柏格醫生逛好市多Costco,與BobbyParrish, 幾樣好東西, Dr Berg

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today I'm here at Costco to show you some really interesting foods with some nutrition with my friend Bobby who happens to just be around and I just grabbed him off the street and we are going to go through and analyze certain foods and just look at the nutrition content and you're going to also help me out as well let's do it so Bobby I have a question uh what's wrong with this picture it says vegetable oil because they're not using any of those vegetables to make the I mean this is seed oils this is where you have all of the bad stuff the omega-6 fatty acids this is inflammatory and how can they keep this in this clear uh container um it's very unstable oil it's totally oxidized and so you put this into your body it kind of gets latched it leeches into the membranes it stays in there for a long period of time I think the shelf life is what two years yeah and what does that made I didn't see the ingredients but I guarantee it'll say canola or sunflower oil or soybean oil 100% soybean oil so that's your vegetables yeah right I mean I mean there's a lot of soybean oil to make this so it's just unnatural so don't use this one okay what about this one o this one actually this one kind of pisses me off cuz it has the hard healthy seal on there isn't that crazy oh my goodness how can they do that yeah this is U all GMO yeah yeah it's literally rancid oil in a jug for you maybe to lubricate my my tires I wouldn't even do that to my car to be honest no you're right exactly so you got the canola oil right here can you explain what high oleic sunflower there's a type of fat called oleic and um it's a little bit healthier but we still got the oxidation because it's an unsaturated fat so it goes bad with light heat oxygen so how do they keep it like this preservatives and they cook it I think they go through like four different cycles and when they process this they use pressure they use uh deodorizers is that crazy they literally turn it rancid to make it and then have to deod motorize it to make it palatable yeah crazy yeah it's you know here's the last thing I want to say about this and so if you look at the trends of sugar obesity the actually sugars are kind of going down what's going always parallels this graph is these seed oils okay so I think these are at the core of insulin resistance obesity maybe even a little bit more than sugars wow interesting grape seed oil same thing same thing same thing it's a seed oil you know how grape seed oil came into existence as many years ago the wine makers were wondering what to do with the seeds after they pressed it it's a waste product and they figured let's turn it into oil but we have to deodorize it and high pressure it and turn it into a garbage seed oil incredible I guess if we keep going this way we start getting some olive oils avocado oil oh avocado oil there we go better much better um I like to step it up to Extra Virgin Olive Oil but of course there's a better one right here right so if you're going to Costco this is a really good one you tell us why for sure so over 80% of the extra virgin olive oil on the store shelf is fake it either has cut with seed oils it's made with rancid olives or doesn't qualify to meet the extra version standards this bottle the 100% Italian extra version olive oil is lab certified to be pure really high quality at a great price and it's single origin because look at the back of your olive oil not the one you have at home and the big jug from Straight From Italy this one right here is like many ol oils if you look at the back it'll always have a key to tell you where it comes from and this one comes from four different countries Argentina Spain Greece and Chile how do you have traceability when you have olives from four different countries processed in another country which is why you want single origin like that one so I want to talk about pumpkin seeds Okay get the one with the sea salt check this out magnesium really good source of magnesium and just a fourth of a cup that's 40% so if you just did like a little more than like two servings of this you're going to get your daily supply of magnesium which is really important for sleeping reducing cortisol stress your muscles and energy making energy as well plus it has manganese which is another Trace mineral for your mitochondria to give you detoxifying ability uh getting rid of poisons and uh just General Health so this is a an awesome product I think bonus points for this also is the sprouting cuz when you sprout a seed yes lock more nutrition you get rid of the uh antinutrients actins go away but read the ingredients because what happens if we pick up something else there oh yeah check this out show people what's in here yeah so this is an Omega mix here so it's an anti-inflammatory mix but it's coated in sunflower oil sugar and canola oil that's the trif factor of inflammation that is inflammation when they talk about the Omega they're talking about the walnuts and it's the precursor ala that turns into the active form you're not going to do a lot of conversion it's not really the active form of the omega-3 so this is going to create inflammation another bonus also since we're in cold and flu season this did have a bunch of zinc which is really good for your immune system too so these are a nutrient powerhouses abely so I'm going to tell you about a little gem this is raw organic sauerkraut okay the key is raw don't get the stuff in the bottle that's pasteurized you want the raw stuff why because when you heat it you kill off the key things this is one of the best probiotics that you can take and that has the most vitamin C out of anything one cup is 700 milligrams of Vitamin C that's seven that's 10 times your rdas for vitamin C which is good for collagen plus uh this cabbage is filled with glutamine which is great for gut health helping your microbe the lining if you have leaky gut this is something you probably could tolerate if you have acid reflux gastritis you might tolerate this so it it's it's a really it's a probiotic it's fermented it has vitamin C like nobody's business I don't know yeah it's a Powerhouse and the price I was just telling Dr Berg at most stores half the size of wild brine is $8 you get a massive jug for $9.59 I eat it almost every day Pro tip when you're done don't throw it away the juice in there you just do shots of it it's basically like um dairyfree cafir this is so good for your gut along with the inflammation holy cow yeah it's it's literally one of the healthiest things that I recommend as a part of your you know it doesn't have a lot of protein but it has a lot of other things that you do need yeah this was gone the last month and it was the worst month of my life it's back now happy days so I want to mention this very important uh ingredient in mayonnaise okay and this is soy oil you don't want to get one with soy oil you want to get something like this okay from chosen with 100% avocado oil and avocado oil is very very unique because it's not a seed oil it's very similar to um olive oil and so and you just want to make sure you read the label and there's no additional seed oils because we're trying to lower your inflammation by getting rid of the omega-6 fatty acids and this is a really good substitute for something like this the nice thing about buying it a Costco Dr Burg is the price so it's 24 cents an ounce it's literally double the price at most grocery stores and besides being a anti-inflammatory oil avocado oil you have to worry about where it comes from chosen foods like Primal kitchen does 100% Mexican H avocado oil so it's super high quality it's not oxidized or anything like that and then yes this has the soybean oil he talked about but why would you also want sugar natural flavorings which I call the biggest lie in the grocery store and a preservative that masks rancidity called calcium disodium Eda so true yes so true absolutely so if you have a choice between the extra virgin olive oil wild Pacific sardin or just sardines in olive oil get the extra virgin is just a little bit better a little bit cleaner but let me tell you the benefit of these wild Pacific sardines you have amazing selenium you have DHA DHA is anti-inflammatory it's like a omega3 fatty acid to offset all the other omega-6 that we're exposed to but the big thing is selenium selenium is awesome for your thyroid especially if you have something like Hashimoto it's good to build up glutathione which is good for your liver so it's a good natural antio oant in general very cool and the cool thing is both are good oils but a lot of canned fishes will have seed oils in there so you have to read the ingredients and Dr bur's correct you want the Evo because how you get extra virgin olive oil into olive oil is by a little more processing not terrible but every time you do process you do oxidize the oil and create more inflammation so Evo for the wi okay I want to talk about a one a day okay if you look at these one a day and you look at the first ingredient what does it say Bobby that says calcium carbonate okay that's called Limestone you'd be better off chewing on the cement outside on the building because feel how heavy that is it's like a great for a paper weight anything that's the first ingredient is the majority of the product so you're dealing with you know the worst source of calcium it takes like 12 steps to be able to be converted into your body so it's just like taking eating rocks it's cheap and of course you have all these synthetic um elements Malto dextrin synthetic vitamins there's a huge difference in nature between real vitamin complexes and these synthetic petroleum fractionated paper weight type products so and I often times say read the other ingredients too of almost any vitamin they're usually packed in soybean oil corn oil and defeat the whole purpose of taking supplements in the first crazy so that's my viewpoint on one of days so Bobby thank you for evaluating all these great Foods if you're not already signed up on his channel go to his channel I'll put his link down below and I really really really want your uh feedback on the content and what foods you might be interested in doing further videos comment down below tell me what you guys think
Channel: 柏格醫生中文 健康知識
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Keywords: dr berg, 柏格醫生中文, 柏格醫生, 生酮飲食, 間歇性斷食, 斷食, 胰島素, 減肥, 燃燒脂肪, 腹部脂肪, 無糖, 低碳水, 養生, 健康知識, 胰島素阻抗, eric berg, dr eric berg, 艾瑞克柏格醫生, 艾瑞克柏格, 高血糖, 糖尿病, 脂肪肝, dr eric berg keto, keto, ketosis, 清除脂肪肝, 降低胰島素, ketogenic, 腎上腺, 腎上腺疲勞., 更年期, 更年期症狀, 記憶力, 肝硬化, 膽固醇, 高血壓, 高膽固醇, 甲狀腺, 膽囊, 膽汁, 老年痴呆症, 肥胖症, 健康飲食, 健康生酮飲食, 營養素, 自然療法, 生酮食譜, 腎結石, 膽結石, 關節炎, 新陳代謝, 新陳代謝緩慢, 糖尿病併發症, 末梢神經病變, 心臟, 血管鈣化, 血管, 視力, 血管阻塞, 血栓, dr. berg, dr. eric berg, 血糖, 體內有好油, 歐米茄3, 歐米茄3脂肪酸, 歐米茄6, 脂肪酸比, 平衡脂肪酸, 歐米茄6食物, 歐米茄3脂肪酸來源, 必需脂肪酸, 脂肪酸, 魚油, 鱈魚肝油, 歐米茄3食物, 歐米茄3的好處, 歐米茄脂肪酸的食物, 脂肪酸的來源, 柏格醫生歐米茄3和6的比例, 歐米茄-6壞處, 好市多, costco健康食品
Id: D5HvCV3oqVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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