尋味順德 粵語版01 鄉土之源 【ENG SUB】A Bite of Shunde EP01

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[Background sound] This is a place where the old and new blends together in marvelous ways. [Background sound] A thousand years of reclamation has incubated the fertile mulberry fish pond. [Background sound] A hundred years ago, the flouring of reeling has made this place one of the wealthiest place. In modern days, appliances manufactured in here have changed the lives of several billion people's lives globally. [Background sound] However, what this place most famous for has always been its gourmet food. [Background sound] Shunde, with food coded in its genes has differentiate itself from anywhere else in the whole world. [Background sound] Early summer, in Pearl River Delta area, dense hydrographic network has been nurturing the most capacious flatlands in littoral of China's south part. [Background sound] Under the riverway, lays an ancient secret. [Background sound] The villagers of Huanglian Village lifted the dragon boat from the bottom of the water. [Background sound] The dragon boat is 30 meters long, and weights 2 tons. It carries the best wishes of avoiding disasters, bringing good luck, and hoping for a good hravest of the villagers. [Background sound] During the Dragon Boat Festvial, drang boats are coming from different villages, and sailing in small and big rivers. [Background sound] Another nighlight, is about to begin as well. [Background sound] A dozen of cook, are setting up by the riverside. They have six iron pots with a diameter of 1 meter, and they are going to cook for the whole village, which has a population of more than 2,000 people. [Background sound] They have more than 30 kinds of traditional food materials, 10 traditional dishes that has been around for years. They started working from 5 a.m. in the morning, all the way till sunset. [Background sound] The annually feast, is called the Dragon Boat Feast by the locals. Huanglian Village, Shunde, Guangdong is called the Dragon Boat Feast by the locals. Huanglian Village, Shunde, Guangdong The whole village is gathered here, Huanglian Village, Shunde, Guangdong during the beinging of May, Huanglian Village, Shunde, Guangdong according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Huanglian Village, Shunde, Guangdong according to the Chinese lunar calendar. This represents the remains of group living from the agricultural society. [Background sound] No matter how the world changes, the taste of hometown, can always be memorized and passed on by food. It is the connection of the land and home. [Background sound] The sun shines above the Pearl River Delta area, the maximum temperature can be as high as 40 Degrees Celsius. Summer has arrived. This is the longest [Background sound] The Le River, Shunde, Guangdong [Background sound] [Background sound] and hottest season of a year. He Yaoji, who is 83 years old, [Background sound] show up by the riverside on time, The Zeng net, is a tranditional fishing tool. Uncle He doesn't care about the harvest, [Background sound] he's just doing this for amusement. At the moment, there is a kind of beautiful fruit by the riverside, are riping. The peel of the fruit are blooming as the eye of phoenix, [Background sound] and it's time to harvest. The scientific name of Phoenix eye nut Phoenix eye nut The scientific name of Phoenix eye nut Phoenix eye nut is actually sterculia nobilis. Phoenix eye nut is actually sterculia nobilis. The farmers in Shunde grow the everywhere, after the harvest, with a little sun and air, [Background sound] the nut should be peeled out as soon as possible. The pulp of Phoenix eye nut looks like chestnut, [Background sound] but with a more smooth taste. The harvest season is only for 40 days, but it has became a part of Shundian's recipe [Background sound] for almost a thousand years. Take the chicken and cut into inches of size, adding salt, sugar and rice wine, [Background sound] and souse for 15 minutes. [Background sound] Stew the Phoenix eye nut to ripe, and stir-fry the chicken nuggets until it starts to smell delicious, [Background sound] put them all together and stew for another 20 minutes. The Phoenix eye nut tastes sweet and glutinous, the chicken tastes fresh and tender. chicken stew with Phoenix eye nut the chicken tastes fresh and tender. Chicken stew with Phoenix eye nut chicken stew with Phoenix eye nut Chicken stew with Phoenix eye nut [Background sound] is one of the seasonal gourmets loved by the locals. [Background sound] The mid-summer, in Shundian's food life, not only includes the daily meals, but also added new expectations. At dusk, people start to gather by the alley and by the street. [Background sound] By 7 o' clock, Huang Yuxian and her daughter, appears on Fuhua street on time. In three hours, this place is going to be the focus of the whole street. [Background sound] Everyone keeps saying that I don't have my sign board, but I say to them that everybody knows who I am, I am the brand, as well as my sign board. [Background sound] After Huang's retirement, She started to run this food stall, and this has been the 16th year. [Background sound] It is different from other food stalls, She is the only one in here. Her daughter who's in college, can only help her during holidays and festivals. [Background sound] Preparing all the vegetables needed for the whole night, [Background sound] and making 25 kilogram of plain rice congee. [Background sound] The thing that draws the most audience hasn't arrive yet, [Background sound] Ronggui, Shunde, Guangdong [Background sound] [Background sound] At almost 9 o' clock, Fuhua street has become the most popular alley in Ronggui. Customers are gathered here from everywher else, All the food stalls are flourishing with customers. [Background sound] But Huang left her food stall, [Background sound] She learned how to drive when she was 60 years old, Just for the sake of getting to a place on time every day. [Background sound] 40 minutes later, She arrived in a subrub slaughter house located in the adjacent city--Zhongshan. Her secret recipe hides out here. Can you grab some pig's tongues for me? [Background sound] Anything other than pork meat are called pig miscellaneous. The nutrient elements in haslets are far more than the ones in meat, and by a much cheaper price. It is a very popular food material in everyday cooking. [Background sound] Huang comes back to Fuhua street, with the freshest pig miscellaneous. [Background sound] And her food stall, has become the most popular place of all. [Background sound] The frest pig miscellaneous must be processed in the shortest period of time, adding salt, sugar and cornstarch, and keeps stiring. It can gives the boilling rice congee a whole different look and taste. [Background sound] The sequence of putting them in, as well as the heat control are cruical. The pig's liver goes in lastly. [Background sound] They start to float in three minutes, [Background sound] Pig miscellaneous congee [Background sound] The pig's liver are most tender and juicy at this point, Pig miscellaneous congee The pig's liver are most tender and juicy at this point, but also crispy and crunchy at the same time. [Background sound] In Shunde, Not only the grand restaurants are strict about the heat control, smaller food stalls and congee places also have their own rules. The moment the food become cooked from completely raw, is fresh and tender, at its best taste. [Background sound] There is another version of making pig's miscellaneous, [Background sound] fresh pig tripe, mixed with guava leaf and cornstarch, rub for ten minutes. [Background sound] Rinse with fresh water, in order to get ride of the smell. Adding pig bones, [Background sound] with the fresh scent from the ginkgo nuts, and the white pepper brings out a little taste of sricy. Stew for two hous with mild fire, pig tripe and bones desorbs protein and collagen. [Background sound] Pig tripe broth [Background sound] The broth is rich and creamy, Pig tripe broth The broth is rich and creamy, [Background sound] pig tripe is chewy and punky. [Background sound] In most of the Cantonese broth when backing materials has provide the broth with the flavor, they often goes back behind the scenes. But the pig tripe still tastes good. [Background sound] Midnight, Huang's food stall is the most popular one among all. A lot of customers come here taste her food. Not only for the Pig miscellaneous congee but also for her other famous signature dish. [Background sound] Fresh pig blood are being processed at the site, nothing too complicated. [Background sound] stir-fry with wild fire, spicy and rich, [Background sound] boil in hot water, Pig blood soup with Chinese chives boil in hot water, fresh and tender. Pig blood soup with Chinese chives [Background sound] Pig blood soup with Chinese chives [Background sound] 4 a.m. in the morning customers are beinging to leave, Huang had been continuous working for 9 hours. [Background sound] The last cup of pig miscellaneous congee serves as dinner, but also the breakfast for the next day. [Background sound] In Shunde the rotation of delicacy never stops The last midnight restaurant just closed, Xingtan, Shunde, Guangdong The last midnight restaurant just closed, the vegetables market has alreayd filles with people. Xingtan, Shunde, Guangdong the vegetables market has alreayd filles with people. [Background sound] The mid-summer, is the peak season for vegetables. 5 a.m. in the morning, Uncle Qi who's 54 years old comes to the market He is selling the freshest harvest vegetables from an hour ago to the seller. [Background sound] Depending on this alone, Uncle Qi's family can have an additional 100 yuan's income. [Background sound] After delivering the vegetables, It is time for breakfast tea. Unlike other places, the breakfast places in Shunde serves morning alcohol. Red rice wine along with boiling congee, is a special breakfast among Shunde rural areas. [Background sound] People are used to store a bottle of rice wine in the breakfast tea place, marked with their own symbols. [Background sound] Uncle Qi's wife has no time for breakfast tea, Sangma Village, Shunde, Guangdong Uncle Qi's wife has no time for breakfast tea, Uncle Qi's wife has no time for breakfast tea, the vegetables are soon to be harvested, [Background sound] The locals call this fruit of the plant chieh-qua This is the plant which Uncle Qi sells in the market for money. [Background sound] chieh-qua are planted in pond terrier This is the continuance of the old mulberry fish pond. [Background sound] For almost a thousand year, People in the Pearl River Delta area, make use of the limited land skillfully. They dug the pond for pisciculture, and grow mulberry along the pond base, use the mulberry leaf to breed silkworm and use the silkworm excrement to feed the fish and finally use the fish manure for pond sludge, as well as the fertilizer for mulberry land. [Background sound] With the thriving of manufacturing industry, the traditional production mode has changed as well. It if failrly rare to see the orginal appearance of mulberry fish pond nowadays. However, this tillage method of natural circulation, [Background sound] is preserved in Shunde. The income of selling chieh-qua today [Background sound] is going to be used in an investment by Uncle Qi. Pond terrier is the perfect place of free-ranging poultry. The organic manure has provide chieh-qua with sufficient nutrient. Free-ranging native chicken, [Background sound] is a perfect natural food material. You should go for the chicken about your fist-zise adn the chicken are for my daughter-in-law's confinement after child birth Big chickens are unless, by the time of Spring Festival they will be too big. [Background sound] the daughter-in-law is due by the end of this year, raise chicken is for the purpose of nourishing her after the birth. Uncle Qi is already pinching pennies, but still was blamed by his wife. [Background sound] For the Qi family, chieh-qua is only part of the family income, the fish pond is more crucial. [Background sound] Living by the wather, makes the Shundians become very picky and fond of the fish. When eating fish, the most important thing is the freshness of the fish. They don't want the fishbone to spoil the joy. [Background sound] Cyprinidae such as bighead carp and cyprinoid have more than 100 bones within the meat besides the spine bone. [Background sound] A cook in Shunde knows exactly where they are and how they lay. They can get rid of every fish bones wth accurate way of cutting. [Background sound] And then rinse the fish in salt water, to get rid of the fishy smell. [Background sound] Dry out the moisture with cotton towel makes the fish more absorbed and tasty. [Background sound] The salt can tighten the fish peanut oil can maintain the tenderness of the meat [Background sound] botton with loofah enable the steam to circulate therefore the food got heated evenly. [Background sound] sauna fish [Background sound] The inspiration of cooking this dish sauna fish comes from the physiotherapy in Northern Europe sauna fish comes from the physiotherapy in Northern Europe [Background sound] heat control is significant. The steam warms the food rapidly [Background sound] one minute and thirty seconds is the perfect timing The protein just clotted at this point The fish meat taste super tender. [Background sound] Steaming is one of the ancient cooking skills in China It can preserve the food's flavour and nutrition to a maximum [Background sound] Sauna is another way of steaming for Shundians. Putting the cooking stove directly to the dinning table so that people can enjoy the food when it's most delicious [Background sound] Besides fish, chicken is also the leading role in sauna cooking. Ger rid of the chick bones, cut the chicken into slices, in order for fast steam and maintain the tender taste. Mulberry leaf has rich amino acid but tastes a little obscure after absorbing the chicken juice it becomes more edible and delicious, also makes the chicken fresh and not greasy. [Background sound] For only two and thirty seconds, The meat can reach its plumpy and juicy state therefore the meat is extremely tender and chewy. sauna chicken therefore the meat is extremely tender and chewy. sauna chicken The mix and circulation of different food material sauna banquet soup The mix and circulation of different food material presents perfectly in a sauna banquet sauna banquet soup presents perfectly in a sauna banquet [Background sound] Nearly all the food material are coming from production of the dike-pond [Background sound] According to the lunar calendar, in May chieh-qua is blooming This is the busiest time for Uncle Qi. He need to pollinate every flower [Background sound] Qi's wife is busy with her sutff as well, [Background sound] There is a custom of making Chinese rice dumplings in both north ajd south China Other places use bamboo leaf or reed leaf, Shundais who live by the river, like to use phrynium capitatum. This kind of leaf has a large and firm blade difficult to break, it also has a special scent. [Background sound] The Chinese rice dumplings are called Jiaoshu in the begining it was used to to gain good luck and avoid evil. The rice dumplings in Ming Dynasty looks pretty much alike as today's ones Phrynium capitatum rice dumpling looks pretty much alike as today's ones [Background sound] Phrynium capitatum rice dumpling [Background sound] The son brought the pregnant daughter-in-law back for the holiday. They work in town. Only when they return to the countryside can they eat the most original cusine. [Background sound] Chieh-qua grows very rapidly. After the end of the flowering phase it can grow to 500 gram in 5 days. The soil here in Sangma Village is fertile, the chieh-quas produced in here are sweet and mushy, the color of the fruit is green and shiny. so it's called black-fur chieh-qua. [Background sound] Shundians are very particular about the freshness of the food they would only purchase the chieh-qua which are just picked, the ones with flower on its head. [Background sound] When the pick is finished without any rest, Uncle Qi rushes to the market. [Background sound] During summer time, chieh-qua can always been seen on the dinning table they can basically go with any type of food material. The sea crabs just got catched from the water [Background sound] are sweet, rich and plumpy, adding ginger slice, mussel and peeled prawns stir-fry untill fully cooked. The surface is crunchy and brunt but the moisture is still locked within the food [Background sound] pour in the soup made with pig bones, [Background sound] and here comes the protagonist. [Background sound] The soft and mushy chieh-qua steamed with the seafood together for 20 minutes, the chieh-qua absorbs the fresh taste of the crab. [Background sound] take the peeled mung beans and turn into bean paste which makes the soup rich and creamy. [Background sound] steamed seafood with chieh-qua [Background sound] [Background sound] There is also a fairly simple method, needed scalding only leave the chieh-qua with a little peel the outer layer is crunchy and fresh and the inner layer is sweet and mushy. scalding chieh-qua and the inner layer is sweet and mushy. scalding chieh-qua In Shunde scalding chieh-qua In Shunde there are almost two month for every year people can enjoy the taste of chieh-qua [Background sound] Dike-pond agriculture has output all year long the most abundant harvest would be the fishery harvesting in the fall [Background sound] Uncle Qi has 14 acres of fish ponds today's fishery harvesting is 2500 kilograms. [Background sound] Harvest like this happens twice a year [Background sound] This is the pay back for their hard-working over the year. [Background sound] The old dike-ponds are blending in with the modern society Rural areas are connected with the city but on the dinning table of the urban homes one can still find productions from dike-pond. [Background sound] The gift of seasons, stimulates people's imagination Mulberry leaves are taking into cooking, as well as mulberry as condiments. The tartaric acid from it can make the meat more tender and soft. stir-fry chicken with mulberry can make the meat more tender and soft. [Background sound] stir-fry chicken with mulberry [Background sound] Deep-fry the mulberry leaves and stir-fry with river prawn crunch and delicious stir-fry river prawn with mulberry leaf crunch and delicious [Background sound] stir-fry river prawn with mulberry leaf [Background sound] Seasonal vegetables are chopped into cubes enhance the freshness with abalone Sauce wrapped with mulberry leaf makes a vegetarian dish more fun and creative [Background sound] mulberry leaf bun [Background sound] People who live in urban areas mulberry leaf bun can still feel the changing of seasons mulberry leaf bun can still feel the changing of seasons through food. [Background sound] It is after autumn begins Shunde, which is near the tropic of cancer is still flaming hot [Background sound] People live by the water can dive directly into rivers outside their homes The people there have a natural and intimate relationship with water¡£ [Background sound] Even though the old house in the alley are not by the river the children are still very close to the water Not far away [Background sound] Le Cong, Shunde, Guangdong [Background sound] [Background sound] the elders are busy this is the first harvest during autumn. Chen Zhiming grabed his wife to help. The little vegetable garden is only dozen square meters, Hard-working brings the continually harvest throughout the year enough for the three generations to eat for the whole year [Background sound] Chen is 60 years old and has been living in Shunde all his life he own a decent business because of his diligence. [Background sound] Even though they don't making living by farming anymore But Shundians has this connection and fond to their land, which was engraved into their genes. [Background sound] yam bean [Background sound] There is a small watseland near the warehouse yam bean There is a small watseland near the warehouse which was cultivate by Chen as their family vegetable garden [Background sound] This old house was built back in the Republic of China era The Chen family has been living here for more than 30 years. It was bought in the 1980s and the house was shattered and broken. [Background sound] The maintainance of the hundred years old wood carving needed extra caution. [Background sound] The dumped titles during other family's refurbishment are carefully collected by Chen's son. The renovation process continues as the children grow [Background sound] The kitchen always belongs to the mother She never need any help from anyone else. [Background sound] She needs to prepare dinner for more than 10 people in the family and to satisfy the taste for three different generations. Soup is absolutely essential. [Background sound] The new harvested yam bean is the main material for the soup. the root which contains abundant water and sugar is also called water-chestnut. [Background sound] Chicken feet are rich with collagen which makes the soup rich and creamy. [Background sound] chicken feet soup with yam bean [Background sound] Soup is one of the most important daily cusine chicken feet soup with yam bean in Shundian's family. chicken feet soup with yam bean in Shundian's family. [Background sound] The season of drinking soup is also important. There are a lot of choices of soup. Prime choices are seasonal materials. [Background sound] When fall comes, it is also the time to harvest arrowroot and dace. [Background sound] Take the dace deep-fry inorder to get rid of the fishy smell [Background sound] arrowroot can add the sweetness of the root. red bean can add the special scent to it. [Background sound] dace soup with arrowroot and red bean, takes aways the heat is very popular during fall season. dace soup with arrowroot and red bean is very popular during fall season. [Background sound] dace soup with arrowroot and red bean [Background sound] Freshwater mussel are freshwater shellfish abound in riverside. [Background sound] stir-fry with oil then boil until it's bubbled up. [Background sound] Protein and fat disolve into the water, creates a off-white color creamy soup. [Background sound] adding candied date Chinese wolfberry sprout and brown bean [Background sound] The people in south of the Five Ridges believe medicine comes from soup can be nourishing and strength one's body. [Background sound] freshwater mussel soup with Chinese wolfberry sprout and brown bean [Background sound] [Background sound] Besides the creamy and rich milk soup to make the soup clear as water is also a skill. [Background sound] Starts with cornstarch and peanut oil evenly rub the mixture on both the outside and inside of the fish head [Background sound] and then rinse it off in order to get rid of the fishy smell. [Background sound] Brush with the lock rice wine which serves as removing the smell and enhancing freshness. [Background sound] Take gastrodia elata, date and dried tangerine as base, adding fresh water and cook until boiling. And the put the fish head in. [Background sound] Sealed with oilpaper which would prevent the moisture from the pot from getting out also prevent the steam from diluting the soup. [Background sound] In 4 hours the soup is clear gastrodia elata steamed fish head the soup is clear but the taste is rich and creamy. gastrodia elata steamed fish head but the taste is rich and creamy. [Background sound] Time for dinner [Background sound] This is just an ordinary dinner for an orfinary family. [Background sound] I like it when everyone stays together I was too naive and childish when I was young I used to envy the food in the restaurants When I grow up It hit me that the home-made cookings are the best for me. Coming home for dinner is a solid habit for Shundians. There is the considerate mom and the most delicious taste at home. [Background sound] The tradiaional taste flows in the old house, New dietary mode are swarm into the city as well. Shunde is only 30 kliometers from Guangzhou, [Background sound] it's near HongKong and Macao. Just like the ever-changing China, [Background sound] many different dietary mode and cultures are changing Shundians' life as well. [Background sound] Chen Bijun has grown fond for Western dessert since she was studying in the U.K. She retuned to her hometown after graduation and started her own dessert shop. [Background sound] Searching food materials from every where Learning to mater her skills as always Chen tries to conquer the picky Shundians with exotic flavour. It was easy [Background sound] luckily some of the young generations have become the experiencer of a new diet. [Background sound] Yan Yunjian, who is two years younger than Chen Bijun also studied abroad. made a different choice [Background sound] Three generations make traditional pastry in her family Recipes and the skills are passed down from generation to generation. [Background sound] Bride cake is what distributes along with the wedding invitation during the wedding. [Background sound] Fish seed cake is children's favourite during Mid-autumn Festival Those baked pasties send out the wheat fragrance [Background sound] Bride cake [Background sound] and has been aorund in Shundian's life Bride cake and has been aorund in Shundian's life for hundreds of years. There is also another dietary habit Fish seed cake There is also another dietary habit [Background sound] Fish seed cake [Background sound] which is unshakable and unbeatable. Tea [Background sound] starts a tasteful day, Whether you want to spend time [Background sound] with family and friends, or to talk freely or communicate with business partners. Morning tea is the binding agent for Shundian's social relations. [Background sound] For the last 500 years, this has been an active commerce and trade place and making Morning tea as a life style never changes. [Background sound] Tea is not the leading actor in this People values the refreshments that goes along with the tea better. [Background sound] From the traditional one cup of tea along with two refreshments in the old time, now we have hundreds of differnt kinds of refreshments for people to choose from. [Background sound] Refreshments have become more and more various and abundant along with the time change. [Background sound] Among all the refreshments thers is a rice cake that has the longest history, It has been around the Shudian's dinning table for more than 500 years. [Background sound] Lun Jiao rice cake was made by rice and cane sugar only, Lun Jiao rice cake was made by rice and cane sugar only, has become a legend among all the refreshments. Lun Jiao rice cake [Background sound] Lun Jiao rice cake [Background sound] The birth of food depends on one place's water and soil There has been a over 6500 year of rice farming in Guangdong. This is also the reason Guangzhou is called fringe [Background sound] Pearl River Delta is one of the most important rice farming areas in China. [Background sound] Shunde is located in the center of Pearl River system next to Xijiang River and Bei River which brings soil with organic material. Subtropical monsoon climate brings adequate rainfall It has been heaven of rice since the ancient times. [Background sound] Lun Jiao rice cake was originally made by brown sugar brown sugar rice cake Lun Jiao rice cake was originally made by brown sugar and has an amber color to it. brown sugar rice cake [Background sound] brown sugar rice cake [Background sound] With the improvement of sugar refining technology white granulated sugar has become the main current. Also gives Lun Jiao rice cake a white appearance. [Background sound] Taking the overyear long-shaped rice which has more amylose is more likely to cluster into tight and orangized molecular group, and give the rice cake a pliable and chewy taste. [Background sound] After soaking the trice for 24 hours polish with water filter repeatedly only left with the finest and smoothest rice milk [Background sound] Being in an environment of 35 degree centigrade brew for one night rice milk fermented naturally active carbon dioxide rush out of the surface forms abundant bubbles. [Background sound] The sweetness of Lun Jiao rice cake comes from the glucose after the amylohydrolysis process and the sour taste comes from the lactic acid of the fermentation process [Background sound] if we are looking for the right amount of sweet and sour we need to accurately control the dermentation process [Background sound] Sister Huan knows the best of it [Background sound] from the time of her ancestor this family craft has been passed down for 4 generations [Background sound] Steam for 20 minutes with high temperature Lun Jiao rice cake results in a smooth and shiny surface filled with connected air hole from all directions this is the sign of mature fermentation [Background sound] The rice cake is sweet and slightly sour tastes chewy and fresh smells a lot like rice [Background sound] 3 a.m. in the morning the delivery van for Lun Jiao rice cake leaves on time [Background sound] nowadays nearly all the Lun Jiao rice cake in Pearl River Delta area are coming from sister Huan's shop [Background sound] For the past 30 years manufacturing industry is thriving economy grows rapidly This has become one of the richest areas in China. It also drives the expansion of urban areas nearly 40 times. However, rapid urbanization never makes the Shundians forget about their land and hometown [Background sound] Xian Quanhui is a builder of the city for the last 20 years he ran over a lot of construction sites in Shunde building scaffold [Background sound] Unlike the other construction workers Xian dreams an Utopia in his mind Today is the weekend [Background sound] Xian leaves early as usual but not to the construction site. This is a hidden forest [Background sound] lays in deep in the city only less than 5 kilometers from the city center. people can only travel there by water. Herons are the masters in here [Background sound] they can be used as a indicator [Background sound] to determine the quality of environemnt Only with the fine air and water can become a habitat for them to gather and reproduce [Background sound] some nestlings just borned Xian is extremely careful not to disturb them . [Background sound] 15 year ago this forest with area more than 10 hectares used to be a wasteland Xian rented this place to plant bamboo which are used to make scaffold [Background sound] on the construction site Just when the bamboo forest was planted Lunjiao, Shunde, Guangdong herons were attracted to come Lunjiao, Shunde, Guangdong herons were attracted to come [Background sound] Xian thought he might just as well turn this place into a secret place within the city When he doesn't need to be at the construction site he basically spends time in here [Background sound] On top of a 6-meter bamboo egret is feeding the nestlings [Background sound] Xian starts to prepare for dinner as well [Background sound] He conveniently grows vegetable next to the bamboo forest eggplant, pepper, purple perilla and boxthorn leaf where doesn't require special nuture the plants can be harvest at any time [Background sound] Clean water hot pot is seen by Shundian's as the best hot pot ever with only a pot of water a few green onion and ginger some dried tangerine the simplest cooking can bring out the original flavour of the food [Background sound] fresh out of the water grass carp take the meat from the back cut into less than 1 millimeter slice shaped like a flying butterfly [Background sound] boiling the fish slice it takes only a few seconds can become fresh and tender [Background sound] the dipping sauce is very exquisitely made Lingnan people are very strict about sauce the raw material must be natural [Background sound] with enough sunlight promotes the reproduction of microorganism [Background sound] Soy protein are resolve into amino acid [Background sound] After six months of brewing the liquid with in the sauce became rich and creamy is the best pairing mate for clean water hot pot [Background sound] With different kind of fish the soup base is different as well In winter times, chubs are rich and delicious this kind of fish contains high dose of fat and has a rather strong fishy smell is not the best option for light cusine but the Shundians know how to deal with this take the fermented and salted soya beans with fish soup the acidic material within the tomato would disolve the fishy smell of chub in order to make it taste better [Background sound] pairing with spices like pepper, green onion ginger and chill [Background sound] fermented soybean juice hot pot [Background sound] [Background sound] the freshness and richness of chub are highlighted in fermented soybean juice this is the exclusive winter time delicacy. [Background sound] Besides fish Chicken is also a good option for clean water hot pot the free-ranges native chicken won't grow exceed 1.5 kliograms in two years the meat is tender and chewy is the first choice for Shundians. [Background sound] Not only are they strict about food materials cooking ware need to be selected carefully as well [Background sound] This crystal pot is made from primary silica emphasize the chemical stability of the texture [Background sound] adding shaped crystal cubes in the hot pot is eaiser to control the temperature while enhance the taste the clear pot makes it beautiful to watch [Background sound] For most people clean water hot pot is the best for family and friends But brother Hui here finds it different [Background sound] with the fresh vegetables and the fresh out of the water grass carp sitting in the bamboo forests with newborn birds [Background sound] Brother Hui has been exhausted from the construction site all week only this meal represents the rurality he wants the most can only bring him back to the old times [Background sound] A lot of people say that I'm a weirdo with all the birds right here and I won't eat them when I have a home but I insist to stay here [Background sound] We have been seeing these birds a long time ago back in the days our children sleeps on the roof during the night and they can see those birds just like a shooting star in the dark sky. [Background sound] In spring time southeast monsoon comes as promised [Background sound] more nestlings are borned [Background sound] egrets stays in their habitat to live and reproduce. By the riverside of Xijiang River this bamboo forest lays like the biological clock reminding people A new day has come [Background sound] People in Huanglian Village bring out the dragon boat again covers them with China wood oil awaits for the next Dragon Boat Festival [Background sound] On top of the pond base Uncle Qi is pollinating the chieh-qua flower The whole family looks forward to the new harvest [Background sound] On Fuhua street Huang Yuxian opens her food stall like a punctual clock The customers' wait [Background sound] will be met tonight. Gourmet flows through seasons The steps of us moving to the future [Background sound] keeps going forward In here [Background sound] A bit of Shunde--Episode 2--Be the difference [Background sound] the taste of food comes from the hand and reaches to the heart A bit of Shunde--Episode 2--Be the difference keeps reminding everyone about their land and thei home A bit of Shunde--Episode 2--Be the difference A bit of Shunde--Episode 2--Be the difference The taste of food lays in the land the water. A bit of Shunde--Episode 2--Be the difference Shundians never stops searching for the best taste A bit of Shunde--Episode 2--Be the difference They invited hundreds of ways to eat fish A bit of Shunde--Episode 2--Be the difference A bit of Shunde--Episode 2--Be the difference or they can spend half a year for making only on cusine. A bit of Shunde--Episode 2--Be the difference Many tourists not only come here to visit A bit of Shunde--Episode 2--Be the difference A bit of Shunde--Episode 2--Be the difference but to taste the food here. A bit of Shunde--Episode 2--Be the difference [Background sound] A bit of Shunde--Episode 2--Be the difference A bit of Shunde--Episode 2--Be the difference
Channel: NewTV Documentary 华语纪录片
Views: 744,176
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Keywords: 尋味順德, 廣東話, 寻味顺德, 粵語, 舌尖上的中國, 舌尖上的中国, 中国文化, 中國菜, 中国地方菜, 饮食文化, 早茶文化, 舌尖, 中国美食, 顺德, 导演, 棗茶文化, 纪录片, 广东美食, 美食, 央视纪录片, CCTV9, 舌尖上的中國3, 粵菜, 中國美食, 順德, 導演, 紀錄片, 廣東美食, 央視紀錄片, 舌尖上的中國第三季, 中國地方菜, 中國文化, 飲食文化, Chinese food, canton
Id: TXB-vzkOFfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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