[耳機開箱] Nothing Ear / Ear(a) How are they different? 兩款耳機有乜分別?優/缺點?邊款啱你?購買前必看!! #nothing #nothingear
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Channel: GChannel Ultra
Views: 3,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AV, 影音產品, 潮流玩物, 開箱實測, unboxing, review, tech, ultra, gchannelultra, JBL, SONY, SAMSUNG, IPHONE, 家電, 電器用品, 耳機, 真無線藍牙, HEAD-FI, SENNHEISER, EDIFIER, SHURE, AUDIO, VIDEO, BEYBLADE, GCHANNELBEYBLADE, SOUNDBAR, CREATIVE, AKG, AUDIO TECHNICA, PRICE, 音箱, 電子產品, 3C科技, rayma, post76, iphone, feversound
Id: CxRHEk-kR28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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