(開啟字幕) 歐倩怡離婚、何伯何太、李龍基感情等八卦新聞為何受到持續關注?論評論員的道德修養,20240624

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Hello everyone, today is June 24, 2024. Why do we talk about gossip today ? Since the publication of the book "The Great History of Mankind", many people have taken a new look at gossip because the author pointed out that we and our ancestors are modern Homo sapiens. Why can we stand out among so many species because we are good at gossiping ? What are the benefits of being good at gossiping? Obviously, it is easy to establish a circle . For example, when talking about right and wrong , say that A and B turned out to be in conflict, C and D had a romantic relationship, and E turned out to be not his father's biological son. He has another biological father. You can talk about these things by back mouthing other people's rights and wrongs. Or say some unnecessary words to unite your circle. Let us share some secrets. We share some things that we only know but others don’t know. This makes our team more united and goes out to hunt and fight more efficiently. So this is Why did modern Homo sapiens defeat Neanderthals? Why did they defeat Denisovans? Why did they defeat wild wolves and defeat hunting dogs ? This is actually the reason because we can seek good fortune and avoid disaster by gossiping and sharing some information where to hunt. Where there will be dangers , where it is efficient to pick fruits , where it is easier to find water sources. This is how beneficial it is to share information with each other through gossip. How many benefits are there? So much so that in 2019, Oxford University actually published a handbook called "The Oxford Handbook: A Study on Gossip and Reputation." This handbook obviously studies different industries , such as companies, universities, and classmates. What are the benefits of gossiping ? The conclusion is that If the topic of your gossip is not related to your own team , company or circle, there will generally be more benefits. For example, gossip about the British royal family , talk about Princess Kate's condition, and whether there is any doubt about Diana's death. These can unite the people. The topic unites the company , unites the team, talks about the struggles between stars, talks about the NBA’s current contracts, who has been renewed, and who will be sold. If there are rumors , you can start the topic by gossiping and sharing information. It is beneficial as long as the gossip does not involve your own people. So it is also interesting that Oxford University’s research published this. Then in Hong Kong, I have already explained my explanation in the discussion between Youxiu Xiu and Xiao Ruoyuan . That is, if Hong Kong continues to develop ... because the national security law currently has 23 articles, I believe that the entertainment industry will rise again. What was the reason for my discussion three years ago that day ? The reason two or three years ago was that politics suddenly cooled down in 1989 , so mainland entertainment culture rose again in the 1990s. This was also the case during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties . The Sima family and the Cao family became rebellious officials and traitors respectively. As a result, the previous dynasty Of course loyal ministers did not dare to speak out , and those who talked about moral issues and national affairs were easily offended , so in the end they turned to talking about religion , Buddhism , Taoism , poetry, literature and entertainment culture, and Wu Shi San became popular, so they turned to talking about some things. Talking about insignificant things avoids the risk of our lives. Talking about insignificant things can also satisfy the physical and psychological needs of the topic we want to discuss. This makes sense , so the news about Mrs. Ho and Mrs. Ho went on for several months and even Facebook opened The attention group Li Longji and Wang Qingxia have been talking for several months. Now Ou Qianyi and Guo Jinan are also continuing to talk about Luo Zhixiang, Sammi Cheng and Wang Xinying . It was not so lively when talking about Luo Zhixiang, Sammi Cheng, and Wang Xinying. The talk about Wang Leehom ended in a few days, unless there is new information. It broke out , but it may only be discussed for a day or two. It won’t be as focused as it is now. Every day, people talk about the so-called KOLs, and people discuss these topics every day . Of course, the first one is related to the rise of social media, because I used to read gossip and magazines. How does Chen Jiankang do "Kan Dong Weekly", "Next Weekly", just read these magazines, "Today's Real D", Ni Zhen and Zhou Huimin's divorce, just read these magazines to pursue , but it is different now with the rise of social media, you can speak out, you can leave messages and even film Anyone can make a film, and anyone can record and share their opinions, so it becomes gossip and amplifies it a lot. I think there are two reasons . The first is related to the apathy of politics. The second is related to the rise of social media, so this involves one The problem is how KOLs choose topics to talk about, because gossip will definitely be viewed by many people . Research also supports my data, especially negative gossip. This is a study by the University of California. The study by the University of California in 2019 is of course targeted at Can Americans completely infiltrate Chinese people? This needs to be discussed. Some of its conclusions are somewhat different from what we imagined . For example, it turns out that most gossips are told by women. This should be consistent with the impression of ordinary people. However, it says that most women tell positive gossips , such as several housewives chatting together. They will talk about where to buy clothes cheaply, where there are discounts, where fresh vegetables are easy to buy , or where there are rumors that there are viruses in sandwiches, and where the toilets are dirty. A lot of gossip involves rumors . What is the definition of gossip? Usually they are unconfirmed rumors , which are called gossip. These unconfirmed rumors can be positive or negative. For example, where there are discounts, I heard someone say that there are discounts on shopping there. These are positive and negative, which means I know. It turned out that there was an ulterior conspiracy behind Diana's death. These are negative , so most of the references to women here are positive, while men are mostly speaking of negative gossip news. This is the first point. The second point is that it turns out that 14% At least one hour out of every 16 hours, people pay attention to gossip. They go online to listen to gossip, read it online , or participate in discussions themselves. There are many more people who talk about negative gossip than those who talk about positive gossip. About half of them talk about positive gossip. Among the respondents, 376 people said negative gossip and 604 people said negative gossip , so it can be seen from this If you are a KOL , an Internet celebrity , or a current affairs commentator, any role is good. In short, if you are someone who tells information online or on radio or television, you can maintain traffic for a long time by speaking negative gossip. In sports, you can also gossip . Who will sign a contract with whom , who will be abandoned by which team , who will be betrayed by whose brother, you can talk about negative gossip on any subject, you can talk about negative gossip between the royal family, you can also talk about entertainment, politics, in short, if you are a KOL, you will post these online for a long time. Gossip and negative news comments must be able to maintain a high click rate for a long time because 14% of people spend at least an hour a day listening to gossip. Others don’t have an hour, maybe at least half an hour or 15 minutes. So you shoot two or three gossips a day. You can make money by saying some unconfirmed rumors in your videos and keep them popular. Because if you talk online, you will get advertising fees and traffic. You can continue to maintain your popularity and you can also increase the number of subscribers and even gain some loyal fans. So, Gossip is a very common topic for KOLs. I have said it myself. Although I rarely talk about current affairs news now , in fact, the current affairs news I talk about is only two or three out of ten. I mostly talk about social economy and history, and occasionally I talk about it. When it comes to entertainment , what did I say in the past? My topic today is actually about the moral cultivation of so-called KOLs or current affairs commentators. I will first talk about my own principles in recent years . For example, I have talked about Leehom Wang before. I said about the relationship between Leehom Wang and his ex-wife. I took some photos. After analyzing the video , some newspapers, media and TV stations in Taiwan will quote my analysis, which is related to emotional abuse in childhood. In fact, I am not specifically talking about Leehom Wang. I am talking about a common social phenomenon from Wang Leehom’s news. Childhood emotional abuse often occurs when one grows up. There will be a connection with sex addiction , and I will quote some papers to explain this matter. Taiwanese reports also quoted this statement , so actually my focus is not on Wang Leehom and Li Jinglei , but on why ordinary people have sex addiction and sex addiction. What are the reasons for the connection between childhood ? So I will use gossip news to talk about some comprehensive social studies and comprehensive social phenomena. This is the way I say it. When I talk about Luo Zhixiang and Xu Zhian, it is also why some people will step into several boats. This can be from The explanation is from the perspective of evolutionary physiology rather than targeting Luo Zhixiang and Xu Zhian themselves. So when I discuss these gossips, 99% of them will be from these perspectives . Recently, I talked about Ou Qianyi. I also said that Ou Qianyi’s divorce is not in line with society’s expectations. Some people say this is nonsense. People scold her because she does not meet social expectations , or people scold her because she does not meet social expectations. In fact, this is the so-called empty speech. Tautology is a cliché logic. Some people have pointed it out, but is it true? I mean not conforming to social expectations. Not conforming to social expectations is talking about specific social factors , because in today's society many people criticize her. Women should not abandon their children when they get divorced. If you get divorced, you should divorce. If you divorce, you should also take care of your children. If you abandon your children, you are abandoning your husband. How about your abandoning husband to study for you when he gets old ? This is social expectation. This social expectation only appears in a specific community. Maybe it won’t happen in Europe and America. Europe and America think that men and women are equal . Maybe this situation is not so serious. Or After a divorce, you should not speak ill of your ex-husband, and you should not go on TV or online interviews to talk about Dating app. Dating app is about hooking up, and it is a specific time and space . In Chinese society, hooking up may be wrong. In European and American society, hooking up is not a problem, even in a specific time and space . There are also two different groups of supporters in European and American society. The left-wing so-called progressives and women's liberators think hooking up is hooking up. What's wrong with Dating apps and Dating apps ? This is women's autonomy and body autonomy. They have their own opinions . However , conservative groups feel that it cannot violate Christian teachings. This is the meaning of having a specific group. So my explanation through Ou Qianyi's news is actually explaining the morality of Hong Kong people's attention to these news. They What is your moral orientation? I am not talking about Ou Qianyi, but I am talking about her moral orientation. This has two benefits. First, it gets traffic because these news are in line with the concerns of the researchers at the University of California. The second thing is to share knowledge. Why can't we just talk about news objects directly? You can't talk directly about Wang Leehom , you can't talk directly about Luo Zhixiang or Ou Qianyi, shouldn't you have direct comments about He Bo and Tai? This is very important because the information we have received is very limited. It may be only one or two out of ten. What is the story behind it? They don't necessarily disclose it to us so you make light judgments and what's the biggest problem with making light judgments? Of course, if you dare to speak, it will sound good. Commentators will not sound good if they dare not say this or that. Of course harsh comments will sound good , and they will attract traffic, but they will lead to two problems. The first problem will cause harm to people, because you The information obtained is limited. If you say it in full and full terms, it will actually affect other people. For example, when there was a rumor about Lan Keer's mysterious death, I did an Internet detective and then accused someone of having something to do with this news and this case. The result of the relationship will cause other people to become depressed or even commit suicide. This will cause harm , especially to the so-called commentators, KOLs, and Internet celebrities. If you talk online , many people may have heard thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or hundreds of thousands. Ten thousand plans are actually setting up a murderous knife, which will affect other people's reputation. Because the information you have is limited , you can only say some less than satisfactory words , you cannot say very vicious words , and you cannot say some very true words. Some people say that if you do this, commentators will It does not sound good , but it is responsible. This is the first point. The second point is that if you talk about these news for a long time , the audience will always lose interest because you say some unfounded things for a long time. In the end, you will be slapped in the face again and again . Or if you say some very vicious words and negative emotions for a long time , then in 2019, many of these Internet channels have risen and have traffic of tens of millions and clicks per month , but it will not work in the long run because the audience spends time listening to you , not just listening to you. You are venting and many listeners hope to gain some information. Obtain some real information and share some knowledge so that we can grow and prosper. Otherwise, there may be explosive growth in the short term , but it will be very difficult in the long term. That’s why I talk about gossip news in recent years. I just use gossip news to talk about the society behind it . You will use papers to support it. Some people say that you are too academic. In short, if he is a bitch, then he is a bitch. Why don't you just say he is a bitch? It is for this reason and for the reason just mentioned that when it comes to the moral cultivation of KOLs, one should not be so full and so sure because the greater your power, the greater your influence, and the greater the chance of harming people, the Qing Dynasty had A man named Shuoguoshan has a poem that is very well written. He speaks until he speaks and leaves half a sentence. From the right place, let the three points remain and retain the favor for thousands of days. We never meet anywhere in life. So when gossiping, you can't say it in such a way. Definitely , and I think as a commentator, if the matter has no public interest or publicity , you shouldn't say it. Even if you say it , don't directly talk about the knowledge behind it. For example, Mrs. He and Uncle He actually have no publicity. If you are interested, you can tell us about the knowledge behind it. Whether Mrs. He and Uncle He are now living in public housing are eligible for public housing. Because the affairs of the two couples actually have nothing to do with ordinary people , and what their children did to their father we The information obtained is too little , and people are like moral judges. They say on the Internet that the children are unfilial , or that the father's father is in the flower bush before he is old, and Mrs. He must have lied to him. These so-called moral judgments are actually quite dangerous and nameless. Netizens with surnames don’t care. Commentators with surnames. If what they say sounds good, it sounds good if you dare to say it . You will get short-term explosive traffic , but it may cause harm to people , and the audience will lose interest in the long term , so don’t say it so full and final. Some commentators use the most effective method to gain people's attention in the short term . In addition to gossiping , they attack other people who have different opinions. Even peer commentators are the easiest to gain traffic. The so-called fried peanuts are the most effective. What will I say? What about other commentators? I talked about Tao Jie, Xiao Ruoyuan, Wen Zhao, and Ju Zheng , but I usually either explain their point of view. I think they make sense after what they say , but it's not clear enough. I will explain their point of view. If I don't agree, I will tell others. When it comes to discussion, I just say that there is a loophole in it. In fact, how can we fill the loophole? I will either explain or discuss. I will not attack other people’s opinions. At least not in recent years, I will not just start my career. Ten years ago, I may have been young and vigorous. It is inevitable , but in recent years I have really remembered not to do this, because even if it is like the Liu Xiliang incident, is the Liu Xiliang incident public? I just discuss it from the perspective of publicity , because when everyone said there is no publicity, I did two researches. I will not attack Liu Xiliang because of my relationship with Xu Shaohua and we are very old friends, right? I did two pieces of research. The first one was that the South China Morning Post only owned a quarter of the copyright of the book. No one had ever said that at the time. I said this after the Chen Qiao Incident video talked about Chen Qiao’s mutiny. At this point , no one was talking about one quarter of the copyright. Which quarter? "South China Morning Post" only has the copyright of the photo but not the copyright of the text next to the photo. The copyright of the description next to it is either described by Chen Qiao or the editor . If it is described by Chen Qiao, it belongs to Chen Qiao. If it is described by the editor, it belongs to Zhongqiao. Is it a mutual aid society ? Then the copyright of the typesetting should also belong to the Overseas Chinese Mutual Aid Society. Finally, Chen Qiao’s own preface must belong to Chen Qiao. So I am explaining Liu Xiliang’s statement from the perspective of knowledge , which is not factual. I have not attacked Liu Xiliang. Of course I have not. After attacking Liu Xiliang, some people immediately said that you are Po Leung Kuk, which is also funny. The second research I did was what was it? The second research I did is to tell others that it is public. It turns out that before the sale of his book was published, he said it would be compulsory. Because it was called compulsory, he hoped that people would actively order it, which would become public because you publicly sell the notice. Others are obligated, which is very beneficial and has a historical record. But if this thing is obligatory , it can attract people to buy because they feel obligated. In the end, it turns out that it is not obligatory. This is against the public interest. Your publicity when you released it was like Zhengsheng Academy. People will ask why Zhengsheng Academy. We can say that because that matter has public interest and involves donations from many people, there are different opinions. So if that matter involves public interest or involves the law, I think the commentators are not talking about it. Otherwise, if the problem involves some unconfirmed personal behavior , especially if the person does not have public power, if that person does have public power , whether it is Trump , Biden , the Queen , or Prince William , then as a society, everyone should supervise and monitor It makes sense , but if that person has no public power and is a person in the entertainment industry, whether it is Luo Zhixiang , Wang Leehom , or Ou Qianyi , there is no need to be so vicious in your comments about him. The things you know about him are limited, so you have to say what you say. I can't say it fully without leaving a few words , because every family has sutras that are difficult to recite. What's the reason behind saying it in one version ? You and I have no way of knowing, but why did he say it? What reasons did he say it for? We have no way of knowing. We can discuss and discuss surrounding knowledge issues. Discuss the issue of asset transfer in divorce. You can say some intellectual things , but it is very dangerous to judge and criticize people's morals. But it is effective. As a KOL, Effective but I can only use it in 2019 and 2020 The website has experienced explosive growth. Today, the number of clicks has increased from more than 20 million a month in the past. Now a video only has a few thousand views. This cannot keep the audience for a long time. Listeners must gain something from spending their time with you. And to expand your audience , you can’t just talk about things in a small circle , so now 60% of my audience are from overseas , including more than 10% from Malaysia, Singapore or overseas groups , because you have to constantly climb over the wall from mainland China. If you open up, the more you talk about these news , the smaller the circle will be. In the end, your channel will shrink and attacking others is really unnecessary. Anyway, that’s all for today. Of course, when I first came out, Xiao Ruoyuan was the one I initially attacked and criticized, so later because of I criticized him many times before he invited me to be a guest host to discuss with him face to face. This was inevitable when I was young. Now ten years later, I have a different view. I hope I can take this opportunity to share it with you. It seems very boring. Commentator Moral cultivation , but I think it is based on experience. Anyway, I am talking about the paid platform Patreon today. I really appreciate everyone's support. I have talked about the modern history of China. After the founding of the Communist Party of China, I will talk about the Kuomintang's Northern Expedition and other situations. I hope everyone can join Patreon. For $15, you can play unlimited times. Those who haven’t upgraded can upgrade. Those who haven’t joined can consider joining the annual subscription. There are also discounts. Thank you . Bye.
Channel: Gavinchiu趙氏讀書生活
Views: 59,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 趙博, MEMEHK, 蕭若元, 謎米, 趙善軒, 蕭析, 趙氏讀書生活, 周末趙集, 書房閒話, 理論蕭析, 海外蕭析, 光明頂, 文昭, 新加坡, 移英, yt:cc=on
Id: JetxMvw-rNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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