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Hello everyone, I am Wei Quan. Welcome back to my channel. In this video, I will share with you what kind of luck or opportunity the Tiger will have in 2024 , which is the Year of Jiachen. Many numerology teachers have shared this with you. 2023 is a relatively ordinary year for those born under the zodiac tiger because it has no auspicious stars and actually has no unlucky stars. It is a relatively ordinary year. So what auspicious stars does it have this year for the tiger zodiac? Let’s take a look at it together . The first one is what we call Sky Horse. In fact, I actually like this auspicious star very much because it represents a long journey. You are about to set off and you are going to a distant place . So you can imagine if there is this auspicious star. If your friend is a Tiger, he will feel particularly active this year. He likes to go out and maybe travel for business. He will not just stay at home. He will have special energy and motivation to do a lot of things. There are some things to do, so in the traditional sense, Yima is actually a fortune star in many cases. The second auspicious star is the so-called god of fortune called Thriving . This is also the so-called motivation . You can see that people who were born in the Year of the Tiger are all this year . It is about energy and motivation. It seems that Tiger is very powerful and wants to do something big. Although I said he only has two lucky stars , I think this is already a very good setting because there are Too many auspicious stars are not necessarily a good thing, because the energy may have a lot of influence , but if there are only two like this, it will be very concentrated, so Tiger will be in a particularly concentrated state , and his spirit and whole person will be more concentrated. When we come to the evil star, first of all, we will see a dog called Tengu. You can imagine a dog fighting. Dog fighting is considered a trivial matter , but it is also a not so good thing. It represents a kind of petty dog. The second one is a loss or small injury. If we call it "Tian Cry", it will be more emotional and depressed . The last one is an evil star called Diao Ke , which also represents sadness , because Diao Ke is the evil star. For example, the name funeral guest actually refers to a situation when you go to attend a funeral. But in fact, you don’t have to worry too much. No need . Is there someone who is going to die around me at my house ? In fact, it’s not just because of this evil system in the past. They have to update it. It's good to express what kind of situation or state it is in, so he tells you , just like when you go to attend a funeral, you will be particularly sad . It doesn't mean that someone really died or If you die yourself or something, you will feel more sad when you go to attend the funeral. In fact, the malefic stars of this year for people born in the year of Tiger are not big and bad malefic stars. They are just small losses or some... It has an emotional impact , so if I make a summary, I think this year is very suitable for Tiger to leave your comfort zone and start a new journey , because in fact, Yima in ancient times talked about leaving your original place . When you go on a long trip, you usually need to do business or trade . Or if you are a farmer or a farmer, you may want to take your own things and harvest them. Take it to a place to sell it , so usually Yima is a kind of fortune in a sense , because only when you leave your comfort zone and go to a new environment can you have the opportunity to seize new opportunities to make money. So it has this meaning , that is, if you want to start a new journey , you will gain more. Of course, when you leave your comfort zone, you will sometimes feel some small setbacks. You will feel a little more depressed, so if you are a Tiger, I think you should constantly let yourself look forward and make a plan for the future. I want to sum up by saying that you have to ask yourself whether you are ready to try new challenges. If you want to meet a new challenge, I will leave it to you to answer this question yourself. Then I will share with you that everyone actually has four zodiac signs in their horoscopes , in addition to year, month, day and time. Let me give you an example of a horoscope. If it appears in the year, it shows your social circle, your friends or your industry. If it is the month , it represents your career or your work . If it is the day , it represents you. The person itself , your emotional life , or even your significant other, it represents what you own, so it may be your inner thoughts, something you believe in your heart, or your subordinates or you. Your children and your assets. If Yin is the year of the tiger and you are born in the year of the tiger, it will affect your social circle. You will especially see that your friends are very active and they may often travel. Go abroad , so how do you take advantage of this opportunity? So how do you take advantage of this opportunity? That is to say, you have to spend more time with them, you have to get more exposure to their positive motivation, you have to get more exposure to their positive motivation . The energy is like this because they often travel or they will often say that my business is expanding again and I want to open a branch or I am starting to go to a new market. Their status brings a very positive impact to you. The same You can also walk around with them , so maybe traveling together to explore a new place is very good. When it comes to career, I think it will be even better, because this represents your own work. I would suggest that you start to get out of your comfort zone , because if Yima really comes here, you have to remind yourself that you have to try new things, open up a new market, and stop being obsessed . Regarding what you have now or some of your original practices, I think you can step out bravely. If you have Yima to support you, you must make better use of this energy to get the greatest benefit for yourself. Don’t forget me. As I said just now, Yima is actually a fortune star. It is a fortune star in a certain sense, so if you come to your career, it will be very good. If you are an individual, you will particularly want to travel . You may follow Your wife or husband just say let's go. Let's take a small trip together this year or bring your family and friends . Of course, if you are single at this time, it is also a very good time to meet new friends. You may be able to go to some places you have not been to before. Maybe you have been going to the same restaurant, the same cafe, to drink tea or something. Then maybe this year you can try to go to a different place, and you will meet new friends or different people, which will bring you emotional stimulation. If there is some progress , if a tiger appears from time to time , it means that you have a lot of ideas that suddenly come in and you will be very active. So in this case, I would suggest that you record all the new ideas , otherwise you may Think of this today , and then you may forget it tomorrow, and then you start to think of other ideas and other new ideas. I feel a bit pity because it is very likely that among the many ideas, one of them may be a good one. One idea , so I would suggest that you write them all down. In addition, you will feel that your subordinate children will be particularly active this year. In fact, it is not that they really become very active , but that you feel in your heart that they are very active . I think you should allow them to be active. Maybe your employees will tell you that I want to apply for two weeks of leave and I want to travel abroad . Otherwise, your children may say this year , I want to go abroad with my friends. Go for a walk, then I think you should allow them to accept it, because if you go to contend with him, it’s like you have to restrain the Yima, you have to control it , but the Yima needs to be unrestrained , but at the same time you have to restrain it, so you just It will be particularly difficult because it seems to be a contradictory situation. If you invest in assets, you may find some very good investment opportunities in places other than your original country. Maybe you can pay attention to more Well , the above are four situations that a tiger may have if he appears in four different places. Then you can make some small adjustments. Soon we will enter 2024, which is Jiachen. If you want to know more quickly than others
Channel: Kent Lau Metaphysics 八字奇门遁甲
Views: 67,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 八字, 奇门遁甲, 玄学, 命理, 算命, 风水, 易经, 择日, 梅花易数, 占卜, 易卦, 运程, 运势, 大运, 流年, 四柱, 预测, 命盘, joey yap, 罗一鸣, kelvin chan, iverson lee, Bazi, Qimendunjia, QMDJ, Feng Shui, Yijing, Yi Jing, Date Selection, Chinese Metaphysics, Joey Yap, career, 吸引力, 吸引力法则, 宇宙姐姐, 猪猪金水, 簡少年, 紫微斗数, astrology, 大人學, 吳尚易, 九运, period 9, 辛酉
Id: m1OMZjJYUno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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