老人跌倒 不要急扶起!?跌倒自救 救人 必學2招黃金救命術【 如果云知道 鄭凱云 】feat.新北市輔具資源中心 [SUB] @tvbshealth20

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Usually we just hug the armpits like this , right? When you exert force, we also exert effort, and the shoulders of the elders will also be pulled by us. We need to support the upper body. There is a method called four-hand interlocking , which means wrapping both his hands. Then we asked the elders to bend their feet as high as possible. Many people thought it was wrong to say that we have to lift up. We have to push forward. Welcome to If Yun knows the big and small things in life, just ask Kai Yun. This episode is very special. It is very important that everyone will encounter such a situation , that is, a fall may be caused by an elder in the family. Every time I receive a call like this, I am very nervous and rush home. In fact , accidents account for about 10th among the top ten causes of death in China. Well, the second leading cause of death in accidents is falls, because falls cause great harm to the elderly. So today we specially invited Director Yang Zhongyi from the New Taipei City Assistance Center to teach you what to do if you are the person involved when you fall. What should I do if I fall? There is no one at home. How should I help myself? Or what should we do if we see our elders fall? Generally, when we fall, our elders can get up by themselves and how we can help our elders to relax . If you use the wrong method, you may fall again and even the caregiver may fall with him or he may not be able to stand up no matter how hard you try . So today I will teach you two methods not only to save yourself but also to save others. What should you do if you fall by yourself ? You can't panic and want to stand up for a while , right? Generally speaking , if we fall , of course we know that our consciousness is clear, and then we will see if there is any special pain. The general inspection is to move your hands and feet. If everything seems to be fine , then you can start doing self-rescue actions. Okay , director, please help us demonstrate what you should do to be safe if you really fall. If you fall like this, you can check your feet, heels, and hands. First of all, you can It's most comfortable to just lie down and move your feet. It doesn't hurt. You can also move your hands . This is done when there are no family members around . We don't mean to get up in one step , but slowly. First, we lie down on our sides and go to the chair at home. Then start lying down on a relatively stable place. Doesn’t it make you much taller ? Yes, and then when you want to get higher again, you must have a helper, which is a raised platform. The most common one is a relatively stable platform. Then let's climb over there. Let 's remind everyone to choose a stable chair . Otherwise, if you press it later , you may fall down again. After reaching the chair, we can finally use our hands to hold it up and the body will become taller. Then We can support it with our hands and push the body up a little more. It feels like we are almost successful. The key point is that if one of the two feet is stronger , then use the stronger foot. For example, my left foot is stronger now . Move your left foot forward like a lunge , and then you're ready to go all out. Use your two hands to assist this foot and the back foot, and then support yourself to stand up. If you happen to have a chair, you can You can also turn around and sit on it , or if you can stand up on your own, this is the safest way. Turn yourself sideways and slowly climb to a safe chair. 128 00:04:11,940 --> 00:04:11,939 In fact, it is best if you have a sofa at home. It is relatively large and it is convenient for you to flip up. Don’t rush during the process because it is related to changes in our blood pressure. Slowly, if you feel you are OK, then take the next step. Then sit here and call as soon as possible. Call your family because if you fall, don’t ignore it. Sometimes you may hit your head, etc., so you still need further examination. If someone else falls , there are other methods . How do we help the elder stand up ? Let’s first check if he has any obvious symptoms. Injury does not mean that the first time we see grandpa , if he falls , we have to pull him up. If it doesn't work, we have to observe first . Then we can ask grandpa how he is doing. If not , it means that he is conscious clearly and can judge where he is. Is it hurting? Is he okay ? It's okay, roar , of course , maybe it's okay, there is really a problem, right? So we still have to have the same hands and feet as before. Should we help him move or should he move by himself? It's best to move by himself. If the opponent moves his feet like this, he can bend and stretch in the same way. Are you sure there is nothing wrong ? Will it hurt? No, no. That means you just fell down and were not injured. Then we will do the same thing. Let grandpa sit up. We will give him grandpa. Bend your feet. Bend both feet towards that side . Right. Like the concept of turning over that we taught last time, grandpa sits up and supports his opponent to stand up from the side . Therefore, the person who falls like this is the kind who usually walks and his limbs are in OK condition. For us now The strategy, of course, is that the elders can stand and walk normally. This strategy is the only solution. If they are really paralyzed and bedridden , of course there is no way . So when he sits up, how do we make him stand up? First of all, of course we need to help. Then we will be behind and get as close to the elder as possible , and then wait a moment. We need to support the upper body. There is a method called four-hand interlocking. That is, we ask the elder to hug her chest and put her hands on her chest. Then we pass under the armpits and grab her hands. oh So the hands completely cover the elder's hands . Then we ask the elder's feet to bend as much as possible . Many people think that we have to kick up, which is wrong. We have to push the elder forward like a ball and he will Roll up , so let his butt lift off the ground first, it 's a bit like squatting. At this time, all the elder's weight will be pressed on the soles of his feet. Yes , it will induce what we call the posture reflex of the feet. You know how to use force . Then if we go a little further, the elders will follow the trend and want to stand up. Well, host, you can do this again and show us the steps including your other foot, one kneeling with one foot and one foot straddling . Yes, we first clasp our hands , and then ask the elder to bend his feet and loosen them inward. Then, instead of pulling up, we roll forward and continue forward . The elder stood up, so this is very important for every family. Of course , let the elder stand up and then ask him if he feels particularly uncomfortable. If necessary, he should be sent to the hospital for examination, etc. Especially if he is dizzy, if he really wants to vomit, it must be due to a collision. Thank you very much , the director, for teaching you all these methods. You still need to practice . I hope you won’t use them , but they can come in handy in case of emergency. If Yun knows the big and small things in life , just ask Kaiyun. Thank you for grandpa ’s performance today. Good friends, see you next time273 00:09:00,440 --> 00:09:00,430 Bye
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Keywords: 健康2.0, 健康, 健康兩點靈, 健康20, 健康2點靈, 健康二點靈, 鄭凱云, 養生, 料理, 食譜, 烹飪, tvbs, health 2.0, 江坤俊, 名醫觀點, 挖健康, 江p醫件事, 韋汝, 如果云知道, 侯鐘堡, 胡乃文, 早安健康, 新冠病毒, 陳欣湄, 宋明樺, 中醫, 新冠後遺症, 長新冠, 廣場舞, dance, 麥克斯, covid19, 有氧運動, 氣功, 彥寬, 癌症, 心血管疾病, 三高, 許書華, 堡你平安, 明欣醫聊事, 運動, 健身, 瘦身, 減肥, 減重, shorts, 清潔, 氣象, 颱風, 天氣, shortvideo, 跌倒, 老人跌倒, 腳沒力, 長照, 扶長輩站起來, 新北市輔具資源中心, 輔具, 老人跌倒怎麼辦, 長輩, 老人照護
Id: bCRILajUgdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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