文字AI超簡單!ChatGPT全方位必修課 報告 論文 New Bing Notion AI

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Want to learn about AI but don’t know where to start? Or have you been using ChatGPT for a while but don’t know how to ask the best questions? Do n’t miss today ’s episode. The basic teaching begins, and I will take you step by step to understand the most popular AI chat robot, ChatGPT. At the end of January, we have actually posted a video on how to get started with ChatGPT at one time , but after that, related applications can be said to have sprung up like mushrooms. Big explosion , so I want to say that it's about time to sort out all the information we know , so today we will start from the basics and slowly bring some more advanced skills . Well, the first thing we see is this screen, which is what we will do today. Speaking of this ChatGPT usage encyclopedia , I would like to let you know that in the next episode, we will make another Midjourney usage encyclopedia , which is to consolidate all the materials we have now and start from the basic teaching , and in that episode we will do it again The combination of ChatGPT and Midjourney is mentioned , so if you don’t want to miss these wonderful content , remember to lock our channel , let ’s take a look at today’s topic, which is ChatGPT , it’s actually a chat robot AI , everyone is on the screen What you see is its user interface . ChatGPT is very good at chatting . If you ask it any questions, it can answer a few sentences in a decent manner . In fact, it can do a lot of things besides chatting. Oh , but if you have never used it today , then you start to answer it in a relatively simple way for the first time. After using it for a while, you will find that the effect is not very good , so today we will take you to understand What ChatGPT can do and what it can’t do is to understand what it can do first, so that you can get started quickly. First, let’s briefly introduce the background of ChatGPT. ChatGPT was established by the organization OpenAI last year on November It was first published on the 30th. OpenAI was originally a non-profit organization , so it is conceivable that they have no money , but developing AI requires a lot of money , so they created another profit- making organization to raise funds . At this time, Microsoft saw it. Business opportunities and then invested 1 billion US dollars to quietly assist OpenAI in developing the large-scale language model GPT . Over the past few years, GPT has been upgraded many times and has come to the GPT-4 model . ChatGPT is built on top of the large-scale language model GPT. Chatbot program In addition to ChatGPT , in the past few months, Microsoft has also actively cooperated with OpenAI to develop more related applications . For example, today we will talk about the search engine New Bing , or GPT will also cooperate with Microsoft in the future. 365 software combination, I believe that in the future we will see more and more AI-related applications being born . The GPT series will continue to be upgraded without accidents. For example, the launch of GPT-5 or GPT-6, etc. Next, let’s introduce GPT The first feature is that it can remember all the content of the dialogue with the user , so your dialogue can be continuous. You can ask it to explain or condense the questions it has just answered . For example, The first question we ask it on the screen is what is Einstein’s general theory of relativity , then of course there are a lot of definitions below it , if I still can’t understand its answer , then the second question I will ask You can ask it directly , please explain it in a simpler way , or ask questions based on the answers on it, it will catch it by itself and say what the topic we are discussing is the general theory of relativity . The second feature is the answer of ChatGPT Now it is limited to the information before September 2020 , so if you ask it which is the latest iPhone or which is the latest movie, it cannot answer , so it still has no way to completely replace the search engine . Most ChatGPT users will use the two together. For example, use ChatGPT to write articles and use Google to search for information . The third feature is that ChatGPT can support Chinese and multiple languages , even if you have the same problem There is a mix of Chinese and English in it, and it is understandable. It’s like on the screen. We use English and Chinese together directly . It can understand what we want to express . Here , pay attention to it. If you talk to it in Chinese, we When you usually use ChatGPT, because it writes the answers word by word , it often gets stuck in the middle of the answer when writing Chinese, and the answer is broken in the middle, so what should you do at this time? Type the word “Continue” and it will continue to answer. The emphasis here is on Chinese, because if you answer it in English , this situation will not happen. So I just remind you a little bit , when we open the chat room We can first specify which language ChatGPT uses to answer, so as to avoid its language from running away . Then we will officially enter the official website of ChatGPT . If you are using ChatGPT for the first time , click this TryChatGPT , and what you see now is it. I am also directly attaching the URL of the registration web page below . After the registration is completed, we will actually enter the ChatGPT screen , which will look like this is a chat room interface. Both mobile phones and computers can use web browsers to enter this page . It does not have an App version at present , and now there are many LINE chat rooms . Those versions are all scams, so everyone should be careful . Today, when we want to start a new conversation, we just go to the input field below to enter our question or Requirements After chatting, all its conversation records will be stored in the left row . If you want to retrieve the previous conversation records and continue the chat, you can come here and click your original conversation records to continue chatting. Hey , and different chat rooms will not interfere with each other. Suppose you had a good chat with it in chat room A today. If you open a new chat room B today , it will not know what you talked about in chat room A. Then When adding a chat room, you can choose a model (paid version only) , and you can choose a different model for each chat room . If you play the free version today , you will play the GPT 3.5 model on the left, the latest model Only the paid version can be used. The GPT-4 model on the left is 20 dollars a month . What is the difference between them? Compared with this GPT-3.5 model, GPT-4 has more powerful knowledge and professional ability , and the understanding of questions and the quality of answers produced are better . If you want to use ChatGPT in some more professional fields, then GPT -4 would be more suitable , so if you are playing the free version , it will not allow you to choose a model when you open a new conversation. Only the paid version can choose a model. Then let’s start to enter the actual application of this ChatGPT In a situation , we have listed four themes here , which means that according to your different purposes, there will be different usages . Let’s first look at the first topic today, which is effective communication and questioning . What does this mean ? When we want ChatGPT to produce usable information today, we must first let it clearly understand our needs . When you use it for the first time, you may use ordinary questions or command sentences . For example, on the screen The example is that I asked it to help me check whether there are any grammatical errors in the English words , and then you can see below , I just pasted my English content directly and asked it to check , or another example, I just asked it directly for a simple The question is to ask it what you think about artificial intelligence , and here it is to give me a very bureaucratic answer . There is actually no problem with this way of asking questions , but if we want to make it more effective today , then we will Mention some methods to make your questions more clear , and then make the quality of the answers better. The first thing we want to mention is the ChatGPT role-playing method . The principle of this method is because of the database behind it. It’s really too huge , so if we first set a role for it , we can narrow it down to analyze it from a more professional perspective and answer our questions . How should we actually operate it? In fact, it’s in your original question In the front , add a sentence that you help it set the role. The role is to see who you should ask the question. For example, if you have a math problem today , add a math teacher in front of it . If you have a philosophy question, add a philosophy teacher in front of it. You just put it It’s right to set it as that role . Let’s take an example . Suppose you are learning English now , and the question you originally wanted to ask on ChatGPT is how to improve the effect of English learning . Using this role-playing method, it will become the original first sentence. It turns into a role-setting sentence , which is asking you to play a language learning expert , and then the second sentence we can add to this role setting , for example, say you are very good at teaching in an interesting way , and then come to our real question , which is to ask it in English The method of learning Then we packaged and sent this instruction , and you can see its answer here, and it began to call itself a language learning expert , and then began to give me some advice on language learning. So using this method , you want it to play whatever role you want. Yes, it will analyze your problem from the perspective of that character and give you opinions . This effect will be better than if you directly use ordinary questions or named sentences . Let’s see another one For example, assuming that our original request is to ask it to help us check whether there are any errors in the English report , if we use the method of role-playing to ask , the first part is to let it act as a professional English editor first , then we will come up with our original The request is to ask it to check our English report . After sending it, it will become an English editor to help us correct the article , or report like this . The third example we mentioned is , for example, I want to ask it you Views on artificial intelligence, the first part, the role setting will change to say, I first set it as an artificial intelligence scholar , and then ask it to analyze the question I want to ask, so what happens after actually sending this instruction? Its answer angles will be completely different , its professional level will be higher , and its content will be more predictable. Then, for example, we use some repeated characters every day. In fact, We can fix a role and a chat room. For example, if we use translation or email writing functions every day, we can give translators their own chat room , and email writers can be in another chat room. In this way, they are separated. How about fixing the chat room and fixing the role in this way? It ’s not the same as the way we just said one question and one role. That is to say, when we open a new chat room today, we will set the next one first. Instructions for characters Let’s demonstrate what this means now . Suppose we want to set up a chat room dedicated to translation. When we open a new dialogue, the first instruction must be the instruction to set the role. For example, my role setting is like this . Please act as a professional text editor and translator . Then the following sentence, please help me summarize and focus on organizing the English content . This sentence is what I hope it will help me do next . Pay special attention here. I added this in the last sentence . This rule applies to all conversations , and I don’t need to repeat it. The meaning of this sentence is that I want the entire chat room to do the same thing on a regular basis , which is translation and key arrangement. Oh, then I don’t need to repeat it, explain to it what it is going to do, and here we see its response, that is, we have already understood the setting of our role today , so this part is completed, so next we will You can just start throwing English content to it. Like here, I just throw an original English text to it. I don’t need to explain what it needs to do. It will automatically translate for us and organize the key points . So this role Acting is really very useful, that is, it can be reused. Next time , when I want to use this translation function again, I will go back to the same chat room and post a new English content . It will be The translation will start automatically, so here we can give this chat room a name. Next time we will be better and quickly retrieve the translation function. Then the second example is the assistant who writes emails . That’s the same. We just open a chat room first and establish the character first , then our first sentence is to say to it, please act as a professional English assistant and translator , this is my character setting sentence , and the latter is what I want it to do , help me Reply to a letter in Chinese or English . The content must be formal . The last part is exactly the same as before . This rule is used in all subsequent conversations . I don’t need to repeat it. It just makes it remember its own role . Let’s send it out together like this . Here it is set up, after it knows its role , we will start writing letters, so we need to use ChatGPT to write letters It is necessary to provide some key information. The information is probably good enough . It does not need to be very detailed. For example, what is the purpose of the letter we are going to write today , who is the recipient, and what is the content like ? Explain to ChatGPT, let ’s give an example. Suppose I want to write a letter to Dr. XYZ in English today. Then I will explain the content to ChatGPT roughly, and then we will send it out like this . After sending it out, it will be I will follow my request and write a letter. As you can see, the complete draft is just a large, eloquent letter with a lot of redundant words . If I receive it myself, I won’t think about it. It depends. At this time, do we need to modify it ourselves? The answer is no . Of course, ChatGPT will help us to modify it. The next step is that we can directly give it feedback , that is, what do we think of this letter ? Then tell it to condense it, and delete it. Necessary words . In this way , you can quickly edit the content of the letter you want . Then we will talk about the reply part. How to write the reply letter ? We can also provide the subject of the letter and the reply letter. The general content and if it is OK, you can paste the content of your original letter to ChatGPT for reference . Here, I want to remind everyone that the official ChatGPT can see all the content of the conversation, so be sure to check it before sending it. Check to see if there is any sensitive content in it, because it seems that there was a Samsung news a while ago , that is, the program engineer in it directly used ChatGPT to write the program and leaked some very confidential information . Then it was discovered by the company and captured. So everyone, be careful . Here is the demonstration content I sent . My instruction contains the content of the letter I want to reply , and the original letter looks like this . Then ChatGPT will help us write the reply letter. You can pay attention to the draft of the original letter . In fact, it will capture the keywords of the original letter . For example, the name mentioned in the first letter , the name of the activity, or the date can be captured by itself and then written to the reply . Inside, after writing like this , if you feel dissatisfied and you want to adjust the content, you can communicate with ChatGPT. In a word , it’s right to use ChatGPT as an assistant. Let’s see the third example, which is to assume that I If you want to learn programming, I will open a new chat room . For example, if I want to learn Python, I will ask it to act as a Python code teacher. This is the first role-playing command I gave , which is to ask it to act as the teacher. Then the following is used All of our conversations are like this , after sending instructions, it starts to become a Python teacher , we can start asking it questions , and then ask it about Python-related knowledge , like this, for example, here I start directly asking it how to write a download YouTube cover The program code will start to guide us to write it step by step. Here we can see that ChatGPT can actually use this program window to display the content . The most convenient thing here is that it has a copy code button on the right. You can directly copy and paste it into our program . In the part of learning to write programs, we will mention more later . What we just talked about is the main method of role-playing . It can actually be extended There are infinite ways to use it, that is, as long as you want to get the role , it can be played. Next, we will introduce other application methods , and we will continue to use this role-playing method . Next, we will talk about if If you want to make ChatGPT’s answer clearer , it is very important that you limit its answering style , so what does this mean? For example, we are going to write two reports today , and the target audience for the first article is middle-aged and elderly people. Ethnic groups, and the target readers of the second article are young people under the age of 20. These two writing methods must be different , so if we want to use ChatGPT to write these two reports, we can directly talk to it Say who our target readers are, it will change its writing style according to different ethnic groups The elderly group is also useful here . We just introduced the role-playing method and brought it into the setting of the Taiwanese reporter . After sending this command, ChatGPT will start writing articles . ChatGPT does not write all the things at once , it just knows each word. Appeared , so when it was being written , we could probably tell from the first half of the content that this article was not OK . The target readers have written into the article , so at this time, everyone does not need to waste time , we can directly interrupt it to answer, there is a Stop Generating button at the bottom , we just press it , and then it will stop answering , and then we can go to our original Next to the question and request, there is a modifier button . Click it to add some conditions behind our original question . The new condition I added here is to ask it not to mention certain words in the article. So it looks like this We re-send it again , and it will rewrite an article . After the modification and sending, a report written for the target group will come out . Next, let’s take a look at the second article . We are going to write for young readers. So this On the other hand, let's change it a little bit , that is , ask it to write a social platform post , then use the writing style edited by young people , add informal and emoji and other more relaxed words , and then introduce a theme to the young people in Taiwan . After I send the instruction It starts to write articles , and everyone sees that it will be easier to use words , and then bring some emoji and so on. Then this is its entire article , so according to the content you wrote today , where do you want to publish your readers ? Who are they, and what is the background and situation ? These information can be regarded as part of the question, except for the different writing styles . Next, let’s take a look at how to limit its writing format and the number of words in its answer. In fact, it can be specified. For example, 500 words of experience , or the format can also be specified. For example , whether to use tables or codes to present . For example, we can ask it here , please use a short text to explain what is large Language Model Give three examples and present them in a table After sending it here, it will write the answer according to our requirements , and you will see a form below . If you ask it to answer a lot of words today , please note that ChatGPT has a word limit for answers. Oh, for example, if you ask it to write 2,000 articles , it will stop at about 500 Chinese characters. At this time , in fact, you can do the same as what we said before , just ask it to continue , you just type the word "continue" and it will stop. Continue to complete the 2000 words like this . Another way is to solve it through the structure of the article. So next , we will talk about the creation method of this long article. Suppose we want to write a long article about artificial intelligence. That's because ChatGPT can answer up to 500 words at a time, so we write the structure first , and then generate small articles in batches , except for the inner text . In fact, you can ask ChatGPT to write out the title or outline , and combine us The role-playing just mentioned , let’s ask it to propose the title of the article first, then here are ten proposals for the title of the article , if you are not satisfied , you can ask it to modify it , that is, to guide it to write your ideal title, for example Speaking of this , I want to see if there are any other variations of the first title. I will copy it first, and then I will ask here if you can provide the other five versions of the first title , and I will mention it separately. gave me five similar titles, let’s assume that I want to use the first title , and I will copy the first title as well , then we will write the outline next, what about writing the outline ? Just paste the title just now , and then I will ask it to write the outline of the article . Of course, if you want to include a specific topic or project, you can just add it to the question , and then it will be finished here. The draft of my outline , assuming that I read the outline today and think there is no problem, then we can follow this outline and create each subtitle in turn. For example , let’s ask it to write one of the titles first, and it will To generate an article like this, this is actually one of the topics in the super-long paper . Then I can ask it to finish the other parts just now . After each part is completed, we can string it together to complete a part. It’s a very long paper , of course, the things we write in this way may be very rough , and the things in it can actually be refined, whether you ask it to refine or we can refine it by ourselves. Come to us again It refers to some very commonly used commands for writing articles. For example, rephrase rewrites . After this word , you can add a paragraph of the article or sentence it just finished writing. Other commonly used words, such as extension and condensation or It is an explanation, which is very useful in writing articles . For example, after I read the article it has written, I can ask it to rewrite the sentence , or if it is not well written, you can copy it directly. Please ChatGPT to adjust or you can ask it to explain some nouns in the article, so using the entire outline structure and text editing instructions , you can let ChatGPT write a very long article. Next, we will talk about it After using ChatGPT, you must notice two things. The first thing is to verify the information, that is, don’t trust its answers completely , because it will fabricate information, especially the names of people or places in recent times , and it will I made up some non-existent people and things by myself . This phenomenon is particularly obvious in the free version of the GPT-3.5 model . For example, I asked it here , five must-eat snack bars in Taipei , and these stores it gave me. At a glance, they all exist here , but a few locations are actually wrong. For example, the stinky boss above is steaming stinky tofu . I checked it myself. It is actually at the South Airport or the Lanjia below. The cut bag is actually in the mansion. It says it is in the Eastern District, so sometimes there are such strange mistakes. Another example is that I asked it the five most popular singers in Taiwan , and the answer it gave me. Look at it. There is nothing wrong with the first three. It is Lin Junjie, Xiao Jingteng and Zhang Huimei . Why did Jerry Yan appear ? No one should say that Jerry Yan is the most popular singer in Taiwan. Then the last one, Xu Song , I went to check this. How to pronounce the words? This person is actually not Taiwanese , so it is ChatGPT, which can actually fabricate information, so everyone must use it carefully. The second thing to pay attention to is that after ChatGPT gives the answer , you can Give it feedback. For example, you can ask it to explain more about the technical terms, and the writing can be more lively and interesting . Or I think this paragraph you wrote is not very good. Please rewrite it . Through this kind of interaction, it can be faster. Let’s produce some usable content . Now let’s make a summary here . We just talked about the way of communicating with ChatGPT , or some methods of long-form writing . The biggest point we just talked about is actually. It’s just role-playing, it’s to let it analyze our questions from different angles , and its answers will be more professional and more accurate . What about each chat room? It can be set to a different role , for example, it’s fixed for writing emails. Or Chinese-English translation. Next , it is to limit its answer format. For example, write an article for young people in Taiwan , or draw a table, etc. Also, we have talked about using the creation of this article structure to write long articles. We just draw up an outline first, and then analyze and create. Finally, after asking questions , we must verify the information and give feedback. This way the effect will be better. Next, we will continue to introduce more usages of ChatGPT , such as summarizing and organizing data. Part of that just now In fact, we are all creating some information out of nothing in ChatGPT, and you will find that it starts idling when you write it. So let’s talk about how to throw our own data to it, and further help us organize some of the content we need. Or to speed up the speed of our information absorption , or the speed of analysis, etc. Suppose we see this English news report today, and if we want to ask it to be sorted out and translated , I can copy it all first, and then copy it. Let’s go back to ChatGPT and combine the role-playing we just learned , so we first issue a command to ask it to play the role of translation and editing , then focus on sorting out this news, and then use traditional Chinese , that is, I have specified this language , and then continue Let's paste the news content just now Then here you need to use a colon and two quotation marks to frame it like this. Of course, you can adjust what you want it to do with this data according to your own needs . For example, ask it to classify, catch keywords, and summarize. Conclusions , analysis, etc. are all possible . Here I want to specifically mention the arithmetic part. It is the free version of GPT 3.5. It is not very good at arithmetic , and even basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division will make mistakes. So if If you need to use this calculation in your data, you should pay special attention to it . Then the command we actually send will look like this. It is a role-playing and then add the data we need to sort out . Send it out in a format , and then it will be Help us complete the content we need. Of course, in addition to this translation , you can also continue to ask more questions about this result . For example, please ask it for cross-comparison , or in-depth analysis . You can even use tables. To present the result you want, let’s take another example. This is also an English news on the Internet. Let ’s focus on sorting out and translating this news . Let’s copy all the content first. Then go back to this ChatGPT , let’s do the same, first write the role instructions, and then paste the press release just now, use colons and quotation marks to frame the scope of this information , and then the Chinese news highlights will be sorted out, then let’s talk about it by the way This translated news actually mentioned that on March 22 last month, the research institute sponsored by Elon Musk published an open letter calling on major companies to suspend the development of AI. Soon, it will endanger the future of all human beings , so I hope the government can intervene in legislation and suspend development for 6 months . But there is a very interesting news recently, that is, Elon Musk bought a batch of these chips himself , and wants to develop AI by himself , so there is a point How do you say it? Self- suffering? Then let’s add something here. For example, if you want to translate the paper accurately , you can refer to the terminology here , and you can ask it to attach the original text to the proper noun and the text with quotation marks, and then In the middle, here, here , you paste the original text of your original paper , and then the last here is to remind it of our rules again , and then we can send it out like this, it will be directly behind the important words The original text is attached, so at this time , you may start to want to throw a large report directly into it to read , but it is a pity that ChatGPT currently has a text input limit of 2000 characters, so now we are going to introduce one here The third-party website is called ChadPDF , which can help you quickly capture the key points in the PDF . This website can directly upload the PDF and then use a function similar to ChatGPT. It can analyze questions and answers , capture data, and organize key points. For example, here I am. I directly uploaded a 155-page English report and entered it. It will appear here like this , and I can click it directly . Then it will appear a screen that looks like ChadGP , but it is a different service from ChatGPT. This PDF is a function developed by a third-party developer , and the model behind it should be a relatively low-level GPT model, which can process such a large amount of text at one time. As you can see on the screen here, it starts with French and We have a conversation, but ignore it, we start to ask it questions in Chinese , we can start to ask it to analyze the contents of this PDF , and then we can ask it various questions about this report, it can answer, for example , we can Ask it to sort it out, or ask it some details in the report, etc. When you ask it some questions, it will mention which chapter the information is mentioned in . At this time, it is very important to Verify the information. For example, I asked it to retrieve the original text here. For example, in the previous conversation, it mentioned the information on page 82. I asked it to type out the original text on page 82. After checking it, it gave My original text is actually not only the content on page 82 , but also mixed with some content on the first page. So every time, its answer is to check whether it is right , to avoid it from fabricating the answer. Son, let ’s move on to the next method. Let’s talk about how to put a lot of information into ChatGPT. We just said that the amount of text it can accept at one time is only 2000 words at most . Therefore, it is a big article that must be cut. Feed it a lot of 2000 words , how to make it string all 2000 words together for analysis , then you can use the notation method at this time , please note that this method can only be used by GPT-4 , how to use this As for the method, let’s open a new dialogue first , and then the first command. Let’s explain our rules first. Let ’s make a preview. Next , we will throw a lot of article content to it , and then we will use the numbering order from @. Then here it is I want to mention that ChatGPT has an occupational disease, that is, it will want to keep summarizing any article it sees, so I will tell it here first , please remember the content of my article first , don’t summarize , but in fact it says like this After that, sometimes it still wants a summary very much , so we will see it in the case of obsessive-compulsive disorder , and at the end of the instruction, we add this rule , which is applicable to all dialogues, and you will find that it is actually like this After adding it, it still sometimes forgets our rules, and then you have to remind it at this time, so that we will send it out together after writing it, and it will reply that it has understood , like this, everyone found It will suddenly start answering our questions in English or Simplified Chinese . At this time , we can actually specify all of them to answer in Traditional Chinese. Then we will start to pour in our information . The first one is to Please remember the article content of @1 , after that, I just add a colon and paste the content of 2000 words below, then we can follow the same analogy , that is, upload @2 ah @3 and so on , and then paste 2000 words respectively Words , it can handle more than 20,000 words at most. Here, you can see that the first one above is its answer after I sent it @1 content . In fact, it can’t help but start wanting the summary and then In the middle of the abstract, I will stop answering directly Then remind it not to summarize and remember the rules , that is, sometimes, we still need to remind it what to do, and then we will start posting the content of the @2 article , and then we can start posting @3 @4 and so on. And so on. After posting all our content like this, we can start to ask it to analyze or summarize all our content , and then you can use it to learn your writing style, for example @1 Go to @5 and post an article written by yourself . Based on these articles, you can write an article that looks like your own. Just let it imitate your writing . The data or data analysis part will also be followed by Microsoft. The introduction of special AI functions to match Office software , such as Word or Excel , will have more targeted enhancements to the needs of text or number analysis, so everyone can look forward to this new function they will launch later . Next, let’s take a look at how to use ChatGPT to learn knowledge . It is limited by its latest information, which is only updated until 2021 , and its accuracy is not 100% in fact , so when we choose subjects, we still need to pay attention to it. Now, some subjects that are relatively OK or the part with a relatively low error rate are the part of language learning . After all, it itself is a language model . What methods can it use to help us learn ? For example, we can directly ask it here. Say if I want to learn a certain subject , how can I use ChatGPT the fastest ? Because ChatGPT is a built-in user manual , so in this way , it can give us some learning directions first. Of course, if you already have your own learning method If so, you can also directly start discussing with it how to let it assist you, which will be more efficient or faster , and then you can also develop new learning methods together . Here, I will directly ask it how to use ChatGPT to learn English. The most efficient, then it will give me some cooperative learning methods . For example, one of the methods is to use ChatGPT to train reading to help us practice the understanding of this article and the usage of words . Or you can throw some ready-made English teaching materials to it . Please It can be used as a tutor and so on . In short, there are really many usages. Then we will further choose the learning method we are interested in. For example, if I am very interested in the method of practicing reading articles that it just proposed, I will You can directly ask it how to practice this part , then it will provide a whole set of steps , follow its steps, you can practice English reading , then ChatGPT is the teacher , and I think the best part of using this method is that it is actually Tailoring the most suitable learning method for each person is that when you are using it, you can actually ask it to change to a different method at any time to help us learn. For example, the first point here mentioned that I can tell it about myself . According to the topic of interest or the difficulty of English, it will automatically generate an article to practice reading for me. Then, in the next step , I ask it to write an article for words that are commonly used in American news but rarely seen in daily life. This article helped me practice my English reading, so it wrote the following article about the American election system . No matter what you want to learn today , such as writing skills or programming, you can directly ask it how to cooperate . It will be the most efficient , and then it will help you design a set of learning methods that are most suitable for you . In the next example , we will talk about practicing logical thinking or problem solving. In the same way, you can start a new dialogue and let it enter the role . Please let it Act as an expert in logical thinking and guide us in the direction of thinking . Here, after I send out instructions, it will start to list some methods to help us practice logical thinking . These methods must have some themes to help us practice, so I will I just threw out a question first , which is to ask why modern people don’t like having children , and then I ask it to guide my thinking direction and then don’t give the answer . Or another very useful method is to ask it to ask us questions to guide our thinking Then we can start to extend the discussion later, and tell it some of your own ideas , for example, I think housing prices are a reason , and then it will start to guide me down to verify my own point of view , or we can also Horizontal development to discuss other reasons and so on. Another example for learning is the part of learning to write programs . ChatGPT is very suitable for learning to write programs or as an auxiliary tool . Like myself, I actually can’t write. Programming , but whether you are starting from scratch today or you are already very good at writing programs, ChatGPT is a very powerful tool. For example, let’s take an example here . Suppose I want to learn Python, the language program , here is the same as before . You can combine our role-playing just now and call out the Python teacher first. Assuming that I have never touched Python today, I can ask it directly and say that I want to learn Python from scratch . My computer is a Macbook . Where do I start? There is nothing wrong with that, even the installation program , such a basic thing as ChatGPT, can guide us step by step. The reason for this example is that the installation of Python on a Macbook and a Windows computer is actually different , and it is very difficult for beginners. It is difficult to figure out these rules at the beginning . It may take several hours to check the information at the beginning. In fact, it is OK if we directly ask it. Then we can start to ask it. Some basic knowledge of Python or instruction teaching or Be bold, you can directly ask it what kind of content you want to write, then throw the topic to it and ask it to teach you It will list all the required tools first , then it will help us write the program code that can be run, and we can try this function directly , and it is also in it. After the actual test, the content it wrote really fully meets my requirements. In other words, I, a person who can’t write programs at all, can quickly write some simple functions with ChatGPT . There are also many ChatGPTs appearing on the Internet. The challenge of writing programs. For example, if you write a small game quickly in three hours , you must need Debug when writing programs. At this time, you can write what you are writing or where you have problems. Just copy and paste it for it to see, it will help us analyze our problems directly , but we must also pay attention to sensitive content, just don’t throw it in , so I used it like this for a while, I think ChatGPT is very suitable for writing programs , very novice friendly and then It is also very suitable as an auxiliary tool, that is , an auxiliary tool for writing programs. Recently, I also found a very useful usage in the part of writing programs, which is to use it to write computer automation scripts . Let me talk about it in my own practice. The situation encountered during the operation is that I want the MacBook to copy all the notes of the presentation and paste it into another presentation . These two presentations have more than 100 pages of slides. Here are two A little trick I discovered after I actually operated it. The first one is not to tell it how to do it , but to guide it to find the way and then write the program by itself . For example, I told it how to do it at the beginning. For example , here I am called It writes a JavaScript and adds a script after it says, “I want to copy the briefing notes, first a script , and then paste the part, and then another script. It’s like writing two scripts in total , but in fact, it gives it too many rules, which will make it worse. It is more error-prone, and after it is written , we will talk about the second little trick , that is, if it writes a program and you make an error when running it, then ask it at this time and ask it to correct or correct, it may not be better. More Sometimes it will write more and more badly after the apology is finished. At this time, it is necessary to stop the loss immediately, just to be more decisive, and open a new chat room and use another method to ask questions . So the second time I just changed the question method directly. It becomes a practice of only talking about my purpose and not restricting it . For example, I just ask it directly. I want to copy the notes to another presentation . What is the fastest way to do this ? But in fact, I already have the answer in my heart , that is, I must write AppleScript Or JavaScript to automate , but I just want to see if it has mentioned this method . At the end of its answer , it actually mentioned that this automation is a part that is not easy for ordinary people to touch . Just mention the sentence of automation, copy it directly , and then ask it directly below, what should I do if I want to automate , I will directly copy what is written on it, that is, I haven’t changed a single word Then it directly helped me write this automated script , and then I copied the things here directly , and then put it into the automated program of my computer to run this script . Finally , I successfully wrote the content of the presentation I wanted. I copied it into the second briefing . Actually, I am also a layman in programming, so if you are good at programming, if you use ChatGPT to write some tips , you are welcome to share it with everyone in the message area . Then come to the next one. We are going to talk about a very useful method , which is to ask it to explain difficult concepts in a very simple way. Like myself, I have a little dyslexia . I just read some theories or principles that are relatively blunt. Words are more difficult to digest these complex concepts . At this time, I can ask ChatGPT to embellish the content with some stories , so that I can better remember and understand some things I want to learn. For example, what we ask it here It is quantum mechanics , so it will give me some standard answers below , which are some principles of quantum mechanics . After I read it, I think it is very abstract , there is no memory point, and I feel that I will forget it in a second , so we can ask it to use it here. It is simple and interesting , and has a way to make people remember . Explain it to a 15-year-old child. It will wrap up all the serious theories on the previous page with interesting stories and characters , and finally present it in a very distinctive way . Its complete answer is here. The original very difficult theories become very easy to understand in an instant . For example, if you want to learn by yourself or teach others, it will be very easy to use. This 15-year-old child can also set it yourself. The achievement is Say 5 years old or 10 years old , the words used will be simpler , and the concepts will be more abstract and more creative, so we have already talked about how to apply ChatGPT in organizing data and learning Knowledge , do you think it’s a pity that it can’t be used to search for data? So next, let’s introduce Microsoft’s search engine New Bing . This New Bing combines the original search engine Bing with the GPT-4 model, so that everyone can use more spoken English. Searching for information in a simplified way , what you see on the screen is the interface of Newbin . On the left is the general search engine page, and on the right is the interface of a chat room that is very similar to ChatGPT. This AI can be used in two ways . One is that it can be used alone like ChatGPT, and the other is that it can be used together with the search window on the left . New Bing’s answer will be more clear than ChatGPT , because New Bing can see the latest information . Here It is free to use New Bing , and it still uses the GPT-4 model , but now there are two conditions to use the AI ​​function of New Bing. The first one is that you need to register for New Bing with a Microsoft account. You can see this on the screen. There is one on the side to start chatting. After you press it, you can log in and use this function directly. The so-called chatting means talking to AI. The second condition is to download the Microsoft browser Edge on your mobile phone or computer. After you open Edge, the blue B button will appear in the upper right corner of the webpage. This is the button to chat with AI . If you use other browsers , this button will not appear. For example, if you use Safari or You can’t use this function when Google Chrome is open. In the chat room , you can choose the accuracy of the AI ​​answer. If you choose more creative , it will have more answers , but the accuracy will be lower, which is more suitable for use. For planning or making a list , if you choose to be more precise, its answer will be more conservative , and the words will be less , and the information will be more accurate , but its personality will be more difficult to deal with, that is, everyone will be on the Internet. I saw some people say that New Bing doesn’t answer my questions, etc. Why is it so difficult to deal with? It is because if you want to be more precise in the answer, it will ask you a lot of questions, and it will be more personalized , so it will be more useful if you don’t have to choose precise. Then you can start to search for information in the input field at the bottom For example, if I ask it to help me sort out this piece of news , it will refer to multiple news websites and then write the whole story of the event and its impact . The reference website, you can see the dotted line below , which means it can If you click on it, you can directly see the source of the website it refers to . Or here, you can directly click on this website to see which website its information comes from . Then scroll down and it will list it for you. You may want to ask other questions, click it, it will automatically send this question , and then it will start to organize the content for you . Another way to use it is to ask it to focus on the news page. It can catch you For the things you are looking at, as long as you type the four words of key sorting, it is OK. Then you can directly ask for key sorting again if you change the news page. After finishing, it will help you to expand some topics that you may want to know. For example , what is artificial rain or what are its risks? After you click on it, it will help you search . In addition, New Bing It also provides a simple AI writing tool on this interface. There is a writing button on the right side of the window of the chat room. Here you can start typing what you want to write , such as an article on what topic to email or For reports and the like, you can fill in the theme here. After I fill in my theme here, I can choose the tone and format below . Is there a function very similar to ChatGPT ? In fact, it just turns the function over there into a button. Then add New Bing , which can search for the latest information , so this is also a very good alternative . After we have selected all, we can click the following to generate a draft , and here it generates a news article for me , but it is not the same as just New Bing’s AI interface is different , that is to say , it does not write the website it refers to here, so you still have to check the content written here again. Pay attention, New Bing is different from ChatGPT, which is New Bing does not keep conversation records , so whether you just checked the data with AI or wrote articles with AI, it will not be kept. So if you want to keep these data , you have to manually back them up to yourself In the file, every time you close the window or restart the conversation, it will erase the original conversation , so you can’t get it back, so pay special attention to this part . Finally, we will add a question that many people ask about. Note AI is NotionAI . This is the most perfect note-taking app combined with GPT. It has a web version and an app version . Some people will use New Bing to search for data , and then use this Notion to organize data. The effect will be very good Yes , its advantage is that it directly makes the AI ​​text editing commands into a menu interface . As you can see here , there are four major categories in the text editing menu . The first one is the function of continuing to write , which is for you to write. Halfway through the article , please ask AI to continue writing . The second category is to produce other text content from existing articles , such as translation, summary, explanation, etc. The third category is editing and review , as we just mentioned. Tone setting, extending or shortening sentences and articles . These functions are also available on Notion. In addition , there are functions such as checking grammar, enhancing writing and modifying articles, etc. The fourth block is a new draft , which contains various article formats. For example, for papers, emails, to-do lists, etc., the usage is the same as that of ChatGPT, that is, tell it what kind of content you want to write, and it will write a draft . So if you have a lot of editing needs , the interface with this menu will It ’s a lot more convenient. Here we have come to the end of the five major applications of ChatGPT today . I believe everyone has a certain understanding of ChatGPT , such as the way to ask questions , or what it can or cannot do . We Most of them have actually been mentioned , but there are actually many, many application methods, and everyone is developing their own , so if you think there is any useful method that I haven’t mentioned, you are welcome to share it with us in the comment area below. I will add it together and share it with you . Our content today is almost here . In the next video, I will also explain the teaching of Midjourney in great detail. It is an AI image survival tool , so if you are interested in life If you are interested in drawing or counting pictures, remember to subscribe to our channel and turn on Dingdang so that you won’t miss the next wonderful content. Well, that’s all for today’s introduction. If you are interested in life-oriented content, you can also go to Follow my Instagram for the latest information and I will also post over there or interesting things , then we will see you in the next video , bye bye
Channel: 蘋果妹
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Keywords: 蘋果妹, apple, UCIpZAGl9xHcuzmHW0AAJs7g, apple gal, 蘋果爹, 3c, iPhone, ios, 教學, 設定, 小技巧, 手機, ai, chatgpt, openai, elon musk, 文字, 繪圖, 機器人, artificial, intelligence, 寫論文, 文章, 編輯, 文案, 工具, 寫程式, 城市, python, code, 學習, 作業, 作文, 報告, 生成, 自動, 翻譯, email, new bing, notion, midjourney, sam altman
Id: EM25tJ4oHUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 7sec (2887 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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