購買 SSD 不是單看容量及價錢 ? 快慢還要看 4 項規格 ....#廣東話 #cc中文字幕
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Channel: ZCOPE
Views: 86,015
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Keywords: KE680, KP800, AITC KP800, AITC KE680, Kingsman KE680, Kingsman KP800, Kingston NV2, SSD QLC, SSD TLC, SSD DRAM, SSD冇DRAM, SSD DRAM-less, SN850 2TB, KE680 2TB, KP800 2TB, AORUS Gen5 10000, SSD Gen4, SSD Gen5, QLC, TLC
Id: MG_NvLd3j3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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