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Channel: 圧倒的不審者の極み!
Views: 4,555,590
Rating: 4.8403049 out of 5
Keywords: kiwami, 作ってみた, 作り方, 作成, 作製, 自作, How, to, Make, stropping, kitchen knife, sharpest, sharp, Sharpen, 包丁, 研ぐ, 砥石, Whetstone, 圧倒的不審者の極み, 研ぎ方, 研ぎ, asmr, Diamond whetstone, ASMR, 音フェチ, バイオ, プラスチック, Bio plastic, candy, caramella, snoep, godis, BALA DOCE, lollipop, slik, ลูกอม, Süßigkeiten, sukkertøy, bonbons, Kẹo, конфеты, 사탕, 糖果, कैंडी, Permen, アメ, 飴, キャンディー, 砂糖
Id: BNP15d-cgu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This guy both impresses me and worries me.
He's a bored genius. With an incredibly twisted sense of humour.
Good twisted, but twisted nonetheless.
This guy clearly knows what he's doing. The ultrasonic starch conversion was really interesting, I'd never seen that used before. Very cool. I've seen his videos come up before, but never watched one. He definitely has a lot of time and money on his hands.
Side note: this guy will kill someone someday. The mannequin really creeped me the fuck out.
The reason I like Cody is he talks to you and explains everything. This video is too stylistic. I don’t like the videos where you see a well framed shot of someone picking up the knife slowly and deliberately. Then slowly chopping the cane all in complete silence.
At first I liked videos like that, but they’re getting cliche. I appreciate that Cody’s vids are so straight forward, I get more out of it.
Timestamp for those who just want potato syrup. There's also white sugar, which Cody's struggled with in the past, at the beginning of the video.
I enjoyed watching this, thanks for sharing it!
Had a quick look at his channel... some pretty fucked up/creepy shit.