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Alas. Yellow-pileus Chicken Mushroom Three plump ones. Laifu, come up. We're leaving. I'll take even a tiny one. Eh? Ouch. This one, too. I almost missed this large Chicken Mushroom mushroom. Wow. The root is so long. Yunnan Olives I've got so few. It's not enough. It's tender. Here you are, Laifu. Smell it. Chili, Garlic, Chicken Mushroom Salt Water Cooked Potato Rice Served with Chicken Mushroom on top This is garlic. You don't eat it. Pickled Sweet Garlic It smells so good. Wow. The garlic is sour. Whoa. One. Torch Chicken Mushroom Two. Three. Four. Five. There is an edible mushroom here. Forget it. I'll pass. I don't bother to go back. Eh? It seems to be Chicken Mushroom Hey. It's really Chicken Mushroom I got the root broken. There is a group of russula sanguinaria here. Here is a termite nest. There should be Chicken Mushroom here. I'll look around. Eh? Russula virescens. It's not. Why did all pears fall off? It turns out there is another group here. Wow. You're amazing. You've picked so many. Hmm. Sis. We came early. I was already on the mountain at 5:30 am. Bro, where did you pick so many Chicken Mushroom? Even more than mine. You wouldn't know where it is even if I told you. Look what I've got. It's not good enough. Hmm. You've also got quite a lot. Not bad. I'll continue to look around, bro. I can smell the scent of Chicken Mushroom, but where is it? Oh. Someone is coming. Oh my goodness. Wow. Ouch. My butt hurts. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. A mushroom bud. How is it so big? Alas. My legs are weak. Wow. There are so many. I need to get my basket. I'll sprinkle some pine needles to prevent mushrooms being crushed. Oh. There is another group here. Aunt, Chicken Mushroom comes out during this period, so do you make Chicken Mushroom oil every day? It's seasonal. It's unavailable once this period is over. I found three groups of Chicken Mushroom in the cornfield. Hm. Chicken Mushroom grows very fast. Oh. Chicken Mushroom stops growing once you can see it. It grows when it's unseen. It grows fast. Chicken Mushroom is strong. It can grow out of any kind of soil. Yeah. It can even break the root of pine trees. I collected some Chicken Mushroom at the entrance to the village from an old man. It weighs over 4.5 kg. Is it good? How much does it weigh, uncle? Over 4.5 kg. Amazing. You've got so many. Let's fry all these together. Go on. I'm leaving. Okay. Such tiny ones are the best. Hmm. Aunt, I'm done handling these. Let's clean them up. They'll clean better if separated. Wash those with more mud later. OMG. I'm finally done tearing these. Colza Oil Chili Chicken Mushroom Cap Chicken Mushroom Stalk Salt Deep-fry until the moisture is gone Let it sit for a night I wonder if two bottles are enough. I think so. Chicken Mushroom Oil Chicken Mushroom Oil Chopped Chili Fermented Soybean Sauce OMG. It's so tasty. Rice Balls with Chicken Mushroom and Fermented Soybean Sauce Uncle. Pull it up. What is it for? For you to eat. Food? Hmm. Chicken Mushroom oil is added. Thanks. My pleasure. Eat one. You have to eat one. It's delicious. Penjie, where did you get the Chicken Mushroom? In Dali. It's so far away. No Chicken Mushroom was found here this year. Remove the dirt Grandma, the water flow is still slow. Wait patiently. Flour with oil added (pastry dough) Flour Tortilla It should be enough. Cucumber, Carrot, Chicken Mushroom Stalk Walnut Kernel Crushed Walnut Kernel Chili Cilantro Chicken Mushroom Oil Light Soy Sauce Let me have a taste. Hmm. It's good. Burrito Stuffed with Chicken Mushroom, Cucumber and Carrot Chicken Mushroom Cap Ham Chicken Mushroom Oil Egg Warm Water Chicken Mushroom Oil What a luxury! Frozen Tomato What is it raining on such a sunny day? Pasta with Chicken Mushroom Oil Steamed Egg Custard with Chicken Mushroom Oil Steamed Ham with Chicken Mushroom Ham, Chili, Garlic, Chicken Mushroom Stir-fried Fresh Chicken Mushroom Stir-fry ham Water Chicken Mushroom Chicken Mushroom Soup Uncle. Come down for dinner. Hurry, or the food will be cold. There is a little more to be done. We'll come down after it's finished. You all have chopsticks, right? Your movements are so graceful when picking up food. Pick up more. Pick up a lot. Pick up food like this. Like this. Pick up more, uncle. We old farmers are used to all kinds of food. Yeah. If you aren't, tell us in advance, or you may suffer from hunger. You're too shy to pick up food. Here, uncle. Okay. Chicken soup is not as tasty as this. Hmm. Chicken is also not as expensive as it. Is it cold? Nah. It's not cold. Are the dishes still hot? We laborers... This is a burrito. We like cold food. It won't burn our mouth. You're the most polite. You receive it with two hands whenever I give you something. I'm not used to it. I'm used to that. He's very courteous. Yeah. He's courteous. It's been over three years since I last ate this kind of burrito. Hmm. It's good. Hmm. Eat it with your hand. It's tender enough to chew, grandpa. It's not that tough. It's tasty. Hmm. It's smooth after being steamed. Yes. It's scorching at noon. I'll faint if I stay in the sunshine for too long. You all have great physical fitness. But we can't work on a rainy day. We have to work on a sunny day. Eat more. I'm done. Enjoy yourselves. Okay. Uncle. Go there to have some tea. Alright. Alas. You don't even eat as much as we do. Have another bowl. Hmm. Good. Is it all Chicken Mushroom? Yes, it is. That's stir-fried Chicken Mushroom. That's cold edamame in sauce. This is Chicken Mushroom soup.
Channel: 滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge
Views: 10,937,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 滇西小哥, Ms Dianx, Điền Tây Tiểu Ca, 雲南, 雲南美食, 鄉間美食, 云南, 云南美食, 乡间美食, dianxixiaoge, 火锅, dianxi xiaoge cooking
Id: i0enqBVB7eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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