澳門!我們終於來了!平民美食攻略!祐漢熟食中心!平靚正!大三巴!人氣旅遊區!295元酒店!豬手麵!熱咖啡!美食天堂!住宿旅遊推薦!最貼地!深入當地人生活區!Canton Food Tour|Macao

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40 square meters Macau is also talking about square meters 4.8 million 32 square meters 100,000 yuan per square meter 3.98 million. I have tried everything and they are all delicious. This is the curry beef brisket. Our beef brisket is braised with Zhuhou sauce. This is the room. I have not stayed in it. I 've been in such a small hotel and I'm currently in the editing position. It's like I used to be in elementary school when I was studying and there was no desk. I'm so alert before going out... Hallo, hello, viewers. It's 9 o'clock in the morning. We are leaving. The previous episode predicted that we will go today. After two days of visiting Macau, we originally wanted to have breakfast in Zhongshan, but it was too late because it didn’t matter if we drove by ourselves. We skipped that link. Now we go directly to Macau. Just like the last time we went to Hong Kong, we drove to and parked near the checkpoint and then entered . We probably It will take about 1 hour and 30 minutes to get to Gongbei. It will take two hours to drive slowly. It is not a slow drive. The normal drive is more than 100 kilometers. It is different from the last time we went to Hong Kong because we did not stay overnight in Hong Kong. This time we will stay overnight when we go to Macau , so there are a lot of things . There are so many things to consider. Our first step is to find a parking lot because parking there is very troublesome. It costs more than 200 yuan, which is expensive. It may cost 150 yuan a day. Unlike the last time we were in Shenzhen, parking in Shenzhen was already very expensive. 50 yuan is already very expensive. Some people even say that it can park for 20 yuan. 10 yuan a day in Shenzhen. I’m talking nonsense. Stop talking nonsense. Let’s go to the parking lot and talk to you slowly. We put our luggage in the car and take our schoolbags with us to the right of Macau. This bag is for clothes, that bag is for my wife’s clothes, and my wife’s schoolbag. I don’t dare to carry too many things when I go to Macau. I have to carry a pair of underwear, my computer, and you have to carry them. You have to carry so many clothes . As for this bag, it’s amazing. There are so many clothes that you can live in one. It’s enough week to start. Hello. After almost two hours of driving, there was no traffic jam on the road. We finally arrived in Zhuhai. Now it’s this time. We are going out at 9 o’clock. One thing is like this. Initially , we planned to come here and park. We had already done our homework early in the morning. We knew we had to take a taxi to Gongbei, and we also knew how much parking here was. We knew it was 20 yuan, right, and it was only 15 yuan? Now when it comes to the price of 45 yuan a day, I suspect that it is a parking lot advertisement, but my wife ignores it and doesn’t waste time. We slowly searched for it. We also drove around nearby, but of course we couldn’t find the parking space in front of us, although it was free . Let’s not talk about not being able to find it. It would be meaningless if someone breaks the window and so on. Now we take a taxi to Gongbei. If we take a taxi here, because we are two people and cannot carpool, we can only choose this option . Someone will pick up the car soon and come over . It only takes four minutes for us to wait for the bus here. It will take us to Gongbei in about 15 minutes. We are waiting for the taxi driver. The driver should be here. Brother driver should be here. This is it. Yes, we will pass through the customs here in Gongbei today. We will pass all the way here in the underground shopping mall. Just go all the way. It should be very convenient. There is no parking space nearby. If there is a parking space for more than 200 yuan, it is not necessary. We haven't been here for a long time. I used to go over there like this. Now it's like this. It seems to be very convenient to go in this underground shopping mall, but parking is inconvenient. We should find it slowly. It is 150 yuan on the opposite side. Yes, we parked at the viewing platform opposite. It is 150 yuan . 150 yuan is not necessary. How much money did we have just now? 45 Yuan This mall is very popular. Last time we came, it seemed that there was no such mall or what it was like. I don’t remember the epidemic. Of course it was lifeless at that time, but it ’s much better now. Let’s continue to the border crossing. It says in front of the lobby that the shops on both sides of the lobby sell clothes and underwear. They sell shoes and T-shirts. There are also many things to eat. There is also a souvenir shop here where you can buy souvenirs , but the food should be better in Macau. Finally, we came to Macau and passed the customs. If compared with before, we tried to get up at 6 o'clock in the morning and then arrived. It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon and it's a lot smoother than last time. But if it's better than the last time we went to Hong Kong, it might be better to try it next time. What's the name there? The new checkpoint in Qingmao will be better. Now we plan to go to Yau Hon Market Food Center for lunch. It will take 10 minutes on foot and it will be very fast . According to the map, it should be reached by following the pedestrians . As for our hotel, it is just 10 minutes' walk away. We came next to Liupu Hotel and immediately wanted to buy something to eat. This Golden Lion Cake Shop should be good. The smooth coffee, milk tea and pork chop buns. What else? There are also a lot of sausage buns, hot dogs, cheese, ham, and ham buns, which are only 11 yuan. Once she passed the test, she wanted to eat this one, which was a pork chop bun for 11 yuan. As for me, I just wanted to eat this Portuguese tart. Today is a working day, and there are so many people on Tuesday. Now at 12 noon, we are still thinking that there will be fewer people at 12 noon. In other words, if it is earlier, more people will pass by. Look at the property price of 40 square meters in Macau, which is also 4.8 million square meters. 32 square meters , which is more than 398 per square meter for 100,000 yuan. 10,000 is an exaggeration. Yes, if you calculate the RMB, it is almost 100,000. If you calculate the RMB, it is almost 7,000 with a 10% discount. Two bedrooms and one living room. After we left the square, more and more residential buildings saw classmates after school , because the time now is School ends at 12 o'clock, but here in Macau it's a bit like Xiguan. The road we returned to is very narrow and has slopes because there are many pharmacies near the border gate. The pharmacies here are milk powder pharmacies. If the RMB was more valuable a few years ago, there would be more. There are fewer people here now. There are people who repair motorcycles or buy shampoo and go back to Guangzhou. These should be residential buildings. This is called Guanzha Road. There are many high-rise buildings because the area is always small. In Macau, this is where the motorcycle turns. The map software shows that the house is called Taishan Pingmin New Village. Is it possible that people from Taishan used to live here ? Isn’t there a Taishan market ? It’s called Taishan Pingmin New Village. Go forward and turn left. You’ll find Youhan New Village. You should go there to eat and it should be right across the street. It says that the Macau Taishan Fangzhong Mutual Aid Association means that there are many Taishan people here. If you want to find delicious food in Macau, just like these cake shops and bakeries, you must have a small stall in front. What kind of ghost stalls are sold? Bullshit? I don’t know if the ice cream shop says “ice cream shop” on my auntie. Eat some ice cream. My classmates like these snacks after school just like in Guangzhou. Honeydew melon and mango . Chocolate and mango. How much does it cost? Are they all the same and cost 10 yuan each ? Fortunately , it turns out that auntie still has a lot of things here to buy salty and sour ginger. After buying the ice cream, we continue to move forward. It costs 10 yuan each. I am very happy. And it is almost the same here as in Guangzhou. Guangzhou has to be careful about electric bicycles and motorcycles, but at least these have sounds. Guangzhou does not have many sounds. Food is like a community and there is Zhongshan Spicy Hot Mixed Fruits, Auntie said What's that called? Xiaogang East Road is almost there. The exterior wall is very tasteful. I have experienced the same thing, but 100,000 yuan is right for me. I don’t know if it is these. I believe it won’t say 20,000 here, 100,000 there , or whether it will be rented. I don’t know how many things the house is like. In fact, I want to eat these the most, right? There is also a street market opposite the rice roll restaurant. We came over to see the express train after finishing our meal. In a few minutes, we arrived at the place where we wanted to eat. It was right in front. This time we walked. In the past, when we came to Macau, we always took the Fortune Car as soon as we left. Even if you don't go into the casino or participate in gambling, you have to take a fortune car because I didn't know the way well at that time. In fact, we have been here many times and tried once. We took a taxi to Taipa and then took a taxi to the airport. As for here, we took a taxi. It should be the Yau Han Hawker Building where the residential area is located . I think the place where we eat is the cooked food center on the second floor. The cooked food center on the second floor is right here . There are many students who eat noodles, coffee, and milk tea here and eat doll noodles here and eat curry . In those food centers, after shopping, sit here and eat slowly and enjoy. This one seems good. It’s not necessary to make rice rolls first. There are also dim sum. This one is for rest. This one is for eating claypot rice . This one is for eating dumplings. There are more people in this area, all of whom are classmates. I saw that their fried noodles seem to be very attractive , and the pork chop buns may also be eaten. As for these noodles, I don’t think they need the tofu noodles . After a quick look, that’s basically it. This dumpling in front of Curry Lao Xiaofang There are also many choices of wonton dumplings . First of all, because it is a Food Court, the restaurant for each food is different. This one is curry beef brisket noodles. All the silver codes mentioned below are HKD 27. This seems to be HKD 29. You need to add noodles. One yuan or two yuan. The original price is 28 yuan. Add one yuan and it becomes 29 yuan. The total charge for these two drinks is 19 yuan. This one seems to be 10 yuan hot milk tea. Watching the boss make it. This one looks like the boss is making Chong Ning. It’s so good to start the meal. Is it possible? Pan-fried dumplings are very good. It seems that many people eat them , but I think there is still no need to come to Macau to eat them. As for rice rolls, it is even more unnecessary. I will definitely not eat them here, but these two items , such as curry or milk tea, should be done well in Macau . My wife every I have tried everything and they are all delicious. The curry beef brisket is this kind. Our beef brisket is braised with Zhuhou sauce. In fact, the cooking method is the same, but she uses curry flavor. The curry flavor is very fragrant and fragrant. Let me tell you about the curry flavor. Why did we come to Macau in the first place? We haven’t been there for a long time. Various factors add up. The most important thing is that we want to try out what it is like to travel without driving . We don’t forget to drive to Gongbei. We don’t drive because we have to carry computer clothes. If we do it in the future, What should we do if we go to Malaysia or Thailand ? Where we go, we may have to wait until summer because we have to carry clothes on our backs all the way in winter. It is very troublesome to change in every city. We also need computers and charging, and so on. This time we came to Macau. As an internship, you can also try this one. The one I had just now was very soft and considering the price, even if we don’t consider Macau and even in Guangzhou , the Michelin bowls are similar. The big bowls are really similar. At best, they are cheaper. Points are converted back to RMB and the flavor is different here. If it were beef brisket with Zhuhou sauce, I would not choose it. It is a little spicy and very spicy. Dip it in a little curry sauce. The curry soup base . The egg tart I just ate was not enough to satisfy my addiction and not full enough. I need to eat more before dipping it. The soup base is made from bamboo noodles. About ten years ago , our family of three went to the Philippines and passed through Macau. Of course, we wanted to find some good food to eat. We also went to a cooked food center that should be called Camp Food Center. I told you that I didn’t know what Camp Food Center would become at that time. It's less crowded and less crowded than here, but it's winter and it's around the Lunar New Year. Will the pork knuckle noodles be a little dry ? No, it doesn't come with soup, so there are many people queuing up. This stall should be worth eating . It should taste better because it's a bit like Che Tsai Noodles. You can choose a lot of side dishes. Many people choose pork knuckles. I saw that the noodles are worth eating. I don’t dare to eat that fat. Can you give it to me? It ’s beautiful, but that piece is too fat. The beef brisket is fat enough , so it’s beautiful. The curry flavor is very strong. The stewed texture is similar to what we ate when we returned to Guangzhou , but the taste is There are very few that are completely different. Even if there are some, I won’t eat them because they are not as delicious as the braised beef brisket with Zhuhou sauce. I will try Guangzhou next. It is hot coffee with coffee. If you have this cup for breakfast, you can choose a sandwich. After thinking about it, I would choose this one. The curry is better and the sandwiches are less. When I return to Guangzhou, it’s not about not being able to eat. It’s one thing and it’s not that cheap and not so beautiful. But there aren’t many. Next time I try the pork knuckle noodles, my wife says it’s a must. The most important thing about trying pork knuckles is this. I just had a pork chop bun , which was very soft and delicious. If you eat it, it will be more cost-effective if you go further away from the border gate and come here. These are good. Of course, they are very soft here. What is the collagen called? It's very tasty and not too salty. It 's really good. Initially, I wanted noodles as thick as fried noodles. The lady boss was very nice but she worked very quickly. She didn't give me a second to hesitate about what to eat. She had already thrown the noodles in and started cooking. Yes, I ’m very happy, including the noodle cook, who all told me to get it for you. I said there was still something else, so I got these noodles myself. The base of the noodles is Zhusheng noodles . I like this kind of noodles very much. The noodles are very beautiful and very yellow . The eggs should be added. It’s enough that you don’t have that dark feeling. When you come to Macau, it’s not just about the casinos. Of course, you have to go in and see the sex, but these are the local people’s lives . Now that I’m full, I ’m going to take the bus to the hotel to show everyone here . I discovered a very strange phenomenon. It’s normal for students to be playing video games , but they all speak Mandarin more accurately than me. Why is this happening? This is a snack. The curry I bought just now is what this curry forest should be called . Next to it is the place to buy coffee. The place where I just bought coffee. There are also various sandwiches . Now we are going up to the third floor. When we are full, we will remember. There seems to be a third floor. It turns out there are a lot of them upstairs, but there don’t seem to be as many as downstairs. There should be no treasures. There are chicken noodle soup with sugar water, which is almost the same as downstairs . It seems to be better downstairs. How much does this chicken noodle soup cost ? ... Rice rolls are sold for 20 yuan each. There are also dumplings. I saw a lot of people buying dumplings. I also wanted to buy 8 for 20 yuan. It seems... That’s why I didn’t buy it. There is no treasure downstairs. They sell fried dumplings with soy milk and white porridge here . It’s fried food, the light is red, and it ’s also a food place... Many people eat rice rolls. I found that here is... I don’t know what to eat. Chicken, vegetables, fried dumplings. After going to the market, I was going to take the bus in front. I originally thought that I wouldn’t need it when I came to Macau. Taking the bus , we never expected that the hotel we were going to was Dalongfeng Tea House, which took 29 minutes. We got off at the Jinbi Civic Center. Taking the bus in Macau cost 6 yuan per person. Finally we arrived at the bus stop. I looked at the map software and told me to take the bus to the Jinbi Civic Center. The fastest way to get off is these two buses on the way to Macau. The price is 6 yuan, Australian dollars and Hong Kong dollars. The advantage is that you can see how many stops there are. The No. 2 bus we want to take is only one stop away. Since we are here Tourists do not use electronic payment , so they have to pay in cash. Already prepared. I just went to a mass merchandiser to buy something. It turns out that you can use Alipay for shopping . It is very convenient. There is an exchange rate written here . And the exchange rate for my platinum member is a little lower , about It takes about 30 minutes to get to the place where we need to get off. It takes about 10 minutes now. My wife, who is driving in the side streets and narrow alleys, also said that if I want to drive in these places, my car can actually be used because I own it. The car is small enough and these places don’t drive very fast. When we come to Macau, we don’t seem to have passed these places. They go to some tourist areas. The locals give money and can pay electronically. We use cash. Other than the local cake shops, I found that the most is here in Santa Ana. There is another one that is different, right? I didn’t know that Guangzhou is divided into two colors. There is a purple one, this one is not purple. Yes, there are many China Telecom phone companies. We now travel by bus in Macau. I have told you before that if If you go back to Guangzhou, you can try this. You can roughly know where the bus is going. It's not to the suburbs but to the city center. It's also a good choice to take a bus and explore the city. You can't see anything by taking the subway. That’s how it is when you come out. The prerequisite for taking the bus is that you are not very familiar with it. Nowadays, the map software on mobile phones is very powerful. I think if domestic Apps can be used, there is no reason why external Apps can’t. You can probably go somewhere and look at it with your mobile phone. You can probably tell where to go by looking at your mobile phone. There are many people on the bus here. It seems that this area should be a relatively prosperous area. It is called Moras Lane. Nearby Moras Lane is Fuhai Garden Screw Hill Park. I can at least know where Screw Hill Park is. At least you know that as a tourist, time is very precious. There is no reason to stay here for a month or two because the hotel is very expensive. After more than 20 and 30 minutes of driving, we finally arrived and found that the buses in Macau were very dense. We had taken one once at that time. I went there once when I came back from the Philippines. Do you think those buildings in Jiangmen look like those in Jiangmen? That’s it. It ’s called October 5th Street. Yes, it’s called October 5th Street. Yes, the hotel we want to stay at is at the end of the row. This time I Without being too pretentious, let me tell you how much we spent. I used a 294 yuan silver code, which was 300 yuan. The platform discounted it by 10 yuan. It turned out to be like this on the fifth day of October. It was also my first time here and I only found out about this after watching TVB dramas. The name is right, that's it . They sell these dolls downstairs , but it doesn't matter . It's called City Inn. It's just that it's very close to the tourist area . Since we didn't drive, we must choose some hotel very close to the tourist area to stay. More importantly, it's opposite here. There is also the Dalongfeng Folk Art Club’s afternoon teahouse where the beautiful lady is singing . It turns out that this place has a history of 70 years. It is so powerful. Where is the room when we come to the 70th year ? Isn't it over here? 607 should be over here, 607 608. Will you see some casinos here ? Of course I don’t know. I should make it clear first. These rooms will not be very big , but they will be clean. This is our room. I have never stayed in such a room. It's a small hotel , but make it clear that this is Macau and there are still 300 yuan to find a deal. I saw a hotel that costs more than 300 yuan. It's more than 30 square meters and should be better than the one the wife here is talking about. But you have already booked it before I finish talking. There is water, coffee, and all the free Macau snacks. This is macaroons . There are two water cups with two plugs. Then here is a wallet. There are two bathrobes. They should be bathrobes . There is also a hair dryer. As for the refrigerator, there should be none. I wo n’t go into the reasons for this . As for turning around, here is the restroom . It’s really not too big. Here is the bathing area. An adult can stand in and come out. As for pooping here, I won’t talk about air conditioners. There are certainly some, but there is no office. The station also has a TV , but I knew it before I came in when I was young , but it is very clean and relatively... I don’t know if it is a good thing or not. It is looking at other people’s rooftops , but the good thing is that you can see far away. There is a view from far away, and there is a window here. The only thing missing is an office desk. It’s not that big. There is no office desk. You don’t need to look at it. I already knew it when I ordered it. I’m packing this clip now. The location is like there was no desk when I was studying in primary school , and I woke up. Before I went out, I thought about whether it would be... The converter plug is because I didn't stay overnight in Macau and Hong Kong. I also stayed overnight in Macau. There is a converter plug here that I brought. It is very convenient. Let me tell you first. This bed is enough for one person to sleep. It is impossible for two people to sleep alone. It is enough for one person to sleep. This kind of express hotel is clean enough , especially... I can plug in this bed and I can use my mobile phone and computer to do everything. We came downstairs of the hotel again to use it . We planned to walk around nearby and go to Ruins of St. Paul's to take a look. It's nothing special. Let's talk about the hotel first . As mentioned just now, I have been using OK Internet for a while outside of the camera. Fast enough but just for browsing the web And you won’t hear the noisy traffic in the street downstairs , because it’s not fast at all. There are very quaint streets nearby, which are very different from ours in Guangzhou. In fact, I think Xiguan in Guangzhou should be built like this ... This I I don’t know what to do. Opposite the Lanxiangge East Asia Hotel, there ’s the Dalongfeng Tea House . There’s also pork belly and chicken. There’s a lot of food nearby. There’s a lot of food around the corner. There’s also some Shunde delicacies in front . There’s clothes selling here. We’re aimless. OK here , this is far away from the casinos and various casinos. We will pass by and take a look at the money tree , but if you talk about one hundred and two hundred , then it shouldn't be possible. This wall also has these very interesting patterns , but they are all behind it. Some dilapidated old houses, many shops have been closed , and there is one here... What is this on October 5th Street? It's called Umami Salted Fish Yuri Bakery. It's right outside this place where we got off the bus just now. It's very convenient to go . It's 30 yuan for authentic beef offal. It 's fine. It's our hotel. The street should go in that direction. Just now we can do it. Wrong. Look at the tourists who keep going in that direction. They are all young people . They are familiar with us. Yes, follow the young people. Yes, there are cars . There are also cars on the road here. Fortunately, there are not many of them . They should all have pure electric vehicles. Most of the cars are fuel vehicles . You can hear the sound from a distance. Fortunately, there are also these roads. If... It's like those old roads in Shilong, Dongguan. Not far ahead , I saw another one who should be a Taoist. The Kangzhenjun Temple is called "Zhenjun". They are all Taoist burning incense sticks to worship Tai Sui and welcome the Year of the Dragon . Then turn around and there is a place for feeding white pigeons. There are many white pigeons waiting to be fed here . Guangzhou is very Rare places with white pigeons will not have these granite brick white pigeons pecking at the food in the granite bricks . Now my wife is leading the way and taking me to Ruins of St. Paul's. I also want to see what special things are nearby. They are all near the tourist area and there is a sign saying Matteo Ricci Middle School. Turn right in front and it seems that many people are walking past . Another thing is that I bought this before and finally saw a trash can here. There is a trash can to be dropped . There is also a relatively famous restaurant near the hotel called Nanping Yaxu. I also know that it is very famous. It has been mentioned on social media. I also asked the audience in Macau and they said that it is very famous and you can try it , but now I am too full and there is no reason. Let's eat here now. Well, this street is narrower. There are many cars. Suzuki cars are not available in China. Even if there are, they are very old and very old . The houses above are many and narrow. Opposite here, there are electrical shops. These should be real. Come here for car repairs and car washes in residential areas , but don’t look at the old roads. But there are many beautiful cars . There is also an electrical square and it feels very quiet. I really like a movie by Mr. Zhang Jiahui that I watched when it was shot in Macau. We arrived at many very old and Portuguese-style buildings just now. When we took the bus, the bus stop was reported in several languages . One of them was Portuguese. The car in front of us passed like this very powerfully. It seemed like a very old road. It must be careful. The car must be careful. If you drive a Land Rover, you can't get in. Our car can be very flexible when you get in. It's a big car, so I don't know what to do with the whole extended version. It's like going to Shilong's old house to drive those "曱甴子", that is, an electric bicycle, which was discovered by my wife. There is a very old tree here with its roots growing up... It's amazing . There are still blue bricks on blue bricks . These are the ones left from the Qing Dynasty. At least the houses of the Qing Dynasty are still a little cracked and should seep in. You can also play chess here . Or you bought something to eat here, but you have to clean it up. The automatic sensor switch should be used to throw away garbage. I guess the garbage input port is very interesting. When it is full, it will be full. It should be sorted and sorted. This is the New Year. There is a garbage collection point there. It takes a long time to understand what to eat when I write about eating tofu pudding here , and the car has to move very slowly . No matter whether we are in the hotel or outside, we hear a lot of Mandarin saying that they are tourists. There are many tourists here, which is very good to see. Go up... I recognize the one at the back. That is the famous entertainment center. But Wangshan Road is also far away from here. This is the tutoring center. There are scholarships and great scholarships. They all need tutoring. There are many antique shops here. It's called Juju. Longjiushe should be like this. There are many tourist attractions in front of it. So many tourists come with big bags and small bags to find good things to eat. There are also foreigners who believe that most of them are tourists who speak Mandarin. It feels a bit like Jinbang going to the streets. Diandian sells incense here. Compared with Jinbang Street, of course there are fewer people here. Plus today is the afternoon of a working day. Of course, there are fewer people. There is a cat above. Why is there a cat doll there ? Isn’t it the Year of the Dragon? And it also says In Portuguese, this is a vegetarian restaurant called Alley Cat. Could it be a cat cafe? This is a traditional Chinese medicine store. It’s really unique . The Coca-Cola bottle turns into a lion head. Many shops on it can’t tell what it is. This is a place for drinking tea . This is a shop selling tea cups. This should be a hotel in Macau... I can’t see any words on that one. Go straight ahead on the opposite side, it's very lively and noisy. It's probably very close to the tourist area. Come here, we've been walking so much for the time being. We're a little tired. Look at the map and sit down somewhere. We'll go to Ruins of St. Paul's and we'll see you next time . Can she find where Ruins of St. Paul is and where is she still looking? See you in the next episode. Let’s see if we can find it . In fact, if you follow the tourists, you can help share this video with your friends or give me a like. Bye.
Channel: Hunting Archer
Views: 108,583
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Keywords: 广州美食 粤语, food tour, city walk, Chinese food, walking tour, street walk, town market, china tour, busy street, dim sum, 粤语, cantonese, Guangzhou, Cantonese cuisine, 点心, Chinese Food, Canton Food Tour, vlog, guangzhou, street food, eating, chinese food, chinese food recipes, 澳门, macao, 旅游, 美食, 美食攻略, 祐漢, 大三巴, 豬手麵, 熱咖啡, 珠海, 十月初五日街, roomtour, 拱北, food tourism, food tour china, chinese food tour, china tourism vlog, china tourist, china tourism, vlog china, vlog study, room tour, vlog bgm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 44sec (2504 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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