生鏽的鐵鍋千萬不要扔了,教你一招,舊鍋立馬新鍋,不粘也不鏽,比新鍋還好用 ,铸铁锅翻新, Restore a Rusty Cast Iron Skillet

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Hello everyone, welcome to Caiwei Food. If the iron pan at home is rusty, don’t sell it as scrap iron . You can’t manage it for a few cents, and it takes a lot of effort. You regard it as waste , but I regard it as a treasure. If you don’t know how to dispose of the old iron pan I suggest you watch this video. Iron pans are very easy to rust , which makes everyone a headache . It is very troublesome to deal with rusted iron pans. How to thoroughly clean the rust in the pot ? Today I will share with you a little trick to remove rust . After learning this little trick, you can ensure that your iron pan can be cleaned . And this little trick is very simple . Let’s take a look together Let’s take a look . There are some precautions that we should pay special attention to in the process of raising pots. Once a large area of ​​rust spots like this appear on the iron pot , we must deal with it in time. Frequent use of iron pots will not replenish iron . Don’t believe it Yes, the iron needed by the human body is completely two concepts . On the contrary, excessive intake of rust or grease will cause us harm . So today's video will also tell you how to properly remove , clean or clean up the grease and grease like the bottom first. One step I recommend everyone to use baking soda , it has a very strong cleaning ability. We spread the baking soda evenly inside the frying pan . The amount of baking soda must be a little more. The supermarket only costs one or two yuan a bag , so you don’t have to be reluctant to put it and then We evenly spread toilet paper towels on the surface of baking soda. The function of laying paper towels is to keep the baking soda and make it fully effective. At this moment, we slowly pour a little white vinegar into the place where there is baking soda. After pouring white vinegar, it can It reacts immediately with baking soda, and there will be a lot of bubbles . This is a normal phenomenon. Don’t worry , the smell will be a little pungent. You can wear a mask or keep away from your mouth and nose to see if there is any rust on the bottom of the pot. A little rust has been dissolved . The effect is not bad, right ? Let's let it stand for about 15 minutes to make them fully effective . These are why many people recommend baking soda to be so effective , but it's not the same thing when you use it . It just doesn't have time to make it fully effective. It's almost time . Wait until After the reaction of baking soda and white vinegar is complete and the bubbles are reduced , we wipe the surface of the pot with a paper towel In this way, all the rust on the surface can be wiped off in a short time. The longer you soak in this solution, the easier it is to scrub. We only need to scrub with a steel wool ball for a minute or two . Iron pans rust because iron and oxygen in the air produce This oxidation reaction can produce metal oxides on the surface of the iron pan , which is commonly known as rust , and carbon dioxide can remove the oxides formed on the metal surface. After the reaction of baking soda and white vinegar, a large amount of carbon dioxide will be produced. Gas to achieve the purpose of removing rust Yes , so it will be much easier for us to clean and wipe . After a while, the rust on the bottom of the pot will be cleaned. Now pour out the dirty water and rinse it under running water . The first step of preparation is almost the same. Many people use iron pots The grease at the bottom of the pot is very thick and very black. What should I do? It can’t be burnt off or washed clean . At this time, we can use the sandpaper in the house to remove the grease and grease. If you try it You can use this method to cook the grease and dirt that ca n’t be burned at high temperature. As long as we clean the grease on the bottom of the pot, the thermal conductivity will be faster when we cook , which can save cooking time and save a lot of money. Gas and the fried dishes will be more delicious , so don’t think that it’s enough to clean the pot . We still need to clean the grease on the bottom of the pot frequently . Finally, rinse the iron pot with clean water. You can scrub it with a little dish soap. It becomes very dirty , which means that the grease and oil stains on the bottom of the pot have been cleaned up . Usually, we only need to spend a few minutes to clean the bottom of the pot . If there is grease on the bottom of the pot at home , try to use this method to clean it . One step , the normal method of raising a pot No matter whether your pot is rusty or not, this step must be indispensable . This is the step of opening a new pot to roast blue. The whole process is to open a large fire , start from the center and slowly bake . The temperature of the roasting process is relatively high . Everyone must Pay attention to protect yourself to avoid scalding. When the center starts to change color , you need to change the position and bake slowly along the edge of the pan. In fact, the main purpose of the baking pan is to remove impurities in the iron pan . There is a way to achieve such a high firepower , but the actual effect is still there . This iron pan is only rusty, and the grease and oil stains are actually very small, like the one with a lot of grease , so that it can be permed immediately after roasting and roasting . The process of roasting About 15 minutes, it depends mainly on the thickness of your pan . The thicker the pan, the longer it will take. After baking , we will turn off the fire . At this time, everyone should pay attention . After turning off the fire, you must wait for it to cool. If it is a pan , then You need to wait until the pot is completely cooled before you can flush the water , otherwise the bottom of the pot will be bulged and deformed. After the iron pot is completely cooled , prepare a scouring pad and add a little detergent . We will scrub the inside of the pot and blue it The surface of the finished iron pot will have a lot of impurities or rust attached to it . At this time, you need to use dish soap , scouring pads or steel wool to scrub it clean. Now the pot is completely clean. Further maintenance is done. Put the iron pan on the stove and turn on the fire to dry the water. Most people know that this step must be used after boiling the pan . However , I found that many people would not really use it . The first important point of the pot is to turn on a small fire and not a big fire , and then don’t rush to add lard skin , first pour a little food into the pot Oil, most people like to put the lard skin directly without cooking oil , so what is the final result ? The lard skin is completely stuck on the iron pan , and if the whole process is turned on, the moment when the lard skin is added, there will be thick grease. It will solidify on the iron pan, no matter how much it is brushed and washed, it will not be removed. This is why many novices will turn black here and brown there when they open the pan. The process of brushing the oil will last about 10 minutes . The reason why lard is used is Because the adsorption force of animal oil is better than that of vegetable oil, lard can play a strengthening role , and oil is used to isolate oxygen, so that the iron pan is not easy to rust and stick to the pan After the time is almost up , turn off the heat and wait for it to cool down . There is another wrong way . Don’t wash it immediately . At this time, the oil temperature in the pot is very high. When it encounters cold water, it will immediately turn into thick grease , which cannot be removed by brushing . After this treatment, this layer of oil will be absorbed thinly to form a protective film. This is what I need to explain to you . The iron pan after maintenance. After using it for the first 3 times, you must not use detergent to clean the iron pan after maintenance . There will be a layer of oil film on the surface of the pot , which is its golden bell cover , so when you finish maintenance of the iron pot later, you should pay attention to this detail . Some friends may ask whether the bottom of the pot needs maintenance . It is also necessary , but when does the bottom of the pot need to be wiped? Oil is indeed skillful . There is only one situation that needs to be oiled. It is like this kind of pot bottom with serious rust . For daily iron pot maintenance or when a new iron pot is opened, the bottom of the pot must not be oiled. The bottom of the iron pot often needs to go through high temperature . If you apply oil, thick grease and grease will form . Therefore, you can take out the oil once in the middle of ten times of maintenance. After the pot is completely cooled , you can clean it. Then, in the next step of cleaning , you can’t use detergent , just like I just said Do not use detergent for the first 3 times , just rinse it with clean water and dry it, then the last step is to add a little cooking oil, it would be even better if there is lard in the house Use paper towels to evenly coat every surface of the pot. Dear friends, it is not easy to make a video Like it, thank you for your support . Let’s look at this iron pot again at this time. Does it feel brand new ? Compared with the previous time, there are so many rusts , and the whole person feels comfortable. After the last step is completed , don’t use it immediately. It must be left overnight. Let it fully absorb the fat so that there is a layer of grease on the iron pan , so it is not easy to rust . Well, the iron pan has been maintained in this way . After so much has been said and done for so long, how is the effect? ​​Next, let’s check the actual operation. There is no need to add oil. Let’s directly crack an egg and wait for the egg to set . Shake it to see if it doesn’t stick to the pan at all . The result is very amazing. Iron pans really need to learn how to maintain them properly . Doesn’t someone ask how often it should be maintained? In the case of frequent use, it can be maintained once every 1-2 months . The iron pot that has been passed down for thousands of years does not require frequent maintenance. The more you use it, the better it is . Learn how to raise the pot correctly . The more you use the iron pot, the better it will be . And it can be used for a lifetime . One pot is passed on for three generations, and the pot is still there . Although the materials of the pot are various, the traditional iron pot is still the first choice of many families because of iron. Guokangzao and the fried vegetables are delicious. Well, the sharing of today’s video content is over. If you watch today’s content and find it helpful to you , remember to like , forward and share . Hope It can help more friends. Click on my profile picture to watch more exciting content. Different and interesting videos will be updated every day . Remember to follow me. Thank you for your support . My name is Chocao. See you in the next video
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Id: rzf9eqYLvg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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