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Re-establishment of Good Fruits in this Life For the benefit of the present life For the sake of the next life Hello, everyone. Welcome to Buddha's Language I am Hou pu Like Please follow us This way you will be able to see it in time. The latest programme of The Buddha's Word Today we bring you Tiger's luck in the first half of 2024 In the first half of 2024 The luck of the Tiger will be different. Especially for the Tiger born in different years. may also vary. Some Tigers may face some challenges. The key is how to deal with the difficulties positively Finding Solutions to Problems Meanwhile There are also some Tiger people who will have opportunities and chances. Their hard work and intelligence will be rewarded Please make sure to watch this video in its entirety. I am sure it will be of value to you. The following is the introduction of the Tiger Comprehensive Horoscope for the first half of 2024 Then we will introduce the Tiger's luck month by month according to the Lunar Calendar. Final Contents I will go through the different birth years of the Tiger Introduce their luck Please take your seat. If this is your first time on this channel Please give us a subscription. Thank you for your help. Let's take a look first. Tiger's overall luck in the first half of 2024 Entering 2024 It is a time of opportunities and challenges for the Tiger. Often Though some things may seem dangerous on the surface. It seems to have hit a low point. But as long as the Tiger can grit his teeth and keep going. And there'll be a silver lining. Most of the time Tiger They like to be challenged. They hate the same old life. So although the first half of 2024 will be turbulent. But they're enjoying it. Positively Facing Difficulties Tiger in the first half of 2024 Must be wary of the Heavenly Dog There is a high probability of financial loss. There's also the possibility of unforeseen damage. Awareness of safety precautions Learn to Protect Yourself In addition The Tiger has to restrain his bad temper in the first half of the year. Don't get angry suddenly in public. Especially in the workplace and at home. To avoid affecting your career and family luck The loss is not worth the gain. Career Tiger in the first half of 2024 With the help of Yi Ma's auspicious star It's a semi-lucky star. It's good and bad. The first half of the year can be adjusted and changed appropriately. Staying in the comfort zone will not lead to a breakthrough. A lot can be done in the first half of 2024 There's a lot that can be done. For example, leaving a job on your own initiative. Jumping ship to a better paying company Apply for a branch office assignment Or travelling to the company's workplace in another city, etc. It's possible to do this for yourself. A great deal of opportunity and change. A reminder is needed. In the first half of 2024, the Tiger's workplace Must be low key and restrained Especially when talking to people. Don't say everything out loud. And don't give out information about your own department. Or tell someone in confidence. So that some people don't use it as a weapon. Not good for career development Money Tiger in the first half of 2024 Affected by the evil star Tengu Accidental injuries are very likely There is also the possibility of financial loss. Always take care of your belongings when you're out and about. Especially women like to wear gold and silver. It's likely to be stolen or lost by accident. This can lead to some financial loss. Be careful. First half of 2024 It is possible to invest if you intend to do so. But it's important to play it safe. Don't try to get rich overnight And don't get involved in any particularly risky projects. For example Don't blindly invest in unknown areas that you are not familiar with. And don't try to play poker or gamble. To get rich in a short period of time. This is a big chance. You're going to have a serious financial loss. There's even the possibility of losing your family's money. Emotional Tiger in the first half of 2024 Under the influence of a bad star in the sky Unstable emotional state A little bit of trouble. I'm very irritable. Especially for young Tigers. It's very difficult to get out of a relationship under these circumstances. Poor luck with peach blossom Average Personal Charm Difficult to be liked by the opposite sex But there's no need for the Tiger to rush. Wait until the next year when your luck turns for the better. Naturally, you will be able to exude strong charisma. It'll be easier to get out of a relationship. Many married Tigers and those with friends of the opposite sex In the first half of 2024 There will be many disputes between Though it's a small matter. But because neither one of us is willing to give in and give up. It's gonna get a lot worse. High risk of breakup or divorce Health Tiger in the first half of 2024 Affected by the Sculpture Star Weak body resistance and immunity Slightly exposed to changes in the external environment A series of illnesses can occur. It is important to take care of your body Especially in hot weather Don't overindulge in air-conditioning. Don't stay in an air-conditioned room all day long. It's easy to get sick. For those who have leg problems Or for older Tiger people. Legs are not flexible Be careful not to fall or slip. Especially in rainy and snowy weather Slippery road conditions Don't go out if you have nothing special to do. To avoid broken bones and other accidents. If you can afford it Nutritional Supplements Supplementation with vitamins and minerals Strengthen your body Lower Side Let's take a look at the Tiger. Monthly horoscope for the first half of 2024 In the first month of the Lunar Calendar The Tiger's career is going well. As long as the work assignment is given by the higher-ups. I've been able to handle all of them properly. Even the smallest details are taken care of. That's how you get recognised and appreciated. And you'll continue to get promotions and raises. But the higher the position The higher the position, the heavier the task. You have to take responsibility. In the second month of the lunar calendar The Tiger's income will be stable. There will not be much change compared to the previous period. But the Tiger is a man of great ambition and desire. He's certainly not idle in his private life. Instead, they're looking for new ways to make money. I'm also looking for ways to invest and manage my money. As long as you can manage the risk. Then whatever you do is fine. In the third month of the lunar calendar. Tiger in Marriage The relationship between husband and wife is especially sweet and harmonious. For the sake of the children Even if there are arguments and conflicts about certain things. I'm not going to make a scene or get into a fight. Instead, we can sit down and talk face-to-face. The Tiger's family is very harmonious. Children can live in a good family environment. In the fourth month of the lunar calendar The Tiger is very busy in the workplace Need to work overtime and travel a lot Lack of personal time While it is true that in the workplace, you can achieve remarkable results. But loved ones and children feel neglected. The family becomes a little cold and distant. Tiger people must spend more time with their family. In the fifth month of the Lunar Calendar Tiger in the course of study or work There will be a lot of difficulties and obstacles And in the process of dealing with these problems There's no good way to do it. It just makes the situation worse. This will make the Tiger's self-confidence suffer a lot. They also have doubts about their own abilities. It's important to get your mind right in time. Don't put too much pressure on yourself In the sixth month of the lunar calendar The Tiger's emotional state is unstable. At work Often yelling at my colleagues for no apparent reason. In family life There may be domestic violence problems when emotions get out of hand. This can cause a great deal of pain to those around you. It can also cause a lot of tension in relationships. The Tiger must experience the seriousness of the problem. Change in time Finally. Let's take a look at the Tiger born in different years. Luck in the first half of the year 2024 Tiger born in 1950 He will be 74 years old in 2024. This year is not a year of Tai Sui. It's not a bad year either. Your life is more stable. Probably nothing much happened. For the Tiger, who is used to seeing a lot of big waves He might find it a bit boring. But due to the presence of the Yi Ma Ji star. You may go out a lot or attend various dinners and social gatherings. You should control the frequency. To avoid health problems Tiger born in 1962 enters the year 2024. Due to his big heart and sloppy personality It's easy to get into an accidental bloodshed. And even very serious ones. The first half of 2024 Tiger people should be careful Especially at home when chopping vegetables, cooking, going up and down stairs. And when you're out in bad weather. It's all about safety. Avoid accidents. And you should also manage your relationship with your children. Don't be the boss of your children. It's easy to get into trouble. And it's a mess in the family. Tiger born in 1974 Becomes hardworking and motivated in 2024. Good luck too. Good results in many areas. Self-employed Friends The company or brand is doing well The ability to make a lot of money And maybe even become a local celebrity. Often invited to conferences Forums or TV programmes The Tiger's vanity will be greatly satisfied. You will be happy every day. And I'm getting more and more motivated. A reminder for the Tiger In the first half of 2024, focus on combining labour and leisure. Don't be like a spinning gyroscope every day. It's exhausting. While working for a living. You should learn to enjoy life. Tiger born in 1986 In the first half of 2024, life will be very stable. It's not going to make any waves. Every day is the same as the day before. Steady work The task is also very simple It's a piece of cake. It's just that the pay may not be as good. Emotional Married people have stable marriages Although there are occasional quarrels But it's not a big problem. No divorce. And there will be no domestic violence. There will be some minor health problems. But don't worry too much, Tiger. Just go to the doctor. I've got my medication. You'll be healthy again in no time. Tiger born in 1998 Career in the first half of the year 2024 is doing well Not only can you get the leadership's attention, but you can also get a good job. You'll get a promotion and a raise. And even take on the role of leader in important projects. The whole thing was a great success. In terms of money, apart from a lot of positive income You can also get a lot of partial wealth. You can make a lot of money by buying lottery tickets The Tiger can realise great wealth accumulation. But in the first half of 2024 It's going to be a headache in terms of relationships and health. Easily suffer from the pain of lost love Also suffer from stomach ache, diarrhoea, headache, etc. from time to time Tiger people must go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment. Don't delay Tiger born in 2010 entering 2024 Although he is already 14 years old But still a child. Very much loved by his family. Has lots of snacks and toys. And the family is doing very well financially. Most people enjoy a high quality of life. But they don't do so well in school. The main reason is that Tigers don't have the right attitude towards learning. Though his brain is smart enough. But he sleeps in class or plays with his mobile phone. I can't pay attention to the class. I don't finish my homework on time. I'm basically at the bottom of the class in every exam. Tiger people must realise the importance of learning. Make up for the shortcomings Catch up with your classmates as soon as possible. Otherwise, you'll be sorry when you have to sit for the entrance exams. It's all right. It's all right. That's all for this time. If you have any questions please leave a message in the comments section below I would also like you to favour me Subscribe and share this channel Good luck to all those around you! Thank you for watching. See you later.
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Keywords: 風水, 運勢, 生肖, 禪語, 曉書說, 聽佛, 生肖運勢, 屬虎運勢, 2024年運勢, 生肖虎運勢, 屬虎2024運勢, 2024屬虎運勢, 生肖虎2024運勢, 屬虎人運勢, 屬虎人2024運勢, 2024年屬虎運勢, 生肖虎, 屬虎人, 甲辰龍年, 屬虎的人, 屬虎, 生肖屬虎, 屬虎生肖, 屬虎桃花運, 屬虎財運, 屬虎事業運, 屬虎健康運, 屬虎感情運, 屬虎人際運, 屬虎開運, 屬虎運程, 屬虎運勢指南, 屬虎運勢分析, 屬虎人2024年上半年運勢, 屬虎人2024年運勢詳解, 屬虎人2024年如何開運, 屬虎人2024年財運指南, 屬虎人2024年桃花運程, 屬虎人2024年事業運勢, 屬虎人2024年健康運程, 屬虎人2024年感情運勢, 屬虎人2024年人際運勢, 屬虎人2024年運勢預測
Id: sgfmKHNZhPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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