广州粤语美食探店vlog!吃玩一整天!从早餐吃到下午茶!比纸薄牛肉肠粉12元!人气王老店!午餐园林酒家烧鹅!大排长龙甜品Guangzhou China Cantonese cuisine market
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Channel: 老猫美食old cat delicious food
Views: 2,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 广州, 粤菜, 中国, 广东, guangzhou, canton, cantonese, china, chinese, 美食, 广州美食, 探店, deliciousfood, streetfood, food, foodtour, 街景, 广州街景, 廣州美食粵語, food tour, city walk, Chinese food, walking tour, street walk, town market, china tour, walking downtown in china, busy street, dim sum, 粵語, Guangzhou, Cantonese cuisine, Chinese, Food Canton Food Tour, vlog, street food, chinese food, 廣州, 旅遊, street, walking, 粤语, 生活, 探店vlog, 早餐, 午餐, 下午茶, 市场, 市集, 集市, 街市, 农贸市场, 便宜, 美味, 烧鹅, 甜品, 芝麻糊, 牛肉, 肠粉, 老店, 排队, 人气, 网红, 酒家, 饭店, 餐厅, 生活vlog, market, cuisine
Id: lCajBnrj2FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 50sec (2870 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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