廣州最大四九市集!爆多人!最新樓價!均價一萬!性價比最高!荔枝價格驚人?排骨飯15元!什麼都有得買!海鮮!水果!衣服!一應俱全!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

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Recommend this Wild Cynomorium Cynomorium Jin Ah Jin Ya 22 yuan per tael. What variety is this? Is it sweet? Is Feizixiao green and red? I'll try one and wait. I don't like eating tempeh very much. I'm afraid of whole tempeh. I saw here that there are some that are simply crushed but not very bad. There should be minced garlic on the outside. Hello, viewers, where am I now? This is the Qinghe Market in Panyu, Panyu. What am I doing here? I have been to the market before. It was Shiji , and the place we came to today is the Qinghe Market . If we talk about the most lively market in Panyu , it must be the Qinghe Market , because the Qinghe Market is The very large Qinghe Market is a market in Qinghe Market, so it is very lively. There are already many, many things sold in this market. I have taken you to this market before. It is probably the largest market in Guangzhou . I can say this about normal times. There are many uncles and aunts selling vegetables. Maybe I will buy some. Further ahead, there is the market. The things sold in the market are very different from the usual vegetable sellers in the market . They are sold here in front of us. There are already so many people selling seafood and meat. There are hundreds of meat stalls. You can also buy BBQ food here. You can drive in and buy food. I have never heard of it. In front of you is Sijiu Market. Why is it called the Sijiu Market? It’s because like other markets, it is a market that opens on the ninth day of the fourth lunar month. Today is the ninth day of the fourth lunar month , so the market will be opened. Of course, the fourth day will be the 14th/19th day. Twenty-Four/Twenty-Nine Metropolis Today is a Thursday. If you go to Saturday and Sunday, it will be more lively. It is usually very lively here. If in the past, I am standing at this location , it is a parking lot because it is a lot. People come to deliver goods and pick up goods. Many people drive in and look at the cars. You can see that there are so many parking lots. It is very troublesome for my wife and I to find parking spaces every time we come because there are very few parking spaces during the market. Because this place has changed... there is no parking space in Chengxu. Today, we parked and had to pay. However, parking here in Panyu is not too expensive. This is the place where Chengxu is. It is super lively in Guangzhou. I think except Tungchong. Apart from the market, this one is one of the best. I think it will be better than Tung Chung Market because Tung Chung Market is semi-outdoor, not simply outdoor. It was very hard in the summer when I went to Tung Chung Market with my wife because at that time The epidemic has no other options. It’s very difficult to find things to take pictures. So no matter how hot it is, you have to go out early. If you talk about good places, it is definitely the one in Qinghe Market. I saw many shoes sellers and all of them are shoe sellers because Panyu The manufacturing industry is also relatively developed and there are many manufacturers , so there must be a lot of companies producing shoes. There are many factories that sell some of their goods. Some merchants bring some goods and sell them to make some money. All of them here are selling shoes and clothes. Handbags sell a variety of agricultural products. Some viewers may think that they are replicas. Don’t talk about these . I can’t answer these. It doesn’t have big words saying what brand it is. But if you want to buy brand products, it is impossible here. We are now In this area, all the clothes are sold, including children's clothing, saliva towels, and men's T-shirts in the back. Because many freight drivers come from other provinces, their lives are in the car. Sometimes they are smart enough to know when there is a market to come to buy. It's good to change the clothes and the price is not expensive at all . The style of jeans is also good. The quality is not bad, but the difference is in the brand. There may be some designs that need to be changed. The boss is not opening a stall today. He sells some handbags across the street and sells some women's clothes here. Some aunties from nearby came to buy them. In addition, there are seats sold here because the one I have at home is rotten and disabled. My wife always wanted to buy it , but I didn’t buy it. The clothes sold here are great for five yuan a piece . It doesn’t matter if you look at the aunties who keep grabbing these for rough wear at home. They know how to choose. Why are they so cheap? They are large, medium and small sizes that are out of stock. If two are sold, there is only one small size or only one large size left. So how to sell it? These are selling clothes to make a profit and lose the tail. This is what it means. It is more powerful here and it is sold . The part I am doing now is just the tip of the iceberg. There are already many seats , including bamboo mats and rattan mats , because Guangdong is a humid sleeping mat in summer. It is much more comfortable and there are also balloon sellers that I see every time I go to the market. My mother brings her children to the market because she wants to buy some things to make him happy. As for the fruit sellers in this area, I will show them to you first and then come here. There are curtain fabrics for sale. Some viewers said that my house is 1.8 meters by 1.2 meters. When I bought 1.8 meters, it was too long. When I bought 1.2 meters, it was too short. In fact, it can be customized. There are many merchants and hawkers. Don’t talk about them all . Some merchants come here. They have fixed shops. It’s not a bad thing to pay them a few hundred yuan to sell during the market. It can also help attract traffic to their shops. They even sell cheongsams. They continue to sell mats and bedding in the front. Some parts have clear prices , but I can tell you that when selling things in Panyu, you don’t have to worry about being ripped off when you go back to the old city. Or for example, we went to the first market in Gaoming yesterday and the price was relatively expensive. I asked if I didn’t want to buy it. It’s not good , but it would be nice if the prices were clearly stated. Last time my wife and I came here, it happened to be a Sunday. It was super busy and it was 20 yuan. There are also short jeans and stylish T-shirts. These pants are 69 yuan. A very beautiful one . I saw this scene in Panyu. What should I do if a mother who wears a sling has to take care of her child and has to work ? She needs to use a sling. After we passed through this area, there were a few things for sale. Usually there are dry goods for sale at the market. Those melon seeds and peanuts are right in front of me. I took a quick look and let it go because I still want to go back and buy the fruit. Uncle tried on the pants to see if they fit. I was very happy. Three pieces for 100 yuan. These T-shirts are also very good-looking. Three pieces from Giordano for 100 yuan. They are genuine. It’s not surprising that some dry goods are sold in this area right next to the aquatic products. If you and your wife come here today, you will definitely get a lot. I talk about dry aquatic products, including tea, red dates and mangosteen. I bought that mangosteen a few days ago and made a soup last night. It was very tasty . If you have tea leaves or some tea sets, it would be good to buy these and make tea at home. There are many beautiful cups and even kettles at the back. For example, these teapots, but I don’t really like the fact that the top is metal. These cups are very good and you can negotiate for prices. In addition to tea, of course, there are also dried salted fish and shrimps, and cassia seeds . It seems. The honeysuckle is used to make pillows and should be used as medicine. You can buy some Huazhou orange honeysuckle. I like to use honeysuckle to boil water for drinking. There are also American ginseng. For 10 yuan, there are many kinds of honeysuckle. But Chinese herbal medicine is like this for everyone. People have different physiques. I have a friend who tried drinking honeysuckle because his uric acid was relatively high. Everyone was fine after drinking honeysuckle, but he had high uric acid and gout. So everyone must pay attention to the fact that there are so many recommendations for 10 yuan. This wild Cynomorium cynomorium is amazing 22 The rent of their shops is not very expensive at one yuan or two , so many bosses won't talk about walking in blocks. Don't hinder the rotation of the earth. I don't feel that way. I want to go to the fruit stall. I come here to see the seafood. This place is great. If you have the prerequisite to drive, I want to go . Nansha Seafood Processing If you are not afraid of trouble and have plenty of time, I strongly recommend that you come here to buy oysters because when you go to Nansha Shishiyong, first let’s make it clear that it is far from Nansha Shishiyong, but if you have a car, of course you want to go to more different places . If you want to eat better and eat more different types of seafood, buy seafood here . Go to Nansha Shishiyong Processing because there are no restrictions on the number of shops in Nansha Shishiyong Processing. You can buy it wherever you like. After buying, In the past, meat crabs were processed here for 98 yuan per pound, but of course they are more expensive . At 118 yuan per pound, there were also crocodiles sold here . When it comes to crocodiles, they are in front of Fangcun Xiling Market. This is the big brother , and there are many stalls. Or these Taishan butter crabs are 58 yuan each. The Jiwei shrimp in the back is super big and powerful. There are all kinds of wild nine- section shrimps. The boss is very good at doing business. He sells geoducks and long-legged crabs for 65 yuan each. Here he sells nine-section shrimps and If you don’t have a trip later, you can try Jiwei shrimp . The actual price is clearly stated. The creamed Roche shrimp is only NT$50. Boss, I’m so happy. Remember to come here to buy next time. In addition to fresh and big ones, they also have some special prices. It’s called Ling Jie Seafood Stall. They sell turtles. There are so many crocodiles sold here that I don’t want to go too many. If I can’t bear to buy them, I will eat them again tonight. The thing is like this. First of all, we have eaten seafood yesterday , and then our plan is to go to Zhongshan tomorrow. I was thinking about it last night. Is it Zhaoqing or Zhongshan? Because I want to eat fresh food from the river. After Zhaoqing, it is smaller and there are fewer things to play, while Zhongshan has more. We can go to Hufaqi and then to Zhuhai, so we can't hold back today. Let's buy fruits. Let me give you a reminder that there are not many restrooms here. The first one you see says that you have to take the stairs to go upstairs for the restrooms and you have to pay 1 cent. It’s funny, but because some truck drivers come from far away and they have to take a shower here. We provide bathing and fetching water for only 1 yuan. Because the truck driver needs to prepare a lot of clean water and the engine needs to be cooled in the car. Everything can be done there. I’m back here again to buy some fruit. We’ll go back to Shiqiao. I’ve just said that. Are these products genuine? I don’t think so , but could they be from the same manufacturer? Because they are OEMs. It’s not surprising. Next, I will come back to the fruit selling area. I bought watermelon yesterday and I will definitely not buy it today. They also sell things like these radish dumplings here . There are also mangoes. I don’t buy too many mangoes . There are also big mangoes. I want to buy some lychees today and buy a little bit back. I will eat some and my wife will eat some, but the boss did not write down the price. How much does lychee cost? What variety is this? 16 18 What variety is this? Is the concubine’s smile green and red? Is the concubine’s smile sweet? Let me try one. Wait, I just tried it. I just saw some lychees selling for 18 yuan. I bought them for 20 yuan. I tried them. Compared with the sweet ones , of course it takes a little time , but I can accept 18 yuan a pound. I gave the boss 30 yuan for 20 yuan. The boss lady gave me an extra 10 yuan because she put too much. In addition, there are tangerines, which are also delicious. You can buy some. I bought 10 tangerines for 10.8 yuan. There are many things for sale . There is also dragon fruit. Dragon fruit is good. I had a bad stomach earlier and went to the bathroom. After eating the dragon fruit and drinking the passion fruit, I felt very smooth . I also bought a lot of Sanhua plums, but I don’t know how much they cost. Since I ate them once last year, I fell in love with them. How much is it? Boss, it’s 10 yuan for 10 yuan. Ah, are these sweet or sour? A little on the sweet side, no problem. I bought so many fruits and returned with a full load. It cost 18.3 yuan. There are also durians to buy here. I thought I couldn't see them. The durians seem to be cheaper this year, but they are not cheap. There it says 28 yuan. One pound, and there are many durian shops right next to the Qinghe market . I didn’t want to buy any, so I left and bought a lot. Isn’t it very exciting and lively? Okay, I bought them all . I should go back to the market in the next step. We went to the bridge to have some snacks , but it was too early at 9:30. Wait a minute. After more than ten minutes' drive, I returned to the city bridge. This is near Desheng Square. It's almost 11 o'clock. I haven't eaten yet. For breakfast, I'm going to have some breakfast now. I heard that there is a restaurant nearby with a special decoration style. It's almost 11 o'clock. Usually the restaurant opens at 11 o'clock. I'm going over there now. Its name is PG King Port's famous pork rib rice. Let's go and try it. It will take another 7 minutes to get there. As for this place, it’s called Shengxing Street. The road I’m taking now is at the intersection of Ludsheng Road . I believe we should be almost at the restaurant. Unfortunately, there may not be enough time to open the door. How about waiting nearby? There is also beef-flavored fresh beef offal breakfast powder for 10 yuan. It is very interesting. This road is very quiet. There is a convenience store diagonally opposite and there are some residential buildings nearby . It should be right here. There are also a lot of delicious food nearby. For example, just walk a little further. There is a famous rice roll restaurant. Considering that the audience will be bored every time they eat rice roll rice, today I tried the pork rib rice. I have confirmed that they open at 11 o'clock, which is still 10 minutes away . As for the road in front of me, it is called Qinghe East Road here. You can go all the way to Qinghe Market. When I drove here just now, the road was very smooth and there was not too much traffic. Moreover, here in Panyu Shiqiao, it feels more like an old city. It is not as new as over there in Panyu Square. More of these old houses will even have arcades. Public transportation is also more convenient. Of course, there is a bus stop in front of the Shiqiao subway station . As for the transportation route, I will sit down and explain it to you slowly. This is where PG King is named in English. It comes from Zhongshan Port. The special pork rib rice is limited to only 10 yuan. It’s so awesome. The price is not expensive at only 10 yuan. There are also drinks and soft drinks below, which are not very expensive. There is also this The steamed pork ribs with black bean sauce and the fish-flavored eggplant and shrimp steamed eggs are very attractive. The boss is already here. I sit down and find a seat. The decoration is so interesting and the walls are still rotten. Their restaurant uses digital ordering. I have already placed an order and ordered a lot of food. First of all, it was white rice. I did not order pork ribs. The rice is called steamed pork ribs and white rice with an oyster sauce lettuce soda and steamed salted duck eggs. At first, I thought this restaurant was a very young restaurant. I didn’t have an uncle come to eat. Then I will let you know what to eat. Braised chicken legs are ten yuan for a serving of shiitake mushrooms. It would be great if more people come here. The braised chicken wings and salted egg are 10 yuan each. This is the Vitasoy salted fish and eggplant I just ordered. It has many new products and what’s special is that many of them are limited edition. Only four servings of salted fish, eggplant and mustard are left. Steamed Pork Neck and Pork Ribs Rice is most famous, of course, Pork Ribs Rice or Cured Meat Rice, which should be more popular. In addition, there are soups, mushroom meatloaf, and various kinds. Not only those very new restaurants also have pork ribs, chestnuts, and small pumpkins. The Pumpkin Pork Ribs Rice is delicious and I often... To digress, I often talk about those electric bicycles that cause fires... Actually, let me tell you a story. I was really angry at my house this morning. I took the elevator down and waited. It took a long time because of the elevator... The place where I live only has the ninth floor, which is a newly installed elevator. How can I wait so long on the eighth floor? When I waited on the seventh floor, I realized that someone was pushing an electric bicycle upstairs. I immediately scolded him and thought to myself, forget it. My father is very familiar with him and I told him the same thing. He just quibbled and said that the car was not very powerful, not very powerful, and very dangerous. There was also another gentleman because the elevator stopped at the eighth and seventh floors. I didn’t know. I asked another gentleman if he knew which floor the man who pushed the electric bicycle upstairs lived on. The gentleman who knew it was dangerous said he lived on the eighth floor , which meant that he pushed the electric bicycle upstairs on the seventh floor. If you don’t tell me that it will catch fire, you won’t want the first disaster-stricken house. I live downstairs and I live on the fifth floor. It’s very dangerous. I scold him. If we meet again next time, I will call the police. Why am I talking such nonsense ? There are new developments . I I listen to the radio while driving. A fire broke out at the wholesale market at No. 93 Renmin South Road. As for whether the electric bicycles were officially not notified, of course I can't confirm it , but honestly speaking, there is a high chance that it will burn like this. We usually go downstairs and pass by Renmin South Road . Everyone knows how crowded it is and how scary it is. It’s so burned. If I had left the city today, I would have gone there today to see the 13th Line Fire. It was full of people. It was really tragic. There have been many fires in Guangzhou recently. The last one was Flowers, Birds and Fishes. There is something to be reported here in the Insect Market. This is what happened just now. It’s very scary. I think the Chinese people sometimes do things in an anticlimactic manner. For example, when talking about sanitation, the leader announced that sanitation should be done. It was very turbulent outside for a week, but after a while, everything was fine. But there are two things. Whether we are the government or citizens, we attach great importance to it and never say it will be done today or tomorrow. Regardless of whether the first is drugs, which has nothing to say, we must crack down on it at any time and cannot let it go. The second is fire prevention . I have recognized it. At first, the country paid great attention to this matter. Fire prevention was never taken lightly. After a while, even if many restaurants were to open, fire prevention was very important. So sometimes when we go to some restaurants, we will see that they do not have stoves and only rely on the heat . When we go back to restaurants, we usually don’t go to those restaurants. Why do they not have them? For example, Pop Front does not have them. It cannot be fried or boiled. Or in China Plaza, there is also Pop Front, where Animation Star City relies on electricity . The power of the electricity is limited. The reason is because the fire protection is not good. Open flames are not allowed in those places , so why do we like to come to these restaurants so much to eat? This is why these kitchens... I have not seen it and know from experience that their fire protection is very strict and must be inspected before opening if they use it. If you use a stove and use a fire to cook food, it will definitely not be too bad. As for the decoration style, these are just styles. It is a very annoying thing for electric bicycles, no matter whether I drive or not, there are many stories , but I don’t want to exaggerate too much , too much, too much, and it is dangerous . I don’t understand the traffic rules. The second charge is like the story I just told. If there is a fire one day, some people will take out the battery and take it upstairs. It is very dangerous. Stop talking nonsense. Let’s forget it. Let’s wait for the food to arrive. Rice is not expensive for three yuan. The protagonist is The steamed pork ribs with black bean sauce costs 15 yuan , followed by the salted egg 3 yuan dish, which costs 8 yuan . As for how it tastes? Let's try it, but I'll make the salted egg first. The salted egg yolk is oily, but it's not the best because it's a little whitish in the middle. The salted egg isn't too salty. Sometimes it's too salty, but I worry about it being salty enough to eat. These are also good, and then Try the pork ribs. I'm not a big fan of tempeh. I'm afraid of the whole tempeh. It's been crushed here but it's not bad. There should be minced garlic on the outside. The cooking method is different. When we went to Shunde Ronggui, it was dry. The steaming plate will be steamed until it's rotten. The meat here is steamed with oil. They are not very big pieces of ribs. These are bone-in pork ribs and the bones are cartilage. Because there is Qinghe Market in Panyu , it is not surprising that the goods are cheap, fresh and minced with garlic. The bones of the ribs are very delicate when eaten. The bones of the ribs are cartilage and the teeth are better to bite. I didn’t like eating ribs before , but my father liked them very much. When he drank tea, he would often order steamed ribs. But to be honest, steamed ribs are not as good as before. There may also be a reason that now that food is abundant, steamed pork ribs can be eaten many times. It is not the traditional steaming method in our teahouse. The steamed pork ribs we eat in our teahouse rarely put minced garlic , but those that may be marinated for a longer time can still be chewed. The texture of the meat and there is a small amount of fat. Sometimes the meat is too thin and difficult to eat. I am a person who does not like to eat very fatty meat. But if the ribs are too lean, it will not be like this piece. It will not be all fat. Or it's good if everything is lean. As for the oil, it should be normal , but it would be better if you skim off the oil and put it on the rice. Eating a piece of lettuce with rice and a piece of pork ribs is very good. Sometimes when eating something, it's not just about the portion. Although I didn’t go to Ronggui and the food is so fine, I actually don’t think the food in Ronggui is fine. It’s just that the portion is unique. It’s not like back to Panyu , because usually I will say that the quality of food in Panyu is not very good, but the portion is enough. It’s the opposite quality here. It’s not bad . The quantity is smaller than what I expected in Panyu , but the quality is enough. I’m full. What do you guys think? I’m sorry I’m not full yet. Indeed, the portion size is not as large as the restaurants we usually visit in Panyu. But the taste is a little more refined than the food I had in Panyu in the past. The transportation route is very simple. There is a bus stop here called He Xian Hospital. If you want to go to the subway station, it is a bit far. You can take a bus at Zuanhui Plaza Ximen Subway Shiqiao Station. There are also many buses. As long as there is this sign, you can get it from almost every subway station . There are even buses that can go to Guangzhou South Railway Station . Yes, the Panyu No. 12 bus can go to Baomo Garden. It is very convenient. As mentioned just now, no. I was very full and planned to go to a bakery. I heard that their food is very good near Xiyuan. To be honest, it said that it was under renovation. I don’t know if it was correct, but the map of Panyu pointed out various operating hours. It was not very accurate. I had to look at it because I There is something I want to eat nearby, such as beef offal. My mother-in-law’s beef offal is said to be good. Let’s go slowly and tell you about it slowly. I complained about the electric bicycle in the restaurant. Let’s see how convenient it is to go back to the old town of Guangzhou. Of course it's not me, it's him. Of course it's convenient for him. I hate looking at this road. Just now, I went to the restroom in Qinghe Market and walked a long way to get around the electric bicycle. Some people with bad tempers blocking his way would really knock them all down with one hand. I'm currently in Qinghe. West Road happened to pass nearby and I showed you the property prices. It seems that I have seen this one before. This real estate store is the cheapest. Of course, this one is Guangnan Street. Where is it ? Could it be that it says Tainan Street? I don’t know. At 50 square meters, 550,000 yuan is the cheapest one here. Dongchong Road is also nearby, and the price is just over 10,000 yuan per square meter. It has three bedrooms, one living room, and one bathroom. The one on the third floor of Guangming South is a bit more expensive. You can move in with your bag. One room, one living room, one bathroom, 980,630 square meters , and the seventh floor of Guangming South, which should be 1.2 million without an elevator, and... basically all like this. There is also a self-built house in Qinghe West near here, 90 square meters, 1.48 million . My wife and I often say that if we want to buy a house near Guangzhou , Guangzhou will not have such value in the old city. I think Panyu is a good choice because there are relatively new ones. Of course, it will be a bit more expensive when we return to Nancun , but if you want to have the feeling of the old city. If there are good choices near Shiqiao , of course you should take your time and look at the houses. It seems that the ones across the street are not as old as the ones opposite. Or most of the ones in front of you are over 10,000 yuan per square meter , which is a very reasonable price. You can get there in ten minutes to get food. Let’s go to the place and talk about buying bread. After buying the bread, there is a papaya milk. Keep going and there is a famous Chen Tea House on my left. I will go there and see if I can buy some for my colleagues. I ’ll talk about it later. The place I’m working at now is Guangming South Road. Isn’t it strange that the house the boss just wrote about could be one of the above ? It’s probably here? Probably not , but when they write about self-built houses, self-built means that you have land and renovated it yourself. There are a lot of things nearby. You can use an electric bicycle to eat. Don’t park and put it around. Don’t take it and charge it at home. Of course , some of them are older. Come here, it’s called Santang Road. Continue on to the shop where I want to buy bread. There are also many things to eat. Opposite is Fat Tsai Kee Soup Bar and Food Court. Just now I passed a wonton noodle shop. Many people here feel that I have walked this section from the parking lot to here and from the restaurant to here. There are many trees on both sides because I am not very familiar with the road here. It is easier to get lost. I feel that this road is very narrow. It feels like I'm back in the old town of Yuexiu, but it doesn't feel like I'm going to Xiguan because the roads are all straight and Xiguan is winding. I feel like I'm back on Huifu Road or Yuexiu South. Parking here is very convenient and very cheap. This is where I want to eat. I want to see if it is under renovation? It doesn’t look like there are cakes here , it looks like this. Look , there are pineapple buns, sausage buns, and egg tarts. I want a bacon toast and a pineapple bun . I don’t like pineapple barbecued pork. I don’t like barbecued pork. The boss recommends this Oreo matcha cheese. I ordered a pineapple bun, an Oreo, matcha cheese , and a bacon toast . I bought three buns. Of course, it’s the most delicious to eat while walking. I won’t finish them all and take them back. I sigh slowly that it ’s just me. The one I ate is called an Oreo Cheese Bun. I guess it has crushed Oreos and cheese and cream inside. It’s not expensive. I tried it for 6 yuan each. I took two bites and I didn’t see any cheese on it. It’s an Oreo shop. It’s beautifully decorated. It turns out I thought it was one of those young and new shops. It turns out it’s not the boss and the proprietress but uncles and aunts. It’s such an interesting decoration. Panyu is so interesting. It finally has cheese and the fillings are delicious. And it's not too sweet. It's very good. I took two bites and went back to eat slowly. Next, I'll try this one. There's a piece of bacon here. There's a piece of toast. The toast in this bag is very crispy. Take the first bite. You see. My expression just now was really hard and soft when I bit into it. The bacon was very fragrant when I ate it . It was not grilled until it was very crispy. It hurt my tongue when I ate it. But the bacon was very delicious and fragrant , and the bacon was not included. It’s too salty to add a bottle of milk to your breakfast. Stop talking nonsense. The last place is to eat papaya milk. I’m looking forward to walking here for 15 minutes. After more than ten minutes of walking, I finally arrived here. It’s called Xili Road. I want to eat it. The restaurant is diagonally opposite , but it looks like it’s not open yet. I don’t know how to get there. Let’s talk about it. It’s called Awen Papaya Milk. If not, let’s go back to Guangdong Chenji to eat sesame paste. I crossed the road and saw that the door of Wang’s was locked. The store has been transferred and there is nothing I can do about it. There is nothing I can do about it. I'm going to buy a drink next to it. Forget it, this one is for lemon tea. It's probably right next to their store. I'm going to come in and have a drink to see what I'm going to drink. Do you want to drink some? I find the sweet Bata Lemon very sour, the Duck Shit Lemon Chicken Cage Green Lemon , you can try it, it’s normal, and the Egg Waffle Strawberry... Even lemon tea has different flavors . It has passion fruit, lemon and a lot of duck shit aroma. I will try this teahouse called Jilongqing. I won’t go because it was very troublesome here in the past and the whole trip today is very far. It’s best to take a taxi when you come back. I must take a taxi . I’m in this business. I want to lose weight , especially now that the weather is starting to get hot. Walking on the street, even if there are more shades of trees on the Shiqiao side, is very hot. Otherwise, I don’t even have to drink lemon tea when there is no open nearby. My drink arrives at Jilongqing. It reads like this It's very thirst-quenching and not very sweet. Even if I choose all of them, they are normal and sometimes too sweet. Because as we all know, the sweetness of drinks is not sucrose but fructose. It is most likely the fructose in soda, made from corn or other products , which are sweeter than sucrose. It’s not beneficial , so when we go out and order drinks, we usually ask for less sweetness. In fact, sucrose doesn’t matter. Instead, it is some starchy sugar or fructose which is not very good. It is not too sweet and you can drink it with the taste of tea and green lemon. It is this kind. Nowadays, many lemon tea shops in China have their lemons cut like this. It's not like Hong Kong's thin slices. It's very comfortable. I'll sit there for a while. It's almost 1 o'clock now. It's time to go back. See you in the next episode. If you have time to come back to Shiqiao, you can connect many itineraries together. Including if you want to go to Nansha to eat seafood, it is also good to use Shiqiao as a transfer station. There will be more old houses, old streets and old lanes. Looking back to Panyu Square, there is a busy shopping mall . Even if you go to Nancun Wanbo It’s more powerful there and there are many large Internet companies , but it’s a big shopping mall with more new-style food. I recently filmed a few episodes with you about Panyu delicacies. I always wanted to come here, but because of the rain , it’s finally raining. It’s raining. It was very hot and exposed to the sun when we were walking outside. When we came back to play, remember to drink more. See you in the water. Please help share my video with your friends and give me a thumbs up.
Channel: Hunting Archer
Views: 36,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 广州美食 粤语, food tour, city walk, Chinese food, walking tour, street walk, town market, china tour, walking downtown in china, busy street, dim sum, 粤语, cantonese, Guangzhou, Cantonese cuisine, 点心, Chinese Food, Canton Food Tour, Walk in GuangZhou, vlog, guangzhou, street food, eating, chinese food, chinese food recipes, 廣州, 樓價, 旅遊, 市集, 荔枝, 排骨, 排骨飯, 海鮮, 水果, 衣服, 美食, 番禺, 市橋, 趁墟, food tourism, food tour in china, china tour vlog, china tourist, guangzhou vlog, cantonese food, cantonese chinese
Id: MNdb0ONIuwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 48sec (2868 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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