泰國曼谷 5日4夜之旅 | 必行夜市必食掃街 | 人氣海鮮市集 | 最新文青Cafe打卡熱點 | 超抵住靚酒店推介 | 米芝蓮泰菜 | Thailand Bangkok 5 Day Trip 2023
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Channel: 深活態度 Sumwood
Views: 27,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bangkok, thailand, 泰國, 曼谷, 夜市, Jodd, Chatuchak, Fairs, Night, Market, Thonburi, Seafood, 旅行, Cathay, Pacific, 國泰, 東南亞, 通關, traveling, Hotel, 酒店, Trip, 食野, 玩, Buffet, 自助餐, 出國, Asia, Asian, Tour, Chill, Afternoon, Tea, Shopping, 購物, New, 2023, 2022, 必去, 必食, 必玩, 必睇, 必做, 必住, 打卡, 景點, Checkpoint, airline, Michelin, Eat, Shop, View, 夜景, sushi, sashimi, 壽司, Onsen, 水產, 海鮮, 步行街, coffee, cafe, aira, ari, quarter, hotel, 龍蝦, 文青, 按摩, spa, massage, BigC, superstore, infinity, pool, 泳池, 無邊際, rooftop, view
Id: VLkBqY2tltk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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