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Suppose the rent is 110,000 yen a month. 如果一個月房租要11萬日幣 Today, the landlord shows you a similar apartment 今天房總拿著一個相似的物件 and says the monthly mortgage payment is only 100,000 yen. 說每個月的房貸只要繳10萬日幣 Take a guess. 大家猜猜看 Will Japanese people continue to rent an apartment 日本人會選擇繼續租房 or will they consider buying one? 還是會考慮買房呢 Over ten years of hard work, 打拚10年 the most rewarding thing 最有成就感的事 is to help the landlord pay off the rest of the mortgage. 就是幫房東繳完剩下的房貸 I'm sure anyone who has rented an apartment before 這句話想必有租過房子的朋友們看到 will smile after hearing this. 都會心一笑 But after I spent some time in Japan, 不過我住過日本才知道 I realized that many of my Japanese friends 原來我很多的日本人朋友 would rather pay 110,000 yen a month in rent 寧願一個月繳11萬日幣的房租 than pay 100,000 yen a month in mortgage payment. 也不考慮付一個月10萬的房貸 How's that possible? 這哪有可能 Do Japanese people love to work for their landlords? 難道日本人特別愛幫房東打工嗎 Don't Japanese people want to have their own homes? 難道日本人不嚮往有自己的小窩嗎 The Japanese and the Taiwanese think differently. 日本人想的跟台灣人想的 Is it because of people's mindset 究竟是想法不一樣 or social system? 還是體制不一樣呢 First, 首先 let's see if you need to rent an apartment in Japan, 我們來看看在日本租11萬日幣的房子 what kind of costs you need to face. 會需要有什麼費用 I'm sure you've heard about it. 相信朋友們多少有耳聞 In Japan, other than Shikikin, which is like a deposit, 日本除了有類似押金的「敷金」 there's also reikin, key money, 還有「礼金」 which is to thank the landlord for renting us the apartment. 就是感謝房東把房子租給我們 Even many Japanese people 這個禮金的制度 find this rule of key money strange. 連許多日本人都覺得很奇怪 I won't go into the details here. 這裡就不深入去講 There's also the commission for the real estate agent. 另外還有要給仲介的「紹介料」 Almost all rentals in Japan are done through agents. 日本租房子幾乎都是透過仲介 I've never met a landlord in my ten years in Japan. 我在日本10年從來就沒有見過房東 It's not like renting an apartment in Taipei, 也不會像在台北看房子 which is like an interview with the landlord. 搞得像是跟房東面試一樣 If there's a problem with the apartment, such as repairs, 房子有問題包括修繕、 renewal of lease and neighborhood, you can just contact the agent. 續約、近鄰問題都是聯繫房仲處理 Anyway, to calculate the initial cost, 總之為了計算初期費用 let's include two months' deposits, 我們先抓兩個月的敷金 one month's key money, 一個月的礼金 and one month's commission for the agent. 還有一個月的紹介料 There's also the rent, 「家賃」就是房租 110,000 yen. 是11萬日幣 So for the first month, you need to pay... 2+1+1+1. 所以加上第一個月的房租2+1+1+1 That's 550,000 yen right off the bat. 一開始就噴掉55萬 That's why after I moved out of the university dormitory 這也是我在日本搬出慶應的宿舍 and started working for the first month, 剛開始工作的第一個月 my account almost had a zero balance. 戶頭差點歸零的原因 It should also be noted that there's a management fee for the building. 再來還要注意的是租大樓還有管理費 A conservative estimate would be 10,000 yen a month. 保守點估計一個月也要1萬日幣 The tenancy term for an apartment is about two years. 而租房子的契約大概也是兩年 Renewal of the contract will incur new costs. 續簽契約會有更新費用的發生 It's also about one month's rent. 大概也是一個月的房租 So the cost of renting an apartment 所以租房子的費用 is as shown on the screen. 如現在螢幕上顯示的 Deposit, key money, 押金、禮金 commission for the agent, rent, management fee, and renewal fee. 仲介費、房租、管理費、更新費用 If we draw a diagram, 如果用圖來表示 the rent accumulated over 40 years will look like this. 40年累積的租金會長這樣 The total amount is 60.24 million yen. 共計6,024萬日幣 The apartment is rented. 房子是租來的 So is your life. 生活也是 When I rented an apartment, I always felt uneasy. 我租房子的時候也總覺得不踏實 It's like I might have to 好像這樣的生活 give this kind of life back to the landlord at any time. 隨時可能要還給房東一樣 Buying an apartment is something many people look forward to. 買房是許多人的殷切期盼 According to the conditions at the beginning, 照一開頭的條件 we managed to find an apartment 我們好不容易找到了一個每個月 with a monthly repayment of 100,000 yen. 還款10萬日幣的物件 It costs 36.2 million yen. 3,620萬的房子 The down payment is 3 million yen. 自備款300萬日幣 The handling fees amount to 7% of the total price of the apartment, 各種手續費抓房價總價的7% which is about 2.53 million yen. 大概就是253萬日幣 So the initial cost is 3 million yen plus 2.53 million yen. 所以初始費用是300萬加253萬 That's 5.53 million yen. 一共是553萬日幣 Deduct the down payment 房價扣掉自備款 and the remaining 33.2 million is the total loan amount. 剩下的3,320萬是貸款總額 Repayment is spread over 35 years. 分成35年償還 To make the future interest predictable, 讓未來的利息可以預期化 let's calculate it at a fixed interest rate of 1.4%. 用固定利率的1.4%計算 The fixed monthly repayment is 100,000 yen. 每個月固定還款10萬日幣 Of course, there is also a monthly management fee, 當然還有每個月要繳納的管理費、 repair and maintenance fee. 修繕積立金 There's an extra 20,000 yen a month. 一個月額外會有2萬日幣 After the calculation, 這樣把帳算完以後 the cost of buying an apartment versus the cost of renting an apartment 得到的累積買房成本對比租房成本 is like the graph on the screen. 就會像螢幕上的圖 We can see 可以看到 the cost of buying an apartment obviously slows down after 購屋成本在35年還完貸款之後 paying off the mortgage over 35 years. 很明顯的趨緩 And in the 39th year, there's a golden cross. 然後在購屋的第39年出現黃金交叉 The total cost of renting an apartment begins to exceed that of buying one. 租房的總成本開始高過買房 That's probably the general picture in everyone's mind. 這大概是大家心中一般的想像 That graph on the screen just now 剛剛螢幕上那個圖 is almost right in Taiwan, 在台灣差不多是對了 but in Japan, there's a big part missing. 但在日本還少算了一條大條的 Can you guess what it is? 大家猜猜看是什麼呢 Right. 沒錯 That's the fixed asset tax, 就是固定資產稅 tax on land and buildings. 土地和建物的稅 This is also a common trap for Taiwanese 這也是台灣人在日本投資房地產 investing in real estate in Japan. 常常踩的地雷 It's different from Taiwan, 跟台灣不成比例 where the housing tax 極低的房屋稅 and land value tax is extremely low. 跟地價稅非常不一樣的是 If you don't take into account the fixed asset tax in Japan, 在日本如果沒有考慮到固定資產稅 the result will be completely different. 結果會完全不一樣 As for the 36.2 million apartment we just mentioned, 剛剛說的3,620萬的大廈 to simplify the calculation, 為了簡化計算 we won't care about the tax basis 我們就不處理「課税標準額」 or tax relief, 或是「軽減措置」 because it will change with the depreciation of the building. 因為隨著建物的折舊其實會有所變化 Let's take a simple middle value. 取個簡單的中間值 The fixed asset tax per year 每年的固定資產稅 is about 200,000 yen. 大概是20萬日幣左右 That means 也就是說 it's about 20,000 yen a month. 一個月還要支出將近2萬日幣 Put this into our financial model. 這樣放進來我們的財務模型中 The cumulative cost of buying an apartment over 40 years is 65.13 million yen. 累積40年買房成本6,513萬 Compared with the cost of renting an apartment, 60.24 million yen, 對比租房成本6,024萬 there's a difference of about 5 million yen. 相差大概500萬左右 It looks like even after 40 years, 看起來一直到40年後 the cost of renting an apartment will be lower than that of buying one. 租房的成本都會比買房成本還要低 Of course, apart from financial reasons, 當然除了財務上的原因 various surveys have shown 各項調查顯示 there are still seven main reasons 主要還有7大理由 for Japanese people to choose to rent an apartment. 讓日本人更有理由選擇租房 First: Renting an apartment is not as complicated as buying an apartment. 第一:租房的話就不用像買房一樣 You don't have to deal with the complicated neighborhood relationships. 需要處理複雜的鄰里關係 After you buy an apartment, you may have to join the management committee, 買房後很可能必須要參加管委會 or you may need to be more careful in dealing with your neighbors 或是鄰里之間的相處也需要格外小心 to avoid disputes. 避免糾紛 Second: For many large companies in Japan, 第二:日本較大型的公司 there are often job rotations within Japan and even overseas. 常有日本國內甚至海外的職務輪調 If you buy an apartment, things will become 買房之後會延伸異動後 more complicated. 許多複雜的處理 Renting an apartment will give you more flexibility to deal with the transfers. 而租房可以更有彈性的面對這些調動 Third: Buying an apartment is tied to a 35-year-long loan. 第三:買房綁一個35年的長期貸款 This is a long-term commitment, 這是一個長期承諾 which puts people under a lot of pressure. 是一個很大的壓力 In an era when lifetime employment has collapsed, 在「終身雇用制」瓦解的時代 it's hard for you to predict future income. 很難預估未來的收入 You don't even know whether you can do this job for a long time. 甚至工作能不能夠長期持續 By renting an apartment, you can be more flexible in adjusting to the situation. 而租房可以更靈活的調整狀況 Fourth: Changes of family members in the future. 第四:家庭成員未來的變化 For example, when you're raising two children, 比方說養育兩個小孩 you may need three rooms. 可能家裡需要3個房間 But when the children grow up and leave home, 但當小孩長大離家後 you may only need one room. 可能就只需要一個房間 This can save a lot of money. 這樣可以省下許多費用 In the face of changes in family composition, 面對家庭組成變化的彈性 renting an apartment gives you more room for adjustment. 租房也更有調整的空間 Fifth: Rental subsidies and company dormitories. 第五:租房補助和公司的宿舍 Many companies in Japan offer rental subsidies. 日本不少公司都有租房補貼 It's about tens of thousands of yen a month. 大概是一個月幾萬日幣的補助 Some companies provide dormitories for singles. 或是有公司的宿舍提供單身者居住 If you buy an apartment, 但是買房以後 you won't have the right to get the subsidy or use the dormitory. 就沒有這些補貼或宿舍的使用權 It'll be a financial loss. 算是一個經濟損失 Sixth: After the real estate bubble burst, 第六:經歷過不動產泡沫化的日本 Japanese people no longer believe that real estate can make you rich. 社會普遍已經不再相信不動產神話 Laws and regulations have been made to crack down on property speculation. 整體的法律跟制度也轉向c Basically, houses have been depreciated and sold at a discount. 基本上房子就是折舊後折價賣 Just like a car, 跟汽車一樣 it's a necessity and a consumable. 就是個必需品也是個消耗品 That's why many Japanese don't think 所以房子對許多日本人來說 a house is an asset, 並不是資產 but a liability. 而是負債 Seventh: Many of my friends live in Tokyo. 第七:像我當時在東京的朋友 They work in the capital 很多是「上京」工作 and think that they will return to their hometown one day, 他們也覺得自己總有一天會回老家 whether to make contributions to their hometown after finishing their studies 不管是在青壯年學有所成的回鄉奉獻 or move back to their hometown after retirement. 或者是退休後搬回老家 They already have a house in their hometown. 而老家本來就有房子了 There's no need to buy expensive property in Tokyo. 實在不需要硬在「貴參參」的東京置產 In fact, about the discussions on social issues 其實像這些社會議題的討論 and analyses of financial trends, 和財經趨勢的分析 I highly recommend watching the Japanese financial 我非常推薦大家觀看日本的財經類 news programs. 新聞節目 While I was living in Japan, 我從住在日本的時候 I enjoyed watching these in-depth analysis programs. 就喜歡看這些深度分析的節目 The content is not only quality but also exclusive. 內容不只是優質而且獨家很多 I actually paid for this kind of content. 我其實是付費支持這樣的內容 I also used to watch that on the Internet. 也習慣在網絡上觀看 Now that I'm back in Taiwan, 不過因為現在回來台灣 even if I've been paying for that, 即使我有持續繳費 I can't watch it because of territorial restrictions. 但因為地區的鎖定而看不到 With the help of Surfshark VPN, 這時候使用Surfshark VPN I can easily break the limits 幫我輕鬆破解區域鎖定 and watch what I want just like I did in Japan. 像在日本的時候一樣看到想看的內容 Of course, it's not just Japan. 當然不只是日本 You can easily switch to more than 100 other countries. 也可以輕鬆切換到其他100多個國家 It's very convenient. 實在非常方便 The Surfshark's advanced encryption techniques 而Surfshark VPN的軍事級加密技術 can protect our personal information 可以保護我們的個人資訊 from being stolen by using public Wi-Fi. 不會因為使用公共Wi-Fi而被盜取 CleanWeb does more than just block ads. 同時CleanWeb的功能不只擋廣告 It also blocks malware and phishing sites. 也可以擋惡意軟體跟釣魚網站 Now click on the link dedicated to this channel 現在點擊本頻道的專屬連結 or enter the promo code 或輸入優惠代碼 to get the exclusive offer 就可以獲得專屬優惠 and three more months of free use. 還多送3個月的免費使用 If you can't get used to it, 如果使用上有什麼不習慣的地方 you can get a full refund within 30 days. 30天內也可以全額退款 I highly recommend you try it out. 非常推薦大家試用 The seven points I listed just now 不過剛剛列出來的那7點 are just for reference, I think. 我覺得也都只是參考情報 In fact, there are some similar cases in Taiwan. 其實有部分台灣也有類似的情形 But why don't the Japanese have such a strong 但為什麼日本人不像台灣人 demand for housing as the Taiwanese? 有這麼強的買房需求呢 I've experienced it myself. 我親身經歷 It's related to Japan's Act on Land and Building Leases revised in 1991. 跟日本在1991年修訂的「借地借家法」有關 Last year, 去年啊 a friend of mine who lived in Taipei suddenly posted online, 我一個住在台北的朋友突然發限動 saying he needed to rent an apartment. 說他要找房子 I was curious and sent him a message. 我就很好奇私訊他 "Why do you suddenly want to move now?" 住得好好的為什麼突然要搬家呢 He said, although the contract hadn't expired, 他說雖然還在契約期間 the landlord suddenly called, 但房東突然打電話來 telling him to move out next month. 叫他下個月要搬走 I'm sure we've all heard 我想類似的故事 or experienced stories like this. 大家應該都有聽說過或是經歷過 But it's a bit difficult 不過類似的情節 for such a thing to happen in Japan. 在日本要上演的難度有點高 Can you believe it? 你相信嗎 A landlord in Japan 在日本的某一個房東 wanted to take back a room with a monthly rent of 75,000 yen, 想要收回一個月租7.5萬日幣的房間 but he had to pay the tenant a huge amount of compensation. 居然還要賠給租客天價的賠償 Hey, I'm the landlord. えっ!わ房東ね It's my place. I can do whatever I want here. 房子是我的我想要怎麼用就怎麼用 Sorry. 歹勢 That won't work in Japan. 這在日本是行不通的哦 The Act on Land and Building Leases in Japan 日本的借地借家法的精神 aims to protect the relatively disadvantaged tenants. 就是保障相對弱勢的租客 Let's say the contract is signed once every two years. 比方說兩年一簽的契約 There's a risk that you'll have to move once every two years. 其實隱藏著兩年就要搬一次家的風險 But in Japan, if you want to renew the contract, 不過在日本要更新契約 according to the Act on Land and Building Leases, 根據借地借家法房東除非有正當事由 the landlord can't refuse the tenant's request unless there's a valid reason. 否則無法拒絕租客要求更新契約 Even if the landlord has a valid reason, 就算房東有正當事由 he must give a written notice of refusal to renew the lease 也必須要在契約期滿的一年到半年前 one year to six months before the expiration date. 以書面通知拒絕更新 Otherwise, the renewal must be carried out according to the law. 否則就必須依照法定更新進行 The landlord can't refuse. 房東不得拒絕 After receiving a written notice of refusal, 收到拒絕更新的書面通知 the tenant can also raise objections. 房客也可以提出異議 This is to protect the rights of the tenant. 這就是為了保護房客的權益 As for the valid reason, 在日本所謂的正當事由 the judges will also consider the following four points. 實際判決還會考量以下的四點 First, 第一 who has a greater need for the building, the landlord or the tenant? 房東跟房客誰更有使用建物的必要 Second, 第二 the tenant's past performance, 租賃過去的經緯 such as rent payment, duration of tenancy, etc. 如房租的繳納狀況、租屋的期間等 Third, 第三 how the tenant used the building. 建物的使用狀況 Like, whether the tenant has violated the rules and regulations. 像是有沒有違反建物的使用規則 Fourth, 第四 the current condition of the building. 建物的現況 Is the building safe? 建築物是否安全 Is there a need for major repairs? 需不需要做大規模的修繕 Combining the answers to the above questions, 綜合以上衡量的結果 even if the landlord has a valid reason, 哪怕是房東有正當的事由 in most cases, 多數情況下 he may need to offer a refund or a substitute for the place. 還需要提出「立退料」或是「代替不動產」 A refund 立退料 is a supplement to the valid reason for not renewing the lease. 是對契約不更新的正當事由的補充 It can be interpreted as compensation for the tenant's surrender of the lease. 可以理解為對租客退租的補償金 The landlord also needs to offer 代替不動產 a substitute for the place if he asks the tenant to move out. 則是要求租客搬走提供的替代方案 For example, we just mentioned 比方說剛剛我們提的 a real case from the past. 就是過去的真實判例 The landlord wanted to take back a 4-room apartment. 屋主想要收回一間有4個房間的公寓 The rent for one room was 75,000 yen a month. 一間房月租7.5萬日幣 The landlord wanted to take back the apartment 屋主想要收回這棟公寓 and sell part of the land. 賣掉一部分的土地 As for the rest, 剩下的土地呢 he wanted to renovate it 跟現在住的 with the old house next door, 就在隔壁的老房子一起翻新 so that he could have a bigger house 蓋成可以跟兒子夫妻一起住的 and live with the next generation. 兩代孝親住宅 It was a beautiful plan. 這個願景很美 Three of the tenants agreed to leave, 其中的3間的租客都同意退租了 but one tenant refused to move out. 剩下一間租客不同意搬 They went to court. 最後鬧上了法庭 The judges considered that the tenant had a more urgent need for the place. 法庭考量租客有更迫切的使用需求 This tenant 這個租客呢 had been renting this room for 36 years. 他持續租用這個房間有36年 He was old, unemployed and seriously ill, 現在高齡沒有工作而且重病 living on an annuity. 靠領年金過活 He also needed to go to the nearby hospital for regular treatment. 還需要到附近的醫院接受定期的治療 In the end, the court granted the landlord's request, 最後雖然法院同意房東的正當事由 but he had to pay the tenant 但房東必須支付給房客 4 million yen in compensation, 400萬日幣的立退料 as a condition to supplement the valid reason. 作為補充正當事由的條件 That's about 4 years' rent 這大概就是4年份的租金 and moving expenses. 還有搬遷的費用 I think 我覺得 this is the real reason why Japanese people feel safe to rent an apartment. 這才是日本人安心租房的真正的底氣 Taiwanese people often say 台灣人常說 even if you rent a house for your entire life, it won't be yours. 租一輩子的房子房子也不會是你的 That's true. 這沒有錯 But in Japan, 不過在日本 countless cases have told landlords 無數的判例告訴房東 the government protects the tenants. 政府是保障租客 Landlords can't do whatever they want. 不是房東可以隨便揉捏的 We also mentioned this 這也是本頻道 in the episode of rental in Japan. 在日本包租的那一集提到的 In Japan, the law protects the tenants. 在日本法律條件是保障租客 So, further evaluation is needed. 所以需要進一步的評估 Many friends commented 許多朋友也留言 if you invest in real estate in Japan, 實際投資日本的不動產 you may not get your house back and have to compensate the tenant. 房子收不回來還要賠償租客 This is the legal background of this. 這就是這個的法律背景 Although I majored in real estate finance, 雖然我自己是學不動產財務出身 I've always believed that houses are for living in, 但是我一向認為房子是用來住的 not for speculation. 不是用來炒的 From my experience living in Japan, 我在日本實際居住的經驗 buying a house is more of a choice in life. 買房更多的時候是一種人生的選擇題 It's like "Should I buy it?" Not "Can I buy it?" 是「要不要」而不是「能不能」 If you don't buy a house, 不買房 rental housing should also be guaranteed. 租房的生活也應該要很有保障 To achieve this, 而這個保障背後 we need a whole set of legal system and national system 就需要一整套的法律體系和國家制度 to support the tenant's life from the inside out 從裡到外支撐租客的生活 and to protect the tenant's dignity. 也支撐著租客的尊嚴 Japan had a bad fall when the real estate bubble burst. 日本在不動產泡沫時重重摔過一跤 That's why they realized 所以他們體認到 real estate industry should not 房地產不應該是支撐 be the engine that supports economic growth. 經濟成長的火車頭 When the state forces the people to 當國家逼著人民貢獻 contribute the fruits of their hard labor 早出晚歸的勞動成果 just for the ownership of a house, 只為了追求擁有一間房的時候 the bubble of prosperity blown up by the real estate speculation 那些透過房地產的炒作吹出來的繁榮 is only ruining the future of the whole country. 只不過是提前透支整個國家的未來 Once the bubble bursts, 一旦泡沫破裂 the overall economy will not just return to its original shape. 整體經濟不只是打回原形 It will lose its vitality for a long time. 更會長期失去活力 Learn from your neighbor. 以鄰為師 Whether it's residential justice or encouraging industrialization, 不管是居住正義或者是鼓勵實業 there are many setbacks and adjustments in Japan's real estate development 日本的不動產發展的挫敗跟調整 that Taiwan can learn from. 都有許多值得台灣學習的空間 If you think this episode is good, 如果覺得這集做得還不錯 please give us a "like" 請幫我們按個讚 and share it with your friends 分享給更多的好朋友 to support the hard work of content creation. 鼓勵一下內容創作的辛勞 Let's fight the algorithm together. 一起對抗演算法 Let's contribute 讓YouTube上 more quality knowledge-based content on YouTube. 有更多含金量高的知識型內容 Let's use the power of knowledge 讓我們用知識的力量 to change Taiwan. 改變台灣
Channel: Ben桑日本漫談
Views: 641,550
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Keywords: Ben桑
Id: S36ikq-wNJE
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Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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