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Kesennuma, Miyagi immediately after the quake hit (View from Hamamiyama) Announcement warning of massive tsunami " Notice from the city of Kesennuma: A tsunami warning has been issued along the coast of Miyagi. " " Forecasts predict the tsunami will reach a height of 6 meters. Please take all necessary precautions. " People moving to higher ground An aftershock strikes, causing a powerful tremor " Notice from the city of Kesennuma: A tsunami warning has been issued along the coast of Miyagi. " " Forecasts predict the tsunami will reach a height of 6 meters. People near the coast should seek higher ground immediately. " " When evacuating, please do so by foot. Do not evacuate by car. " The water level is receding Fast forward (x20) Repeated announcements urging evacuation Another powerful aftershock strikes " Here it comes, here it comes! " " Can you see it flowing? " " It's flowing pretty heavily. " Huge amounts of seawater approach, rapidly raising water levels " It's rising, it's rising. See there. " " The waves have breached the town of Sakana. Completely. " " Over there, here it comes. Here it comes. " " Those cars are being washed away. The parking lot. " Opposing currents cause a whirlpool to form, bringing ships with it " Will our home be okay? " " It's a goner. The water's right there. " " No, no. I was hoping it wouldn't be washed away. " " Well, next door seemed to be tilting a little. " " It's too early to tell. " A fire is spotted far off. " A tsunami warning has been issued along the coast of Miyagi. " " Heavy tsunami waves have also been measured in this area. " " Heavy waves are expected to hit once, twice, possibly three times. " " Anyone along the coast should walk to higher ground. " " Stay away from the shoreline. " " Notice from the city of Kesennuma: Heavy tsunami waves have also been measured in this area. " " Heavy waves are expected to hit once, twice, possibly three times. " " Anyone along the coast should walk to higher ground. " " Stay away from the shoreline. " " Notice to volunteer firefighters. Firefighters in areas with no tsunami damage should inspect the community. " " Oh, the building is gone. " " Yes, it was washed away. " " How frightening. " " I can't stop shivering. " Start to snow " Here comes another one. " Another tsunami strikes. " Oh, it's bigger than the last one. "
Channel: FNN311
Views: 28,971,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FNN, フジニュースネットワーク, ニュース, 報道, フジテレビ, 震災, 東日本大震災, 3.11, 忘れない, Remember, 3/11, disaster
Id: egjEIFP7Y-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2012
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