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Keywords: 1000papa, hongkong, tesla model 3, tesla hong kong model 3, tesla model 3 2021, model 3 accessories, model 3 配件, model y accessories, model y 配件, 嚴選配件, 一千爸爸, 廣東話, tesla model y 配件 香港, tesla model y 配件, model y phone, tesla 配件, Tesla 補品, 车载充气泵, 車呔泵, 車胎漏氣, ev 車胎, 車胎打氣, 車胎充氣, 车轮胎, 车胎打气, 車胎, 充氣泵, 便攜充氣泵, 車載充氣泵, 輪胎打氣 多少, 輪胎氣嘴更換, 輪胎打氣機, 加油站 輪胎打氣, tesla 配件 推荐, 最強車泵, 最強車胎泵, 充氣泵實測, 充氣, air pump, electric air pump, portable air pump, best air pump for car, best air pump for bike, air pump test, tire pump
Id: 057cNIWIMqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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