iPad Pro M4雖然你很好,但我還是搭上了iPad Air M2。。。究竟點揀好? iPad Pro M4 13吋 VS iPad Air M2 11吋#廣東話 #cc字幕
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Channel: 奇積Kjack
Views: 37,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple, 蘋果, visionpro, 空間運算裝置, spatialcomputer, gadget, unboxing, ipad, ipadpro, vr, mr, ar, virtualreality, mixedreality, mapping, apps, marvel, ironman, microoled, 實境, latency, 3d, travelmode, hologram, zeiss, glasses, 近視, 遠視, safari, doubletap, touchpad, guestuser, macbook, macvirtualdisplay, microsoft, office365, word, powerpoint, ppt, magickeyboard, 精妙觸控板, ps, quest3, workroom, working, disney+, netflix, iphone15pro, 15promax, spatialrecording, spatialvideo, 空間影片, spatialaudio, kjack, 開箱, unbox, 奇jack, ipadair, m4, m2, vs
Id: UeyMILXTkus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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