简直离谱!三星 Galaxy S24+ 深度体验:AI比ChatGPT-4还猛,性能与影像更加能打!【Technic Tiger】

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Hello everyone, I am Tiger who loves to tell the truth. Is there a phone that makes users feel both joy and some pain in using it ? Every Samsung S series phone since the Galaxy S20 series fits this description and is different from other phones. Users often argue fiercely on social media to "fight against injustice" for their own brands . Users of Samsung mobile phones are more like the new generation of F1 fans. They happily "hack" Samsung mobile phones every day. This overly lively self-deprecating atmosphere even makes "I don't understand." Why are people still using Samsung? This sentence has become the best standard for judging Samsung mobile phone users. Just kidding. No matter how we laugh at our mobile phones, the fact is that Samsung’s excellent sales in the global market are enough to prove its strength in hardware equipped with its own mobile phones. Top-notch screen, Qualcomm’s special overclocked flagship processor, plus LPDDR5X+USF 4.0 flash memory combination. Samsung’s hardware has always maintained a leading level in the “three major components” of smartphones. Among the Samsung Galaxy S24 series, the most attractive one is the Ultra series. Good design can be inherited. This year's Samsung S24 series continues the design style of last year's S23 in appearance. It adopts a straight-screen body with narrow aluminum alloy frames on all four sides and is wrapped with 1440P+ top-level screens. All models in this year's S24 series provide 1-120Hz. LTPO variable refresh rate and peak 2600nits ultra-high brightness, except S24 Ultra, which has an exclusive titanium alloy frame S24+. The feel has been fine-tuned. A slightly rounded transition has been added at the contact point between the phone frame and the back panel to reduce the stiffness of the feel. However , this time The design adjustments have also brought about two small regrets. The transition between the phone frame and the screen still seems stiff. The position of the power interface at the bottom does not seem to be in the visual center line of the frame. Overall, the design of the S24+ is still impressive. The narrow bezels on all four sides provide a perfect space for the screen. It brings an excellent visual experience. Although it is still a pity that the S series does not use an under-screen camera, considering the excellent screen quality of the S24+, these small compromises may not be worthy of too much attention. This year’s S24+ screen has somewhat restrained in saturation. Although most netizens seem to prefer the previous "saturation bomb" display , it is a good thing that the S24+'s screen is moving in the direction of "accurate" rather than "eye-catching". As for the ultrasonic fingerprint sensor, the S24+ retains Samsung's consistent excellence The flexible position of the under-screen ultrasonic fingerprint sensor has advantages over optical solutions. In recent years, Samsung has also made improvements in the ultrasonic sensor algorithm. At least the current S24+ no longer requires a tempered film as strictly as last year's S23+ , but out of security considerations It is recommended that users use a tempered film specially designed for ultrasonic fingerprint solutions or simply not apply a film. Is the VC film bigger and more powerful? Although the hardware performance of Samsung's annual flagship may not be as extreme as that of domestic mobile phone brands , in terms of "three major items" The performance is not inferior to that of domestic flagships. Taking S24+ as an example, it achieved a score of 2.02 million points in AnTuTu and 5,000 points in 3D Mark. However , why does Samsung tend to lag behind domestic brands in terms of game performance? This is mainly related to Overly conservative performance release and limited heat dissipation configuration. In order to break the impression that Samsung cannot dissipate heat well, this year's S24 series adopts a more powerful heat dissipation control system. The area of ​​VC vapor chambers is increased by up to 1.9 times, which significantly delays the performance of mobile phones. The timing of the FPS curve remained stable after half an hour of Genshin Impact. The central temperature on the back was only 43 degrees Celsius. In the more accurate 3D Mark 20 cycle stress test, the central temperature on the back of the phone was 40 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature was 42 degrees Celsius. In addition, the performance of the S24+ did not appear. The rapid decline stabilizes after the 4th cycle. The stability reaches 62%. Although this number may not be outstanding in comparison, it is important to note that stability does not only depend on the lowest score in the mobile phone cycle but also the highest score in the mobile phone cycle. The upper limit is the performance limit. When the lower limit of mobile phone performance is similar, the higher the upper limit , the worse the stability. Therefore, in terms of performance and heat dissipation of S24+, as the 8 Gen3 Android flagship S24+ performs very well. The image strength is not limited to "night vision". After talking about performance, let’s discuss Samsung’s camera performance. As domestic mobile phone brands continue to make efforts in mobile phone imaging, Samsung does not have particularly eye-catching publicity in this field. Compared with domestic brands and cameras such as Leica and Hasselblad, Brand Cooperation Samsung has always been low-key in the field of imaging. However , this does not mean that Samsung lags behind other brands in the field of mobile phone imaging. On S24+, Samsung actively embraces computational photography and AI photography , bringing 50MP main camera, 12MP ultra-wide-angle and 10MP telephoto cameras. Excellent details and picture purity. In macro photography, even if the tip of the leaf is close to the edge of the frame, the photo still maintains excellent details and resolution. Under strong light transmission, the color of the leaves is also well controlled, avoiding over-saturation. In traditional " "Achilles' heel" - In the red flower test, the S24+ did not experience the "white out" phenomenon in the past. The texture details on the petals were also preserved. The S24+'s photo quality was clean for night scenes . Although there may be some dispersion under strong light , the overall sensitive relationship and picture The control of details is very good. The main camera 's stack processing of highlight parts in night scene mode is also quite good. However, the ultra-wide-angle night scene performance is relatively inferior and more grainy . The highlight stack in the center area of ​​the picture also overflows a bit, although there is some smearing in the low-light telephoto part. However , the overall picture is still clean and tidy. Only the edges of the lines are slightly "meaty". When I experience night scene shooting with S24+, it may be due to the borrowed test device using an early firmware version. The shooting strategy of the mobile phone camera still has some room for improvement. Sometimes the phone will freeze after pressing the shutter button. "Stuck" in place for two or three seconds before starting to shoot. There is a lack of focus prompts and shooting countdowns. I hope Samsung can fix this problem in the official firmware and optimize the overall shooting experience . The AI ​​is very strong, but it can be stronger. Of course, it has an excellent screen and powerful performance. And excellent cameras are just the starting point for a flagship phone. As a phone equipped with an AI camera, the S24+ has more functions to display. It needs to be particularly emphasized that the AI ​​functions in the S24 series sold overseas are handled by Google’s Gemini model for the underlying calculations. The capabilities of this model are equivalent to GPT-4 . The S24 series sold in China is supported by Chinese partners with AI capabilities. The AI ​​functions on the S24+ are divided into two categories: "efficiency" and "creativity" and are cleverly integrated into the settings of each system application. For example, the call function of S24+ has built-in two-way voice translation. When turned on, the device can automatically recognize the language and automatically translate the conversation content during the call. Although translation still requires a certain waiting time and cannot achieve instant translation , it is highly accurate and is built into the native phone application. It is ideal for communicating with restaurants and hotels when traveling overseas. The note assistant and transcription assistant are also popular features on the S24+. When the corresponding function is turned on, the phone can transcribe multi-person conversations into text in the background and even automatically distinguish between different speakers. The only one The problem is that the current version of AI may confuse some foreign words when processing multi-language conversations, but combined with recordings, it can be quickly checked and modified. As for the "Instant Search" highlighted at the press conference, it may be because I have seen too many similar functions before , but it did not leave a special impression on me. In terms of "creativity", Samsung has launched a deep binding of AI with cameras and pictures. It has a series of AI creative functions such as AI zoom, AI night scene, smart photo retouching and generative editing. In previous mobile phones, Samsung has tried to add AI composition assistance in the viewfinding stage , and the innovative AI smart photo retouching suggestions can reshape the picture after shooting. Intelligent suggestions for composition The built- in generative editing can also make user-intuitive secondary modifications to the image content . Click the AI ​​star and long-press the picture element you want to modify to directly adjust the size, direction and even delete the object directly. The processing effect is fast. Especially when processing complex textures, the S24+'s AI performs excellently in terms of efficiency and accuracy. However, judging from the current AI applications, the S24+'s AI functions seem a bit conservative. In terms of the operating efficiency of the AI ​​functions, the S24+'s AI has full potential in more applications. To bring greater value to the field , for example, integrating AI text images directly into the camera to achieve comprehensive AI functions before shooting , or using AI to learn the user's original pronunciation habits and then applying the trained speech model in real-time call translation to summarize the capabilities of AI mobile phones "Pioneer" After a week of use, I think Samsung S24+ is a qualified AI flagship phone. It has the configuration and performance required for a flagship phone. It has also made many attempts in the AI ​​field. However, the key issue is how to organically integrate generative AI. Integrating into mobile phones has become the current top research direction for all mobile phone brands. Samsung’s use of AI to empower mobile phones is a positive step , but the current capabilities of AI have never exceeded expectations , whether it is translation, transcription or object removal. We had already done this before the outbreak of generative AI. I have more or less experienced related skills. The emergence of generative AI has only improved the success rate of these functions, allowing them to evolve from being able to run to being easy to use. There is still a certain distance from real subversion. Of course , whether it is Samsung or domestic Android brands using relatively Conservative AI functions are also designed to consider the stability of user experience. AI in mobile phones is not the same as AI deployed by enthusiasts in computers. The latter pursues creativity , while the former needs to provide stable functions to as many users as possible. This is also I think the reason why S24+ is a qualified pioneer of AI mobile phones is because it really introduces the concept of AI mobile phones to the international market, allowing more users to understand AI mobile phones and realize the potential behind AI mobile phones , so that the concept of AI mobile phones can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people . Just do this. A little is enough for Samsung S24+. What do you think of this Samsung S24? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area. If you want to know more about digital consultation , remember to follow our channel . See you next time.
Channel: Technic Tiger
Views: 23,919
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Keywords: Technic Tiger, 三星 s24, 高通, 驍龍 8 Gen 3, 安卓, 安卓12, 驍龍8 Gen3, 驍龍8, 驍龍8 Gen 3, galaxy s24 ultra, samsung s24 ultra, samsung galaxy s24 ultra unboxing, samsung s24, galaxy s24+, 三星s24 ultra, 三星s24, 三星s24u, exynos 2400, s24+, s24 plus, s24 ultra samsung, galaxys24ultra, 驍龍8gen3, 驍龍8+, s24 ultra, samsung galaxy s24, galaxy s24, samsung exynos 2400, samsung galaxy s24 ultra, https://youtu.be/6zY0SejISMQ, 6zY0SejISMQ
Id: 6zY0SejISMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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