著鞋櫃 腳踏車之類的 many Japanese people won't consider it right away. 很多日本人在購買時就會先打退堂鼓 The reason is that 理由是 it means ineffective management, 這樣代表這些房子的管理組合沒有在作為 or they cannot do that. 或是無法作為 It could lead to a lot of trouble in the neighborhood. 日後可能會有很多同棟鄰居的糾紛 What's more, 另外 the notice board is also a must-check. 佈告欄也是日本人必看的地方 From the content on the board, 從裡面張貼的內容 you can tell the quality of the mansion. 也可以反映出這個マンション的素質 Although a good mansion is expensive, 所以好的マンション雖然貴 first, it's located in a great area. 但是第一 地段好 Second, corners are well maintained, 第二 這些小地方都會維護得不錯 which keeps its value for a long time. 所以長期來說是相對保值的 Furthermore, the renewal of Tokyo city is well planned, 另外因為東京都更做得特別好 and there are new buildings everywhere. 所以到處都有新築マンション Some old buildings, 一些建物年齡比較大的物件 due to their ages, 物件的年份就會很大的壓縮 have a much lower value. 資產的價值 Speaking of which, 說到這裡 my friends often ask me 常常有朋友 if some cheap houses they found 拿一些表面看起來很便宜的 are good for money. 東京物件問我這可不可以買 I would suggest 我就會建議 they pay more attention to the details I mentioned. 可以多觀察剛剛說的細節 Maybe 或許 as Taiwanese people, we don't care about these details. 作為台灣人我們可能不在意這些細節 But what about your next buyer? 不過你的下一個買家可能會在意啊 It's a lot of money for real estate, after all. 畢竟不動產的總額這麼大 Before you buy it, 在還沒買之前 consider you may quit 最好先設想到 one day. 有一天需要退場賣出的時候 Put yourself in your buyer's shoes 從下一家買家的想法出發 and evaluate the house backward. 反過來思考評估物件 This is my best advice. 這是我最衷心的建議 Before I decided to buy my house in Omotesandou, 當初決定購買「アトラス表参道」物件前 I considered a lot of houses. 也看過好多其他的物件 Real estate is all about patience and comparison. 其實不動產就是多看多聽多比較 Learn it yourself, 加上自己做的功課 and you will get much experience. 就會學習到很多的經驗 I sold my house 後來因為工作要回台灣 because I had to return to Taiwan for work. 所以把這個物件賣掉 That's why 所以今天 I have so many real numbers to share. 我們才可以拿這麼多真實的數字來說 There is much more to talk about real estate in Japan. 日本不動產整體還有很多可以聊的 Tokyo is, of course, 東京當然是永遠不變 an ever-attractive investment destination. 充滿魅力的投資標的 But the houses in some smaller cities like Fukuoka 不過其實許多地方型都市比方說福岡 are more cost-effective. 整體的性價比更高 They have great potential for development 也深具發展的潛力 and are now the focus of 是現在日本人和外國投資者 Japanese and foreign investors. 非常注目的標的之一 If this video gets great feedback, 如果這集大家的反饋還不錯 I'll share more about that. 之後也希望可以多分享一些這樣的題材 Please share your opinions in the comments below. 歡迎大家在下方留言 分享 討論 If you like this video, 如果覺得這集做得還不錯 please like and share it with more people. 也請幫我們按讚 分享給更多的人 Let us change Taiwan 讓我們用知識的力量 with the power of knowledge. 改變台灣
Channel: Ben桑日本漫談
Views: 535,620
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Keywords: Ben桑
Id: 9BygOK-u3so
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Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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