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hello, everyone. I am Wei Quan. The person who was born in the year of the dog is in conflict with our Tai Sui this year. What kind of effect will it have? What effect will it have? Today we will learn about the people who were born in the year of the dog. Before we start with this year’s fortune, I want everyone to know that in fact, everyone does not have only one zodiac sign , but four. So where did these four zodiac signs come from? You have to look at this horoscope example . In fact, your zodiac sign is It can appear in the year, month and day, so you can see that the dog , which is Xu , appears in different locations. You clicked this video because you are a dog , but you are very likely to have different zodiac signs in other parts, so in this video At the end of the year, I will analyze with you some situations that may occur if the dog appears in different positions, so you must stay tuned until the end. If you are a dog, its auspicious star this year is quite good. First of all, you will be the first to see it. The auspicious star called Guoyin will see the auspicious star called Guoyin. It means that others will increase their trust in you. Others will increase their trust in you. You see, that name is actually in ancient times . In fact, in ancient times , if you want to If they give you a responsibility and a position, they will give you a seal. It represents the trust of those in authority in you, their trust in you, their trust in you , their trust in you, so those born in the Year of the Dog will have this auspicious star this year. With the blessing , it will have a lot of responsibilities and the right to do what it wants to accomplish. The second one is the auspicious star called Yue Kong . Usually when we see the sky , it means that it has a void, a hole, which can make you It can offset negative emotions. It allows you to offset negative emotions or negative things. So why did God give you this auspicious star? You will know what is going on when you see the inauspicious star Soon we will enter 2024, which is the year of Jiachen . If you want to know more quickly than others this year , what opportunities or crises are there in this year , then you must come to join me. This webcast event is called "Start 2024" and its date is tentatively scheduled for January 7, 2024. Then from 1 to 3 pm we will analyze the overall fortune in 2024. How can you pass some Feng Shui? The layout allows you to tap more wealth opportunities and get more benefits . Of course, I will also share some hidden crises about 2024 so that you can avoid these dangers first . I won’t make any wrong decisions. If I go back to the personal aspect, I will also provide you with some tips on how to activate the energy in your career . Finally, I will share with you how to welcome the ninth luck , because we all know that 2024 The year is actually the beginning of the Ninth Luck , so 2024 is very important, so I will share 9 and three. You need to know some secrets when welcoming the Ninth Luck. Then I will make full use of the horoscopes. Qi Men Dun Jia Feng Shui and all the contents of the Book of Changes. To share this activity, I can provide you with unlimited replays. OK, I know many people may be busy with work or family , so it is not possible . You may not be able to participate in this event on the day , so don’t worry, I can give you unlimited replays , and you can watch it as many times as you want. In addition, I will also send another mysterious gift in this event , and everyone will get one. A mysterious gift of their own. As for what it is, you have to participate and you will know. Finally, I will also give a so-called manual to start 2024. Then you will ask how much this event will cost. As for the money, OK, I actually only charge a price of 19 US dollars. OK, if you want to buy it, I will put it in the information column of this video or in the message area. I will put a purchase link . I hope you can see it on the day. Thank you, later. Well, the first one in terms of inauspicious stars is The so-called Suipao means that it is in conflict with Tai Sui. The effect it will cause is that you will be more impulsive in doing things and you will be a little more reckless. So traditionally we It is said that in the year when you are opposed to Tai Sui, you will be more likely to get injured and do something wrong, so you will usually be reminded to act with caution. The second evil star is called Da Hao. You will know it when you see Da Hao. You will also particularly want to spend money this year , and you will spend it very generously. If you do not spend generously, then this energy will be directed to other places, causing you to lose money, causing you to lose money , so we Usually when you see a lot of consumption, you say OK. Well, this year you should spend some money to accept this situation. Spend the money on places that you think are more worthwhile. Spend the money on places that you think are more worthwhile, such as taking your family to travel and have a meal with friends and family. It's good to have a good meal with friends and family . When you do this, you will be able to cope with the influence of this evil star. The third one is called Langqian , which means there is something blocking the front as if it is an obstacle. It gives you the feeling that there are many challenges that are difficult to overcome. The fourth one is the leopard tail, which means that you see a very ferocious animal, that is, you see a very ferocious animal over there , and you are very scared. Step on its tail and you are afraid that you will step on its tail. Then you are afraid that you will step on its tail. Then you may step on the tail of the dragon this year , so you are doing a lot of things. I think this is a situation that will help you, because you will be more impulsive and reckless this year , but this evil star will come instead. I remind you that you have to be a little more careful. So sometimes I feel that evil stars are not always a bad influence. Sometimes, if they are placed in the right place, it will On the contrary, it will produce good results. On the contrary, it will produce good results. On the contrary, it will produce good results. On the contrary, it will produce good results. So the theme of dog this year . The theme of dog this year is to change. This year is to change. A year is a year of change, because in the concept of Bazi, it talks about a change. The original status quo can no longer be maintained. We must have changes. We must have changes. Usually we must guide this change. Whether it is a good change or a bad change, if you are a dog this year, you don’t have to worry too much , because in fact you will be the one who leads the change, because in the five elements, dog belongs to metal, dragon belongs to wood, and metal overcomes wood, which belongs to wood. So the dog will be the one who leads the change. He will be the one who leads the change. Don’t misuse the trust that others give you this year. Don’t misuse the trust that others give you. Just say that you will have a good year this year. There will be a good start. You are in a very good position. You are in a very good position to take the initiative to reform and change some situations. So don't waste or abuse such opportunities or abuse such opportunities or abuse. If you have an opportunity like this to make some bad changes, then I think the second point is that you should remember to always maintain a calm state of mind when making any major decisions or major changes . Sometimes you have to take a step back and let yourself think carefully and ask yourself , is this really the change I want? If the answer is yes, then you dare to go for it. If I want to give the dog a role this year, you are the one. A courageous reformer , you have to believe that everything will get better because of changes. If that thing is unchanging, it will always be the same. In fact, what it means is that you have not made progress, you have not moved forward , and you have not changed. Better , so everyone should remember this topic . Then I will analyze some situations that dogs will have when they appear in different locations . First of all, if the first dog is in the year, it will affect your social circle and your friends . So This year you are very likely to usher in a new environment, a new social circle or a new industry. You are very likely to be tired of the environment you are in now , or you feel that it is really No, I must change, I must move forward, so you will start to put yourself into a new social circle or a new industry or a new industry, of course, because the year is your outermost year. So I would say you should be careful not to be too impulsive, because if you are against Tai Sui, you will usually be more impulsive and reckless in doing things , which can easily lead to some disputes or injuries or injuries or injuries . If Xu is a dog, If it appears in the month, it will affect your career and your work. You will be a very important reformer. A very important reformer may be in your working environment or your own business or your own business. Now you have felt that it is time to make changes in your work, it is time to make changes in your work or it is time for your business to be bigger or better, so my advice to you is that this year you are doing Reform. When you are carrying out reforms and changes this year , although you will feel very uneasy and unstable , and you may even feel that everything is turbulent , you still need to maintain a firm and calm state and a calm state to allow this reform. It can continue. Well, if Xu comes to Japan, it means that your love life has begun to change. If you are single, it is very likely that you will say OK this year . I don’t want to be single anymore. I must find a partner, so you You will be more active , so you will be more active and proactive in meeting others and making new friends, so the situation will change. He does not necessarily say that you will definitely find a partner. Many times it may just mean that your idea of ​​being single has begun to change . You have to have a partner . If you have a partner and you say wow, isn't that scary? Should I break up or get divorced ? It's not necessarily very likely that the way you get along will change. The way you get along will change. Then I think that in the process of such changes, you must maintain good communication and good communication. Only then will you have more consensus, and you will have more consensus to serve you. Make better decisions for your future. Make better decisions or better plans or better plans or better plans for your future. Like what I just said, everything needs to change. It's all about changes before we can progress. The same goes for relationships. Sometimes, you have to go through some fluctuations and changes. Then the relationship between the two of you will become better . He doesn't necessarily mean that you will break up. Of course, if you There is no way for the two of you to reach this situation . Your hearts are really entangled too much , or this relationship or this relationship is inherently a very bad relationship. It is a very bad relationship to begin with. It is very likely that this year will not be the same . There will be changes, and there will be changes this year . This change means parting ways . When the last period of time comes, it will affect your inner thoughts, subordinates, children, and assets . So the advice I will give you is your vision for the future. What is it? Because it is very likely that your original plan and your original future plan will start to change this year , so you will continue to explore what the future will be this year . If you have never thought about it before If you think about this issue this year, you will spend more time thinking about it . Your children and subordinates will also have more changes. You may wonder why they don’t listen to you and why they are so special . They don't listen to you because they are too angry. They want to change. They want to do something different. So I would say that you also have to give them time . You also have to give them time and give yourself some time to adapt to this new change. Changes or adapting to a new journey or adapting to a new journey, then everything will be OK . The above is that the dog year will usher in a very exciting and full of possibilities this year . Remember that a better life will always be It’s good to start with changes. That’s it for this video. See you in the next video. Bye.
Channel: Kent Lau Metaphysics 八字奇门遁甲
Views: 68,805
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Keywords: 八字, 奇门遁甲, 玄学, 命理, 算命, 风水, 易经, 择日, 梅花易数, 占卜, 易卦, 运程, 运势, 大运, 流年, 四柱, 预测, 命盘, joey yap, 罗一鸣, kelvin chan, iverson lee, Bazi, Qimendunjia, QMDJ, Feng Shui, Yijing, Yi Jing, Date Selection, Chinese Metaphysics, Joey Yap, career, 吸引力, 吸引力法则, 宇宙姐姐, 猪猪金水, 簡少年, 紫微斗数, astrology, 大人學, 吳尚易, 九运, period 9, 辛酉
Id: JeLMG4Ln-3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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