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Channel: 圧倒的不審者の極み!
Views: 2,431,448
Rating: 4.9207845 out of 5
Keywords: kiwami, 作ってみた, 作り方, 作成, 作製, 自作, How, to, Make, stropping, kitchen knife, sharpest, sharp, Sharpen, 包丁, 研ぐ, 砥石, Whetstone, 圧倒的不審者の極み, 研ぎ方, 研ぎ, asmr, Diamond whetstone, ASMR, 音フェチ, バイオ, プラスチック, Bio plastic, 卵, エッグ, 卵白, 卵黄, 白身, 黄身, egg, uovo, ei, ägg, ovo, huevo, æg, ไข่, Ei, Oeuf, trứng, яйцо, 계란, 蛋, अंडा, telur
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
What did I just watch...?
This... was amazing. So many twists and turns, kept me guessing the whole time. Still so many questions, like why was the cucumber in the creek brûlée? Perfect set up for a sequel.
Can you make a protein bullet?
Maybe I'm just old, but I don't really understand the whole 'hyper amplify all the sounds' videos. Is this an ASMR thing? I don't really get that either.