買 MacBook 最省錢升級 SSD 方式 | SSD 外接盒雷電4 USB4 速度夠快嗎?
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Channel: 蘋果爹
Views: 55,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4k, UCt757ZhOr3vrvSxKT96b6vA, apple, iphone, apple watch, mac, 蘋果爹, apple dad, 3c, 蘋果妹, 果粉, 蘋果, iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro Max, iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Pro, M3 Mac, M3 MacBook Pro, SSD, 外接 SSD, TB4 SSD, 雷電外接盒, USB外接盒, 硬碟外接盒, SSD 外接和, Apple SSD 外接, MacBook 外接 SSD, MacBook 外接硬碟, ACASIS, 阿卡西斯, WD SSD, SN850X, 2TB, Samsung S990 Pro
Id: ZcSo-gkXrQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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