天氣炎熱,阿婆教你手工“燒仙草”,清涼解暑,好喝不夠分|Grandma makes milk tea and traditional food|#奶茶 广西 美食| 玉林阿婆
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Channel: 玉林阿婆Guangxi grandma
Views: 495,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chinese food, food, 美食, 中国美食, 广西奶奶, 玉林阿婆, 中国, 广西, 街边小吃, 小吃, 食品, liziqi, dianxixiaoge, Ẩm Thực Mẹ Làm, Vietnam, 家常菜, wild vegetables, 野小妹wild girl, 李子柒, 滇西小哥, 龙梅梅Longmeimei, 超小厨, 小颖美食, China, chinese food mukbang, chinese street food, china
Id: NjCSKwrDvF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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