廣州!老字號太爺雞!總店!95元半隻!百年老店!太平館!西餐廳!懷舊美食!雪糕!口感驚艷!旅遊攻略!美食推薦!文明路!北京路!傳統味道!正宗!4K!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

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So I slipped on my electric bike and fell down on my own. Why are there always so many people? There seem to be more people than last time. What time is it now? It's less than five o'clock. It's only 95 yuan. It's half a bike. It's pretty. And I have more. A braised egg because of the smoky taste. If you like it, you will flock to it. If you don’t like it, just try it once. I am the kind of person who likes it. Hello, viewers. After waiting for so many days, it finally rained. Where I am now It's Renmin Road. This episode of the video was shot by myself. I asked my wife to come out. I don't know if she would be willing to come out when it rains. In the first part, I went to help the audience find the place where they used to live. It was very simple. And every time I talk about helping the audience find the place where he used to live, it's very simple. This time it's really easy because it's in front of Huifu West Road. It 's already Huifu West Road . I believe it shouldn't be difficult to find . And I checked the address and it should be there. The audience has also said it and it has been confirmed that it is very close to No. 406 Huifu West Road, Longjin Road . After waiting for so many days, it finally rained. This morning, there was still no rain. As of now, everyone can see that it is impossible not to open an umbrella. Even so, people The streets are so busy . I went to Thirteenth Line with everyone about a week ago. In fact, they are all close to here. Keep going . Turn right and you should be at Thirteenth Line. Turn left. You should see a lot of shirts there. But because it was a holiday that day, there were a lot of people there, and it should still be a lot of people today , because in addition to selling clothes for retail, there are also many wholesale shops. As for me, I plan to turn left here. First, according to the description of the audience, he said it was No. 406, and then He said it is very close to Longjin Road , but it is obviously not the case. It is only No. 7. There is more than No. 400. Isn’t it necessary to go to the back? It’s okay. My wife is not here yet. Besides, it’s raining and some uncles don’t need to open umbrellas. I’d like to give you a travel recommendation. Everyone should go there. There is a shop with a little flashing lights in front. It has delicious sugar water. If my wife decides not to come, I will go to the front to help the audience look for it. After that, if my wife can't come and it rains , I will go there to drink sugar water because there are several times. I passed by in the morning and wanted to try it because there is no reason to open the door so early to make sugar water. I remember that it should open at 11 o'clock. The one opposite should be called Lan Fong Yuan Durian Sugar Water. If my wife comes to this part, I will give up and move on. I will talk back quickly. I promised the audience that it is very easy and very close to Huifu West Road. It seems difficult. When I was a child, I lived on Danan Road, which was very close to Huifu Road . The thing I was very worried about was that he had already gone to Jiefang Road. If it was closer, it would be troublesome because using After Jiefang Road separates from Huifu Road, it is very likely that No. 406 Huifu West Road is no longer there. Anyway, let’s continue . There are enough trees in the old city , and there are many decoration workers, porters, and card players. Usually, they wait for business under the trees. Opposite the Lan Fong Yuen durian syrup, there are many people. It’s raining. There are so many people in front of you. Here is the paper road. Keep going forward. The two Ho Yong Kee and Hua Feng snacks in front of you are both good. On the left, Ho Yong Kee. I tried the old font size. There is also a good restaurant called Qiu Da Restaurant opposite Qiu Qiu Da . Qiu Qiu Da is a hill . It seems that roast goose is good , but I have not tried it at the Vienna Hotel because it is during the Chinese New Year . Visitors come back to visit here. It is also very close to Flower Street. The place , but as a tourist, you may not come here. Without further ado, let’s confirm again that the Yangcheng Shangxiaqiu Dahengzi Restaurant should be up here in Spectacle City. If I go further and further based on my impression, I have read the street signs and the audience’s messages. He said 406 The number is almost back to Beijing Road. I hope he is right. I have confirmed that there is this address. It is clear that he said it is near Longjin Road. So what should I do ? Let’s go and talk about it again. Continue forward and pass Jiefang Road. I have found it on the map software. Address The rain is getting heavier and heavier. We continue to walk on Huifu West Road. Huifu West Road is in the old city, so the road is very narrow. Originally, I wanted to eat durian syrup but gave up. First, my wife refused to come out. Secondly, she didn't. The reason is to go to Beijing Road with me again. In addition, it has been raining for many days. The weather has been dry, sometimes cold, sometimes hot. Some viewers asked whether it would be lively when returning to Guangzhou during the Lunar New Year. Guangzhou always has a large immigrant population. If the working city is not in the service industry by then, many people will go back to their hometowns to celebrate the New Year. For example, the businesses behind me, such as the store in front of me, are no different or related to the Chinese New Year, so many people will go back to their hometowns to celebrate the New Year. So when the time comes Guangzhou has become a complete tourist city. Some people will stay in Guangzhou for the New Year because they are northerners and they want to experience a less cold Lunar New Year , so it will not be deserted by then. I can only say this , for example, like the ones opposite All shops should be closed by then. Some restaurants, such as the Ho Yong Kee we passed by, are likely to be closed. Everyone must pay attention to the large restaurants. For example, most of the ones in large shopping malls will be open because those shops we passed just now. It is very likely that the shop is owned by the owner himself, who is not short of a day and a half of rent , and they usually do business with nearby neighbors or commuters. At that time, there were no commuters. It seemed that the Bin Shaowang Kitchen opposite had gone to the Lunar Calendar. It’s not surprising that they won’t be open during the New Year. Of course, I have no way to confirm whether it is or not, but even so, they will probably be closed for a few days at most for catering. It seems stupid to be closed during the Lunar New Year. When I talk about these Cantonese restaurants, relatives and friends will come to visit and pay New Year’s greetings. It can be different now. In the past, when we were young, our parents would cook a meal during the Lunar New Year. Now they all go out to eat. Walk all the way, talk all the way, walk all the way . The road ahead is already Jiefang Road. We first cross the bridge to find the audience. Once upon a time I have confirmed where I have lived. It is roughly in the direction of the former Huifu West Road Primary School. The farther and farther I go. The rain is getting heavier and heavier. I ca n’t even think about it without carrying an umbrella . But my classmates are really good at riding bicycles. I can do it without carrying an umbrella. I will be here. We kept walking along Weifu West Road and passed by a claypot rice stall. There were not many Humanities Notes claypot rice stalls. If there were not many people , I might have eaten. I have been waiting for a long time , but there were many people every time I passed by . As for what to eat in the end. Besides, I won’t go back in the direction of Longjin Road. It’s raining heavily. Longjin Road, which is so far away, is not a very smart choice. Going in this direction is Longjin Road. If you go here, it will take at least nine characters to reach Longjin Road ( 45 minutes) There is a market here. This market has been open for many years. When I used to work nearby, this market was already here. I still remember that I came here to buy ice cream. Now it has opened again because it was renovated for a while. I often talk about what is nearby. Where do the neighbors go to buy food ? I remember that this market was gone in the past, so what should I do? Now it has opened again. There is a Teochew restaurant here , but it seems that there are not many customers. It is not time to eat at this time. There are many restaurants nearby. My wife often talks about Wei Fook. There is another restaurant on the opposite side of Beijing Road where there is no food. There are also those Cantonese food stalls that are just covered by the Mo Dou carts. We will continue to go in the front direction . Behind me, No. 375 is coming. I believe it will be there soon. The one on the opposite side of the road may be close to the claypot rice stall. After many efforts, I have seen it. I saw the road sign and it turned out that it was across the street . I just mentioned that there is a food stall on the opposite side. As for the right in front of us, this is Yiyi Road. The audience asked whether Longjin Road was wrong on my part or on him. It was obvious that it should be Yiyi Road and Huifu West. If you continue to go in this direction at the junction of the roads, it will already be Huifu East Road, which must be wrong. I found it on my mobile phone to see if it was right. He said that there is a Piazza store here. From my impression, it seems that there was indeed a Piazza store before , but now it is no longer there. No, it’s this location. Let’s take a look. It’s called Qiaoli Tower , but we can’t see the street sign. Maybe there is a convenience store a little further . I remember there is a B&B upstairs here, but the advantage of this place is that it is close to Beijing Road , but the living conditions are not very good . I want to see if the pepper shrimp is the place that the audience is looking for. It seems to be the newly opened Cantonese and Thai cuisine. The number 135 in front of me is definitely not it. I can only start with these few restaurants based on my impression. Unless the map software is wrong . The Piazza store is still here. The Piazza store is No. 408. Is No. 406 the Piazza store on the left or in the middle? No. 406. Look at No. 398. I have confirmed again that the pizza shop is here. This is No. 406. There are already many big trees here. There are trees all over the row , but did any viewers say that there used to be a big tree at the door? It was demolished. It’s not surprising . Let’s take a wider angle and see if we can find No. 406 when we go in here. I have no way to confirm that the number 406 written here is so small that it should be right here to enter this tower. Of course I can't get in. Let's look at it from another angle. Let's go slowly. It's here. No. 406 means that I didn't know it before . Knowing what era the audience lived here, I may have met this audience before. It’s not surprising. I lived nearby since I was born, went to Jixiang Road when I was in elementary school , and then came back here when I was about 23 years old when I started working. It’s right nearby. This place is relatively familiar , but I don’t know at what age the audience left Guangzhou around 1986 and moved to Sanyuanli around 11/12 years old. If you look at this place, I believe the audience will be satisfied. Give him this answer. There are many flower shops around here. Do you know that there used to be an advertising company on Danan Road, whether it was owned by the city or the province? I forgot that in that era, advertising was a very important thing in mainland China. Many emerging things are pioneered by Guangzhou. For example, when it comes to taxis, there is also a Guangzhou businessman. My last name seems to be Yuan or Chen. I forgot that when I came to Guangzhou, I found that there seemed to be no taxis, which was not convenient for everyone . Of course, businessmen also want to make profits. This is normal. He took a fancy to this business opportunity and then opened his taxi company. At that time, there were not many advertising companies in China. Guangzhou was also a pioneer. It was at this position in front of us. The previous advertising companies were all big talents like us nearby. I know at the same time why there are so many flower shops. Do you know the longer history? But let me test. If you know, please tell me. So now the electric bike slipped and fell by myself. I drove so fast and didn’t have a helmet. Fortunately, the person next to me The car has not been driven, otherwise... I won't say it anymore. If you come back to Guangzhou to play, you must pay attention to this matter. It is not a secret. It is a stubborn disease. Users and non-users have big opinions. Users say I don't have a motorcycle. What should I do? People who don’t use motorcycles say that it’s very unsafe for me to have a motorcycle. Just like before, my opinion as a person who doesn’t use a motorcycle is to ask them to take a license test because they don’t know the traffic rules. Traffic rules are one thing. The second thing is that they don’t know, for example, how I should look when I want to turn right. They have no idea at all. No matter how poor our technology is in driving four wheels, we all know it. As for me, I’m almost at the Claypot Restaurant now. Let’s see if there is anyone. This is the place. The door is full of people. Why are there always so many people? It seems there are more people than last time. What time is it now? Five o’clock is not enough now. Many food places nearby have been introduced to you , such as right in front. The Fulin was just covered by lanterns. This is what these time-honored hotels have. They still have wooden staircases. When I used to work nearby, my colleagues brought us food. Then a quarter or two ago, I told you that I planned to write a letter. Remembering the experience of eating claypot rice , I will tell you that you must pay attention to the fact that there are claypot rice stalls near famous shops , but the products are not as big as the famous one, so there are not many customers in this shop. And the last time I passed by, the postures of the two bosses were like this. It seems that these two clothes are very interesting . As for continuing forward, you can return to Xihu Road. As for the law enforcement department opposite , it is the former Huifu West Road Primary School or Huihu Road. I'm not sure about Fudong. In short, Huifu East or West Road Primary School and later due to insufficient enrollment for various reasons, it became the Education Bureau and became the Yuexiu District Education Bureau . In the end, it was used by law enforcement agencies. That's it. I remember this one correctly. In elementary school , they used to play baseball or ball. In China, it is called ball. It is rarely called baseball. They are the kind that throws balls. They are very good. When we were in junior high school, several classmates were from this elementary school. They were very good at throwing chalk brushes. It's awesome. I remember correctly, it should be a ball game, not a baseball. They threw chalk brushes. Student A was standing far away from the prison on the diagonal. He put his hand on his chest. Another classmate took a chalk brush and threw it just right . I am a primary school student with a bad chest. I can't find anything to eat. We continue to move forward and we are already on Beijing Road. I don't plan to enter Beijing Road again. It's not surprising that I don't go in after eating , but there are still many tourists. I don't think so. I don’t know why there are several choices when it comes to eating. We are not tourists. Of course we don’t want to eat tourist food. The Huahui Laochang behind me is the first choice. The second is to go to Yushan City to eat squab. The other one is Taiye Chicken in the back. But I don’t know if there is a place to go there today , because I usually recommend some food to everyone, some of which you can avoid, some of which may be too crowded. For example, this Vietnamese-style shrimp restaurant is almost full before 5 o’clock. As for snacks You might as well choose to take advantage of the bustle on Beijing Road , but most of the food tastes very casual. There is another newly opened restaurant called Geshen, which has been open for a while. I haven’t eaten it for a while. The fish egg noodles opposite are good. Of course, I am talking about it now. I ate it once five or six years ago They are all chain stores. They used to be called Qimei. I don't know whether they were separated or upgraded, but they all have the same name. They are now called Qimei and have not changed their names. There are a bunch of internet celebrity shops. There is a Thai restaurant in front of me. They are all good. I have eaten there before and the Yongying Tea Restaurant. As for other restaurants, you can avoid them if you want. I will come here again last week. I tried to enter the Great Buddha Temple here . It is very accessible. Okay, this claypot rice is said to be good, but there are too many people. Today is only Tuesday. It is already five o'clock in the afternoon and there are already so many people. I don't know why I came here to open Mingji Dessert . Next to the place where you can eat rice rolls, there is a rice roll shop called Yinji. When you come back to this road, you will choose Huifu East Road. There is also a Chengzhulou Xiaofeng cake next to it, which is where you can get goods. There are many visitors. We all want to try the ones we can buy. We have never tasted it and don’t know what it tastes like. It has been many years since I watched 1745. If I know the meaning of the story behind it, it would be more beautiful. Maybe Su Kee beef offal is no longer the Su Kee it used to be. I have never tasted it. But the name is still there and it should not be the previous owner. The one at the intersection of Changxing Street is Yongying Tea Restaurant and Yingfeng . But if you viewers come back, there is no reason to come to eat Thai food or even the tea restaurant. Now go to the front. Check out Taiye Chicken to see if they are open today. They have a lot of character. They are not open for a long time. As for the Yonghan Cinema on the left, an audience member asked if Taiye Chicken is still open. It is right in front of Yonghan Cinema. They are very I wonder if they will open the door if they have character. In the end, Taiye Chicken is available here . It has been confirmed before that it is available for dine-in , but sometimes it seems that it is not available. This time when I passed by the door, I saw a big sign saying "Welcome to dine in" . The price is like this. The only chicken they can choose is this one. I mean, it ’s not the kind of plate-head rice. It costs 95 yuan, but it’s half and half. I’ll order an extra braised egg white rice and add another 5 yuan. Ask the waiter at the front. Which one do you see that’s pretty? Which one to order ? The braised dried tofu gluten is also good. Is it like those cheap chickens in the past? It is definitely not because their flavor is very unique. During the epidemic, there was no dine-in food. Everyone understands the reason. There is no need. This part is not open and you can take it out at that time. But there is no dine-in service now, there is dine-in service . Try it. I tried a piece of chicken breast just now. The smoky taste is different. I remember there were roasted pork ribs in the past. I don’t know if I remembered the smoky feeling. Try this piece of chicken breast . It's not rough. These chickens don't have ginger, green onions and soy sauce because they already have the flavor. If you like the smoky flavor, you'll flock to it. If you don't like it, just try it once . I like the kind of Guangzhou chicken, of course it's good. Try the chicken breast if it is fully cooked. In addition to the skin, the chicken also tastes very big. They advertise that they use Longmen Bearded Chicken. This is my opinion. If the Longmen Bearded Chicken is fully cooked, it will not be so old . I You can also try this piece of Yangshan chicken. This is my favorite. I tried this piece. Where does the taste come from? I collected information on the Internet and smoked it . Why is it called Gusu Taiye Chicken? It is said that their founder is in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The man who came from Suzhou and became a high official later... his family fell into decline or for some other reason, so he couldn't become a high official , and then what if he wanted to regain his glory ? He just relied on food and Taiye Chicken , that's how the family could regain its glory, so... It’s called Gusu Taiye Chicken. Maybe the chickens in Jiangsu and Zhejiang all taste like this. It’s not surprising that the part I chose has been rough in the past. It’s not rough, or like this piece , it’s not very rough and smooth. It's definitely not counted, but it can also be said that the more you eat, the more flavor you get. Of course, it tastes more satisfying on the bone side , because these are not plain-cut chickens , they are smoked , so the most delicious thing about them is the taste. For example, when it comes to chicken If there are enough people here, you can order a side of green vegetables or add a side of gluten. But the most I see after sitting here for so long are old neighbors ordering takeout. It seems like I can't sit down and eat like this. These two beauties are waiting for their food to be cooked. I continue to eat this because it is a small shop and there will be no other items . For example, there are pork knuckles, pig ears, and pork belly , but the roasted pork ribs are no longer available. At the same time, they have tea here , but it is only for one cup of tea. If you want to buy a bottle of beer, I think they don’t mind if you buy a bottle of beer at the convenience store and come over and enjoy it while eating. Beer is good, but the best way to eat it is because it is always different from eating it fresh like boiled chicken. You can also eat it freshly and take it home . If the audience is from Hong Kong, you can think about it. It is not a big deal if it is fully cooked. It is okay to heat it and you don’t know how to handle it. After steaming it for a long time, the aroma is very unique. I have been sitting here for so long. There are many customers and business. Then I come to try this. They also finish the work very early and finish the shopping . They also have dish rice, but Let me make it clear that the chicken in the plate rice is not this kind of chicken. It costs 25-28 yuan per plate and no one believes it. It is the ordinary kind. The chicken wings are very delicious and the smoky flavor is different. Compared with the chicken breast, this part of the chicken breast is definitely better. It’s not that tasty. There aren’t many places to eat outside in Guangzhou that taste like this . It’s possible that after the epidemic, they may want to expand their business. I know they also have a branch in Dezheng Road Market. They all have their chopping stalls , so it’s not a restaurant. After eating, everyone seems to think that the portion is definitely enough. It costs 95 yuan for half a piece. It is not expensive, and it is definitely not cost-effective, but it is delicious and different . I am full and I continue to walk here. The road ahead should be a civilized road. You can already go back to Beijing by turning ahead. You can come here and eat Taiye Chicken like me. Try a different flavor and then walk around the streets of Beijing to see the night view of the Big Buddha Temple and take some photos. There is also a small problem. I say Taiye Chicken is delicious. It is really delicious. It is really different if it is different, but it is always the same. Smoked chicken is a bit greasy. If you come here to eat, you can buy a drink at a convenience store milk tea shop. That cup of tea doesn't go well with the smoked chicken. Why is there no milk tea shop here? Speaking of this year's lunar calendar This place will definitely be very lively during the New Year , and the official news just came out that fireworks will be set off. How many years have we not set off fireworks? Based on my impression, when was the last time, it seemed that it was the National Day , or was the financial backer of the company I was working at that time. Money, I remember that the Hong Kong fireworks back then were all sponsored by the sponsors behind the scenes. You can look up the information and find out who the sponsors are. Now... Today, the fireworks are ready to resume again. The official has also issued a press release . No notice has been released. Press release: You can watch the fireworks when you come back. It should be on the evening of January 8th. If I’m not mistaken, you can come to Beijing Road after watching the fireworks. We skipped this section. I wanted to eat ice cream in front and go to Taiping Pavilion to eat ice cream all the way . That's it for passing through this row. I won't go into details. I have said it many times because we have finally returned to Beijing Road. In front of Caiting, the northernmost place on Beijing Road is opposite the Taiping Pavilion . There is also ice cream there for Western food , but I don't know about this. Do you have time to eat? In front of you is the Vienna Hotel. I once introduced you to the Vienna Hotel in an episode before. The location of the hotel is extremely advantageous , but the environment is not very good. When you enter the lobby like this, you will know that it is not ridiculously good. As for the one opposite here It is a Huangshanghuang store. Of course, this is not the main store. A viewer has asked before. If you want to come back to buy cured meat, of course the first choice is Huangshanghuang . This is one of the branches. If you want to talk about the variety of choices, of course, the main store often has special prices. There may be no queue at the door . This is where we eat again. Let's see if we can eat here. Or there is a branch of theirs across the street , which is this Meiliquan Ice Cream House. I came in and ordered a banana boat, as if I was eating Western food. This is a restaurant. The environment is the same as eating ice cream and Western food , but everyone should pay attention that this is not a tourist place. Those shops on Beijing Road have been in business for several years, so the prices are not cheap. No matter how much it costs, there is still a tea fee and service fee. Try it first. But isn’t it unique? Yes, is it worth it to just have a meal? It’s all worth coming. The gentleman sitting behind me just came here just for the sentiment. The most famous thing is of course the banana split. Although the price is not very cheap, it’s ten yuan for a big plate, but it’s done well and at least there are big bananas peeled. It was fresh and there were three large pieces of ice cream. I ordered these three flavors of taro, lemon and mango ice cream. It was also very large. If you go to an ice cream shop with the letter H, it is not cheap. The environment here is good and the service is much better than before . It is a very historical building and the Taiping Pavilion did not operate here before. It is over in Taipingsha. We went there last week. I was full this time. I was really full this time because as we all know, the taste of this thing varies from person to person and the price of this thing. It varies from person to person , but the portion was huge. I ended up with half a banana that I couldn't finish. Although it was just bananas, at least they were willing to give three snowballs, which was a lot. However, the price was not cheap , and the service charge seemed to be 10% higher. It’s 46.2 yuan . It’s good to come and remember it with such an environment. I think it’s expensive , but it’s better than eating unknown ice cream. The ice cream drips while you eat it. The ice cream is very beautiful. It’s right in front of the Finance Hall and it ’s a very historical building. In front is the finance hall. There is also a Dode tea shop here. You can also go to the subway station slowly. I am already very full and I want to go back to Beijing Road. If I want to go to the Chinese New Year, I have to book a hotel early in the morning. Just now I walked to the door of the former Wenyi and met an audience member who was very happy. He told me that he had played in a row for two months before going back after the Chinese New Year. It was very good to watch the fireworks and talk about the topic of fireworks. I read on social media that the official release was close. An internal notice has been issued. To put it simply, there are fireworks at Baietan. The Beijing Road business district is very large. In the past, we have been heading south. There are two subway stations there. Today I tried to walk here. This is the road leading to the park. In front of the subway station is Xindaxin, which is a department store. This is Jianmin. Go all the way to Beijing Road. I won’t go into details. In front of it is Zhongshan 5th Road. I often come here with you in the morning and get off in front. I usually take the bus at home and go there. Get off the car on the right hand side of the direction and continue to go forward. Turn right and you will find Changxing Street. Even though I just mentioned that Su Kee Beef Offal has many lanterns. Walking past it is the former Su Kee Beef Offal. There are many shops on the opposite side. For example, when you walk in here, you will find Hakatasai (market). Ya Zhai) I hope I remember the name correctly. It seems that it is still being built on Changxing Street. It was dug until it was rotten. Maybe the water pipe was built and it has been made like this. In the past, there was a beef offal stall here. It is said that it was 1985. If you continue to move forward, it will lead to the subway. In the direction of the station, if you want to take the subway back after eating ice cream like me, you can take the subway this way. Get off the subway at the Mayflower Plaza in front. You can also get off at the Animation Star City subway station. Then you can continue walking along the crowd. If you feel like you haven’t had enough fun here, you can go along this road. This should be the Dama Station because it’s big or small. I don’t remember if it’s the Dama Station or the Pony Station. Anyway, there is a public toilet there and you can walk past it. But because there is an unfinished building here, this road is not easy to pass. But please remember that this location is inaccessible. That is , the road next to the watch store is inaccessible. If you want to go to the Great Buddhist Temple and Beijing Road is not accessible, you can only go to Beijing Road. If you can go here, you can continue to go forward. Turn right, which is the chicken on Guangda Road. The roadside chicken on Guangda Road is right here, but now it has been moved for many years. I moved to Haizhu District and had a delicious meal with my wife once. I haven't had the opportunity to taste the same flavor before, but now you can go to Haizhu District and try it. It should be in front of Binjiang Middle Road. It's called Mayflower Plaza, which is a road leading to the subway. Hurry up and cross the road. Let's cross the road. The subway station you want to go to is right here. Enter the Plaza de Mayo, which is very big. But if you walk from here to the subway station, it will take about five or six minutes . The directions are very clear , or you can just follow the crowd. But there is a problem. I don’t know. Will there be crowd control at that time ? It is possible that if there is crowd control at this station , it will be very troublesome. This entrance is not this station , so if you can choose, it is best to go back to Yiyi Road. The entrance is in front . In the past, we often bought and eaten pig intestines. The pink entrance should be called Exit J , but it's a bit more difficult and you have to walk right here. Mayflower Plaza can lead to the subway station. During the Chinese New Year, there may be crowd control . Just remember this location directly in front of you . Look at the red house. You can go to the subway station , but there may be crowd control on the days when you go to Xinghua Street. And it’s the best location to walk a few miles down to the platform. I think it’s because I went there once last year. When I came out of the subway station, Exit J of Yiyi Road is the most convenient . There is no crowd control , and the number of people is slowly increasing. As for leaving, there is no other way . It must be more convenient to go back to Zhongshan 5th Road . The video of this episode ends here and it is time to go home. It is 6:30. Don’t watch it. It’s so dark. Share this video with your friends or Give me a like and see you in the next episode
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Views: 22,315
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Keywords: 广州美食 粤语, food tour, city walk, Chinese food, walking tour, street walk, town market, china tour, walking downtown in china, busy street, 粤语, cantonese, Guangzhou, Cantonese cuisine, Chinese Food, Canton Food Tour, Walk in GuangZhou, vlog, guangzhou, street food, eating, chinese food, chinese food recipes, 廣州, 旅遊, 美食, 太爺雞, 老字號, 百年老店, 太平館, 西餐廳, 雪糕文明路, 北京路, 正宗, 4K, 惠福西路, 惠福東路, vlog korea, vlog camera, 北京路步行街 广州, 北京路 廣州, 美食 中国, guangzhou vlog, cantonese food, vlog study, 廣州 vlog, 広州 vlog
Id: 14U65uAh61g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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