廣州!勁抵食!!海鮮宵夜大排檔!!生蠔38元一打!十分美味!蒸雲吞20元!炒河粉15元!雞翅35元!半日遊!美食推薦!旅遊打卡地!交通路線!吃不停!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

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It will float. It is not floating. It is like a solid. Such a big bowl is very beautiful and the soup can be solidified on it. I came to Panyu specially to see what is so powerful and the flavor is so good. Keep eating this. Hello, viewers. Hello everyone. It is 4pm now. At 30:30 , I am located at Shawan Ancient Town, Panyu. We came here to find some good food while it was not raining . It has been raining for a few days, which is very annoying. It seems that there are more food here. I haven't been here for a while. This is The vegetarian restaurant is 29.9 yuan or 30 yuan per person. But of course we haven’t started eating yet at 4:30. I think Shawan Ancient Town in Panyu is the place with more specialties in Panyu. I don’t know what Jinshan Climbing is. Let’s go and eat for two now. This is called the South Parking Lot in Pi Nai. If you come to Shawan Ancient Town and want to play in the future, I don’t recommend taking a bus. There are buses , but it’s best to take a taxi from Shiqiao and choose the South Parking Lot. Unexpectedly, today is a working day . There are so many people who are very nice. I remember one time when it was still during the epidemic and nucleic acid tests were required every day. We came to where we are now and the local aunt guarding the door said that there is no 48 hours. It’s not me, she is my wife. Without her, we can’t go in. Think about it. Forget it, we have been spared. As of today, we can come over to Tangshui. It is newly opened. I know that although the decoration seems to be very new, it is newly opened, but it is not newly opened. It has been renovated. There are meals. If we eat Shuangpi Nai, it can be renovated. Is there one behind this location ? There are many places in Shawan, Panyu where you can eat ginger milk or ginger milk. The TV station has interviewed ginger milk. It is a must-eat. A bowl of twelve yuan is not expensive. There is also sesame paste and peanut paste. It is definitely a food here. Ginger Buried Milk , but there are three of us, so there is no reason to be so boring. We only eat the same three types of Ginger Buried Milk. I won’t eat these here , but check out the red bean milk ice for 18 yuan. Yuanyang also has 18 stockings milk tea for 15 yuan. There is also sugar water. This is milk sweet potato. Sugar water , snow lotus seeds, white fungus, many things. Do you want fried milk? There are curry samosas here. Want to eat curry samosas? Can you try the curry fish balls? They all scan the QR code to order ginger milk. Yes, I want one frozen three drinks and one fried curry puff. It has been raining for several days and I finally came here today. And today It’s great to have my daughter with me. The environment of the restaurant is like a tea restaurant style and the food is like this . This restaurant has been in business for many years , but it has been renovated like a Hong Kong style tea restaurant. It also sells souvenirs, including souvenirs. We placed an order for 55 yuan and ordered these things for afternoon tea. The first one my daughter ordered was milk, sago, mango, taro balls and ginger milk. My wife chose double skin milk and I chose ginger milk. It should be hot fried curry samosa. After a snack, I simply went to Shawan Ancient Town to take my daughter to see it. She seemed to have never been here before. I remember that she had been here in kindergarten or something like this when she was a child. It was like this. It was renovated from some old villages. There are items that require payment and there are items that do not require payment. Is it worth paying just to see the museum? All of them are 40 yuan , because the largest museum has exhibits displayed here. The largest museum is worth seeing. The others are of little value , but only that museum is worth 40 yuan. The others come with free gifts. I don’t pay and only eat double skin milk and can go in. There are a lot of snacks inside. Let’s wait for many buses to arrive. We saw them on the road. After we visited Shawan Ancient Town, we went to a food stall in Panyu that we often want to go to. Why do I often want to go? That's it... It takes 37 minutes to drive 37 minutes here to go to a place called Xiaofei Food Stalls , but you have to see if you can go there. If you don't go, then forget about it. We are always like this when we come out. Xiaofei Food Stalls, which is relatively far away, almost goes to Nansha, Shilou Town. The 24 lights on the Hong Kong Expressway are about to be used now . Think about it first. Otherwise, there are two options. There is a roast goose restaurant in Shawan Ancient Town where we parked. We just saw him saying that the second one is being cooked , so we went outside and started again. If you eat roasted goose, then forget about it. The frozen double-skinned milk soup must be placed there. Double-skinned milk is authentic. It will float. It is not floating, but it seems to be solid. My daughter snatched it. Try it. Is it good to eat? Of course, the food is very thick. It is not as good as Shunde's milk skin, but it is still very thick. Shunde's milk skin is very thick. Shunde's milk skin is wrinkled, as if it has been left for a long time. The milky flavor is enough. Shunde can certainly make it, and it can tease. There is a layer of skin and a layer of milk skin , but the taste is also good. Let me try it. The taste is no different from the ones in Shunde. It is different from the best one, but it has no milk skin. We have eaten... It is the one at the bottom of the ladder that is the best... What? The old Wenxin shop has good food in small bowls , but when it comes to cost-effectiveness, it’s high here and it’s very quick to get here. It’s very painful to drive there in Daliang, Shunde. Parking there is very painful. You don’t know that we are looking for a parking space outside the camera. The film is very painful and does not talk about the people who cheated on the cards. Panyu is my favorite and the fastest. I have tried to have the cards copied in Panyu. I have tried Shunde. But in the center of Shunde, the parking fee is expensive in Foshan. Don’t talk about it. Look, the surface here is bright. I continued to sigh about my double-skinned milk. It was bigger than the big bowl I had in Shunde, which was not at the bottom of the ladder but also at the bottom of the ladder. But Wenxin’s small bowl was followed by the curry samosa, which was freshly fried and very hot. Don’t use it as a snack. You can try it. Especially after watching our videos, I know that when we go to Shunde , we seldom eat other snacks except double skin milk . To be honest, I think double skin milk is a must when eating double skin milk in Jinbang Shangjie. Ginger milk is also available, but when I saw the snacks, I tried it. That's it , but when I come back to Shawan, there are some snacks here that are worth eating. For example, this one is very hot, not very hot, but very fragrant. And the lemongrass one is of course lemongrass . Is it okay? It's very curry and can be very hot. It has a little spicy ginger and the bowls of milk and double skin milk are different. Such a big bowl is very beautiful and the soup can solidify on top as if it was born there. The curry samosas are delicious, a little spicy and fragrant. The fried milk there is very good. The one that was interviewed by the Shixiang Smooth Crisp TV station was solidified not by steaming but by the natural chemical substances of ginger. At this time, my wife also came. Isn’t it my wife? She is my daughter. Such a big bowl seems to be 18 yuan, right? My daughter likes to eat these. It costs 15 yuan. Shunde is double-skinned milk. Shawan is ginger milk. But we already... I don’t have any, so everyone will order the same thing and keep eating. This one is not bad. I’d better try my wife’s one. Try this one. It’s spicy enough. These spicy ones rely on protein... This is also delicious, especially in the cool autumn weather in winter. This is good. Then we go back... In Shangxiajiu, you can also eat ginger banging milk. We call it ginger banging milk. The locals call it ginger buried milk , which is the local one. Shawan locals Or people from Panyu. I had classmates from Panyu before. They call them Jiang Mi Nai . They call them Jiang Mi. We call them Jiang Chun Nai. When we are full, we continue on this road. It is the most worth visiting road in the entire Shawan Ancient Town. The food is all here. It is very good. It’s easy to find good food. There is Shuixiang Tingzai porridge here. They sell milk tea. Let me tell you what my wife just said. She is very satisfied with the ginger buried milk or ginger bump milk. The double skin milk works well. It is worth a try if everyone comes back to Shawan. If you want to visit the ancient town and don’t want to spend a lot of money and want to eat some snacks and want to be more civilian, you can choose this one. There are two restaurants that are similar to it. They have food on the plate, rice, ginger and milk. The biggest problem is that there may not be a seat, but even if you arrive, It’s very comfortable to sit in the summer. The air-conditioning is sufficient . We seem to have bought this before , but it didn’t seem to be salt-baked chicken and claw machine. This place sells milk tea . There is also this newly opened Hanfu experience center where you can rent clothes . It's very nice to take photos and pay a small fee. There are also department stores and herbal tea shops here. There is a famous family named He He. Panyu He is here. The ancestral hall is right in front. There is also a tea restaurant. There is also a lot of seats here. It's comfortable and this one has been open for a long time. It's a vegetarian restaurant. I remember the first time I came here and tried live streaming. Once I came here, I was already here... It was very lively. Even on Saturdays and holidays, the price was 39.9 yuan. Now it is 29.9 yuan. There are many people. Speaking of Nanfanshun, Nanfanshun is Nanhai Panyu, Shunde, Panyu and Shunde. The eating habits are very similar. If I want to talk about any food recommendations in this street, besides the one we just went to and the one in the middle, I would recommend this one. It is also highly recommended , but there is a small problem with this one . Because its facade is big enough , the air conditioning is... I don’t know how it should be better now. We have sat here before and you can eat steamed pig. There are noodles and Cantonese dishes here , and I I like their place very much, but this one doesn’t have the price written out. You won’t go in and sit down until you finish eating to find out how much it is. There are also many candies, chicken cakes and snacks for sale. The prices are not very expensive. Of course, they are all available now. We are in the process of purchasing the transportation route. Since it is so well explained , if the nearest subway station here should be Shiqiao and Panyu Square, it is about the same. If you drive, it will take 28 minutes and 28 minutes. You should also consider it because there may be traffic jams at this time. It is roughly like this. If you want to come back to Sha When visiting Wan Ancient Town , as I said just now, it’s best to take a taxi from Shiqiao. There is a store selling lemon tea. This store sells Meizhou pickles. Here they continue to sell snacks and dried fruits. This dessert store is called "Shawan Dead Dog", which is very hard. It costs 15 yuan per pound to come here. As I just said, there is a place worth visiting. The kind of money you pay is this. There is a museum above and you can go in with a ticket. There is also a restaurant here. There is a restaurant on the left after watching the museum and on the right. Just come to this restaurant. I've been to this restaurant and tried it before . It's a matter of opinion. It's a relatively high-end restaurant. I tried the Baked Roche Shrimp with Tangerine Peel for 125 yuan. It's not cheap . The Shawan Pork Loin Soup is enough. It's here on the right. It’s the Tongfu Restaurant we saw in the parking lot just now. The Tongfu Restaurant serves roast goose. It’s not on Tongfu Road, it’s in Panyu. There are two choices here. Turn left and go to those ancient houses . The second one is to turn right. There are teahouses and food. There are all kinds of food . The Shawan Dairy Queen is also a local. If you want to eat double skin milk, this is not bad. When you come here, there is another place to go to. Wen The tower is in the direction to my left. Today, many beautiful women wearing headdresses came here to take pictures. In addition to buffalo milk and coffee, this is the Shawan Cow Queen . She is the most famous one here wearing a red ribbon. It is very lively here and there are so many. It's more comfortable to sit here. There are a lot of things for sale . I've eaten here before. If it's fried food, I think it would be better there. But if it's buffalo milk, it seems like it would be better here. Here are the items that you have to pay for. You can go in and listen to Cantonese opera here . All Cantonese operas are here. There is also ginger milk ice cream, handmade Fangui herbal tea, which is very similar to the one in Foshan. It should be from the same company. Fangui herbal tea is coffee. There are many beautiful girls taking pictures here. It seems that we are here today. What does this place look like? It's a bit like Huangpu Ancient Port , which has traditional culture and food. It has more snacks than Huangpu Ancient Port. Huangpu Ancient Port is... There are also snacks. Huangpu Ancient Port is a little more commercial than Huangpu Ancient Port, and Huangpu Ancient Port is a bit more spontaneous. I feel like I suddenly spontaneously said to check in Mao Ji Porridge. This is led by the government or the local village, so the rent will be a little more expensive. It should be a little more expensive here. There is a village chief’s tea house for tea and snacks for 10 yuan. You can see the all-day tea market here. There are many brands of century-old cake shops that cannot be seen in Huangpu Ancient Port. For example, here you can see the ancestral hall, but you have to pay and it feels lively. There are many shops. How do you pronounce this ? Sister Bamboo Noodle Shop It should be the stove that I used to make and still make now. How powerful is it? Doesn’t it look like the stove I saw when I was a kid? The stove I saw when I was a kid is like this. You can try it next time. If you continue in this direction, you can go to Liugendang . Go there and take a look . There are many things like Takesho Noodles. There are more restaurants there. There are mostly snacks. The coffee shop is very elegant and the seats are very comfortable. It is good to buy coffee now. Because of this, there are especially many young people. Maybe there are more and more restaurants here, go to Liu Geng Tang and keep going. Last time we came here, this restaurant was under construction. Now it is repaired. There is also a He Zhutang private kitchen here , which should be for dining. Yes, ok, these This place is already very close to where the locals live. Liugentang is past here. For example, there is Shawanbei Village, which should be an elementary school. Liugentang He held an event in Guangzhou to sweep ancestor tombs and saw others sweeping tombs 4 There are still a few days left on the 21st. If you are from Panyu, how can you come back here? You should register first and you should do it in this village. Panyu is close to Nansha and Guava is close to the residential area. The place where the villagers live seems to be less commercial. They sell oysters for 1.5 yuan each. They cost 2 yuan each and are worth eating for 4 and a half yuan. We can’t do that. We walked in the direction of Liu Geng Hall. After that, we went to pick up the car and go to the food stalls. We were attracted by Guava and Rouge Red. Open it and look at the red one. It's not quite ripe yet. Some carmines are very ripe. Conghua is very fragrant. This one can be kept for a while. The beautiful carmine guava is 5 yuan and a half a pound. The price is cheap. Usually when we see it in Xilang market, it is 8 yuan. Some are 10 yuan. This is Seagull Island. The specialties are like this. The ones we chose are the beautiful Seagull Island. There is no reason to be so cheap , but it is worth spending a total of 17 and a half yuan. Four is only four yuan more. Forty-six is ​​about the same. You can find a lot of these old ones here. The studio is next to the calligraphy and painting, and you will find academies like these. But as for what it does, I don’t know , and there are also private houses here. I am happy to live here. It is very elegant. I live in a big villa here and there are B&Bs like this. By phone, but definitely not as good as a hotel, there should be many B&Bs or private kitchens like these. I took pictures. This is not a private kitchen. It is like this. It is so beautiful inside. It is not one of those cookie-cutter places to take pictures. I came here and found the restaurant. There are not many , but there are many places to take pictures of these shapes. This is called Shawan Ancient Wall, which is blocked by something. Finally, we came to Liugentang, which is an ancestral hall. At this time, it should no longer be possible to enter. It is such a majestic place. There are also those who open the door and go over to see if you can go in. There are a lot of words written on the door of Liugentang. They are Jinshi, that is, the year when the scholar was admitted. Mr. He also passed the exam, including every Jinshi here who is also very prestigious. It seems that there are those at the school entrance. College students who have been admitted to Tsinghua and Peking University can write here that this is Liugendang. But when you go in there, here are several attractions that require tickets. One of them requires tickets to enter. We will not go in. They are all very crowded. It is worth visiting here that the history of their He family's ancestral hall is written. The scholars who have passed the examination for more than 700 years have all written it here . At the same time, there are many restaurants outside. After visiting here, you can come to the restaurant to find some good food. There are several good ones. I remember there is one there and that one is not bad. She said that there used to be hundreds of people here who passed the examination and became officials. After we finished our trip to Ruikoudang , we can walk slowly here and go to the parking lot. There are also many kuborishi (snacks) selling everything on the road, including chrysanthemums and dried figs. There are also many on the road and they will not be overly commercialized. Because there are local people living here and selling stationery. Primary school students also want to buy stationery. I 've been here with you in Shawan Ancient Town. It's 5:30 now. It's also feasible to drive half an hour to the food stalls there. How about we start? I've always said it's better to take a photo. Videos and finding some good food go hand in hand. Today we came here and it was super troublesome. First of all, it’s far enough to drive there. It’s called the Little Fat Food Stall. Then it’s exaggerated to park here. It’s hard to imagine that you can’t find a place to park in Panyu. Maybe it really happened here. I searched for a long time before parking. As for my wife and daughter, they walked in and found their seats. They were already seated like this. Just now we drove by on the road and were already thinking about what to do if there is no seat. My daughter is also very conspicuous. Talking about wanting to eat grilled oysters, there is no way that Channel 22 is so exaggerated. This is a side restaurant. I am so lucky. I found a seat and came again. I was dizzy when I read the menu. There are several kinds of seafood here. 12 oysters. Steamed 38 yuan. Steamed wontons 20. Spicy chicken wings , pepper and salt shrimps (small shrimps) are all recent delicacies. Three shredded fried rice noodles, potato leaves, ginger and green onions, crabs are all seafood. Fried razor clams. How many days ago did you eat them without steaming the wontons? Steamed wontons are not seafood, the rest are seafood. If you don’t want noodles, I want seafood porridge , prawns and chicken wings for 58 yuan. Can you place an order ? This is very interesting. Scan the QR code to place an order . Where can I place an order? There are also milk tea with stewed milk and hand-made lemon tea. Such a large cup is very good and only costs 13 yuan. I want to try seafood. There is lemon tea, which is good. Macho man's lemon tea and tangerine peel black tea. I want to drink this. All the delicacies are at the front, so I keep seeing here. If they have already ordered, they can scan another code and then they can look at their mobile phones and choose what they want to eat instead of choosing their own drinks. I want lemon tea for 13 yuan. Lemon tea for 15 yuan. Fried rice noodles or fried rice noodles? She wants to eat fried rice noodles. Let's order it. Just now she kept saying that there must be a place. It's a good luck. Just now we also wanted to go back there to eat. If there is no place, we have chosen a few restaurants. It turns out that there are a lot of food on the road . If you want to find food here in Panyu, you have to drive on the subway. Basically, you can avoid it if you don’t want to go back to Yuexiu District to eat better . Now that you’ve ordered good food and talked about the transportation route, it’s called Qianfeng Road, pass by Shilian Road , and the nearest subway station is Shiji, which is 3.9 kilometers away. If you take the bus, it takes 31 minutes. I strongly recommend it . I suggest you take a taxi. It costs 11 to 13 yuan. If the time is 11 minutes , Shiji Station is on line 4 and can go to Shunde. It is very convenient. They have oysters for 38 yuan a dozen and a plate of sauce. I came to Panyu to see what is so amazing. It’s so fat. No wonder it’s so fat. The small ones are also fat. Yes, they ’ve been steamed and freshly dipped... It’s so good that these are steamed and original. Is it worth driving 45 minutes to drive through those small roads? There are many small roads. If there is not one in front. I don’t dare to go into the car shop. I ’ve been here once but it’s not open at noon. It’s very fresh and very good. The sauce is not very strong. No wonder I see everyone eating it. This one is smaller. It’s only 38 yuan for 15 yuan. My wife keeps talking about it. There is no such size in the market at this price, so consider not thinking that the 2 yuan one is smaller and steaming is also very particular. If it is too old or too small, it will not look good. This meat is not fat, but it is also fat. Dip it a little and serve it for 36 yuan. It costs only 3 yuan a piece and is steamed. It’s very tender . Don’t think that there is no skill in steaming oysters. In fact, it’s not the heat that matters. It ’s very well controlled. This Nanpu Shiba Yong food stall served two more oysters while I was eating them. Personal dishes: this is stir-fried beef river and this steamed wonton . Two of these are two must-eat dishes if you don’t eat seafood. Especially this one is 20 yuan for a large plate and this one is 18 yuan. I hate that the station is too small and I can’t get a seat. I’m very lucky. Look at how big the oysters are. This one is also very fresh and comes out as soon as you poke it. These are not the kind... There is no need to worry if the oyster shell is opened and it is another oyster. Try the steamed wonton. My wife tried it and it was very fragrant. I should have added soy sauce to make it by hand later. Put a plate here and after it is steamed, sprinkle a little soy sauce on it. It will have a small amount of water and a very fragrant smell. The aroma of peanut oil won’t make you sick or greasy. The meat inside is not too big, but if you think about it, the price is 20 yuan. Fried chicken wings are also here. There are 8 of them. I don’t dare to eat too much. Each person is divided into 4 pieces . It’s just that my last oyster was very fat. Let’s look at the 38 yuan oysters. After we finished eating, we continued to eat. This one is really not greasy. The meat is definitely marinated and marinated well . Then dip it a little. Is there anyone who eats it like this? Isn’t this the case? Aren’t these sold for 20 yuan to get the goods without making any profit? These are not semi-finished products, they are semi-finished products made by themselves. This is good. Next, I will try the stir-fried noodles . This is the one I least expected to see if it will be like this... large pieces of meat. Also , this should be ham and Panyu fried rice noodles are made with this kind of food. The food here is also very fast. I like this very much . You don’t have to talk about the order after you order it. Otherwise, you have to wait for a long time if you don’t order. This is not the kind of us. Last time I went to the Nanpu Island restaurant in Panyu, everything was good. The worst thing was that after ordering, you couldn’t reorder it once . It was very spicy. I originally thought it was a kind of high-quality noodles, which is transparent, but it looks like it, but after eating it, It’s not like everything that is enough to make a wok, it’s not too salty , and it’s not too oily. It ’s hard to find food stalls that don’t make it so oily. There are a lot of ingredients. It’s only 15 yuan. It’s enough to make a wok. At a food stall, a box of it at a breakfast shop would cost someone who was in middle school. Sometimes schools have food that costs 5-6 yuan. It’s very expensive. The flavor of the food stall is so good. I really want to try this car. Others are calling to order, but it’s not me. Next, I will try the chicken wings. Parking here is very troublesome. This kind of chicken wings The ones that are small and not very big are shipped from other provinces. These may be local. There are many things to eat in Panyu. We just passed by and mentioned this incident again along the way. We talked about the environment of several places in Panyu and Shunde in the South China Sea. Most of the restaurants, not all of them, are very big and reasonably priced. Shunde must be... expensive but very exquisite and different . The environment in Panyu is indeed average and there are also very beautiful restaurants. I just passed those ones but it must be worth it . How much is this one? Each plate is 120 yuan. It’s huge . And if you order a drink like this, it’s only a dozen or 15 yuan. If you sell oysters in the city for 22 yuan, these are not expensive. It’s impossible to pay 20 yuan. The chicken is delicious and dry, but it’s not like that. ... Very fat, very fat, juice dripping when you bite it. It's dry but not salty and not very salty. It tastes good but not salty. It's pickled to very salty. We've eaten it and it's not very salty, but the environment is comfortable and spacious. These food stalls have a unique flavor . In addition to the good taste, the environment here is generally not the same . You can see many young people coming to continue eating chicken wings. Yes, it costs more than 40 yuan here... Don't stop. My wife only ate chicken wings. I have already eaten. The stir-fried noodles were good enough for me, and the shredded noodles were normal . I wanted to order seafood porridge. Fortunately, I didn’t order seafood porridge. It’s because the food in Panyu is big and the food in Panyu is big. But the chicken wings seemed a little less. Don’t order the other ones that are huge. The seafood porridge I saw others ordered was delicious. The fried chicken wings were delicious . We were full. There are still many people queuing up in the restaurant. What ’s different is that in shopping malls, those who don’t have seats just go to other places. It’s like this around here. The restaurant actually doesn’t have much Cantonese food , and we’ve been there before. We’ve known its name for a long time, and we’ve wanted to come here for a long time. But one problem is that it’s not open at noon. We can only come in the evening for late-night snacks , so we can eat almost at dawn . I'm very happy that there are many delicacies that we haven't tried. For example... there are a lot of fried shrimps and crabs, so we didn't eat too much... because it's enough for now with four flavors and a cup of lemon tea. It's 126 yuan and it's worth it. It’s delicious and the oysters are delicious. It’s time to go home because there are factories nearby and there’s nothing you can do. Please share this video with your friends and give me a Like. We’ll meet you in the next episode . My car is on the other side . I don't know what happened to my car.
Channel: Hunting Archer
Views: 22,813
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Keywords: 广州美食 粤语, food tour, city walk, Chinese food, walking tour, street walk, town market, china tour, walking downtown in china, busy street, 粤语, cantonese, Guangzhou, Cantonese cuisine, Chinese Food, Canton Food Tour, Walk in GuangZhou, vlog, guangzhou, street food, chinese food, chinese food recipes, 廣州, 旅遊, 美食, 宵夜大排檔, 大排檔, 宵夜, 海鮮, 生蠔, 蒸雲吞, 河粉, 沙灣古鎮, 番禺, 交通路線, 旅遊打卡地, food tour vlog, food tourism, food tour china, vlog study, chinese food tour, guangzhou 4k, cantonese food, china tourism
Id: JL6uXkH0E3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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