这个方法太简单了!一碗普通面粉一杯水,几分钟做出香喷喷的生煎饼!A Bowl of Flour and Water, Make Delicious ▏佳宝妈美食

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Channel: 佳宝妈美食GaBaoMom Cuisine
Views: 2,425,045
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Keywords: 煎饼, 生煎, 薄饼, 葱油饼, 葱花饼, 死面饼, 千层饼, 烙饼, 煎餅, 薄餅, 蔥油餅, 蔥花餅, 死面餅, 千層餅, 烙餅, homemade pancake, 佳宝妈美食, 佳寶媽美食, Gabaomom cuisine, 面包, 紫薯面包, 免揉面包, 普通面粉, 松软好吃, 制作简单, 免揉膜, Bread, Purple Sweet Potato Bread, Fluffy, Simple, Healthy, No Machine, No kneading, 麵包, 紫薯麵包, 免揉麵包, 普通麵粉, 鬆軟好吃, 製作簡單, 佳寶媽日誌, 家庭美食, homemade food, homecooking, recipe, 美食教程, 家常菜, 廣東煲湯, 麵食, 傳統麵食做法, 饺子 包子 酸辣粉, 酸辣粉, 肉夹馍, 陕西特色小吃, 中国各地名小吃, 国内各地名小吃, 米饭炒菜, 炒菜系列, 煲汤, 煲湯, 水果, 蛋糕, cake, bread, 烤面包, 蒸面包
Id: 7HgKf1aJnUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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