真的有用!2024年還在用的AI工具✨ChatGPT Photoshop Midjourney Google Bard

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2023 is undoubtedly the year of the explosion of AI applications . Whether it is text, image or sound generation , there has been great progress. However, many people should have discovered that after using it for a while, there is a problem . These tools are actually very useful in life or work. There is nothing wrong with using it . ChatGPT does look very smart and the writing seems to be stylish. But if you look carefully , the whole article is not very usable. It is bluffing and can be easily discovered . Otherwise, it is what it writes. You have to check it repeatedly and it cannot be used at all. You are right. Those AI image-generating tools are also very powerful. They can generate pictures like photos. However, for ordinary people, apart from entertaining themselves, they don’t seem to be used in daily life. We have them today. Let’s take a look at the AI ​​tools I introduced last year. What are the remaining AI tools that I actually use? First of all, the first one I want to talk about is ChatGPT . I will tell you that I am actually using it now. In fact, I don’t use it every day, I just use it once in a while , and my main uses are divided into four parts: the first is to come up with topics, the second is to modify grammar , and the third is to write English appointments or It's a letter or message of inquiry. The fourth one is occasionally asking him some knowledge questions. Well, first of all, let's talk about the topic and thinking part. I think this part is if you need creative thinking or doing something at work today. It will be very useful for decision-making. I will mention why the theme idea is not that I want to make a video today and let him decide the theme. He is not that smart yet. I mainly use it to help me check some of my Unexpected points or corners. For example, I will write a script or article about a hair dryer today . I may have thought of ten key points that I can talk about about the hair dryer , such as its appearance, its price, advantages and disadvantages, etc. Are you waiting? I wrote this article today entirely from the perspective of girls using hair dryers, but completely ignored the perspective of boys using hair dryers or stylists using hair dryers. So at this time, I will use ChatGPT to check , for example He said that I would ask him what matters the average person would pay attention to when buying a hair dryer , or which groups of people mainly buy hair dryers. What different points would these groups pay attention to ? I would use it to double-check what I wrote. The unnoticed corner cuts and viewpoints make my articles and scripts more complete. Then I won’t use what he wrote directly as the content of my article , but I will use it to think about some structures, etc. That’s why I If your work today requires creative thinking or decision-making, you can use ChatGPT to find a third-party perspective , and there will be a lot of unexpected gains. Then the second usage that I really use is Checking English grammar is because today English is not my mother tongue at all, so if I want to write any English content now, I will type it out myself first and then throw it into ChatGPT to check it and then rewrite it again. I will also Read it again to see if there are any errors in its semantics . Then the third point is very similar to the second point. I will use ChatGPT to write some letters or messages for appointments or inquiries. For example, say you are going abroad today, and you may If you need to make a reservation at a restaurant or restaurant or ask them something, you can tell ChatGPT what kind of letter you want to write today and what the content will be . Because most of the letters it writes, you will find that it is too formal or it If there is too much nonsense, then you can make it more concise at this time, especially if it is like sending a message. You can also specify it within a few words to make it more direct to the point. Then the fourth usage is query. Knowledge: At this time, you will say , isn't ChatGPT made up by itself? So there is a proviso here, that is, this knowledge must be a very certain fact before you can check it. That is, you know that this problem must have a correct file. There won’t be any second explanation for this kind of question. For example, I wanted to check a question before, which is whether the optic nerve passes through the forehead. There will definitely be a definite answer to this question. So when I went to Google using the normal search method, I You may click on many web pages , and those web pages will not directly tell you the answer. They may tell you the answer after a long detour, so I feel very annoyed. Then I use ChatGPT to ask this question and it will tell me the answer immediately. So for a question like this that already has a definite answer and is not too modern, I think it is no problem to ask it. The above four are the usage of ChatGPT that I am still using. If you have any more fun methods , you are welcome. Leave a message below to share with me. Next, the second AI tool I want to introduce is Photoshop . This is my most commonly used tool, which actually surprises me because I thought it would be difficult to use . I think the reason why Photoshop is very useful and commonly used is because you already know this tool. It is just an additional expansion function. The first usage that I use very often is to expand photos. Why expand photos? It’s because I usually make covers. Do you know that when making covers, don’t you have to add some words or patterns? Then my face may be blocked by these words. If I want to move my photo to the side, It is necessary to generate a blank part next to me. Photoshop is very easy to use for this part, so I often use it to generate backgrounds . These backgrounds are usually very clean and simple, and no one will notice them . The generated effect is very It ’s very good. In addition to expanding photos, it is also very useful to remove objects. For example , you can use Photoshop ’s AI to remove passers-by or unnecessary debris in your photos . And I must say that Photoshop is Among the similar functions I have used so far, it is the best because I have used Canva or Meitu Xiuxiu. Their functions are actually similar . You can remove passers-by and so on. Canva and Meitu Xiuxiu, the effect is actually not bad , but if you don’t look at it very carefully, it’s actually OK. And I think this part is currently limited to relatively simple background generation or item removal , but if you want to add some new ones today, For example , if there is a flower in your hand or an extra ball, it may be unnatural. When it comes to image generation, we have to talk about the third AI tool that I still use today . Midjourney I don’t know if you have noticed that in the past year, there have actually been a lot of image-generating applications around you. Here are a few examples. The first and most common one is YouTube cover generation. Many YouTubers have begun to use AI to generate images. Make a cover like Lao Gao or X Survey (there are many in the video , and it’s not just the cover. He may also use AI to generate some diagrams in the video to make pictures . You see, YouTubers like us in the past wanted to use pictures. Always pay great attention to copyright issues. Either you have to spend money to buy copyrighted pictures , or you must make sure that the picture does not have copyright before you can use it. But now these problems are gone . AI is fully customized . It’s super imaginative content that can be customized for you. It ’s super convenient and very cheap. Some tools even help you generate it for free. The second example of AI-generated images that appears around us is advertising . One day I When watching the news, you all know that there may be advertisements next to the news. Then I saw an advertisement. The picture was generated using AI because the girl on it and the face of the passerby behind him. (I can’t find that picture now) They look exactly the same. This was the shortcoming of the previous AI, so I saw it immediately . For example, on Instagram, there are many ads now, which are small games made in China. The quality is like The picture quality is not very good. Many promotional pictures or advertising pictures for mini-games are now generated using AI. So these examples just now were made using Midjourney. I don’t know , but Midjourney is really becoming more and more popular now. The better I am at making photos , because later I thought about it and discovered that real photos must have flaws and imperfections. And in the latest version V6, the pictures or photos they produce will actually have a little bit of flaws or imperfections, so they won’t be like before. The pictures are so perfect that they look fake. So are I actually using Midjourney ? Sometimes YouTube covers are generated using Midjourney , and most of the content on Instagram is more schematic-like. You can use Midjourney to generate it because a few days ago I had a photo of it used to make a Christmas tree , and it really looked like a Christmas tree taken on the streets of Tokyo. I was really surprised that the effect was so good that it looked like a real photo , so this part is You can also refer to the production of some content that you can use. What about the V6 model of Midjourney? We will make another video specifically about it. I thought it would be boring at first , but then I went to see the official statements. I found it quite interesting and there are some points worthy of your attention. I originally didn’t want to make that video because I wanted to say it’s almost the same as the previous ones , but I think I could talk about it a little bit . So the above is the AI ​​I’m still using now. Tools I don’t know which tools you are currently using. Feel free to leave a message below to share with me . That’s it for today’s video. We’ll see you in the next video. Bye bye.
Channel: 蘋果妹
Views: 110,362
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Keywords: 蘋果妹, apple, UCIpZAGl9xHcuzmHW0AAJs7g, apple gal, 蘋果爹, 3c, iPhone, ios, 教學, 設定, 小技巧, 手機, iPhone 14, ai, chatgpt, openai, elon musk, 文字, 繪圖, 機器人, artificial, intelligence, 寫論文, 文章, 編輯, 文案, 工具, 寫程式, 城市, python, code, 學習, 作業, 作文, 報告, 生成, 自動
Id: XHq7NhCkbtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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