日本製造 Sony A95L BRAVIA XR MASTER Series | 第二代 QD-OLED 亮度提升至2000nits ! 日本仔用經驗推盡電視畫質極限 ? (附設cc字幕)|電視評測
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Channel: Post76影音玩樂
Views: 56,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sony A95L, Sony BRAVIA XR A95L, sony bravia xr a95l oled tv, sony bravia xr a95l 77, sony bravia xr a95l oled, a95l sony, a95l review, a95l qd-oled, a95l vs s95c, a95l vs g3, a95l vs a95k, a95l sony review, a95l release date, a95l vs lg g3, a95l unboxing, a95l 77, a95l vs a80l, a95l vs x95l, a95l reveiw, a95l sony reveiw, post76, 小瑟, sony a95l vs samsung s95c, sony a95l review, sony a95l unboxing
Id: keCrVPK4zkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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