雙11特惠 比AirPods 還小的 M.2 SSD外接盒 ShargeDisk! 開箱實測介紹!
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Channel: Wilson說給你聽
Views: 3,327
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Keywords: sharge disk, m.2硬碟外接盒, 硬碟外接盒, m.2 ssd, rog strix arion, ssd 外接盒, charge disk, sharge disk review, sharge disk ssd, m.2 ssd 外接盒, m.2 2280, 2230, m.2 2230, m.2 2230 ssd, m.2 nvme, steam deck 2, steam deck oled, 硬碟外接盒 type c, 隨身碟, 隨身硬碟
Id: YDR36kQGiSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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