海鮮200元食到飽!中山最大市場!荔枝210元!贵吗?板芙最隱世漁村!十三傾水閘!最正宗!神灣菠蘿!從未試過如此美味!美食攻略!旅遊推薦!交通路線!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

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We spent 35 yuan on this bunch of shrimps on a plate. The processing fee is 8 yuan . There are so many. Let’s look at them from another angle . I picked the largest oysters, which were boiled. The garlic paste was very plump and delicious, but It's a little spicy , but it has nothing to do with the size. Is it a genuine Shenwan... I understand that the one I ate yesterday was all dregs , as if I was eating sugar. This one is like the ones taken out of a can and soaked in sugar water. This one is really different... After watching the boss drive for more than ten minutes, we came here again and we can confirm that it is much bigger than the last time we went, which should be called the East District Fruit Wholesale Market. In addition to aquatic products, the aquatic products are salmon, fish, shrimp, crabs, etc. There are sellers of frozen meats and seafood vegetables and fruits. We plan to buy fruits first. To put it simply, durians. If there is such a big market here, the price of durians should be relatively moderate. It depends on the situation because it may be all. Add up the price increase and take a look first. You will know after you go there that this is an aquatic area. We may buy oysters, but they are not oysters. We will talk about it later. Usually when we go to the market to buy things, we always take a look first. In addition, you can drive in here. I bought the same as the Qinghe Market I went to a few days ago. It feels like it is a little bigger here. It is an exaggeration. There are rows of salmon sold here and there are a lot of aquatic products. I saw a banana section that says bananas are sold. There is also an area for selling bananas. Yes, it is true. This is the Banana District. At the beginning of Banana Street , I saw boxes of durians. These are durians and coconuts. They are definitely bigger than the last time we went to Zhongshan in the East District. The areas are divided into interesting areas. Of course, each town has one. My own name , but it is divided into southeast and northwest regions. The durians in the southeast and northwest regions are very good. These beautiful ones have a small amount of cracking, but they are not cracked, but they should not be considered ripe on the tree. These ones here are already ripe and cracked. 38 pounds per pound . The 38 is the most expensive. The ones here are only 23 yuan per pound. What are the options? Are they all cracked and smaller ? Where are the small ones produced? Is the Golden Palm Pillow from Thailand ? It’s not from Thailand. Some of them are from Thailand. It’s 23 yuan per pound , but it cracked. It’s 23 yuan for a small one. Even so, it’s very thin. We just want this feeling if it’s cheaper. The thickness is of no use at all . There are more here . Wow, many people buy here and buy like this . I also saw that these should be from Thailand, but there will be cracks. If we use the standards of Malaysian audiences, these cannot be bought . As for us, I have no choice but to like food but don’t want to buy it so expensive. The only advantage is that it cracks a little and you can see how thin it is inside. It ’s 24 yuan per pound. Those are only 19 yuan. But will it crack too much? Some options are this It's just that there are so many people who like to eat durian. If there are no lychees this year, just eat durian. Looking at the entire wholesale market , it is the busiest here. The boss will help to open it at 26.8 yuan per pound with shells , but you can go back and open it yourself. It's not difficult. These are 23 yuan . They mainly sell oranges and mostly lychees. I saw that there are a lot of lychees. The price is cheaper than I thought. Because I already know that lychees will not be cheap this year. First, there is rain. Second, there is a small year. We have seen some for 16 yuan. It’s just newly launched. Usually, the newly launched fruits are relatively expensive locally, except durian . Lychee is not bad. There are also cantaloupe , but you can buy them by the box . There are also big tree pineapples, which are also delicious. There are many unlicensed vendors. They will come here. I buy big pineapples here and put them on the back of my bicycle. If someone comes to buy them , I can make some money by buying them. Most of the lychees are shipped from Hainan Island. They are packaged in boxes one by one. There may be a little ice inside to keep them warm. Shipping to Guangzhou. It’s not cheap either , but you don’t need to pay for road and bridge tolls . You only pay for gasoline. A dozen kilograms of Hainan lychees cost 7.5 yuan and 200 yuan. I’ve told you here that the wholesale price of lychees is 7.5 yuan , but you have to buy the whole box. If you have lychees, I’ll go to a retail store and forget about it. Those at the market cost 16 yuan at most, so you can negotiate to 15 yuan at most , but the pruning ones are connected to branches. It’s 16 yuan here, which is already the cheapest. My wife said it’s 7.5 yuan, and it’s ok if it’s cheaper. It’s 12 yuan, and you can buy some in Nuomi Cidu. Concubine Xiao also has 6.5 yuan. 6.5 yuan is the wholesale price for the whole box. I saw it is 12 yuan there. Hainan Nuomizi saw lychees so cheap. We suddenly thought about buying durian. Why? Durian is not cheap. To be honest, lychees are cheaper at 7.5 yuan a piece. We will buy some oysters back for my daughter. It’s not that we have eaten all the oysters. Our daughter is on holiday. Taking advantage of such a low price, there are few times this year that we can eat. It’s 7.5 yuan. You can also buy a box. We may buy oysters outside . If you drive in and buy it, it must be from Zengcheng. The price is 13 yuan per catty. After many considerations, we decided to buy lychees instead of durians. Durian is a gamble, but the cheaper ones are 19 yuan. They are very cracked and have no fragrance. Most of them are very expensive. The price is the same as the market and there is no need. But lychees are different. I can try the lychees and buy them twice as cheap as buying them in the market. They are really wholesale. Now we are driving to buy lychees . We have already looked at a few stalls and have chosen them. We must go to the end, but there is a problem. I can’t get the durians because they are too heavy. We looked again. As mentioned earlier, it is not. It’s a good deal and worthless. Buying two durians weighs 24 yuan per kilogram. One durian costs more than 140 yuan. I buy a box of lychees and it costs about 200 yuan. Buying two durians is equivalent to a large box of 30 kilograms of lychees. Eat until you’re full . I'm so stupid, and lychees are more delicious than durians. Yes , lychees are very edible. Don't buy some... I think it's purely delicious. Turn left here. Lychees and mangoes are better than durians. There are oysters sold here. Turn left, yes, everyone has to drive in to buy it. Because it’s too far, I decided to drive in because it’s very heavy. How can I take it out ? We’ve seen these durians in the same sentence, but we just saw this durian. I almost paid for it , but after thinking about it I decided not to buy lychees after smelling them and it didn’t seem too fragrant. It’s super lively here and it’s said that there will be a storm today but there will still be sunshine for the time being. In front of us is the pedestrian street where we went to buy lychees. Which one here is great for buying fruits ? There was an aunt just now and many of the bosses here speak Cantonese and some can at least communicate in Mandarin . After considering many things, I bought the boss to help me pack. I don’t know how much it will cost because I have to guard the car and there is a lot of traffic here... a lot Cars can stop if they like. My small car is also parked on the roadside. There are cars passing by on the opposite side. These are unloaded here. Come to the aquatic products wholesale market where they sell aquatic products. Here they sell aquatic products . I really want to buy oysters , but I still say the same thing as just buying them. The durian depends on the quality and the price. You can also eat crabs. Mainly because I want to eat oysters . Last time we went to Panfu to eat crispy fried oysters. The room will be leaving at 12 o'clock at the latest. Let's hurry up. There should be a shrimp seller here. Some mantis shrimps and shrimps are good. 58 yuan is super large and has paste. 58 yuan bags are reasonable. The nine-section shrimps here are fresh and fierce. All the shrimps in this stall are shrimps. The shrimps are more expensive , but they are really big. I continue to sell shrimps. This stall seems to be nine-section shrimps or black tiger shrimps. I can’t tell , but the shrimps are easy to see. The oysters sold are all raised with water and transported. These oysters are cleaned. Are they sold here for 8 yuan a pound? About 8 yuan per catty , which is about the same. We chose the boss here, which is about 8 yuan. Is it half a dozen or a dozen? About six oysters. About six oysters are enough. We paid 50 yuan. There are six here. The average price is more than 8 yuan and about 9 yuan. The giant oysters have come and have been opened. The boss has cleaned them and they opened them quickly. We have to go to the hospital after opening them. I've tried it, and the oysters are very big. It's just that when we go to process seafood, the oysters are very big. Today is a holiday, Saturday , so there are many individual customers in the market. I want to buy Roche shrimp to try. The one just now is expensive, but it's 50 yuan per pound. It's not bad. The shrimps that you can consider are small and very tasty. It depends on the situation. It was just 58 yuan. It’s a bit more expensive . It takes a while to eat. It doesn’t require ice. They sell crabs here. The price is not written. It’s not too expensive to eat. We don’t like the Rosch shrimp too much , but there are also a lot of crayfish here. How much does it cost for a hard shell with cream and cream? 55 yuan with cream and 55 yuan with cream and 48 yuan without cream. I would rather have cream and cream. How much does it cost per pound? One pound is enough. I bought shrimps for 60 yuan. 60 yuan is good. I have a bag for 60 yuan. The boss also has a lot of oysters here, big, medium and small. I like the crab, so I bought it even if I didn’t like it. I have to consider my daughter because she didn’t come with us and she is at home. There are a lot of fish here for reading . Cat's eye snails are 35 yuan, which are very big. These have thin shells. Is this a conch? This is seafood. I want to try a kilogram of it. It’s so rare to come here and see how much it is here? One kilogram is enough. The boss has almost bought a lot. In addition, there are fresh sea urchins here. As for us, we have to pay 35 yuan for a whole box and 45 yuan for a box of half a kilogram. If you can't finish eating half a kilogram, just freeze it for a year. Don’t be afraid that many private dishes are like this. Restaurants all get their goods here. One box of fried rice can be fried three or four times for the family. Half of it is enough for the family . The sea urchins are shipped here. The boss said that they can be kept in the refrigerator for a while . I'll get it cheaper for you. There's also 15 yuan for a serving of oysters because everyone's standards are different. Some want it cheap, some want it expensive. At least you can choose from these open oysters or chicken and oysters cooked together. It's said to be delicious. But I haven't eaten it, but I won't eat it. If I have trypophobia, I won't eat these. It's called the Bamboo Insect Market. It's very big and comfortable , but because it's a wholesale market , there will definitely be water on the ground. The crocodiles sold here have been cut open. Okay, it's getting late. We have to go back to the hotel to check out first. As for whether we should go to Banfu or go downstairs to the hotel, we'll tell you when we get there. We'll see what the environment is like downstairs in the hotel. If we can sit comfortably, we don't have to drive so hard because we have to buy everything. After buying it all , let me show you what the lychees we just bought are like. After half an hour's drive, it is already half past twelve. We are here for lunch. The seafood processing is what we just bought. We will process it here . This place is called Shisanqing Water Gate. It is said that it will be more lively at night. We have thought about processing it in the restaurant downstairs of the hotel , but the restaurant is very expensive and the price is not suitable. Since we drive here, it is better to go a little further and come here to eat. There are many seafood for sale. We bought all kinds of clams, snails, crabs here last time. We also sell lychees here. I haven’t talked about lychees yet. I’ll talk about them later. There are oysters here. There are watermelons. We have to decide which restaurant we choose to process seafood. See if there are any in front. If not, I may go there. Processing. I ate it once last time and it was pretty good. There was a yellow sand clam next to it. I ate it earlier and it was sixty. Is this a sixty? It's so beautiful . Let's buy a pound. Okay, seventeen yuan. Seventeen yuan, about two pounds, should be enough. This sixty-year-old also buys food that is cheaper than processed food. I also saw a lot of bamboo worms and crayfish. Now there are a lot of crayfish and shrimps. The frog eel I bought last time was very good. It should be a loach and a seaweed snail. It was really big . The Roche shrimp was super large . Ask about the price. It’s cheaper than what we just bought at the market. It’s also like this. There’s also a semi-outdoor food stall here . I have wanted to try it this time and let me see what it looks like. Is it processed here? There is something written here about seafood processing. You can sit semi-outdoor and weigh it without having to weigh it . It is very cheap. The processing fee for oysters is one yuan a piece. Blanching costs eight yuan . It seems that the most expensive one is frying for ten yuan or fifteen yuan. I don’t remember if I want to ask for it again. You can cook eggplant with stir-fried noodles or vegetables. You can cook eggplant . Opposite is a chicken farm. This is a restaurant. The prince is still working on the computer very seriously. He is doing some construction work here. It will be more comfortable later. My wife wants it. It's much cheaper here. As I mentioned just now, the processing fee here is so cheap that I don't even remember how much one yuan costs for an oyster. If you calculated it as a portion there, it would be more than 20 yuan. The processing fee there is also 100 yuan . It’s just that the processing fee is the same as that of yellow sand. If you order other food here, it may be similar to that there. It's worth driving and the gas cost. It's a little cheaper to drive by tram , but the road is very easy to drive and comfortable. It's okay to drive here. It 's just a pile of shrimps on a plate. We spent 35 yuan on this pile of shrimps, and the processing fee is 8 yuan. There are so many, let’s look at them from a different angle. Many of them are boiled. We went to the hotel downstairs and it was 15 yuan. It was 8 yuan here. It would be stupid to buy Roche shrimp here. I was already in a hurry just now. It’s beautiful and cost-effective. But it’s cheaper here and it’s hot. It’s the same. There is a shrimp farm nearby and... The Roche shrimp here is more cost-effective because it is a market and there is a middle price difference . It is more cost-effective here . Since I went there, I bought a little bit. If you eat a lot, come here and buy the seafood here. It is not expensive... Beautiful ? The Roche shrimp is so beautiful. It’s super exciting. It tastes so good . It has that creamy taste. I told you to save it for your daughter. Let her have a look after eating it. It’s very good. The Roche shrimp is the best I’ve eaten this year. This is the first time this year that I have eaten shrimp with paste. I looked at it with paste. It is cheaper here. This one is good and has tongs. I will try this one. I just bought it for 17 yuan. The boss said it was 10 yuan for frying. I don’t remember exactly, but these are usually Is the product cheap but the processing is more expensive? Also , how much did the cat's eye snail cost? It’s 35 yuan per pound. I’ve never eaten Rosch shrimp before. It’s 60 yuan. I just remembered wrongly. This one was 35 yuan. Roche shrimp. 60 yuan. Correction. It should be 8 yuan for processing . Cat’s eye snails are 35 yuan. Correction: 50 yuan. Shrimp. 8 yuan for processing. This one is 17 yuan. Yuan is so fat like this. Our staple food is fried rice noodles and the good thing about food stalls is that you can ask the boss to choose the spiciness . This one is awesome. This one cost 50 yuan. It’s also 50 yuan. The processing fee is 1 yuan cheaper. If you sell it, you can. Come here and get this. I don’t want to eat this local clam, this local... The one we bought when we came in is local. They also have grilled oysters here, and you can buy them here. We just passed by and of course we bought the delicious one first. Next, I will try the oysters from the river. There is a problem with choosing a small one. The wind here is too strong and I have to press it with a snail. Let me eat the cat's eye snail first. After I finish eating, I will use a snail to press the bowl with the snail. My wife means that the cat's eye snail is meat. After it was taken out, she explained why there was only one shell. Didn't she just look at it and tear it out for no reason ? The bottom part should be inedible. Can only the top part be eaten? Probably not, this is mustard soy sauce and mustard soy sauce. The boss serves this mustard soy sauce. The meat is very firm. The meat is very firm. It’s not too refreshing. It’s chewy and fresh. We seemed to have it last time. Where have you eaten it before ? But it’s a little smaller. This time it’s a big one. Have you tried it before? I think I did once . I ordered an eggplant and fried rice noodles. Let me try this... Fried rice noodles. This is fried rice noodles. It costs 10 yuan a piece. Wait a minute. I can’t wait to try the oysters. I’ll try this one first . This small one is very hot. There is minced garlic on it. The minced garlic is provided by the store. When I bought it, the boss opened it for us. The average price is about 10 yuan per piece plus processing. I’m not afraid of spending money to assemble this oyster. I’ve chosen the smallest one and had to eat it in two batches. It’s very fresh. I’ve said before that you shouldn’t buy oysters that big. In fact, it’s not that big here. You can also get bigger ones here. The boss handles them very well here. You need to add more oysters. The garlic paste is not very greasy. We are afraid of the greasy kind. It is very satisfying. My wife is admiring this and I want to try it. Try it. This is very good. She said not to dip it in soy sauce and try it again. We have been to so many places. Seafood Nansha is certainly one of them , but there is a small problem in Nansha. The seafood is too single. You have to go to other places to buy and process it like you come to Zhongshan because it requires you to order more than one dish. That dish is not cheap here. There’s no need here. You can have whatever you like. There’s also that one. The stir-fried noodles here are only 10 yuan. This one is also here. Grilled eggplant with garlic paste. Grilled eggplant. The processing fee doesn’t need to be much. If it weighs more than two kilograms, it will cost a little more , right? Try the oysters. They are very good . The oysters are so big. They are delicious. I will try the stir-fried rice noodles . We asked him to give it a little spicy. It’s called eating to make you full. I haven’t even eaten this kind of fried rice noodles. It’s very hot. Wait a minute. Check if it's fresh enough and see if it's hot enough. I haven't eaten it yet and it's very hot. I thought it was those thin oil flour , but it's not . Although it's not handmade flour and it has... it should be the kind of flour that comes out of the oven , that is, it is originally hard. The fried rice noodles are good and very spicy. Is it very spicy? I ordered extra spicy and slightly spicy. It’s very enjoyable. If you don’t deal with the peppers, it’s also very spicy. Of course, if you cook it over charcoal grill , it will shrink . After blanching, there were no big snails , but this one seemed to be the bigger one. I took out the lower part and dipped it in more soy sauce. It was very hard to be honest. I was actually very hungry . I didn’t eat much this morning. I haven't eaten any porridge this morning. The staple food is this one. It's ten yuan a plate. It's sold locally . The one in front of me is pretty good. It's meaty and very fresh. It should be nine yuan a pound. And the meat is not very hard and the sauce is not very thick. The boss said that the most satisfying ones are oysters and shrimps. I chose a larger one with paste. Does this one have paste? It seems that there are more and more tourists. What is this place? Banfu Thirteen Hengs Water Gate is a water gate with the Xijiang River outside it. When did it rise here? It was the epidemic. At that time, you couldn’t go anywhere. At that time, this place was very popular on social media. At that time, many people drove here specifically to eat seafood. Then, because there were not so many cars during the epidemic, now there are often traffic jams and it is annoying, but it is good to come here now. I saw that they are still doing some projects and may expand in the future. In fact, their seafood is really delicious. It only costs 9 yuan a pound. Because we had breakfast there this morning and it is convenient to go to the market. Otherwise, we should have bought it when we went to Banfu. The price is not too different from the price here. This Roche shrimp is super good . The paste is very creamy. I only know how to use this to describe the food here. It feels like going to Thailand. There are coconuts sold outside. The coconut green ones seem to be there. There is also this kind of noodles when you go to Thailand. Thailand also eats these spicy noodles. There is a smoky flavor and a burnt flavor. My wife is eating her oysters. Should I leave two for my daughter? Feel free to leave it alone. The best food is the oysters. The noodles are good and spicy just right. I was very satisfied with this. The boss said that they are all hard-shelled. Among the many, I found that this is only a soft-shelled one but the shrimp part is inside. The meat is very full. Usually, these big head shrimps have no meat in the body , but it is very satisfying. It is also very refreshing to eat so many shrimps. I know how to eat Rosch shrimp best. I also like to eat Rosch shrimp. This one is difficult to peel. It ’s also so creamy. This one is really good. Try this biggest oyster with garlic sauce. It’s plump and delicious, but it’s a bit spicy. Don’t eat the red ones. I’ll accept it. My wife started eating eggplant. It must be very spicy. Look at how big these oysters are. It's so exaggerated that you have to eat it in two parts and put it down first . I don't know how to put it in the mouth. Pick it up like this and bite this part. This part eats the scallops of the oyster and then dips it in the juice. Then it comes to this part. Many people say that the most important thing about eating oysters is that this part is like eating. It takes a few mouthfuls to finish the chicken. There is no crumbs at all, unlike when we were in Nansha. The boss in Nansha asked us to buy it. The boss was very honest but very cheap. After buying it... I was blown away. There was no crumbs at all. It was super decent. She really knows how to eat. I tried this one and rolled it with chopsticks like this. The cooking oil is very good . That one requires a lot of oil because the eggplant has no flavor. Pick it up like this. These are called the civilian version of grilled oysters. We have oysters and civilians. The version of grilled oysters is just eggplant on top of the oysters. It’s very enjoyable . It has a charcoal grilled flavor . There are very few restaurants in other places such as Nansha that can use charcoal . It’s environmentally friendly . It doesn’t matter here. It means it’s charcoal grilled very well. That charcoal smell and they are not popular in charcoal grilling the Roche shrimp. I tried it once in Pattaya and had the Roche shrimp charcoal grill. It was amazing and it didn't dry out inside. I don't know when I can go to Pattaya again. Tia brought it to bake and then we were at the beach. I still remember that time. I don’t know why I had a very painful toothache before I got on the plane . It hurt all the way back to Guangzhou and it stopped hurting as soon as I landed in Guangzhou. It was really interesting. Maybe I was nervous to buy there. The medicine was of no use but the food was really delicious. It should be the time when we ate the most good food in all the many times we went to Thailand, especially when we were on the beach in Pattaya and had to take a tuk-tuk to the underwater market to go to the underwater world? The underwater world is not the underwater market. The underwater world and then... the seafood market. We lived in the seafood market... At that time, we took AirAsia and landed at the airport in Pattaya. While eating and talking, we discovered that there is a seafood market that is very famous. Their cooking is very The special blood clams are also grilled, and the shrimps are often grilled and rarely boiled. Then there are stores here and they will give you a number and you have to wait for a long time . It's called Food Court. It's an open-air restaurant. It's a semi-outdoor place to eat. It's very delicious. It's a pity that I have a toothache. I don't know if I will have the chance to go there again ... Because we have been to Thailand many times and it's fun, but we don't want to go there again. But this is the only one. The only place is Pattaya. If I have the chance to go to this place, it’s not as convenient as it is now , but... This is awesome, this is awesome, this creamy one looks here and I’m full after just recollecting it. There are two oysters left for my daughter. I’ll give this one to me. This one is pretty good. It doesn’t have too much oil. Sometimes eggplants have a lot of oil when burning. Then this cat’s eye snail may be... It’s relatively cheap. We tried it with the mentality of giving it a try, so it’s a pound , so only one pound is really hard . I couldn't bear to eat the shrimps, so I left some for my daughter. I should have eaten them all. There is still a little left for my daughter to have fried rice tonight. After she is full, she finally pays the bill: oysters, 6 yuan, boiled shrimps, 8 yuan, boiled snails, 8 yuan, stir-fried snails. The processing fee was the most expensive at 15 yuan. The remaining fried noodles and eggplant were 20 yuan. Finally, the price was 57 yuan. It was amazing. The fried noodles downstairs in the hotel were not added. The expensive oysters seemed to be priced at 25 yuan. 25 yuan for the oysters. He asked. How many? We had already bought half a dozen of 6 of them. He said they would charge 25 yuan . Basically, each dish would cost 10 or 20 yuan. Except for boiling, which is 15 yuan , boiling for 15 yuan is the cheapest. I can’t even order this one anymore. If you eat there, the processing fee is more expensive than buying it. I believe it will be more lively at night. Sitting there is very comfortable. There are indeed many tourists coming and going outside . I just sat here to eat nearby. If you continue to move forward, you can also drink tofu here. Coconut juice is not very cheap , but it is the same for tourists. If you want it cheap, it is cheaper to take a taxi downstairs. There are coconut, coconut, and frozen mung bean paste. There are all kinds of coconut juice. There is no way to go until the end of the line. We want coconut juice for 8 yuan. One drink also comes with frozen coconut greens. I thought it was very expensive, but it turns out it’s not 8 yuan. I didn’t dare to ask. I didn’t dare to ask how much it cost. Yes, there’s also frozen coconut greens for 8 yuan. I just asked the boss and the boss said that it starts at 4 o’clock. The most lively afternoon...At noon, there is also something to eat. There is also a restaurant outside. If the weather is very hot, we will take you to the restaurant later . There are also many coconut foods. Hainan Coconut should be a bit more expensive. Later, it should be called coconut milk and egg. It is very interesting. We last time When I came here, I forgot what day of the week it was. Anyway, it was an epidemic. There were businesses all over the street. But I felt like I had finally found a place. I was very happy. As for today, it was a good day. If we were not in a hurry to go back to Guangzhou, it would be nice to come here in the evening. It also has a very Thai feel. Some left Zhongshan and went to... It's very south now, where we just lived... there are many people and cars in the city. You have to go to the south to find these places. There are also coconut drinking straws in the shape. Just now I When I went to the bathroom, I saw this wife who always told me not to drink so much of these things. I didn’t dare to ask. It turned out to be eight yuan. She also wanted to buy it because it was spicy. I had known earlier. I just bought one for each person at the seafood restaurant. It was super good and I also bought pineapples here. The boss said It’s a Shenwan pineapple. I believe it because it’s very close to Shenwan. The boss will help us peel the pineapple for 17 and a half yuan. The boss said... The Shenwan pineapple must have a longer stick on it. My uncle will help us cut the Shenwan pineapple. There is no need to soak the Shenwan pineapples in water. They can be eaten immediately. These don’t need to be soaked in water. They can be eaten immediately. Take a bite. The ones soaked in salt water are definitely not very sweet . Try half of the Shenwan pineapples. Uncle also helped us separate four pieces. It’s great. There are also children who want to The food uncle helped us divide the four pieces. We chose a big one and a small one for about ten yuan. It has nothing to do with size. It is a question that has nothing to do with size. Is it true? Shenwan understands... I think the outer skin is very yellow, so I took a piece to try. It's really sweet. It's so sweet. It's worth it. I've never eaten it. There's no residue in the middle, so I can only hold it. This part is not very sweet. Why don't you buy one for your parents ? We just finished eating so much seafood. This one is so good. The one we bought yesterday was a lie. They said it was a Shenwan pineapple , but that one passed through Shenwan. The pineapples are more expensive and prettier. The one I ate yesterday was full of dregs , as if I was eating sugar. This one was like a canned pineapple. The ones soaked in sugar water were really different. I watched the boss cut them and this one. I thought Such a big one has a lot of residue. Everyone has seen this. I don’t know if I can buy the authentic one . I’m most afraid of not being able to buy the authentic one. It’s just like buying durian. It’s delicious. It ’s completely different. It’s so cheap in the middle. The ones that cost two yuan in restaurants may cost ten yuan a pound , but they still feel so expensive in restaurants. It’s fragrant and sweet, and has a taste that’s like that of fermented sugar water. It’s soft and just a joke. I think if I blow it now (test for drunk driving) If Chui Bo Zai eats anything that is too sweet, it will pass the line. I think it will pass the line now. It is very delicious. You can eat the whole thing and you can eat the green part. It is really good. It is seventeen and a half yuan and four yuan. This is a quarter. I often say that the best pineapples I have ever eaten are from the Philippines. Today I have to rephrase that in the Philippines. The ones in the Philippines are good and beautiful, but the Shenwan pineapples are better than those in the Philippines. They are not better, but much softer. They also sell lychees here, which we followed this morning. I saw the same car in the market and I remember which one we saw this morning. It’s not surprising that it appears here. There is also a car in Macau. This car is very interesting . This car cannot be seen in China. What brand is this? Here it is. In front of the Shisanqing Water Gate is the water gate. The Xijiang River is very wide when we exit here. This is one of the wider mouths of the Xijiang River. Just now we talked about the lychees we have seen. Let’s take a look at what our lychees look like. This box is ours. Lychee has branches and leaves inside, and they used a very scientific method, which is to open a hole and pour some water out. Some water needs to be stored inside to keep it fresh. It was transported from Hainan Island so that it can be kept fresh. The boss said After talking about it, I paid 210 yuan for a box of lychees. The boss said that the average price of lychees for 8 yuan is about 8 yuan per catty, which is about 8 yuan and 8 yuan per catty. So of course the lychees we buy outside depend on the variety. Double the price . Of course, why are lychees so expensive? Because they can’t be stored for more than two days and they’ll be gone. I usually bring some ice with me when traveling to keep food warm. This ice hasn’t melted back yet. My wife hasn’t melted it yet. It hasn’t been two days yet , but I have to have it. The freezer is like a refrigerator , and this one is too small. I will buy a bigger one next time if I have the chance . It will be enough even if I don’t need it. The big one will melt quickly, but the smaller one can keep the heat. Just plug it tightly and cover it like this . If it can’t be covered, forget it. Our car is so small. When I buy a Land Rover next time... forget it, I can put more. Put everything here. Don't put these washed pineapples like this . The pineapple was half eaten just now. Take this half back. I gave it to my daughter to try and it was sticky. It contained sugar and gum and was very sticky. I couldn’t put it in. Just put it here and it shouldn’t leak. It’s just like this. It’s not very juicy but very sweet and has a lot of bananas. There are a lot of banana trees . Why are there so many aquatic products here ? There is a dock here to transport Gushen Highway. It is the ancient town, and Shenwan is Shenwan. So it is not too troublesome to transport the pineapples from Shenwan just now. It is said that the pineapple production in Shenwan this year has been reduced because of the bad weather. It 's so delicious. I must buy it next time I have the chance . So we often have to buy the right one . We must buy the authentic one. Yes, we don't want the one we bought yesterday. It's really stupid. But forget it, it's five yuan. We have been to this restaurant called Shisanqingshuizhao Farm. At first I thought it was here , but I just saw the roasted oysters there and they were very good . He asked us to go there and eat roasted chicken here which is also very good. We also drove here and can try here to see if the roasted chicken is processed, but the processing is a little bit. It’s a little more expensive because it has a lot of rooms all the way there. It turns out there are a lot of shrimp farms here. It’s not wrong to eat those Roche shrimps and shrimps here . If I want to eat next time , I can drive here to buy things , but after counting the tolls and gas costs, it seems like ... Many cars in Macau are ready again. I have to go back after a two-day trip to Zhongshan. It’s almost two o’clock and we have to go for a simple recharge. Recharging is secondary. I’m too full now and I have to wait before I dare to drive again , otherwise I will be very sleepy.
Channel: Hunting Archer
Views: 61,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 广州美食 粤语, food tour, city walk, Chinese food, walking tour, street walk, town market, china tour, busy street, 粤语, cantonese, Guangzhou, Cantonese cuisine, Chinese Food, Canton Food Tour, Walk in GuangZhou, vlog, guangzhou, street food, eating, chinese food, chinese food recipes, 中山, 海鲜, 市场, 荔枝, 板芙, 渔村, 十三倾, 神湾菠萝, 美食, 旅游, 交通, 生蠔, 羅氏蝦, 貓眼螺, food tourism, food tour in china, food tour music, vlog china, vlog study, vlog music, vlog travel, 美食 中国, food trip, cantonese food, china tourist
Id: zaFDcEMYw8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 43sec (2923 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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