Samsung 8K Neo QLED QN900C 65” AI 升頻技術好勁 !「8K量子神經網絡處理器」升級成64個神經網絡!(附設cc字幕)| 電視評測
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Channel: Post76影音玩樂
Views: 68,023
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Keywords: QN900C, qn900c samsung, qn900c samsung neo qled 8k smart tv (2023), qn900c review, qn900c vs qn900b, qn900c vs s95c, qn900c 85 inch, qn900c samsung neo qled 8k, qn900c unboxing, qn900c vs qn800c, qn900c 98 inch, qn900c samsung neo qled, qn900c 85, qn900c 8k, qn900c reveiw, post76, 小瑟
Id: oOPepPrt8go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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