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Thai market reborn from the ashes As soon as you come back, you will be offered limited time discounts. We sincerely invite everyone to come back and experience it But why do I eat more and more Hello everyone We are now here in Taipei And behind us this is Hotel Indigo you all we will come here today It’s because of the Thai market we ate at in Xinyi District last time It later moved around and moved here. It’s just that we experienced it last time in Xinyi District Maybe a little regretful But I'm quite curious that it has moved here now After reopening How will it behave? Then let’s go in and experience it together later. OK everyone We are seated now Then our dining date today is March 5th looking at the scene I feel like saying this makes people feel a little bit It obviously just opened a day or two ago But there was no feeling of crowds at the venue. This is nothing like being in Greater Taipei Especially in Dazhi, a place like this What a newly opened store will look like But OK Then let's go get something to eat later. Pingtung cultured white shrimp Taiwanese sea bug geoduck Orchid clam Mussels flower branch shark Why is there such a thing here? angel red shrimp Eat raw scallops This is a little more Sweet Shrimp Free Raw shrimp paste lemongrass sauce Haagen-Dazs This is kale leaf Then that’s how you make rice dumplings Or the way of wrapping shrimps in floss? Finally, add a little of the chef’s special sauce After rolling up You can eat it right away OK everyone Then we have already brought back the food from the first round to eat. only When I just packed the beer I was so blown away that I was covered in wine. but I think this is just a small accident Then let’s serve you with this Taihu beer first. Then let’s start with sashimi as an appetizer. I think it's the price of sashimi today. It provides these styles Then it should be considered reasonable to have something fresh. But I think the Thai market The only flaw it has ever had is that Sashimi it didn't serve mustard So today we I tell you If they were willing to offer mustard today Although it may not be called Thai style But it's like your dull Same as boyfriend or husband How many years have you been together? it suddenly Bring out a bowl of things that will warm your heart The moment you rate it The perfect score is off the charts Snapper fillet flower branch Next up is raw food grade scallops But since we last ate A restaurant for less than 1,000 yuan It has this kind of thing Although that film It may be released after this one But I think It's still delicious It’s delicious if it’s fresh Raw angel red shrimp Let’s try the sweet shrimp again Everyone This is the Thai market I was familiar with back then. Although the price is different now But we can just keep eating this sweet shrimp This feeling is very enjoyable octopus If we were in a noble family today, Eat shark smoke But today we are here Mussels But the seafood is just eye-catching. If it is fresh, it will be really fresh. But it tastes I feel like I'm missing a flavor that will move you But OK Then let's use this again Taihu Beer is here to greet you all. Although more than usual In Xinyi District, only Taiwan Beer is available. But I said there were more Taiwanese tigers here today. And it didn’t provide ice cups on site today The size has also become smaller I think If you really like drinking this kind of craft beer Then you can only get a few more cups. Next we come to the mussel part Guys, maybe it tastes fresh but don't know why It just makes you feel unmoved I can only have one more drink And we rarely have buffets at this price range You can also see Asahi crabs This is really rare Cold white shrimp Everyone The cold white shrimps taste so fresh and chewy I think It is worthy of today's price Next, we toast you with Taiwan beer Let's do what I think is the most luxurious thing in this life. Just let this cup of Haagen-Dazs melt Then drink it as a milkshake You really can only enjoy it like this if you come here Then we have finished eating All the dishes for this round Then let's go get the things from the next round. Come back and eat Come Scallops Liberty Sweet shrimp brush up Garlic Shrimp Sauce grilled chicken wings Fried flower branches with fish sauce Shrimp paste hollow eggplant Why is it so hot when placed under the lamp? Curry crab Boiled fish and mutton skewers Kebab sausage pesto Please give me seafood soup and lemon fish Pickles 18 days OK everyone Then our round I took what I didn’t eat just now Everyone We just put the knife on this steak It separates easily This is truly the oven-roasted steak of champions I think it tastes very soft and tender And it's sprinkled with very thick black pepper This whole thing plays right into my hands. Lamb kebab This mutton kebab It tastes soft and tender with a chewy texture. I think It's delicious just with this light seasoning But when we were in Xinyi District before, Does it have this dish? I really have no impression of it Thai sausage It feels like it's a bit Lemongrass flavored Taiwanese sausage? But it's a delicious sausage Then we will drink like Taihu after eating here. After drinking Taihu, we rinse our mouth for another 18 days Then what's next Let’s try it with this suggested seasoning This leaf is Is there something to eat? Then this should be swordfish The star of today’s dish is swordfish Although we ate a lot of Thai flavor on the surface, It also has a strong Thai flavor And then it's this swordfish flavor But they went their separate ways with it but it's delicious Fried crab with curry It’s perfect for pairing with wine Strong fried crab Just perfect with beer Thai Fried Clams grilled chicken wings Fried flower branches Everyone I really think it's this kind of Thai stir fry Great with beer eggplant Although we rarely eat vegetables But this eggplant It is a vegetable that I have loved to eat since I was a child. Chocolate Haagen-Dazs Everyone Let's drink it like a drink here That feels quite comfortable Fried mussels It tastes like it will move you Eat scallops freely Although the Thai market Today it focuses on Thai cuisine But let’s talk about the ingredients provided on site today Something like shark smoke or sashimi It just fits well with Soy sauce and mustard go together You have provided these ingredients and dishes today But you don’t have soy sauce and mustard Don't you think there's something weird about this? sweet shrimp How about eating such fresh seafood? Let’s use this Taihu again cheers Seafood hot and sour soup Even this shrimp It tastes like only one kind of sweetness Why does it have such soup? It tastes like only one kind Sweet without any fragrance Then let’s use this Strawberry Haagen Dazzi next Regards everyone OK everyone Then we've eaten everything this round. Then let's go get the things from the next round. Come back and eat Garlic sea melon seeds large flakes Kebab Chicken skewers bring it on Please give me the Thai boat noodles Fried shrimp fry Tujun? Fried durian fried banana Pepper Chicken Money Prawn Cake hello I want to swipe my credit card Will everyone have this offer? until the end of March You can get 10% off Just give you a 10% discount Today is 1580 plus 10% The 10% that just happened to be spared I think it seems like Chapter 1580 is like this today Let’s start with the fried shrimps I think It's better than the long fried shrimp from the market. it keeps its original appearance I think it tastes better this way fried banana It's exactly the same as what we had in Xinyi District before It smells like fried durian I feel its fragrance is very strong Although I usually don’t dare to eat durian But after it's breaded and fried like this The taste of durian is not that obvious I think it tastes much better overall Fried native fish I seriously doubt It really means taking The kind on the market Frozen packaged local fish fillets for deep-frying Money Prawn Cake Guys, when you bite it, it will burst with juice. Next up is the peppercorn chicken Thai boat noodles I have forgotten Last time we were at Tai Market in Xinyi District When eating this noodles I also ate it to the point where I had some doubts about life. But today we actually Order another one from it All ordered Let's just eat it This duck blood It feels like after scalding it with water Just throw it in again So it's all duck blood It's just the original flavor of duck blood. no other taste Yakitori After eating this delicious kebab It must be matched for 18 days. Lamb kebab large flakes Fried sea melon seeds Let’s add a bite of coriander at this time Chocolate Haagen-Dazs drink Lin Moniang This is really sinful OK everyone Then we've finished all the food this round. Then it's almost time for us to go have some dessert. coconut meat Adazi Cendol Dense taro look Put the taro here Rambutan coconut milk Similu brownie Coconut cheese with pandan gel Ginger Mango Mousse Rainbow Nyonya Cake Peanut Cream Cake OK everyone Then our round Just take the snacks it has on site It should be about the same if we eat like this. Then before we have snacks Let's use this for another 18 days Regards everyone Is this a chicken cake? The texture in the middle is like using sweet potato flour There will be one that will make you chewy And then with its seasoning fragrance I think this is a delicious snack Next up is a Thai cuisine classic Nyonya cake brownie Momo chatter Then we will use this for another 18 days in the end. Regards everyone OK everyone Then we've eaten everything Then we'll go outside in a moment Let's do the ending OK everyone We're outside now Then let's talk about it Let’s eat the idea of Thai market today we are at The cost of dining for one of us is And it is active now They will be until the end of March You will receive a 10% discount on your meal So you guys I think if you want to experience it Maybe you can take advantage of this event to come Otherwise, if we don’t have a discount today, We added the original service fee If it were you, you what do you think Although you can eat all you can eat Thai food in Taiwan everywhere But most dining styles Are they all ordered a la carte? Presented to you in a freshly prepared way Its advantage is that it is cooked to order It must be piping hot when you serve it but Like when we usually want to eat but can't find anyone, Wouldn't that be the end? But if you're like one of us Want to eat all you can eat Thai food? If you can't catch anyone I think Thai market is a good choice And it says it won’t refuse a person a meal And they say that all the dishes are prepared and put there. Eat as much as you want Is But if we were asked to use it again today If you go back and eat it at the original price of 1,700 yuan I think You can still consider it Although 1,007 is in Taipei, You have so many options to eat But I think If you just want to eat all you can eat Thai food today And then you can’t catch other people’s words Maybe this is really a good choice OK
Channel: 蝦土豆
Views: 217,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 大胃王, 進食, 泰國蝦, 吃貨, 特盛, 開吃
Id: dhKtzcU-EBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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