🎀【合集】心機太子妃陷害涵香,不料皇太后出现給涵香撐腰,太子妃氣壞了!#古装 #宫斗 #chinesedrama #中國電視劇

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Ahhh Get up, get up How unbecoming is this? get up Long live our emperor Long live long live long live Report to the Emperor Lord Hai knelt in front of the door It's like I have something important to report Ask him to come forward and talk. this listen to driving Lord Hai The emperor wants you to come forward and report this The emperor's servant deserves to die I have the final say whether you should die or not. What's so urgent? Report to the Emperor When worshiping ancestors in the morning Something big happened Met the prince Free of charge Thank you, Mr. Wang Tong Siku, do you know why I came here? Lord Hai, he has already told me Well since you already know I don’t need to go into details. Tong Siku, let me ask you The robe worn by the Crown Princess during sacrifices Who is responsible for doing it? Our c clothes library People who participated in making the robe this time There are willow, fragrant, mulberry, Chinese spring bamboo and fungus Before the prince's clothes were sent to Yuqing Palace Hanxiang once carefully inspected No gold threads were found to fall off. Could you please ask the prince to explain to the emperor on your behalf? Don’t you know the seriousness of this matter? You have to report this to the emperor yourself The emperor has an order All the show girls who participated in the production of the Crown Princess’s robes They all have to be brought to the Hall of Supreme Harmony for questioning. Someone is coming and escort them away to me. Li Guangchu’s humble position is See for yourself what's going on yes Report to the Emperor This is a pearl garment embroidered with gold thread It is generally difficult to break the thread and remove the beads. There may be one or two small oversights But that's just one or two pearls that fell off Well, as for this whole piece of falling beads So what? If it were a whole piece of falling beads That means Xiu Nu’s book is missing Start playing to the Emperor The beautiful girl has something to report explain After the emperor's robe is made Hanxiang has carefully checked No omissions at all Logically speaking This situation is simply impossible to happen Concerning this point Xiang asked the emperor to let Hanxiang check it carefully again. Bold It's obviously you who questioned and was negligent. Still want to argue The Hirazonian slaves are here According to the laws of the Qing Dynasty What crime and punishment should Liu Hanxiang be punished with? Return to the Crown Princess According to Article 426 of the Palace Code It can be punished as a crime of wasting one's strength and taking actions that cannot be used The lighter one will be flogged fifty times The most important thing is a hundred sticks Three years of apprenticeship, if it was done intentionally That is lese majeste and is a capital offense. Report to the Emperor This time I made clothes for the Crown Princess Hanxiang is the only show girl designated by the Crown Princess. Is Han Xiang willing to take full responsibility? The emperor is united as treasurer Failure to fulfill supervisory responsibilities Please punish me Huang Ama Yin still took Huang Ama to worship the ancestors this time But this happened Yin still has a responsibility too Huang Ama caused chaos in this festival After all It was all caused by the beautiful lady Liu Hanxiang making robes and writing poems. The founding of the Qing Dynasty is attributed to the ancestors and emperors If Emperor Ama doesn’t severely punish the culprit I'm afraid the ancestors would be displeased if they knew something underground. Princess, you are exaggerating, right? you are the prince How can we not pay attention to the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty? Okay, stop arguing This matter is of great importance I have decided Liu Hanxiang was sentenced to one hundred punishments with a stick Exiled two thousand miles The remaining participants will be fined three months No one can ask for mercy anymore Otherwise, they will be punished with the same crime Concubine Xuan is just now You didn't hear Huang Ama's verdict in person in the main hall. Liu Hanxiang was sentenced to one hundred punishments with a stick Exiled two thousand miles This is the best news I've heard recently The sentence is not a death penalty You can also be successful like this This is almost a capital crime Let alone being exiled for two thousand miles. Just a hundred punishments with a rod Most grown men can’t stand it. Not to mention that weak woman Liu Hanxiang Hum, I think she must die now Hey, what you said makes sense. It seems that this time Finally, the princess's serious worries have been eliminated. This is all due to you, Concubine Xuan. What about the future I need to ask Concubine Xuan for more advice. Princess, don't be too polite. Actually I didn't do anything This palace is just based on the experience of people who have been there Just a few words of advice for you Report to the Queen Mother Getebele asks for an audience Why was Han Xiang sentenced to severe punishment by the emperor? Ge Tai was afraid that Han Xiang wouldn't be able to bear this 100-weight staff. That’s why I came to beg the Queen Mother The emperor has always been filial Empress Dowager, the Emperor will definitely listen to your words. Please Queen Mother, please save Han Xiang The fragrance is good and the craftsmanship is good Careful as hair How could you make such a big mistake? There must be something wrong with ancestor worship. Only the emperor will impose severe sentences It was Han Xiang who was punished Why are you so anxious? Why Ge Tai really couldn't hide it from the Empress Dowager's eyes. In fact, Ge Tai has fallen deeply in love with Han Xiang. Aijia remembered That day when you brought tea for your Ama Ai Jia also asked you if you have a favorite woman You laugh but don’t answer It turns out that you had Hanxiang in your heart at that time Yes, the Queen Mother Getai, please beg the emperor for mercy. Save Hanxiang Don't worry, Han Xiang is destined to be with the Ai family. The Ai family will definitely protect her Huang's mother Liu Hanxiang's case has been sent to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for processing If you want me to take back my life now, I'm afraid I'll be laughed at by everyone in the world The credibility of the son-in-law will also be questioned Please empress empress empress sympathize with the embarrassment of her son The Ai family also understands that Jun Wuxiyan but you want Did the Ai family watch Hanxiang being executed by you? Erchen did not sentence Han Xiang to death What did the Queen say? It's Erchen who wants to kill her You punish Han Xiang with 100 heavy sticks once Han Xiang is a weak woman Can you still live? Ah ah ah Sir Liu Hanxiang fainted Get a bucket of water and splash it to wake you up. Then hit him. Keep punching Wait a minute Prince, why are you here? Why haven’t you seen Mr. Tu, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment? When I return to my father-in-law Lord Shangshu, my life is small, I will execute it here. How many punishments have you just punished? It’s been more than 20 battles Listen The emperor ordered the prisoner Liu Hanxiang to be punished with a heavy stick of 100 Must be completed in five days Twenty rods a day No mistake It was you who escorted the prisoner Liu Hanxiang back to prison. Will continue tomorrow I'm going to report to Mr. Xiangshu right away. ah Why Yeah, I didn’t expect that Heavy Staff 20 would be like this If I fight for 5 consecutive days Oh, can Liu Hanxiang still survive? See Lord Belle See Lord Belle Free thanks to Mr. Beile Hurry up and open the door for Benbeile Return to Lord Beile Liu Hanxiang is a repeat offender There is no order from the emperor slave bold slave Ben Beile has a gold medal awarded by the Queen Mother How dare you disobey It's the slave who doesn't dare Don't worry If anything happens, Baylor will take care of it Just open the door Brother Hanxiang is too meek Hey, don't move It hurts a lot Um Take this medicine quickly what medicine is this This is the pain relief elixir I asked for from Wang Ama It won’t hurt so much after eating it Although this medicine is very powerful But it takes half an hour for it to take effect Come Court Tai Belle Please avoid it first My slave is good at applying medicine to Hanxiang. good fragrant This golden medicine The Empress Dowager specially asked Xiu'er to bring it to you and put it on. Thanks to the Empress Dowager with fragrance Ah what's wrong Xiu'er, please slow down a little bit Don't hurt me. Hanxiang getebele The fragrant flesh and clothes are already stuck together Sister Xiuer, please do it I can hold on Please bear with the fragrance. Ahhhhh Look what your flesh is like now The fragrant golden elixir In addition to helping your wounds heal faster, It will also allow you to withdraw the cane tomorrow less painful Thanks to the Empress Dowager for the fragrance. Ahhh Gertabel The medicine has been applied You can transfer it fragrant You can endure it one more night I will definitely find a way to rescue you The emperor's golden mouth has been opened I beg you Don't piss off the emperor over this matter You have this heart I'm already very happy Sister Xiuer Hanxiang has something to ask for Ask Sister Xiuer to tell the Empress Dowager If you have anything to say, just say it Hanxiang thanks to the care of the Queen Mother I don’t know if I can survive this time. Hanxiang wanted to ask the Queen Mother If Hanxiang can't survive this time Please have mercy on the Queen Mother Bury Hanxiang back to his hometown fragrant I won't let you talk nonsense Do you remember How many times have your lives been on the line before? We almost died But you survived You were framed by the Crown Princess Almost sentenced to death But you still survived So you will be able to survive this time safely Brother is so sad It's only the first day Hanxiang has been injured like this There are still 4 days of severe punishment to be endured. How can she hold on to Hanxiang? empress dowager If Hanxiang can't survive this level Getai Ge Tai would simply become a couple in the underworld with her. let her go Silly boy The Aijia won't allow you to say such nonsense. Hanxiang will not die You are not allowed to do such stupid things I broke your Ama’s heart But what can Getai do? Watch Hanxiang being tortured It hurts more than ripping out my heart Getai Don't be so desperate first Aijia has a way Maybe Hanxiang can be saved I just don’t know if it’s too late yet Why did the Queen Mother send Getebele? Go overnight to get the death-free gold medal Yeah, I really didn’t expect that The Empress Dowager went so far as to marry a young beautiful girl Please come up with the golden book of alchemy and iron coupon to avoid death. That death-free gold medal has a lot of potential. At that time, the Empress Dowager's grandfather, Manzhu, practiced etiquette with Weng Ku's grandfather, Prince Chung Zaisang These two are both great contributors to the founding of the country. That's why the late emperor gave them this gold medal to avoid death. This is very, very precious It seems to the empress this time The Empress Dowager was determined to save Liu Hanxiang's life. This can't happen You have to think of a solution quickly Let someone stop Getai. Queen, calm down The slave will do it now Brothers, kings I received the carrier pigeon from Manager An. There's another deal with Mr. An Come take a look quickly Getebele, King of Guitou Village Heading to the Ancestral Hall of Prince Darkhan to collect the death-free gold medal Please be sure to stop Getebele And get the death-free gold medal if necessary It doesn't hurt to kill Getebele hmm Everyone, listen to me Take this guy and follow me out of the city to rob the treasure. Hahaha At that time, in order to comply with the late emperor’s order, my grandfather Assimilate into Han culture as soon as possible Therefore, we also built ancestral halls based on Han customs. After you arrive at my grandfather’s ancestral hall Show the token given to you by the Aijia Those who guard the ancestral hall will be let go That gold medal for immunity from death It's hidden in an iron box under the ancestral tablet. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince If we can get ahead of Getebele Win the death-free gold medal Liu Hanxiang will definitely regard His Royal Highness as his savior Your Highness must seize this opportunity ah Ahhh His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Found the death-free gold medal It's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Hanxiang is waiting for me to bring back the death-free gold medal. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Yeah, give me the death-free gold medal I'll take it back for you Getai, what do you mean? Do you want to disobey my order? His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Getai was ordered by the Empress Dowager I came here specially to get the death-free gold medal back. Otherwise, even if Getai has some courage, They don't dare to touch the things belonging to the Queen Mother's ancestors. Getai can't obey his orders What if I insist that you keep the gold medal? Please don’t be embarrassed, Your Majesty the Prince. Getai withdraw withdraw withdraw withdraw Withdraw Ahhhhhhh Lord Liuhexiang fainted again How many rods are there today? There are still four strokes left for Rod Responsibility 16. Why don't you wake him up quickly? The emperor has an order The staff must be used to punish twenty big boards every day No mistake Yes, continue the execution. drive drive drive drive drive drive Everyone, stop drive Don't run drive drive who are you Do you know who the person in front of you is? I don't care who you are If you can, break my sword formation. There are so many people on the other side If you don't rush out and rush back to the palace, I'm afraid Han Xiang's life will be in danger Why don't you give me the death-free gold medal? Let me save Master Han Xiang These people came around indiscriminately He must be here for the death-free gold medal. People with death-free gold medals are in danger stop As expected, they came here for the gold medal to avoid death. Türkiye we chase stop stop Search for me yes How is Dr. Li Hanxiang's injury? Miss Liu's injuries are quite serious. Not only the wounds fester Also accompanied by fever If I start healing right away There is still no certainty that she can be cured But what If Miss Liu is severely punished tomorrow I'm afraid that given her current situation I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on. What should I do? getebele You must come back in time Otherwise, if anything goes wrong Not only will you be sad The Queen Mother will also be sad and sad. You must come back found it Catch him here Empress Dowager, it's useless for you to be anxious. Hui'er went to find out the news He should be back soon Is there any news that the slave has seen the Queen Mother? Return to the Queen Mother This servant just went to Prince Lie’s Mansion. Manager Zhao from the palace said Getebele hasn't come back yet Oh, this is bad Fragrant again later Going to be tortured What to do about this Queen Mother, don’t be upset Please take care of yourself How can the Aijia not be worried? You also heard what the imperial doctor said last night The imperial doctor also specifically said Serious injury due to fragrance I won’t be able to withstand today’s punishment. what to do what can we do about it Criminal Liu Hanxiang The time for punishment has arrived today take people away Yes Yes stand up Let's go Go in, go in Who ordered you to do this? Stop talking nonsense and advise you to calm down. Don't think too hard Otherwise, you will be asking for trouble. Criminal Liu Hanxiang Get down and get ready to be tortured yes What's going on? Go back to the village master. There was a sudden explosion outside the village Someone must have attacked the village Come out and see if you can His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Stop talking nonsense and go away Ahhh His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Those bandits probably didn't come after them again. We can breathe a sigh of relief Thank you, Your Highness, for your help. Get the death-free gold medal Here's the death-free gold medal See the death-free gold medal Seeing the late emperor All stop What's not in you Who are you bluffing? What I said is true I was chased by gangsters Roll down the hillside Legs and feet injured Can not move At this critical moment I happened to see a woodcutter passing by. Hey brother What’s wrong with you Big brother Could you please take this to the palace? Delivered to the Queen Mother Very urgent Thank you thank you Brother, I'm sorry to bother you. please please Okay, thank you But this time, thanks to His Highness the Crown Prince Only then can Getai leave the village safely. That's why I should have known that you didn't have the gold medal to avoid death. Why should I, the prince, go to so much trouble? What a waste of time snort Ah anyway Getai, thank you His Royal Highness for saving your life. Tong Siku I ask you where this death-free gold medal comes from. Report to the Emperor The thing is like this early this morning This slave has asked for leave from Master Hai. Prepare to leave the palace to find Liu Hanxiang The parents asked the two elders to come and see Liu Hanxiang for the last time. I didn't expect that I just walked outside Xihua Gate I saw a woodcutter begging outside Xihua Gate He said he wanted to see the Queen Mother But Admiral Cao refused to let him go. The slave was driven by curiosity So I went to ask the woodcutter The slave only found out after asking It turns out that it was Getebele who hired this woodcutter. The gold medal given by the late emperor was delivered He said he wanted to rescue Liu Hanxiang Sir, please let me go. I'm here at the request of Getebele I have something urgent to come to the palace. no pass No one is allowed to enter the palace I beg you Please, my lord. bold adult You let me in Stop talking and leave quickly Sir, I am here at the request of Getai Baylor. I have something urgent to do and I have to go to the palace. Hey, hey, bold If you try harder Don't blame me for being rude. Sir, I have something urgent. This is life-saving Please, my lord OK OK say no more no pass I won't let you in Sir, please take a look I have this So the slave took the death-free gold medal and rushed to the cell. Prevent the execution of Lord Shangshu Tong Siku, you are so brave This is the death-free gold medal from the Empress Dowager’s grandfather How dare you do this without the Empress Dowager’s approval? good at making opinions obstruct execution What crime should be committed The slave knows his crime Please calm down, Your Majesty The Queen Mother arrives See the Queen Mother The sons and ministers meet the emperor's mother-in-law Free of charge Xie Huang's mother Thanks to the Queen Mother emperor Death free gold medal It was the Aijia who specially asked Getai to get it back. To preserve Hanxiang’s life The Empress Dowager's matter is of great importance I hope the Queen Mother will think twice before taking action. The Empress Dowager’s golden medal to avoid death But it was a gift from the late emperor If used on a beautiful girl It’s so worthless Yes, it’s really not worth it enough Whether it's worth it or not is one thing As long as this is not a Qing law, Aijia can save anyone with the gold medal There is no doubt that others emperor As long as the Ai family's actions do not violate the ancestral lineage, Then please ask the emperor to do it Rao Liu Hanxiang will not die Tuna let Liu Hanxiang go, right? This Liu Hanxiang can be exempted from death penalty But there is no escape from living sin Drive her out of the palace immediately Removed from the post of showgirl Take the fragrance away No, Your Majesty Don't want the emperor Don't don't The Emperor's Ai family wants to accept Hanxiang as his personal maid empress dowager Forgive me for being bold This move is illegal If the empress dowager wants to choose maids and slaves, Assign more people to the Empress Dowager to choose from This Liu Hanxiang She is a beautiful girl who deserves to be punished Master Hai's Ai family didn't insist on her becoming a palace maid. This is the person the Ai family wants emperor Since Xue Yan died Aijia feels restless all day long have a bee in one's bonnet Thinking about the mourning family the whole palace Only fragrant He is the only person who can understand Aijia's thoughts Please make it happen, Your Majesty Please make it happen, Your Majesty The queen has spoken I have no reason to object All right Liu Hanxiang From now on You can go to Ningshou Palace and become the maid of the Empress Dowager. Thank you, Your Majesty and Your Majesty the Queen Mother Get up, get up Hanxiang is fine Okay, it's okay Report to the Queen Mother Wei Chen has helped Miss Liu diagnose and treat the injury. Then just take the medicine on time I believe her injury will heal in the near future Aijia knows You go down first Wei Chen resigned Thank you, Queen Mother, for coming to the rescue. Otherwise Hanxiang will definitely die this time You don’t need to thank Aijia for Hanxiang Although Aijia is not related to you, But I finally fell in love with you Ai Jia really can’t bear to see you suffer. Thanks to the Queen Mother Tong Siku This time Han Xiang can escape from death Thank you for sending me the death-free gold medal in time I really don't know how to repay you for saving my life You don't need to repay I just want you to be safe that's enough Tong Siku’s Aijia knows that you are interested in Han Xiang always loves me very much I also understand the loss of Hanxiang, a skilled embroidery girl. It's a big loss for Siyiku But in order to save Hanxiang's life And ensure that she can continue to stay in the palace That's why the Aijia made this move I hope Treasurer Tong can forgive me for not daring to The Queen Mother is willing to come to the rescue Preserve Hanxiang’s life The slave is already extremely grateful. Hear you say that The Ai family is relieved fragrant This time I can rescue you from the gate of hell in time The biggest contributor is not Treasurer Tong Not Aijia either But Getai Getai The death-free gold medal was brought back by the Getai Tuo people. Wait until Getai returns to the palace You must thank him properly yes But brother, why hasn’t he returned to the palace yet? Why didn't he bring back the death-free gold medal himself? But asked someone to bring back the death-free gold medal? You said that I also feel a little strange But the situation was so urgent at the time I didn’t ask any more questions The woodcutter didn't say anything either. Why Getai Lord Baylor won't get back the death-free gold medal himself. Snow Concubine Mr. An, how do you do things? I trust you so much in vain You actually let that Liu Hanxiang escape. It’s not good to be a slave Can But the slave has tried his best Try your best, what kind of strength are you trying your best? Concubine Xian Empress Qi The Crown Princess is here Know that quitting is Mr. Han, please step down too. yes Crown Princess See Concubine Xuan Why did the Crown Princess come? Concubine Xuan Have you heard about Liu Hanxiang's narrow escape from death? Well I heard This Liu Hanxiang is really lucky He actually moved the Queen Mother out to save her life Now the Empress Dowager accepts her as her personal maid It's so infuriating Madam, if we want to deal with Liu Hanxiang in the future, That would be even harder oh Not always How do you say this? I want to put this lady to death This person must die See Lord Belle See Lord Belle Free of charge Mr. Baylor, why are you injured? Does this injury matter? I'm fine Admiral Cao, do you know Liu Hanxiang from Siyiku? How is she doing now? You yourself are hurt Do you still care about me? Does your injury still hurt? As long as I see you safe and sound The wounds on my body no longer hurt Tong Siku There is a piece of clothing in the Ai family that I would like you to modify. Why not go to the Ai family's palace and have a look? Yes Thank you Getebele If you hadn't sent someone in time Bring back the death-free gold medal Hanxiang's life has long been at risk. nothing This time you can escape death Take good care of yourself in the future Hanxiang knows Gertabel Hanxiang's medicine is ready This was sent by Dr. Li just now. He said that Hanxiang must be drunk while it is hot. Just give it to me Be careful when burning I'd better do it myself Just stop moving Just be obedient and let me feed you. Getai, if we weren't twins that would be nice Humph, I didn’t expect that this time the prince would put so much effort into The credit was taken away by Getai. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Don't be angry first It will take a few days until Han Xin's injury heals. You can't get along with him day and night Are you continuing to investigate the case? By the time You can slowly capture Hanjiang's heart And Nagetai I can only be secretly envious from the sidelines. Hanxiang, are your injuries really healed? You can rest assured that you have already rested for so many days. The body has recovered That's good Fortunately, the Queen Mother came to help this time. Only then can we escape this disaster after You must stay with the Queen Mother and serve her. Well, Hanxiang knows it Hanxiang, I really can’t bear to see you go. Yes, I have just mastered the embroidery technique you taught me. if you leave Who will supervise me? Of course there is Look, isn’t there Miss Wulan here? Can He Tongsiku give you some advice? Chunzhu can’t bear to part with you as a good teacher and helpful friend. yes I know but I just go to the Empress Dowager's palace to be a maid He didn’t leave the palace either. I can come over and see you when I have free time. Hanxiang, I have a gift for you What Candied haws Isn't this your favorite? Where did the candied haws of sugar come from? There can't be one in the palace, right? Lord Chun, did you secretly leave the palace? You all guessed wrong In fact, I cruelly spent the salary I had saved before. I begged the copper treasurer to buy it for me. Hanxiang, the reason why I will give you candied haws I hope no matter where you are can all remember You once had a good sister in Siyiku It’s me, Meng Chunzhu spring bamboo you are so stupid How could I forget you Do you know Hanxiang? Chunzhu, he bought a total of 8 bunches of candied haws Give you a bunch He kept the rest to himself Hahaha Chunzhu You are so greedy no way The taste of candied haws is so tempting Hahahahahaha fragrant This is what everyone embroidered for you all night long I hope you are safe and sound Everything goes smoothly So beautiful I really like Hanxiang so much Hanxiang will never forget you all Thank you for taking care of everyone What are you doing? Hanxiang is not leaving the palace Why are you so sad? Tong Siku, don’t be sad either I will come back often to see you all Hanxiang, Hanxiang Sister Xiuer, do you have anything to tell me? His Royal Highness is looking for you The empress dowager wants you to sort out your things Go to the front hall See the Empress Dowager with fragrance His Royal Highness the Crown Prince thanked the Queen Mother without any courtesy Dare I ask, His Highness the Prince came to see Hanxiang? Don't know why Well Let’s talk about Aijia Fragrant Do you know why the Aijia want to keep you by their side? 1 Because you are so sad for your family 2 It was Getebele who entrusted the Aijia to take good care of you. The third reason is because if you are a palace maid, It can eliminate the clutter in the wardrobe Can I still be with the prince? Concentrate on investigating the accidental death of Xue Yan The servant expresses gratitude to the Empress Dowager for her kindness I will do my best to assist the prince in investigating the case. Thank you Queen Mother for your grace Fragrant ice and snow smart With her there to help This case will definitely be investigated as soon as possible That's good, you two will investigate this case thoroughly. Never let Aijia down Yes there is more Especially where did Xue Yan’s jade seal come from? You need to find out as soon as possible If there is news, report it to Aijia immediately yes yes His Royal Highness the Crown Prince The slave has spent the past few days recovering from his injuries. Think about it carefully Found something clever But I don’t know whether I should say it or not. Oh, there are no outsiders here Just say it Um The Crown Princess goes to the Secretary's Treasury When letting slaves make clothes It happened to be not long after we investigated Concubine Xuan So this slave is just guessing You mean the matter of worshiping ancestors' robes? It was Concubine Xuan who was trying to prevent us from investigating the case. That’s why you instigated the Crown Princess to embarrass you There is no conclusive evidence yet Just a guess No, Concubine Xuan is not familiar with the Crown Princess. It shouldn't be so I have something to do law can determine The relationship between the Crown Princess and Concubine Xuan empress What's the matter? Concubine Xuan sent someone to bring a message I asked you to come to Cining Garden to get together Where is Zhuer and Xue Feiren? Concubine Xuan is here see see see Concubine Xuan Flat body The Princess Cining Garden is full of talkative people If you have something to discuss with me How come we have an appointment here? I asked you Isn’t it Princess Xuan who invited me here? How is this going Who is so bold How dare you tease me and the Crown Princess? Pearl, who just reported the news to you? is a eunuch But the slave has never seen the eunuch. Jie'er wants you to be the person who delivers the message Isn't he also an unfamiliar eunuch? Yes, empress We are being plotted against It must be that Liu Hanxiang He surmised that we worked together to frame him. Want revenge for teasing us snort Let’s see how I teach him a lesson this time Don't be impulsive first This Liu Hanxiang is now a celebrity in front of the Empress Dowager If we have to deal with her again You have to think about it in the long run you said It just so happened that the prince was out on business. Why don't you, Queen Xuan, follow me back to the imperial palace? Let's discuss it carefully Yeah, that's fine I didn't expect the Crown Princess to have such a cruel heart You actually teamed up with Concubine Xuan to deal with you. I'm going to teach her a lesson now Hey, wait a minute His Royal Highness the Crown Prince If we go out now It will definitely scare the snake away. Yes, Your Highness the Crown Prince You have to be patient I can't lose the big for the small then what should we do Han Xiang thinks that he should go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs first Ministry of Internal Affairs Hanxiang, why do we come to the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Yes, didn't we come here last time? Although we were here last time But I haven’t read all the records of Concubine Quan Xuan. so This time we are going to target all the records of Concubine Xuan Check each one in detail The one that only looks at Concubine Xuan Didn't anyone else watch it? Right now that we have Confirmed that Concubine Xuan joined forces with the Crown Princess To frame slaves That means They must have some hidden secret I made this decision out of desperation. Makes sense Let's go in when we arrive ah Er, His Highness the Crown Prince wants all the records of Concubine Xuan Send me all the records to Nansan Institute follow me I see Concubine Xuan was punished by his Ama Demoted to Xin Zhe's library and implicated Only then will he enter the imperial palace Later, he served the Empress Dowager with merit Only then was he made a nobleman Well, here it says the fifth day of March 20 years ago The Emperor's Visit to Purple Lotus Registered as concubine Three years later, she was canonized as Concubine Xuan Hey, let me see Give Is there a problem The emperor had never visited Zi He before the fifth day of March. However, she was registered as a concubine after the fifth day of March. Maybe the emperor suddenly fell in love with Concubine Xuan This is also a common thing But look again After the fifth day of March The emperor also only has three days on March 24th and April 3rd. There are records of finding Concubine Xuan to sleep with again Then it disappeared Then why three years later? Canonize Concubine Xuan as Concubine Xuan? It's a bit strange indeed The Queen Mother loves Emperor Ama the most Maybe the Queen Mother knows about this Why don't we go find the Queen Mother and ask? Well, let's do it What you just said confused the Ai family. Say it again slowly Hanxiang means If the emperor has feelings for Concubine Xuan Why only let her sleep three times? But if you don't like her Then why did I only get lucky three times? Later, she was canonized as a concubine. We find this very strange Also see the record that says So I came to the Empress Dowager specifically to ask. Xiu'er is talking about the daily life of the Ai family. You just said it was the fifth day of March 21 years ago If the Aijia knew That was the last time Yidan met the Aijia The Ai family will definitely not let her go The empress dowager's servants are bold Can I borrow a living note to take a look? Thanks to the Queen Mother Queen Mother, you must really like Yidangege He actually talked and drank with her until midnight Midnight its not right It is customary for the Ai family to fall asleep before the end of the first watch. This habit has been going on for more than 30 years Although both Aijia and Yidan were a little drunk that night, But Aijia will never remember it wrongly But this time is wrong. Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother and the Crown Prince Look back then Yidangege indeed left the city gate at the third watch according to rules No entry or exit is allowed in the middle of the night But maybe Yidan Gege was favored by the Empress Dowager Therefore, it is specially released and recorded. Queen Mother, please see From Yidan leaving Ningshou Palace to leaving the city gate There is actually a whole update in between so long So where has he been during this time? Why can't Hirazon find Yidangege? Where did the thorn that disappeared back then go? Report to His Highness the Crown Prince What happened more than twenty years ago A long time ago There are so many people handling it I'm afraid someone was negligent. If there is no record of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Probably can't be found Finally found it This actually broke the clue again What Liu Hanxiang and the prince asked you about the records from that year It has something to do with Mr. Hai’s whereabouts that day. Yes, as soon as they leave the Ministry of Internal Affairs The slave quickly ran over to report to the queen. We can't delay any longer We have to act quickly Otherwise, Liu Hanxiang will continue to pursue the investigation. Disaster will happen to you and me empress So what can you do?
Channel: 追剧萤火虫
Views: 36,998
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Keywords: 趙露思, 蔣依依, 鄭業成#, 劉怡潼#, 千年之恋, 师徒, 修仙, 花间新娘, 九州天空城, 古装, 中国古装, 甜宠, 梦回大清, 我的宠物少将军, 绝世千金, 香蜜沉沉烬如霜, 青青子衿, 古装剧, 梦回, sweet drama, chinese sweet drama, 驸马请指教, 言情, 爱情, 中国电视剧, 玄幻, Romance, cdrama, 中国古装剧, 甜剧, 杨旭文, 许龄月, 張翰, 付辛博, 灰姑娘, chinese sweet drama sweet drama, 九州天空城 现代剧, 中国现代剧, 霸总, 现代剧, 以爱为营, 宁安如梦, 白鹿, 许凯, 张凌赫, 王鹤棣
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 54sec (3714 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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